Chapter 15: Your poker play with Ginylvia is discovered

[You met Kamen Riders who entered the Knights of the Round Table on the recommendation of Morgan Lefe Pendragon.] 】

[Bediwell tells you that his name is Mordred, but for some reason he never took off that helmet, but it is undeniable that his bravery is worthy of the name of the Knight of the Round Table, and the excellence of his sword skills is staggering.] 】

[You smiled: Maybe she’s a big beauty.] 】

Bedwell also made a rare joke, whispering: Maybe there is a possibility that this may be. 】

[You laughed, but the mood sank.] 】

[Bediwell then introduces you to Tristan, the only Knights of the Round Table you haven’t met.] 】

[He was the son of King Lee Valen and the number one bow master in the round table.] 】

[You looked at the beautiful knight from a distance and asked: Why does the knight Tristan walk with his eyes closed and not be afraid of tripping?] 】

“Bediwell has regained his former seriousness and solemnly told you that he is only sad, and that he is grieving this country, grieving this miserable era, and deserving respect. 】

You nodded, and your expression became serious as a sign of respect. 】

[But in my heart, I sighed: Surrounded by King Arthur, except for Bediwell, all these freaks are all this…].

Your life is back to routine. 】

[But King Arthur was still busy, and the lowly king Vottigen was defeated, but Britain’s future was still bleak.] 】

[Because human life has not improved in the slightest.] 】

[You’re a year older.] 】

[This year is another year of evil work, and the favor from the forest has once again decreased, and it is no longer possible to share the forest with foreign races.] 】

[You watched King Arthur worry about the grain, but the knight Lancelot on the lake bought it from abroad.] 】

You’re another year older. 】

On this day, King Arthur stepped back and came to you. 】

[She once again shows the most authentic side in front of you, that is, the expression of exhaustion from the bottom of her heart.] 】

[And in her hands is a brand new weapon – Lungominyad.] 】

[She just handed it to you and told you the secret of your gun without a trace of reservation.] 】

You know the anchor of the world. 】

“Then King Arthur tells you about the decline of the Divine Age, and the last time I talked to you like this, I didn’t think about a word I should have said.] 】

[You ask her, what are the words?] 】

[She answered you, a sentence left by the humble king Vottigens: Britain will be destroyed, but without lamentation, you will not be able to see the end of Britain, but will die because of the hands of Britain.] 】

[She said this sentence except for you, only she and Gao Wen who was present at the time knew.] 】

[You asked her why she didn’t say it then, but now she has to tell you.] 】

She replied: “This year is still a year of murder, next year will only be worse, now that the war has decreased, the people will be happy, but there will be a lot of dissatisfaction.] “】

“For among the knights there are men of lust who have developed lusts, and they tell me that the reason why they followed me with the determination to die and expelled the aliens was to enable them to live a life of luxury.] “】

“I punished some people, and now there are people who oppose me, alienating me. “】

“My teacher told me that I had to endure all this, or trample on everything that reigned in the world, because all this was doomed from the beginning, and the more painful I was, the richer the country would be. “】

[You look at Artoria’s distressed look, and you can’t help but feel a little distressed.] 】

[But Artoria quickly swept away the tiredness and smiled again: “I am not afraid of pain, and I am confident that I can do a good job, although I dare not say it immediately, but I will definitely make this island a rich and beautiful country, definitely not to lose to the legendary ideal hometown – Avalon.] “】

“Therefore, I will never approve of Vottigen’s prophecy! “】

[Say, Artoria is in front of you, just like the newlywed wife, preparing the first meal and waiting for absolute approval, and proudly straightening her chest.] 】

I don’t know why, but you are also a little proud, and you are more excited. 】

You pressed your hands her shoulders, then looked into her eyes and said, word for word, “You are the best king!] “】

Altoria smiled happily again. 】

[She regained her vitality and couldn’t wait to get back into her busy work.] 】

After she leaves, Bediwell comes over and looks at you with reproachful and surprised eyes. 】

Did you ask yourself what he had done wrong?] 】

He just replied very calmly, “The king has not rested for another day and a night, and I thought she would sleep after talking to you.] “】

[Again your heart aches for this king. 】

[Thereafter, Artoria seems to have kept the habit of talking to you every few months.] 】

[Seven years in a flash.] 】

You are veritable friends of the soul, and only occasionally in the dead of night will you take out the two letters that King Arthur once wrote to you. 】

[In these seven years.] 】

[King Arthur has been through hundreds of battles and victories, just as the undefeated god of war is praised as the king of knights.] 】

The entire British Isles were united in her hands. 】

But more knights, leaving King Arthur’s command, said, “The king treats us only as pawns.”] “、

“Yes, a king who can handle everything on his own cannot treat us as human beings as well.” And so on. 】

[Even if you hear it with your own ears, a knight of the Round Table whispers, “King, you don’t understand people’s hearts.] “】

[Then the Knight of the Round Table left.] 】

Even so, alienated from others, feared by others, betrayed by others, she is still meticulous. 】

However, the frequency of her coming to you has become lower, and although she will still show the fragile side of the king in front of you, you can feel that the courtier is isolating the king, and the king is isolating himself. 】

[Because this island is like opposing this king, the people have not been able to get rich, let alone rich, grain can still only be purchased from abroad, obviously the land is getting wider and wider, but in exchange for one foreign invasion after another.] 】

[The king had no choice but to send men to find the Holy Grail in an attempt to use miracles to save the country.] 】

But no one returned with the Holy Grail. 】

On this day, King Arthur made an expedition to Rome and prepared for the unfolding of the army. 】

[It was also on this day that your poker play with Guinivia was discovered.] 】


ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything, give the author some power to mushroom code words!

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