Chapter Forty-Two: Friends in the Same Window, Loved Relatives and Friends, Have to Add Money!

The so-called guardians are actually heroic spirits used by the ‘world’ as a repressive force.

After the main cause of the destruction of the world is born, it will be summoned by the ‘world’ to annihilate the main cause.

“However, Fujimaru, the inhibition force is something completely different from the seat of the Heroic Spirit, it is produced by the collective unconscious of human beings, and in order to continue the human world, human beings are used as slaves as a defense institution, and those who conform to the intention of inhibition will be called as guardians forever after death.”

In the same way, the power of inhibition is a contract of value, giving a “miracle” to a person who sighs for powerlessness, temporarily molding that person into a hero, and as long as that person is a person who has “done something for the survival of mankind,” it will give him unlimited magic and opportunities to summon him as a prop to sustain human history. ”

Of course, as a price, the soul that has temporarily become a heroic soul after death will be taken away, that is, the “completion of the soul” that will not be redeemed after death. ”

Eilingei Palace said a long paragraph in one breath, and then looked at Makoto Fujimaru.

“You know the Guardian so well?” It’s because…”

“That’s right… I am the Guardian. ”

Yingling Weigong’s gaze fell into the distance, and there was a slight mockery in his eyes.

“Funny, huh? I am the kind of person who ‘has done something about the survival of mankind’, and I have had this ideal since I was a child…”

Makoto Fujimaru shook his head and said seriously.

“It’s not funny.”

Yingling Weigong raised an eyebrow in surprise, and did not discuss too much about the ‘partner of justice’, but continued.

“Fujimaru, the Heroic Spirit and the Guardian are all souls who have reached the “seat”, and the difference between the two is that the heroic spirit is called by people’s hopes, and the guardian is called out by people’s despair. ”

“I don’t know how long I waited before I appeared as a heroic spirit, do you understand my feelings?”

Makoto Fujimaru nodded, “Although there are too many things that can be remembered and remembered, I still can’t control it, so I want to kill myself now, right?” ”

“That’s right.”

“Well, give me a reason to help you, after all, if I am involved, I can also be considered an accessory to murder, not to mention, that person is still my friend in the same window, a beloved relative and friend.” Makoto Fujimaru winked at the Eilingei Palace, “You have to add money!” ”

“Haha.” Yingling Weigong was stunned, and his expression immediately relaxed, no longer smiling as tightly as he had just done: “It is worthy of Fujimaru, it is easy to detect the mood of others, and a casual joke will make people’s mood better.” ”

Makoto Fujimaru didn’t explain, and patted Eiling’s shoulder on the shoulder, “Go in and sit down and talk.” ”

Looking at Fujimaru Makoto’s back, Eilingei finally understood why the current Eimiya Shiro would lose.

From the time he said the words of the Guardian.

Makoto Fujimaru was keenly aware of his eagerness.

Because this Holy Grail War is too different from the script he has mastered, and there are too many variables in it.

The Star Sword Messenger and Gilgamesh outside could have made him wait for this unknown number of hours of opportunity to appear as a heroic spirit rather than a guardian, and it was in vain.

The light and fluttering joke will not reveal what he thinks in his heart, and at the same time, it is inevitable that people will have a good feeling for him.

“What a foul… For chasing girls. ”

Eilingei Palace muttered and came to sit down opposite Makoto Fujimaru.

“What to drink?”

“Feel free.”

Makoto Fujimaru made a cup of black tea for himself and Eilingei Palace respectively, not the kind of tea bags.

“The one on the outside, the Star Sword Messenger, Fujimaru, he is not an ordinary guardian, and the contract he has signed with the ‘world’ is nothing compared to a ‘hero’ like me who needs to get power through the contract.”

Makoto Fujimaru tapped his chin.

“I don’t know which legendary hero the spirit base in your body is, but since you can get him to target you, it already means that it is not simple, and the situation is very likely to go to the extreme.”

“For example.” Makoto Fujimaru groaned.

“First I need to confirm.” The Ying Ling Wei Palace said, “The spirit base of this hero in your body is basically close to the strength of the heroic spirit itself, and the regular heroic spirit summoned by the unconventional summoning ceremony is basically close to the strength of the heroic spirit, right?” ”

Makoto Fujimaru confessed directly, “Yes.” ”

“That’s very simple, you have crossed the level, for example, during this Holy Grail War, you wear all the mythical weapons of the hero in your body, launch against the realm treasure, even against the star treasure, and so on, this extraordinary attack method will definitely be stopped by the Star Holy Sword Messenger.”

At the same time, depending on the power of destruction, the Star Sword makes it possible to determine that you cannot immediately avoid the occurrence of disaster, or that you cannot prevent you from reversing the original direction of human reason, then there will immediately be a second ‘crown’, or even a third ‘crown’ guardian, will descend to kill you or banish. ”

Makoto Fujimaru’s expression finally became serious.

A Star Sacred Sword Messenger, to be honest, Fujimaru Makoto felt some trouble, but in fact, it was not a big problem.

But if it is two, the three ‘champion heroes’ will end up.

That…… The problem is still quite big.

The reincarnation ring in Matsushi’s hand, Makoto Fujimaru motioned for the Hideyoshi Palace to continue.

“The way to circumvent is basically impossible, but I have a way of making you less concerned, but it may not be acceptable to you, because I don’t know what you really want to do with this power.” 」

“You say.” Makoto Fujimaru came to the spirit.

The corner of Yinglingweigong’s mouth moved slightly, and he spoke out quickly.

The more Makoto Fujimaru listened, the more he felt justified.

This is because there are people above who are good at doing things, otherwise, he really may not be able to think of this.

Groaning about the feasibility of this plan.

Makoto Fujimaru finally nodded.

“Okay, the method you provided is useful to me, now say what you think, how can I help you?”

Yingling Weigong nodded and slowly extended his right fist.

Then expand.

A red gemstone pendant lay quietly in the palm of his hand.

It’s the same as the one in Tosaka.

Makoto Fujimaru reached out and took it, and this gem seemed to have gone through many years, and the magic power in it had passed away.

“Tomorrow, to be precise, it should be tomorrow night, Eimiya Shiro will die, and Tosaka will use this gem to save him, please stop Tosaka from saving Eimiya Shiro, so that you will not be targeted by the Star Sword, nor do you have any inner burden.”

Makoto Fujimaru frowned when he heard this.

“Sorry, no.”


“Shiro Uemiya, he must summon Saber, and I must see her.”

A woman’s ‘she’ word, Yingling Weigong was suddenly stunned, and then the expression began to become difficult to see.

“So… Saber, who has been unable to get magic from Shiro Uemiya, got it from you?! ”

Makoto Fujimaru was stunned when he heard this, and then he blinked innocently, “What are you talking about?” ”


ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for reminder tickets, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything.

ps2: If there is no accident, it will be on the shelves at 12:00 pm tomorrow on the 6th, and it will definitely explode at that time! Ask the big ones to support the first order, what is the tenth more? (Proud face~).

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