Chapter Fifty-Nine My King, Where is their turn to point fingers!!

This banquet belonged to the king.

From the beginning to the present, it is basically the king of conquest Iskandar and the heroic king Gilgamesh who are talking.

Artoria and Makoto Fujimaru were largely uninvolved.

Makoto Fujimaru is too lazy to participate.

Artoria, on the other hand, has not been able to find room to interject.

The way of kingship that the two of them were talking about was so far from what she believed in, so she couldn’t talk to them at all.

Just do as you will.

This was not what a king should have thought, and for Artoria, who believed in incorruptibility, conquered the king or the hero was a tyrant.

This time Iskandar asked.

Artoria, the knight king, raised her head and looked directly at the three kings.

“I want to save my homeland, I want to change the fate of Britain’s demise!” The sound is crisp, but it is loud. ”

Her kingship is her pride, and her desire has never wavered.


The crowd fell silent.

In the silence, Artoria was the first to show a look of doubt.

Even if her words are full of momentum, who is present who is easy to convince the other party?

Even if this is a very unexpected word, it is also a very easy to understand word.

Clear and clear, there is nothing strange about it, this is her kingly way, whether it is praise or rebuttal, it should be as if she has just continued to speak freely.

But no one spoke.

Berserker, the king of the poor, had been drinking quietly since he came here to sit down, and with his brass face on, Artoria could not see his expression, and naturally could not guess his thoughts.

Rider, the king of conquest, although the action of drinking did not stop, but it did not have the pleasure just now, on the contrary, he frowned.

Archer, the hero king, was most obvious, and the action of drinking was directly stopped, and his eyebrows were raised, as if he had heard the most incredible speech.


The conquest king Iskandar opened his mouth to break Chen Mo, and his face was full of doubt.

“I said, Knight King, can’t I have heard me wrong?”

Artoria looked at Iskandar and said.

“You mean to change your destiny?!” That is, to subvert history?! ”

“Yes. No matter how difficult a wish may be, it will certainly be fulfilled with the Almighty Holy Grail. ”

Iskandar put down the bottle: “Wait, Saber, I want to make sure… The Britain you just spoke of is the thing of your time, right? ”

Artoria took a deep breath and said in a firmer tone, “Yes, so I can’t forgive myself!” ”

“So, I’m very reluctant, I want to… Change that ending, because it was I who caused it. ”


That is, as soon as Artoria’s voice fell, suddenly there was a loud laughter next to her.

It’s like hearing some funny joke, laughing in the hall, regardless of the vulgar laughter of any bystander.

The laughter came from the mouth of the heroic king, Gilgamesh.

But here it is.

It is a banquet of the four kings.

It is in this moonlit garden, drinking fine wine, while discussing their lives and solemn moments of kingship.

Such vulgar ridicule is the greatest denial of a king.

Saber’s face was full of anger and he just wanted to speak.

But Makoto Fujimaru, who had been silent the whole time, put down his wine glass, and he turned his head, and the cold copper face could not see the slightest expression, but could only hear his cold words.

“What are you laughing at?” Is that funny?!! ”

The voice was quite strong, and Gilgamesh stopped laughing, but the smile still did not disappear.

“Isn’t that funny?” There is the king of poverty, a king, a knight king with such glory, praised by all the people, and even unwilling, hahaha, how can this not make people laugh, Saber, you are the biggest clown. ”

Having said that, Gilgamesh laughed again.

Iskandar glanced at Makoto Fujimaru and also looked at Artoria with some displeasure.

“Knight King, wait, you wait, I need to confirm again, do you mean to deny the history you have created?”

Finally heard someone admit himself, and was still the most taciturn Berserker.

Artoria was not afraid: “Exactly. Surprised? Is it ridiculous? As a king, the country for which I have sacrificed my life has been destroyed, and I mourn, what is wrong? ”

In response to Altoria, it was again a burst of laughter from Gilgamesh.

“Hey, do you hear me?” Rider, the little girl who calls herself the King of Knights… Say what a dedication to the country! ”

Rider wasn’t sure, but the silence was still an insult to Artoria.

Artoria said, “I don’t know anything funny, as a king, you should naturally stand up and work for the prosperity of your country!” ”

“You’re wrong.”

Iskandar denied in a very positive tone.

“It’s not the king who dedicates his life, but the country and the people who give everything they have to the king, Saber, and you should make no mistake about that.”

Artoria could no longer suppress the anger in her heart, and she shouted, “Isn’t that a tyrant!” Rider, Archer, it’s a big mistake for you to be king! ”

Iskandar didn’t even move his eyebrows, and said very calmly, “Yes, but we are not only tyrants, but also heroes!” So Saber, if a king is not satisfied with the results of his own rule of the country, it can only mean that he is a faint king, worse than a tyrant. ”

This is no longer ridicule.

