Chapter Ninety-Four Ti Ma! Mesopotamian plains!!

For Aoko Awasaki’s ridicule, Fujimaru Makoto did not hear it.

Instead, he walked over to Artoria.

“Saber, I’ll hurry back to Winterwood and wait until the Holy Grail War is over.”

I went to the castle of Einz Belen in Germany and would come back, as short as a day or two, as long as five or six days.

Artoria knew that the Third Law was the only way to save Guinivia and nodded, “Well, I’ll stay here these days.” ”

After thinking about it for a while, Makoto Fujimaru still didn’t get a sum of money for Aoko Cangzaki.

First, the debt of affection this time is already big enough, not bad for this.

Second, afraid of provoking Aoki Aoko, Artoria and Guinivia stayed and ate this little money, giving more fear Aoki Aoko thought that Fujimaru Makoto had the meaning of taking money to return favors, and it seemed stingy to give less.

After walking back to Aoko’s side, he solemnly thanked him again.

Aoko Awasaki waved her hand and motioned for Makoto Fujimaru to hurry up and leave.

Fujimaru Makoto then left.

That is, Makoto Fujimaru had just left.

Aoko Kanzaki spat out a mouthful of blood.

This startled Artoria and hurried forward: “Magic Messenger, Magic Messenger Miss, you’re all right.” ”

Aoko, who was born not to accept defeat, waved her hand indifferently, signaling that Artoria did not have to support her: “It’s just that the internal organs are misplaced, and the bruised blood has not been spit out, well, the impact before was a bit big.” ”

Artoria looked at Aoko Awasaki and was silent for a moment, “If Makoto were here, he would have said that magic makes your mouth hard even if a person dies.” ”

Aoko Aozaki looked at Artoria in surprise, and this time she did not refuse Artoria’s help and sat down on the quaint sofa.

“It’s funny how you could have been associated with a modern child like a legendary figure from more than fifteen hundred years ago.”

Aoko Aoki smiled.


Artoria furrowed her brows at the word, and instead of understanding Aoko, Aoko was silent for a moment as she listened to the question.

Instead of asking Fujimaru Makoto’s true identity, he changed his question.

“Are you so confident that the boy can come back with the Third Law?”

Artoria thought of Alice Phil and nodded affirmatively, “Sure.” ”

“The family of Einz Belen, which has been passed down for more than two thousand years, is in the depths of the primeval forests of the northern part of Germany, and the average magician cannot find it at all, let alone the third law, I am afraid that even their alchemy and artificial people cannot be contacted, even if the boy is very strong, but it will still be troublesome to underestimate the heritage of a magic family that has been passed down for thousands of years.”

Artoria looked at Aoko Awasaki in amazement, “Makoto is the holy son of the Einz Belen family, and he has used some special methods to reproduce the Third Law.” ”

Aoko Aoki suddenly changed her gaze, and her expression showed no trace: “That’s right.” ”

After two more casual conversations, Aoko Aoki immediately got up and walked toward the stairwell, “I’ll go to rest first, and if she wakes up, you will accompany her.” ”


Aoko Aozaki quickly went up to the first floor, did not answer her room, and went straight to the grocery store.

All kinds of debris piled up in the grocery store, Aoko Aoki went straight to the corner.

Look for fax files piled up in a hill.

In this case, she became the lord of the Cangzaki family and sat on the management of the land vein of Mikasaki

After the people, year after year, the Magic Society sent out information about all the magic activities of the whole Fusang.


Aoko Kanazaki, who used magic, captured the words of 1994, the beginning of the Holy Grail War in Tomki City.

Find the Master’s list of people.

Aoko Aozaki turned the page one after another and finally found a profile with a photo of a smiling teenager.

Name: Nero von Einz Belen.

Gender: Male.

Age: 16.

Description: The Holy Son of the Einz Belen Family was originally one of the Masters of the Holy Grail War, but for some reason, it seemed as if the world had evaporated

The Einz Belen Castle disappeared a month before the start of the Fourth Holy Grail War in Winterwood, and the Einz Belen family issued a search reward throughout Europa until the personal information was printed.

Looking at the photo that is very different from Makoto Fujimaru just now.

Just the same hair color.

Aoko Kanzaki slowly narrowed her eyes.

After sitting on the ground and thinking for a while, Aozaki took the information and went to the study office on the second floor.

There was a fax machine piled up on the desk, and on the floor, there was also a large number of probing materials rummaging again.

Aoko Aoki quickly took out another document.

Name: Makoto Fujimaru.

Gender: Male.

Age: 16.

Introduction: Originally the adopted son of the Finnish magic master Edfeldt, he exchanged for some reason with Tosaka Sakura, a child of the Tokiki Tosaka family in Togi City, before the start of the Holy Grail War ten years ago, but at the time of the exchange, Makoto Fujimaru had disappeared from the Edelfeldt family, and a month later, on the first day of the Winter Grail War, it appeared in the Tosaka family in Togi City, and then disappeared for nine and a half years, and only officially returned to the Toki Tosaka family half a year ago.

