Chapter Forty-Nine The Bow of the Uchiha Horn with One Enemy Against the Crowd!!

Tosaka family mansion.

“Teacher, has your plan changed?” Archer, the hero king, Gilgamesh left your mansion? On the side of Fukayamachi, an arrow shot over and killed Assassin’s doppelganger. ”

Tosaka looked at Gilgamesh who was sitting on the couch tasting wine.

The hero king Gilgamesh has been sitting here, when did he go out to shoot arrows?


Gilgamesh stopped shaking his glass: “Shichen, there are some miscellaneous reptiles that are wantonly in my territory, and the king is going to go and inspect it.” ”

After saying that, he completely ignored Tosaka Shichen’s opinion, and directly stood up and left here in a spiritual embodiment.

In a deserted street.

Lancer Di Lumudo Audi slowly withdrew from his spiritual embodiment, and he looked at the sky with great dissatisfaction as he followed the path of knighthood.

All day today, he obeyed his Master, Kenneth Eyre

Armero Archibald’s orders, without hiding his heroic spirit, lured opponents everywhere to fight him.

But for a whole day, he had not seen any other Servant except him.

Not to mention accepting his offer to fight.

Bored, he looked up at the bright moon in the sky.


His eyes showed disbelief, and then he turned his head to look at the sky.

A black and red meteor arrow bombarded straight over, and then the mushroom cloud rose instantly.

The spear in his hand turned a spear flower, and Dilumudo’s arms holding the gun were facing back.

Rush out in an instant!

Makoto Fujimaru slowly fell from the sky.

Looking at the devastation of the mountains in the distance, my heart is full of happiness.

That’s when it happened.

The Star Sword Messenger came to Fujimaru Makoto again, this time holding the Star Sword.

The sense of madness around Fujimaru Makoto was even more confusing.

Under the copper surface, Makoto Fujimaru licked his upper lip, and the surging wave of magic stirred up, and he punched out with a punch, piercing the street lamp pole on the side of the road, and then holding it in his hand.

“Come on! Your Excellency, let me understand. ”

Knights do not die with their bare hands.

The street lamp pole was instantly wrapped in black and red magic silk threads and promoted to become a treasure.

“Come on! Your Excellency the Knight of Light. ”

“It’s really… What a long-lost title. ”

As the words fell, Makoto Fujimaru and the Star Sword rushed towards each other at the same time.

The Star Sacred Sword made the Star Sacred Sword swing out in the wind, and a silver cold light went straight to the throat of Makoto Fujimaru.

Before the sword arrived, Sen Han’s magic sword qi had already crushed the air.

Fujimaru Makoto slipped a shovel at his feet, and the treasure iron rod in his hand poked upwards.

The Star Sword sent a force down the Holy Sword.


In the midst of the four splashes of Mars, Fujimaru Makoto flew upside down, and an iron rod suddenly turned into countless lights and shadows, and sprinkled it on the head of the Star Holy Sword.

The power of this stick, with the magic of manic overflow, is enough to shock the souls of ordinary people.

The Star Sacred Sword made it within a radius of half a meter, and the coefficient was enveloped by the magic of the iron rod, and there was no way to dodge at all.

The next second, only the sound of ‘crackling’ was heard, and the Star Sacred Sword made the Sacred Sword in his hand swing a hundred flowers, and Mars scattered.

In this instant.

The manic magic of the sky was stirred up by the Star Sword at the same time.

On the opposite side of the Star Sacred Sword Messenger, a fierce arrow suddenly struck towards the Star Sacred Sword Messenger’s face.

Pupil constriction.

The Star Sacred Sword made him stare at the arrows that came with terrifying might, and his body retreated at great speed.

Suddenly, the Star Sacred Sword let out a long roar, and the Sacred Sword in his hand burst into a dazzling golden light, and it slashed down at the arrow in the air.


There was another explosion, smoke and dust rose and the earth cracked.

Without waiting for the Star Sword in the smoke and dust to react, three arrows pierced through.

The golden light is overflowing, the magic is stirring, and the crackling sound is incessant.

About two seconds later.

The Star Sword Messenger stepped out, the armor still as bright as new, but the hood on his head had been removed.

Makoto Fujimaru held a bow in one hand and a stick in the other, laughed loudly, and looked up at a chariot speeding towards the sky with a rolling thunderclap.

Without half a word, bending the bow and pulling the strings.

The black and red intertwined magic arrows instantly pierced the air, with a black and red tail wave, killing in front of the chariot.

The sky once again sent out a thunderous explosion.

I saw the chariot driven by Rider, and in mid-air it began to fall apart and fall down.

The king of conquest picked up Webb with his left arm and threw him toward the wetlands between the mountains and forests.

And he himself laughed, holding the sword of Sepruth and drawing a purple electric light from the sky, and the thunderbolt slashed down.

“Good to be here!”

Fujimaru Masayuki did not retreat, but instead advanced, he twisted his feet slightly, raised his right foot violently and then stepped on it with force, and the whole person shot out like a cannonball in the next second, and the round rod in his hand smashed against the electric light.


The arc crackled, and both were violently shaken by the huge force of the other, and then retreated backwards at the same time.