This is a denial of all the exploits that Artoria has done in her life, and Artoria’s tone also brings a sharp edge: “Iskandar, the empire you created was finally divided into four parts, is there really nothing unreconciled about this?” Don’t you want to do it all over again and save the country? ”

“I don’t want to.”

Iskandar replied at once, his chest straight, looking straight into Artoria’s stern gaze without a hint of evasion.

“If my decision and those of my courtiers lead to such an outcome, then destruction is inevitable, and I will mourn and weep, but I will never regret it!” Not to mention the attempt to subvert history… This stupidity is an insult to all the humanity of the age I have constructed! ”

“You say this only on the basis of the glory of the warrior. People don’t think so, what they need is salvation. ”

“You mean they want the king’s salvation?”

Iskandar laughed and said, “What’s the point of this kind of thing?” ”

“This is the king’s duty!”

Artoria stood up excitedly and proudly looked down on Iskandar: “Right rule, right order, this is what all the subjects expect.” ”

“Then are you the right slave?”

Iskandar smiled at Artoria.

“You can say so, you deserve to be a king if you dedicate yourself to your ideals.”

Without any hesitation, Artoria nodded her head directly: “People can understand law and order through the king, and the king should not embody something that will disappear with the death of the king, but something more noble.” ”

“This is not the survival principle that people will choose.”

Artoria’s eyes did not waver, and her will did not change: “Yes, since you are born a king, you can’t expect to live the life of an ordinary person!” ”

Iskandar’s eyes began to look pityingly, and at the same time he looked pitifully at Altoria.

That is, the next second.


Only to see that the century-old wine brought by Fujimaru Mahiko and leaving half of the altar was thrown into the corner by Fujimaru Makohiko casually.

The altar of wine shattered.

In the moonlight, the wine flows on the stone slabs, reflecting the stars in the sky.

“There is a poor king, what do you mean?”

Iskandar looked up.

“If this is the so-called feast of the king, then I can only say, but Er’er, the emperor of the hall, has no heart for the world, and he can only see his own little land when he opens his eyes.”

“To conquer the king, I ask you, is it not the sacrifice of the king, but the nations and the people who give everything to the king?” And then such a king or a hero? Should the king show lust and praise glory? ”

“The people of the world do not stand up to Your Majesty for a long time!” The so-called king needs to be down-to-earth to let the people live a good life, so that everyone under his hands can accompany his wife and children, and under his rule, the family is in a good position and knows honor and disgrace. ”

“The king is the leader, the ruler, and while enjoying the right to rule the country, he has the obligation to sacrifice himself for the country and the people in the country, and if a king feels: I should live the life of an ordinary person, I should be as happy as I want, I should be as happy as I want, I should do whatever I want, then what is the use of the king?”

“When you were on the throne, the people asked, ‘Where has Your Majesty gone?’ The courtier replied: Don’t make trouble, Your Majesty has gone to see the sea with his men? ”

“It’s ridiculous, I can’t agree with it.”

“Although the knightly way of the knight king is not the way to govern the country, the knight king is diligent in handling government affairs, rationally planning the country, treating the people fairly and selflessly, uniting the lords who were originally fighting, repelling the foreign races that have come to invade, bowing down for the country, handling affairs without private feelings, and bringing stability to the country!”

“Although from the results, the British Empire of the Knight King was indeed destroyed, even if she tried so hard, in the end the people still could not eat enough to endure. But a king who is diligent in his own affairs, treats the people and his subordinates fairly and selflessly, does not blindly toss the people because of his lusts and private feelings, and does not sleep every day in order to learn how to govern the country, is worth laughing? ”

“You are all kings of different backgrounds, different encounters, different national conditions, and different concepts, but all of them have left their names in history, you, the king of conquest, you, the king of heroes, must be greater than me, more than the king of knights?”

“The knightly way of the faithful, similar to the medieval Christian ideal, is a repetition of the image of the saints.”

“How can slavery and feudalism be compared? In today’s individualistic modern era, isn’t it a slippery slope to conquer your secular humanism versus medieval chivalric thinking? Hero King, is your ruling class ideology that is respected by one person and admired by all the people not in the slightest way? ”

“That’s why I said if you could laugh and fly because you heard the idea of the Knight King.”

“Then all I can say is, you guys, but Err.”


The Star Sword that had been listening from the sidelines did not know when he came forward while clapping.

This otherworldly King Arthur.

King Arthur, who was looking at this world, whispered.

“King Arthur, you should hold your chest up more proudly!”

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