Chapter Twenty-Nine: Yi Zhang Wu Trumpet Shoots the Wolf

There are poor countries whose names are like tribes.

In other words, all human city-states were founded by powerful tribes.

The so-called human army is actually just a hunting team composed of a group of hunters gathered together.

Makoto Fujimaru stopped in front of the group.

You ask them, are these female slaves interested in selling? 】

The hunters nodded their heads in excitement. 】

Although the Terrans are weak, although they have wisdom that is not found among all races, and the stone and wood tools they have invented are very popular in this great wilderness, not all ethnic groups need these things. 】

[Food is always the most desired thing of all races.] 】

So you point to the human woman you just saw, and you want to exchange it for the beast. 】

The master of the human female slave, with a look of great joy on his face, agreed to you without hesitation. 】

You had your first slave. 】

You ask what her name is. 】

“Chang’e.” She replied excitedly. 】

[There is a poor country that is powerful for all to see, and you are also a famous hunter, and you can be looked up to by you, and Chang’e only feels extremely glorious.] 】

The other slave women looked at her with great envy. 】

You took her back to where you lived. 】

You grew up three years old. 】

[You played poker with Chang’e.] 】

[Your good friend Father Quao, came to you for a drink, and you found a yellow snake wrapped around his left arm.] 】

You’re another year older. 】

[You played poker with Chang’e many times.] 】

[Your good friend Father Quao’s father came to you for a drink, and you found a green snake wrapped around his right arm.] 】

[This year, the poor countries, which have been invincible for many years, encountered an unprecedented strong enemy – the Niu Li State.] 】

[In the decisive battle, the invincible warriors of the poor countries suffered an incredibly fatal blow to everyone.] 】

[Not only that, the Niu Li Kingdom pursued and killed all the way, countless tribes were plundered by them, and countless small countries were annexed by them.] 】

This is the first time in many years that a powerful poor country has felt the crisis of survival alive. 】

[On this day, the army of Niu Liguo came to the city, and some poor countries reached the critical point of life and death. 】

The sudden strength of Niu Liguo was not unrelated to the best warrior they had, Chang Zhai. 】

[Chang Zhai is the best archer of Niu Liguo, and it is rumored that in one of the competitions, he shot an arrow at the same time blinding both eyes of his opponent.] 】

[However, Niu Liguo’s army did not attack immediately, only because Chang Zhai wanted to compete with the cloth of the poor country.] 】

[The greatest shooter in a poor country is Boo, which is an accepted fact of the human race that inhabits here.] 】

[Everyone says that there are poor countries that can stand tall because they have great archers.] 】

[Because Bu was the hero who resisted the invasion of Niu Liguo and killed Chang Zhai’s brother with an arrow, and now Chang Zhai is here to take revenge.] 】

[Bu gladly went to war.] 】

[You have a curious idea and go to watch the game.] 】

[In the first round, each of them selected five warriors, each with a berry on his head, standing in a straight line, cloth and Chang Zhai released arrows at the same time, and the five berries were each strung on the arrow shaft, deeply rooted into the tree, and the arrow into the tree was almost the same length, and was judged to be a draw.] 】

[You think that although they don’t have a body as strong as you, there is something commendable about archery.] 】

[In the second round, five people became ten, or a draw.] 】

[At this time, a flock of geese flew high in the distance, only to see Bu draw three arrows and raise their hands to shoot, and immediately three geese fell from the sky, and each goose shot in the left eye.] 】

[However, no one applauded, because they saw an even more unbelievable scene – that is, when Bu had just shot the three arrows, Chang Zhai also drew three arrows from the quiver, and at the same angle, also shot down three geese, each of which hit the left eye.] 】

[Boo lost.] 】

[Because the moment he took the lead in shooting the geese, the other geese in the sky were like birds of fright, and they had scattered and flew away, in this case, it was still the left eye, which showed that the arrow technique was indeed more superb than Bu.] 】

[There are poor countries that have lost.] 】

Either the poor countries will be annexed, or the people of the poor countries will become slaves of the cowherds. 】

You groaned a little, came to the front of the two armies, and said to Chang Zhai, “I have come to test with you.” “】

Chang Zhai didn’t want to look at you at all, and he opened his mouth with disdain: “What are you, even dare to challenge me.” “】

Someone in the crowd called out your name. 】

[Bu saw your eyes light up and handed you his bow.] 】

[This is Chang Zhai’s most eye-catching treasure, it is rumored that it is the bow used by the first generation of emperors, the Yellow Emperor, the head of the Five Emperors, and the only cloth that can pull it apart in the whole poor country is cloth.] 】

“If you can pull it away, I can give you the gift of seeing my archery.”] Chang Zhai said with a sneer. 】

[You gently groped the bow, your heart was overjoyed, and then you pulled it away effortlessly.] 】

[Chang Zhai found your strength, because your arms are the same as his, but the characteristics are more prominent, the arms are not the same length, but the left hand is shorter, thicker, the right hand is longer, thinner, such a pair of hands, naturally suitable for archery. 】

[You got the hero armed ‘Bow of the Uchiha’.] 】

[You have acquired the inherent skill ‘Yi Zhang Wu Trumpet, Shooting Sky Wolf’.] 】

