Chapter 12: The Marriage Contract

[All the people of the British Isles are watching the Battle of the Two Dragons begin.] 】

Three days later, the news of the death of the humble king Fu Tigeng came. 】

[In fact, two days ago, you felt that the environment of this island has changed, and the mystery has begun to fade. 】

But you don’t care about any of that, because the things you’ve been most worried about all along. 】

[King Liao Dekuan announced that he was going to marry Arthur, King of Camelot, and that Princess Guinévia, whom you were guarding, would go to Camelot to marry King Arthur.] 】

You calmly accept this fact. 】

[All day, Guinivia didn’t come to you.] 】

[When you think about eating at night and feel some discomfort, you realize that in these days in the city-state of Liao Dekuan, the princess will sit at the same table with you every day to eat, and will come to you on time in the evening, smiling and telling you what kind of interesting story or other trivial daily life you have learned from reading today.] 】

[You suddenly find that you have already fallen in love with Princess Guinévia.] 】

Your willingness to stay here all the time, in addition to the vows you once made, is also in large part because of your heart. 】

You are used to the sound of her footsteps deliberately depressed when she comes to you, accustomed to her smile, and even more accustomed to guarding her daily life. 】

[You think you should have tasted something called love.] 】

[The royal court of King Liao Dekuan began to be busy, everyone was preparing for the princess to marry, and you were still fulfilling your duties.] 】

[On this night, when everything is silent.] 】

Guinivia has come to you, and she wants you to flee with her. 】

[It is then that you discovered that Guinivia’s true intentions came from beginning to end, and you are the knight she admires most.] 】

[It is the only human being she loves.] 】

[Although Guinivia’s request does not violate your oath.] 】

But you didn’t. 】

[The next day, as the princess’s only guardian knight, you set off with the convoy from the city-state of King Liao Dekuan to the Santo Camelot.] 】

[In the darkness, you feel that there is a line of sight watching you.] 】

[But you don’t care, although your sword has not been sheathed since the inferior king Fu Tigeng, you believe that its light is still as bright as day. 】

[You just think, what will be your fate after going to Carmello?] 】

[You have come to the city again.] 】

[Many buildings are being renovated, and the wreckage of the war can still be seen in the distance.] 】

But there was still an honor guard outside the gates, but King Arthur did not come. 】

[You followed the palace guards, entered the city, and stepped into the court of King Carmello…].

“The king is not the embodiment of a dragon, but the heart is a dragon, and it is far from the demonic power we are born with, and you cannot demand the same values as humans for people who have magic power like gods.”

Riding on a white horse, Makoto Fujimaru saw the first Knight of the Round Table with his sword around his waist.

This was King Arthur’s assistant.

Named the Iron Ag Rule.

Makoto Fujimaru remembers that Ag Shuwen was Morgan Lefey’s child and Morgan Lefey’s most trusted child.

He seemed to be speaking to the new court knights at the moment.

Sensing Fujimaru Makoto’s gaze, Ag Yukibu also looked over.

The two men met in the air, and Ag Guiwen nodded with a cold expression.

This is actually a signal of goodwill from the Agger rule.

After all, he is such a person who does not smile.

All the way to the palace where he stayed, Makoto Fujimaru saw a one-armed knight.

He has a handsome appearance and a gentle smile that makes people instinctively feel close.

“Your Majesty King Arthur’s Knight of the Guard, Bediwell, welcome Princess Guinylvia, welcome to the Knight of Light.”

The knight’s gift that cannot be faulted by half a point makes people feel from the bottom of their hearts that he is a real knight.

“Beddyville, please get up.” Guinivia’s voice came from the carriage.

“Queen, please come over here.” Bediwell ordered the court knights to enter with Gonnive’s carriage.

Makoto Fujimaru pulled the reins and was about to follow the carriage in.

“Your Excellency, the Knight of Light.”

“Just call me Austin.”

Bediwell smiled with great respect: “Your Majesty King Arthur is waiting for you, please come with me.” ”

Masayuki Fujimaru dismounted and handed the reins to one of the guards.

“Why did His Majesty King Arthur see me first?”

“You don’t need to be humble, as King Arthur’s guard, I thank you very much.”

In the slightly surprised eyes of Makoto Fujimaru, Bediwell performed a knightly salute to him.


“King Arthur smiled heartily when he received your letter, which I had never seen before, and if I could, I would like to ask you to communicate with my king Arthur more in the future.”

Makoto Fujimaru looked into Bediwell’s sincere eyes.

I sighed lightly in my heart: It was indeed a group of king cooks.

It was still the garden of that year, or the attire of that year, or the people of that year.

Makoto Fujimaru meets King Arthur again.

Her countenance did not change in the slightest, but she had experienced these many life-and-death battles, her eyes were more determined, and the temperament of the king was even stronger.

But for some reason, Artoria withdrew all the palace guards and knights of the Guards.

It was just the two of them.

“Your Excellency, Mr. Austen, I…”

Artoria had self-remorse in her eyes and then wanted to give a big gift.

Makoto Fujimaru was shocked.

Something came to mind, but he hurriedly blocked Artoria’s movements.

“I have violated the virtue of chivalry and express my most sincere apologies to you.”


“For a selfish reason, I got Princess Guinylvia, she…”

Makoto Fujimaru shook his head, “No, I don’t have the right to ask about the princess, I’m just her guardian knight, fulfilling the duty of protection.” ”

“No!” Artoria stubbornly shook her head: “Although I don’t know the reason why you stayed away from the battlefield in the first place, I know your friendship with Guinivia, although the matter has been irrevocible to change, but you can rest assured, in fact, I …”

“Enough is enough.”

Makoto Fujimaru interrupted.

“Your Majesty King Arthur, you are now Guinivia’s fiancé, and Guinivia is your queen right now.

Artoria wanted to say it again.

Makoto Fujimaru shook his head slightly, looked at the palace building that was even newer than it had been, and said, “Your Excellency, tell me about your harvest over the years.” ”

Seeing that Makoto Fujimaru also retained the demeanor of that year, Artoria smiled from the heart.

“Well, let’s start when we were separated.”

Makoto Fujimaru nodded slightly, smiling and listening.


ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything, collect well, give the author a little motivation, boo!

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