Look at the white hair that looks the same as the Son in the picture.

Look at the same same ‘disappear’ word.

Aoko’s eyes flickered.


On the Shinyu Line train from Mikasaki City to Higagi City.

Makoto Fujimaru sat on the top of the train.

【You can now do a new simulation, do you want to start now?】 】


【Please select three talents from below to conduct this simulation.】 】

Fujimaru Makoto’s eyes lit up.

This time there are several good talents, such as this.

【Son of a vengeful God】

At this glance, you know that becoming a hero will be the Avenger rank.

Makoto Fujimaru, who has a good talent and has many simulation experiences, understands that this indirect indicates that the survival difficulty of this random simulation may be a bit large.

After a few seconds of deep groaning, Makoto Fujimaru chose three.

The ball of light entered and the simulation panel suddenly appeared.

[Son of the vengeful God: Your birth must be related to the hatred of a certain creator god, you were born with your own mission, and when you were born, you must have obtained the unparalleled martial arts and powerful body of the simulated era, and have special offensive properties for humans, gods, and heroes. 】

You must be born into a royal family that is about to fall, and from birth until you grow up, you will live in the darkest corners of the world, and you will carry the hatred of a dynasty. 】

[Human Emperor: When you restore the country, you can unlock this talent. 】

[Because of the mysterious and unfaded god generation you are in, you can now extract a treasure from other legendary characters that you simulated to accompany you.] 】

[You drew the sun-shooting bow.] 】

【Talent selected, simulation begins!】 】

You were born. 】

You are born in imaginary space. 】

You are a collection of hatred, hatred, and sadness consciousness. 】

[You see your Creator, by the special horn that symbolizes the earth, by the pupils of the eyes that reflect the sea within the stars, by a beautiful and touching woman full of sorrow.] 】

In endless silence.

Makoto Fujimaru couldn’t believe in ‘looking’ at this lifeless, empty world.

Is this the imaginary space that is ‘out’ by the world?

Then Makoto Fujimaru found that he had no body at all, just a mass of consciousness, and the physical form was more like a ball of light.

Next second.

The endless sea of black mud suddenly stirred, and Makoto Fujimaru ‘saw’ the mother goddess who made him instinctively feel close, appearing as a human.

She is the original chaos, the source of all things, the god of creation.

She is the mother of the gods, the mother of life.

She is a beast with the “reason to return.” She’s Tiamat Mart. ”

In an instant, Tiamat created the gods, and the gods began to rebel against Tiamat as his mother, and the picture of Tiamat finally splitting Tiamat in two to create heaven and earth flashed in Fujimaru Makoto’s consciousness.

“Aaaaa…… (Don’t.)”

“Aaaaa…… (Don’t… )”

“Aaaaa… (Don’t, don’t leave…) )”

“Aaaaa…… (Come back, come back, come back to me)”

Tiamat ‘said’ it.

Makoto Fujimaru, a consciousness body symbolizing Tiamat hatred, hatred, and sadness, circled Tiamat up and down: “Aaaa… (Let me punish the gods and let them feel your pain)”

Next second.

Makoto Fujimaru soared straight into the sky and disappeared into this imaginary space.

“Aaaaa…… (You’re leaving me too.)”

You were born. 】

[Your talent ‘Son of the God of Vengeance’, unleashed.] 】

You were born in the plains of Mesopotamia and were the son of King Kish. 】

In the year of your birth, there was a great flood in both basins, and your father, King Kish, took control of the surrounding city-states to form the Kish Northern Alliance, which was comparable in strength to the southern city-states of Uruk. 】

[Your Kish Northern Alliance is at war with the powerful southern city-state of Uluk.] 】

[Your father, Aja, died in the middle of the battlefield, and overnight, you changed your status from a prince to a prisoner that everyone wanted to kill and sacrifice to King Uruk.] Words]

[The only remaining convoy of the royal palace protects you from the city-state of Kish. 】

[Seven days and seven nights, you have been hunted down countless times.] 】

[Your talent ‘Killer Moro’ is launched, and you gain the ‘Monster Summoning’ skill. 】

[The guard guarding you, seeing the black qi around you and the monsters that suddenly appeared, shouted in horror that you were a monster, and wanted to come forward and hack you to death, but the only close attendant who held you could protect you while retreating.] 】

[Still in the futon, you watched this close attendant fight and seriously kill all the members of the convoy who had protected you before:]

[He keeps running away with you.] 】

[Until you came to a temple, your close attendant gave you to the prostitute who served the goddess Ishtar here before she died, but she saw the monster following you with the same hatred and wanted to throw you out on the spot.] 】

A black light flashed, and you came to the underworld. 】

[You met the goddess Aydongshkigal.] 】

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