Chapter 25: Self-Imposed Testimony


His full name is Bazette Flaga Markremis, an ancient magic family from Ireland.

It is also an exotic magician sent by the Magic Society during the Fifth Holy Grail War in Winterwood City.

Extremely strong in combat, although it is a human body, it can drive treasures, coupled with its own extremely excellent magic and physical skills, with the strength of a frontal battle with heroic spirits, and people are nicknamed ‘human weapons’.

Makoto Fujimaru patted his head.

The secret passage himself was really too deep into the drama by this simulation.

Such an important piece of information, he actually ignored it.

Since Edelfeldt ended the Third Holy Grail War, he has said that he will not set foot in the Far East again.

So this twin pavilion was handed over to the Magic Society by Edfeldt.

The local Magic Society member of Winterwood City, the resident of Winterwood Church, recommended Bazet to participate in the Holy Grail War.

It was Yan Fengqili who cut off Bazet’s left arm, seized the curse, and threw it here to fend for himself.


Quickly go forward to inspect Bazet’s condition.

Extremely faint magic seeped into Bazet’s body, sensing that she hadn’t really died completely.

Makoto Fujimaru did not hesitate to stand up, took out his mobile phone and called the emergency number.

Then quickly use the belongings he had with him to give Bazet an emergency treatment.

An hour and a half later.

In the hospital of Winterwood City, all the medical staff who have seen themselves and Bazette use magic to force hints.

Makoto Fujimaru sat in the doorway of the operating room.

As a member of the mysterious world, Bazet’s physical fitness naturally does not need to be questioned, only his life is still there, basically he can save his life, so Fujimaru Masayuki is not too worried.

What he was thinking about now was how to use Bazet here to get one or two spells from Yan Fengqili.

Makoto Fujimaru’s summoning is different from regular summoning.

Although the emulator does not elaborate, the concept of excess is proposed.

In a sense, as long as Fujimaru Makoto possesses the Order, he can summon it and does not occupy the original rank position of the Holy Grail War.

Because Makoto Fujimaru and the simulation themselves were the violators, the revision of the human theory was successful.

Forcibly summoning in violation of the rules of the “Holy Grail War” is not too much of a problem.

That’s when Makoto Fujimaru decided on a plan.

Suddenly there was a ping-pong sound and a scream in the operating room.

Makoto Fujimaru immediately got up and pushed open the door to the operating room.

Bazet’s severed left arm was covered by a white cloth covering her body, and he held a scalpel in his right hand, pointing in horror and unwillingness at the doctor who had just operated on her.

A gentle snap of the finger triggered the hint of the doctors and nurses.

Makoto Fujimaru looked at Bazet and said, “I saved you, the Western-style mansion where you lived was originally my family’s property, and I used to be a member of the Edelfeldt family in Finland.” ”

The vigilance in Bazet’s eyes dissipated somewhat, but it was still full of mistrust.

This child was really scared by Yan Fengqili.

In fact, from the perspective of head-to-head duel, Yan Fengqili could not help Bazet.

The reason why he was put together by Yan Fengqi was actually because Bazet had no experience in the world.

To put it plainly, it is a silly white sweet, no social experience, good deception.

Now backstabbed by his respected and sympathetic predecessors, Bazette is naturally as defensive as a frightened rabbit.

Makoto Fujimaru was a little amused, “If I had any thoughts about you, would I still need to send you to this hospital?” ”

After saying that, he ignored Bazette and looked at the female doctor who was the main knife on the side.

“Is her wound sutured?” Are there other problems with your body? ”

“Basically the suturing is completed, the patient loses too much blood, resulting in a decrease in physical function, and various organs are also damaged differently due to blood loss.”

Makoto Fujimaru nodded and looked at the past with an inquiring look, “Now let’s talk, or wait until this doctor has completely stitched up the wound for you and transfused some blood before talking.” ”

Bazet’s face was as white as paper, but fortunately, when he finally regained his composure, put down the scalpel, and sat down on the hospital bed unconsciously: “Let’s talk later.” ”

Makoto Fujimaru nodded and said to the female doctor, “Go ahead.” ”

Another hour.

Makoto Fujimaru pushed open the wooden door of the senior ward.

