Chapter Seventy-Eight This Sea of Stars is False!!

The panic in Sajo’s eyes flashed away, and Makoto Fujimaru didn’t notice it

He opened his simulation panel and clicked Record.

Then rummage up for the description of your chosen talent.

[Otherworldly Star Lance: When you gain Servant status, you must obtain this treasure, and this treasure must be brought back to the real world. 】

I read it word for word.

Makoto Fujimaru frowned.

His holy spear is gone!

The talent is clearly described, when Fujimaru Makoto obtains the status of Servant, he must get the Star Saint Gun of the Otherworld.

The premise is to obtain Servant status. Perceive the real spiritual strength.

Makoto Fujimaru was a little puzzled.

The questions and answers came at the same time.

The fact that he did not get the Star Saint Gun from another world can only mean that his simulator did not determine his current Servant identity at all.


Makoto Fujimaru’s Heroic Spirit Simulator, as long as the results are simulated, even the human theory that has been determined can be modified!

There is nothing that can go wrong.

So it can only be him who can go wrong! In other words, in the most blunt terms.

The Heroic Simulator believes that he is not a Servant at all now. However, Fujimaru Makoto’s heroic spirit base could not be faked.

He’s not a servant, what else could he be?

“Makoto, what’s wrong?” You just… Say what? ”

“Oh, I just said I had an alien Star Holy Gun, I don’t know why, it’s gone?”

“Another world?”

Makoto Fujimaru ‘um’ a sound, without explaining the so-called other world.

Sand Strip Love Song showed a look of self-blame and distress.

Makoto Fujimaru took the initiative and said, “Aige, what I just said to myself, and the conversation between our two sentences, should also be conveyed to me after the cycle.” ”


Makoto Fujimaru smiled spoiledly, “Okay, let’s go, Aiko, first tell me how I fought the Holy Grail War during the last cycle.” ”

Although only 16 years old, Makoto Fujimaru is already 1.85 meters tall.

Now walking to the side of the sand strip love song, it has completely lost the sister-brother match of the past, and has become a match between brother and sister.

Looks more like a couple.

Aiko Sand also obviously prefers Fujimaru Makoto’s original appearance, and happily grabs Fujimaru Makoto’s big hand and nods.

As he walked upstairs, Sand Strip said in love.

“The last time Makoto became my Servant, I was surprised that it was the first time I had felt so many emotions when I was so big.”

“And then what.”

Makoto Fujimaru and Aika Sajo returned to the living room and went back to the room where they were both together.

Aika Sand seemed to be a little shy when she remembered her appearance: “Then I greeted Makoto and asked Makoto your name.” ”

From the action and tone of the sand-striped love song.

Makoto Fujimaru seemed to be able to imagine how a young girl would behave when she first met someone in love.

“At that moment, I decided that you were, Makohiko, and I was so sure that I was in love, in love with you, my heart… Oh no, it was Makoto you who gave me a heart. ”

The tone, the voice, the words, every word was her sincerest thought.

Makoto Fujimaru really felt this.

But Sand Strip loves to sing, but the state is low.

“What’s wrong? Did something bad happen later? ”

“Makoto you appeared as a servant, and I wanted to give you the most precious courtesy, but I didn’t prepare anything, so I thought that if you were a servant, you must want to get the Holy Grail and fulfill some wish, so I asked you to wait, and I went to get the Holy Grail.”

Makoto Fujimaru blinked and was surprised, “You, alone, went to fight the other Six Riders Master and Servant?” ”

“Not really.”

“I met Assassin first, she came to kill her Master by mistake, I touched her poison, but I was safe, so she chose to help me.” ”

“Then, I went to the Linglong Hall, do you remember the Meisha Night you saw when you were a child?” I planted a curse on her, their family’s Servant is Caster, Caster swore allegiance to me when he saw me, and after mastering the two Servants, it was easy to get the Holy Grail later! ”

“Is that so?” So how long have I been waiting for you? ”

Makoto Fujimaru sat on the windowsill, and Aiko Sand immediately squeezed into his arms, his chin resting on his shoulder: “M… More than half an hour. ”

Hearing this answer, Makoto Fujimaru just reached out and planned to hold the sand bar love song, and the hand that made her sit more comfortably stopped directly.

Half an hour?!

Just kidding… But.

Sand Strip Love Song does not lie.

Makoto Kato couldn’t figure out how Aiko Sand had solved Lancer and Rider.

This Tokyo Holy Grail War.

Several Servants are out-of-bound.

Among them, Lancer is named Brunnhilde.

She is said to have been one of the Valkyries of the Northern Europe during her lifetime.

Although she is alive as a Lnacer, she has mastered the original Lune and is also a first-class magician.

The most perverted is.