But Makoto Fujimaru had just pulled away from the Conquest King, holding the bow in his right hand again.

A burst of arrows, with a fiery flame that burned the air, headed towards the heart of the conquering king.

Next second.

Makoto Fujimaru twisted his body in mid-air, and aimed his bow at Lancer, who was charging at him with a spear below.

Dilumudo did not expect that Makoto Fujimaru, who had already fought three servants in a row, would dare to shoot at him.

The demon-breaking red rose suddenly spun rapidly in his hand, forming a red prototype barrier.

It wasn’t until the rapid arrival of the magic arrow struck his face that Dilumudo realized the horror of the magic contained in this arrow.

This is not an arrow at all!

This is the low-end version of the light cannon treasure!!


Heavenly, underground.

At the same time a roaring explosion sounded.

Under the moonlight, the knight in black armor and the copper-faced knight is like an invincible god of war.

Wait until all three Servant lean over, and the last bit of leaf in the dense forest falls.

Dead silence was restored here.

Death-like silence.

Too strong, not at all the level of regular heroes, completely and thoroughly, above them in every way.

The magic is endless, there is no need to use the arrow treasure at all, the arrow that the magic illusion comes out of is the treasure that the unconventional heroic spirit can dissolve.

This is the result of sixteen years of magic that the Einz Belen family, Makoto Fujimaru, delved into.

Holding a random handle in your hand that can be called a weapon, the unparalleled martial arts of contemporary times are revealed.

In the midst of the confrontation, the hidden divine blessing made the power of the street lamp pole that the blessing became a treasure even higher.

This is the Infinite Martial Arts! That’s when it happened.

Makoto Fujimaru slowly turned around and faced the tallest building on the other side of the Weiyuan River.

Then he raised his right hand and made a shooting gesture.


A tiny particle-like ball of magic instantly tore through the air and smashed it across the river.

That is, in this building, the next second of the action of Seiji Uenomiya, seeing the action of Fujimaru Makoto, he could not care about the sniper rifle in his hand, and ran directly backwards, while shouting at the walkie-talkie: “Maiya, withdraw, choose a backup escape plan!” ”

Leaping down, Wei Gong grabbed the hemp rope that had been arranged here earlier, and the whole thing rippled in mid-air.

And behind him, just where he was lying there aiming.

After the explosion, the soaring flames burned up.


Hahahahaha! I really deserve to be called the only great hero I have ever seen in my life, Da Haojie, although I don’t know what method you used to improve the strength of the spirit base, but this kind of skill still makes you excited, and I have never seen a person as brave as you before I died.

“My name is the King of Conquest, Iskandar, who came to earth in this Holy Grail War with the rank of Rider, Berserker, report your name, with divinity, holding a bow, and his martial arts are unmatched, and he is by no means one of those rat heroes!”

And at this time.

Artoria arrived with Alice Phil.

They all stared at Fujimaru Makoto in horror, while staring in disbelief at the Star Sword Messenger.

“Oh? Another Saber? ”

Iskandar wondered.

Dilumudo’s face was a little pale, his luck was really bad, and in the previous battle, he was the only one who had entered the field last to be injured by an arrow.

He never expected that with a single arrow, it would be comparable to a small light cannon of A-class treasures.

The heroic spirit on the other side is also too strong to be outrageous, and at the same time, he does not talk about martial virtue!

At this time, the Star Sword Messenger came out: “Guys, I am the Servant who guards the world, not the Servant who participated in this battle, and there is only one purpose here, if A… Berserker uses an over-the-top weapon or a treasure, and I will also choose to unseal the sword in my hand, and I will ask you to follow me to deal with him first. ”

Makoto Fujimaru laughed loudly and looked around at the crowd, his eyes only lingering on the faces of Artoria and Alice Fil for two more seconds.

“Come on, the Holy Grail War begins today, let me end this Holy Grail War tonight.”

“Miscellaneous!!! In the king’s territory, he also dared to make a big fuss. ”

Suddenly, the voice of the hero king Gilgamesh came from behind.

Makoto Fujimaru suddenly turned around, and the giant rod in his hand was thrown violently, and the moment the giant rod was fired, the magic wave of the tail exploded and bounced the ground, leaving a deep oval mark.

The hero king standing on the street lamp had a horrified expression, and the whole person did not react at all, so he was smashed by the black rod on the golden breastplate and flew out.

Makoto Fujimaru plucked out his ears.

“Gentlemen, come, let me see the strength of the heroes of all ages and nations.”

Artoria’s brow furrowed, though the sound quality of the sound coming out through the copper surface was almost illegible.

But she still felt a sense of familiarity.

“Wait, you…”

Artoria’s words had not yet been asked.

Lancer Di Lumudo had taken the lead in not being able to bear it, the humiliation he had just endured was almost inexhaustible, and the red rose in his hand was like a dragon straight thorn.

[You go to war with Lancer Di Lumudo, Rider Iskandar, Starsword Messenger, Saber Altoria! 】

[You are one against four, and without using any mythical weapons and treasures other than the bow of the Uchiha horn, you will not lose the slightest advantage, and even have the upper hand.] 】

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