“How does it feel? Because I am also poor, I can only bring these. ”

Makoto Fujimaru raised the bag in Yang’s hand.

One of the bags is insulated cup chicken broth and the other is fruit.

“I’ve learned about it through those doctors, thank you.”

Makoto Fujimaru nodded her chin and placed the chicken soup on her bedside table.

Glancing at Bazet’s empty sleeve, Fujimaru Masayuki plans to save people to the end and send the Buddha to the west.

When Makoto Fujimaru blew the temperature of the chicken soup in the spoon and handed it to Bazet’s mouth.

Bazet shook his head in panic.

Where has the human murder weapon seen the real perfect boyfriend.

Makoto Fujimaru looked at her and motioned for her to drink only this one.

His lips moved, Bazet drank, and Makoto Fujimaru was more sincere.

“I don’t care what reason or purpose you used to save me, but please wait until I recover… Wait until I kill a person, and then this body is free for you to drive. ”

Talking to smart people is peace of mind.

Makoto Fujimaru re-covered the thermos, did not tighten it, just gently covered it, and then pushed it to the edge of the nightstand, where Bazet could drink it with one hand simply by bending down.

“You can’t kill him.”

“You know… Is Yan Feng trying to kill me? ”


I didn’t know it before, and I know it now!

Sighed softly.

“Now at Yan Fengqili’s side, in addition to your Serving Ant Ku Churin, there is also an Archer.”

“Archer’s Master has appeared? Was he also killed by Yan Feng’s deception? ”

“Probably hasn’t appeared yet, and the Archer I’m talking about is the heroic spirit who successfully suffered the flesh, and he is the legacy of the Fourth Holy Grail War.”

Bazet’s pupils suddenly dilated, and then his eyes darkened.

“You’re talking about the Fourth Holy Grail War, the Servant of the Tosaka family?” The king, the epic of the hero, Gilgamesh? ”

“That’s right.”

Bazet’s only remaining right hand clenched into a fist: “I see. ”

This look fell into the eyes of Makoto Fujimaru and automatically translated: I will go to death.

“Then you can say your purpose first, and I’ll help you achieve it before you kill him.”

Makoto Fujimaru shrugged, “I don’t have any purpose, saving you is purely a coincidence, whether you are grateful to me or not, I don’t care, as long as you don’t interfere with me.” ”

“Although I broke a hand, I don’t think I will support your hind legs, regular Servant, I can also fight with one.”

Fujimaru Makoto was really afraid that this sister would not be able to open her mind at once, and went to seek revenge on Yan Fengqili and interfere with his plans later.

No nonsense, Fujimaru Makoto threw over a piece of parchment.

Bazette took over…

“This is Self, Geass, Scroll.”

In the magician’s world, there is an absolute contract.

The spell contract used when the two parties can conclude an agreement that absolutely cannot be broken is this self-imposed essay.

“Binding Objects: Bazet Vlaga Makremis.”

“Oath: During the Fifth Holy Grail War, any action that Bazet Flaga Makeremis wanted to take must first report to Makoto Fujimaru, the initiator of the Bondage Technique.”

“If you disobey, you will be cursed by Geass.”

Bazet read the contents of the contract, and after only two seconds of silence, the tip of his right finger was oozing some bright red.

Bazet, who had just finished the blood transfusion, signed her name with blood.

“Yes, you are more like a magician than I am, and verbal agreements are not counted, and only magic binding is something that can be truly assured.”

Fujimaru Makoto calmly took over with a calm expression, “Take good care of your injuries, I will give you the opportunity to kill Yan Feng Qili with your own hands.” ”

“But… If you want to become a Master, I can help you provide information about other Masters, although I don’t know if the Fifth Holy Grail War has begun, but the day I came to Winterwood, there were only two empty seats left in the seven ranks. ”

“Oh, which two empty seats?”

“Saber and Archer!”

“Would you also hear about this kind of detailed information?”

“That night, what time is it?”

“Number 3.”

“It was told to me last night when Yan Feng gained my trust.”

“You rest, I’ll go first.”

“Where are you going?”

“Dongmu Church, go to see Yan Feng Qili.”



ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything.

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