Her treasure will change its power with more and less love, and when it meets the conditions, she will be the queen of the underworld in the north of Europa, and Hela, the goddess of death, will die!

Rider’s identity is even more striking.

Its real name is Ozmandias, alias Ramses II, is the most famous pharaoh of ancient Egypt!

Gilgamesh, who was called a monk when he saw him, was called the King of the Sun.

He is one of the few kings who can communicate with Gilgamesh on an equal footing.

He is also a hero who holds all the luxurious elements such as ‘fantasy species’, ‘plural treasures’, ‘map weapons’, ‘city plugs’, ‘inherent boundaries’, and ‘almighty emperor privileges’.

Has the power to join forces with the Three Horsemen head-on and win at the same time.

Its spirit is strong enough to simply disregard the rules of the Holy Grail and refuse the Master’s summons…

Looking at Ai Song of the sand, Fujimaru Makoto set off waves in his heart

Even if Sand Stripe Love Song is a ‘god’ walking in this world, it will definitely not be good in front of these two, at least it will not be so easy to kill them to get the Holy Grail

Skip them and go solve their Master, and it can’t be so fast!

The only possibility.

That is, they are too weak, too weak to be them at all.

Sand strip love song can easily solve them in half an hour like a rush and get the Holy Grail back.

Thinking about his own Demon Eye Talent and the Talent of the Otherworldly Star Gun was not triggered at all.

And the ‘Gaia’ and ‘Alaya’ of this world watched as human reason stopped, and time flowed against the tide again and again.

In Fujimaru Makoto’s heart, there was already a vague guess…

“Is the Servant, who came to earth at the same time as me, so weak?”

Makoto Fujimaru shook his head.

Sajo Aige showed curiosity: “Makoto, you, are you particularly powerful?” ”

Makoto Fujimaru smiled and scraped her nose, “Maybe it’s stronger than you think.” ”

“So, can you tell me about Makoto’s legend and your past, and I don’t know anything about it now?”

Makoto Fujimaru bowed his head slightly.

“You should have guessed it, right?” I do not belong to this world, but from another world. ”

Sajo Aiko nodded excitedly, “I can’t see any information about Makoto at all, this is absolutely incredible for me in this world, I am connected to the place that all magicians in this world dream of reaching…”


“Nothing, nothing, can’t make my emotions fluctuate, until I met Makoto you, I chose to avoid the future I could see, hoping to experience more emotions.” 」

Makoto Fujimaru smiled and held her tightly in his arms like a man and woman in love.

“I know that I have a lot of identities, and the identity I chose is the same as yours, just a 16-year-old teenager, but I don’t have a connection to the roots, I only occasionally have a period of time, I can get the memories of my past life.” 」

“Past lives?”

“The equivalent of another me, a memory I have left in the history of the past, and even in the history of the future.”

“As for the legend in your mouth, I once witnessed the King of Knights pull out the sword in the stone and ascend to the throne, and before he ascended the throne, all the British people thought that I was the king of destiny.”

“The Knight King? Arthur Pendragon? ”

Sand Strip’s eyes widened, “The world I live in also has a knight king!” ”

“Really? It’s just that in my world, the Knight King’s real name is not Arthur Pendragon. ”


“Then what’s his name?”

As never before, Sand Strip Love Song showed a curious look.

“Her name is Artoria Pancragun.”


Sajo Aika suddenly straightened up from Makoto Fujimaru’s arms, “Girl?! ”

Makoto Fujimaru nodded, “Yes, girl, just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl who draws out the King’s Sword and ascends the throne.” ”

Sajo Aiko hugged Makoto Fujimaru by the neck and clamped his legs around Makoto Fujimaru’s waist.

“Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Do you pay attention to that too?”

Makoto Fujimaru gently stroked the back of Sata’s Aiko and smiled.


Sajo Aige buried in the arms of Fujimaru Makoto, constantly sniffing the smell of Fujimaru Makohiko’s body, as if to remember forever: “As long as there is everything about Makoto, I will pay attention, that Artoria must have a good relationship with Makoto you, right?” Will I hold you like this, will I cook for you like I do? Will it always be with you? ”

Makoto Fujimaru’s soothing chin touched Aiko’s forehead.

“I’m sorry, but I was jealous at the thought of other girls holding you like this.”

The sound of Sand Strip’s love song sobbing slightly came out of Makoto Fujimaru’s arms.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Makoto, can you stay with me forever?”

Makoto Fujimaru was silent for a moment.

“At most 20,000 years with you.”

“Twenty thousand years?” I felt that it was too short, and I wanted to let Makoto accompany me forever. ”

“Twenty thousand years, it can’t be longer, love songs.”

Taking the initiative to remove the ‘blocked’ world information, Fujimaru Makoto once again looked at the information from the stars, although it was huge.

However, it remains the same.

This sea of stars is fake!

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