[With the vibration of the bowstring, you were arrogant, took out three arrows from the sword bag, took a big step backwards, pulled away a hundred steps in one breath, and then stood there with your head held high, slightly pulling the bow, waiting for Chang Zhai to open the bow.] 】

Chang Zhai also put up a posture and said dismissively, “Boy, you can shoot.” “】

You said lightly, “No, it should be you first.” “】

[This is simply a great shame for a famous sharpshooter like Chang Zhai.] 】

[Therefore, Chang Zhai did not release arrows, and you did not release arrows, so the stalemate lasted for several hours.] 】

[In addition to accuracy and strength, the will of the archers themselves also needs to be tempered.] 】

Just when Chang Zhai felt that you were about to hold on, he slowly pulled out his bow, and the arrow came out of the string! 】

You almost followed Chang Zhai and shot an arrow. 】

Just listening to the hum of the ether in the air, you know in your heart that this arrow is enough to penetrate the golden cracked stone. 】

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, the two arrows roared toward each other. 】

[Only to hear a bang of arrows on the middle of the road, everyone was dumbfounded.] 】

[Chang Zhai’s arrow, pierced by your arrow hole from the center of the arrow, the cylindrical shaft seems to be neatly cut from the middle by a sharp blade, breaking into two pieces.] 】

[The next second, your arrow is right in the middle of Chang Zhai’s eyebrow, and blood is splashed in the sky.] 】

[Shocked by this scene, the people who woke up slowly looked in your direction again, leaving only your back as the cloak stirred with the wind.] 】

[Everyone suddenly realized that as soon as your arrow came out, they already knew that the end would be like this.] 】

This year, your reputation has been greatly enhanced. 】

In this year, you who have saved the poor countries have been elected as the new rulers of the poor countries. 】

[The day before the day of your ascension to the throne, your courtiers made their fathers and said that they had made a few words, hoping that you could choose a word you liked as your title.] 】

[He wrote three words on the ground, namely Emperor, Emperor, and Queen.] 】

[Then he pointed to the first ’emperor’ word and said: “Lord, this ’emperor’ word, it looks like actually like a lamp, the fire on the top flickering, the middle is a lamp plate, the lower is like a lamp holder, the meaning is that the sun rises from the ground, illuminating the earth, so this ’emperor’ word has a ‘big’ meaning, the lord chooses this title, Huang Yi, Da Yi can be.] “】

“The second word, ‘Emperor’, is a flower, a flower stem, a root, and life is reborn.”] “】

“The last word, ‘after’, is like a person, horizontal is one, representing the meaning of one, and the box below represents a mouth, and as soon as it opens its mouth, others need to obey orders, why? For this man, he is not a man, he is a god, he is the chief, he is the Lord, and he is issuing orders and commanding the four directions. “】

Fujimaru Makoto was stunned, but Chang’e beside him was listening with relish.

“Lord, which one do you choose?”

Makoto Fujimaru took a deep breath, not knowing what to choose.

“Chang’e, you choose.”

“I think it’s still a good word, ‘after’, what you say, others have to listen to it, how good it is.”

[You nodded, and since then the title has been Hou Yi, and the name has been Hou Yi.] 】


ps1: And the flood is sure that the eight rods can not hit, the big rest assured, the small problems in the previous chapter have been modified, the main body of the Archer chapter is in accordance with the Shan Hai Jing, there is not much content, it is estimated that there are three or four chapters to end.

ps2: Da Yi and Hou Yi are actually two people, Yi shot nine days, the prototype is Da Yi, just about the content of Da Yi, I went through the “Shan Hai Jing Overseas South / Hai Nei Xi / Da Huang Nan / Hai Nei”, only to find chiseled teeth, Feng Feng, Ba Snake, Nine Babies, Hedgehog, Gale, Yang Wu, Pi Fu, Hebo, some of these are Da Yi, some are Hou Yi, and some can’t tell whether it is Da Yi or Hou Yi.

Coupled with the simulation, you can’t always shoot the sun directly without the beginning, so the basic information of this Archer is set as:

Real name: Yi.

Introduction: Born in the reign of Emperor Yao, the ancestor of the Holy King, it is also said to be the later Xia Dynasty.

Although there is some fusion, but the human setting will certainly not be chaotic, there will be no plot of rebellion, Archer simulation of the first chapter, twenty-seven chapters, said, named Yi.

It’s just that for the sake of the Houyi shooting day, he gave a posthumous title.

Later, the successor Junya. Humanoid form. Give orders to the Quartet. Therefore, the factory is from one to the mouth. The trumpeter, the queen also.

ps3: I am more afraid of writing problems than the big ones, I will definitely think more, check the information more, thank you for the advice of the big ones, Mo Mo Da, Resby ~ strive to code another chapter out.

By the way, delete the comment or something, really no, the review now has a special review, and the review chapter title is the same, there are sensitive words will be blocked, the title of the book has also been changed, but I did not sign the contract, so it is still used, it is estimated that tomorrow will be changed, replaced by “Holy Grail War: I have a heroic spirit simulator”

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