Chapter Forty-Four: You and Alice Phil Play Poker

Einz Belen Castle, Germany.

Makoto Fujimaru stood in front of the window, staring blankly at the snow outside the window.


Makoto Fujimaru watched the simulation box with a realistic identity switch and stayed for a long time.


Makoto Fujimaru called out to the good guys.

Before it was a VR simulation game, this is good, directly experience the new life.

That is, the next second.

Makoto Fujimaru’s vision went black.

Then a soft touch came from the back of the head, and at the same time, there was a faint light fragrance handed over.

“Little Nero, guess who I am?”

A voice came from behind, and Fujimaru Makoto said helplessly, “Alice Field, don’t treat me like a child anymore, I’m already taller than you!” ”

Grabbing Alice Phil’s hand, Makoto Fujimaru slowly turned around.

The person in front of him had the same white hair, except that Alice Phil had long hair and shoulders, and the white and smooth forehead was exposed in the hair on the forehead.

Under the thin eyebrows, the jewel-like red pupils are full of love for Makoto Fujimaru.

The pale white hook-and-pop bandeau skirt perfectly shows Alice Phil’s white shoulder line and reflects the elegant aristocratic sexiness.

However, Makoto Fujimaru was looking up.

Subconsciously, Makoto Fujimaru looked down, and the white and slender legs under the skirt made people a little blind, but the most annoying thing was the diamond-encrusted crystal high heels that Alice Phil was stepping on.

The length of the heel was seven or eight centimeters by visual measurement.

Originally, Makoto Fujimaru was now about the same height as Alice Field, but when she put on high heels, Alice Fil was half a head taller than Makoto Fujimaru again.

“How’s it going? Nero, does it look good? Alice Field’s hand in the palm of Fujimaru Makoto raised and smiled gracefully in place.

“Looks good.” Fujimaru stared at Alice Phil’s leg.

Alice Fell was happier: “Is that my good looks, or are the shoes bought by the sisters who are purchased by this pair of sisters good-looking?” ”

“The shoes look good.”

Alice Fillton pouted in dissatisfaction: “Little Nero, do you want to talk again and not count?” ”

Makoto Fujimaru subconsciously took a step back.

But Alice Fell immediately stepped forward, smiled again, and put Fujimaru Makoto in her arms.

Even if it was Fujimaru Makoto Infinite Martial Arts, he was also washed away… Breathing became somewhat short.

“Love, Alice Phil, no, not color!”

“But I want to post with Little Nero!” Nero’s body smells so good. ”

If only I could do it all over again.

Makoto Fujimaru no longer wanted to choose that sister-brother relationship.

Originally, when Makoto Fujimaru saw the description of that talent, he wanted to enjoy the care of having a sister.

Ever since he got out of the petri dish, care has been taken care of.

But this care has become more and more improper as he has aged.

It would have been enough to steal the forbidden fruit.

However, Ahdeon strictly stated that Makoto Fujimaru could not play poker with Alice Phil until he was sixteen years old.

Originally, Makoto Fujimaru did not take Ahadwong’s words seriously.

After all, it was Alice Phil who had to stick to him every day, not at all he thought, but Alice Phil thought.

But that innocence was at the last minute.

Alice Fell was going to make Fujimaru Makoto wait, wait, and wait, she would soon be sixteen years old.

Day before yesterday.

Makoto Fujimaru is really sixteen years old.

That night, he righteously told Alice Phil that if Alice Phil grew taller and taller than him, he would play poker with her.

I thought Alice Phil would cry with him.

Who had thought Alice Phil nodded that night.

Now seeing Alice Phil, who had raised herself a bit, Makoto Fujimaru just wanted to say…

He was careless… No flash!

Alice Fall hooped Fujimaru Makoto harder and harder, tiptoeing higher and higher.


“Uh huh!”

Alice Fil let out a cry of pain as she leaned to the side, and Makoto Fujimaru gently pushed her hand and quickly hugged her.

“What’s wrong? Alice Phil? ”

They had all spent sixteen years together in a closed castle, and Makoto Fujimaru and Alice Fell already had a deep relationship.

Although occasionally play around, even play with small sex, but that is to add more fun to life.

Hearing Alice Phil’s cries of pain, Makoto Fujimaru immediately tensed up.

Struggling to move his head, Makoto Fujimaru looked to the side, and the high heels on Alice Phil’s right foot had been removed from the heel, obviously broken.

Helplessly sighed.

Makoto Fujimaru slapped Alice Phil’s ass and hugged her in her arms with another soft cry.

“Nero, what are you going to do?” Put me down, put me down…”

Makoto Fujimaru hugged her tightly and walked toward his and Alice Phil’s room, “Now that you know it hurts, stay inside the castle, why buy such high-heeled shoes?” ”

With that, Makoto Fujimaru quickened his pace, feeling that he must punish Alice Fil well tonight.

Let her understand what a husband is a wife!

Five minutes later.

Makoto Fujimaru holds Alice Phil’s soft and delicate little jio, and the healing magic is released at will.

But his eyes couldn’t help but glance under the bed.

There were two over-the-knee socks, one white and one black.

“Nero, do you like it?” Alice Fell noticed the gaze of Makoto Fujimaru and asked happily, “My sister who went out shopping said that many girls outside now wear this.” ”

Fujimaru Makoto hesitated, “Alice Phil, the next time you buy it, you can buy a shorter, knee-over-knee, knee-level, calf-level or ankle-level, and I think the color is black and white, close to the skin color is OK, as for the other, some striped can be bought, as for the kind of color, or embroidery, don’t want it.” ”

Alice Fell looked at Makoto Fujimaru with wide eyes, “Nero, how can you know more than the sister who purchased?” She didn’t go into such detail. ”


Makoto Fujimaru coughed softly, “That’s what I also learned from the computer, the same thing that I asked Zennie to buy back before.” ”

“Well…” Alice Phil believed.

Makoto Fujimaru treatment completed.

Alice Fell immediately got up, picked up the white over-the-knee socks at the end of the bed, and then carefully began to put them on.

“Nero, why does this feel strange when you wear this…”

Alice Phil has very white skin, and the slightest fluctuation in mood will be reflected on her cheeks.

This made her cheeks blush slightly, but her heart was full of strangeness and doubt.

“Will it? I think it’s normal. ”

Makoto Fujimaru stared at the movements in Alice Phil’s hand, her eyes not blinking.

[You and Alice Phil played poker.] 】


ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for reminder tickets, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything.

ps2: If there is no accident, it will be on the shelves at 12:00 pm tomorrow on the 6th, and it will definitely explode at that time! Ask the big guys to support the next order.

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