Chapter Ninety-Nine Divine Power King! Tonight let you understand the goodness of this goddess!!

Looking at the music piled up in front of him like a hill.

Makoto Fujimaru finally understood how Gilgamesh had died of overwork.

In this era of hierarchical slavery.

Big and small affairs must be reported layer by layer, waiting for the king to make a final decision.

I also went to the underworld.

Although the time is a little longer, it is also too outrageous.

More importantly, handling government affairs is still a physical task, because there is no paper, and the words are written on clay or stone slabs.

It’s all laborious to pick up.

That is, Makoto Fujimaru was sitting on the throne listening to his auxiliary official dictate the content of government affairs, and suddenly there was a voice outside.

“Repay the king, the dark clouds in the southeast are gathering, and there is a great flood coming!”


Makoto Fujimaru raised an eyebrow, “The direction of the city-state of Kusa?” ”


With a slight groan, Makoto Fujimaru knew that Ishtar was here again.

Now that the Divine Generation has not faded, the underworld is under the earth, and the town of Elishkigarh guards the gate of the underworld, which is under the city-state of Kusa.

Immediately standing up, Fujimaru Makoto said, “Gather the castle defense army and go.” ”

Leaving the palace, Makoto Fujimaru took off into the air and flew directly onto the southern walls of the Kish city-state.

Look up.

To the southeast, thunderclouds are everywhere, and through the clouds you can see a sacred cow with dark blue horns, covered in gold and a huge body!

It is the bull of heaven Gugalana.

And below the bull of heaven, Gugalana, the flood was monstrous, and the terrifying waves devoured everything above the wilderness, coming to the city-state of Kish.

Makoto Fujimaru flew up into the sky.

Holding the Sun-Shooting Bow, the red magic arrows quickly began to condense.

The celestial bull Gugalana, who was galloping in the sky, made a deafening thunderous sound in mid-air, and stopped there.

Makoto Fujimaru had no intention of being merciful.

Although the southeast was not yet his territory, he had already ordered troops to send troops south in two months.

This road was ravaged by the bull of heaven, Gu Garanna.

The earth does not know how many calamities it has suffered.

That’s when it happened.

A voice came from the thunderclouds: “Arado!!!” ”

The tone was full of anger, but it sounded a little ashamed and angry.

The thunderclouds dispersed, and Ishtar’s figure appeared in Fujimaru Makoto’s field of vision

Makoto Fujimaru held a sun-shooting bow and watched Ishtar fly up to him.

“How? That cow is the cost of your revenge?! ”

Fujimaru Masayuki said coldly, the large bow in his hand had not been withdrawn, as if as long as there was a slight intention of talking about collapse, there was a plan to pull the string and shoot the bow to shoot the Heavenly Bull.

Ishtar listened to the indifference of Fujimaru Makoto’s tone, and was aggrieved for no reason, but the tone was still fierce: “Don’t talk to me about that, I ask you, how can I be normal?!” ”

The gods are once again in front of the eyes of the world.

The subjects of the city-state of Kish could not have imagined that the goddess Ishtar would come to their king and ask such a question.

“What is average?”

Makoto Fujimaru asked knowingly.

Ishtar had a stunned expression on his face, and his eyes swept over the people of the Kish city-state below, looking at the dazed and curious look on their faces.

Where do you not know that Elishkigal said panic!

She also reacted at this moment, where will people dare to whisper their own king when praying in the temple!

But it occurred to me that Elishkigal had given herself the title of ‘goddess of general’.

Still out of breath, her cheeks were red and she gritted her teeth.

“I ask you, do you think this goddess is very ordinary?”



Fujimaru Makoto nodded coldly, and her red eyes stared at her, “Isn’t it normal that the goddess of the priesthood brought prosperity to mankind and brought prosperity to the human harvest is now wreaking havoc on the human earth with the divine beast of the Divine Realm, the bull of the heavens?” Say there’s something wrong with you in general, say you’re generally lifting you up!! ”

Although he was scolded fiercely.

Ishtar didn’t feel much angry: “Then I ask you, have you ever told your subjects about this goddess?” ”


Fujimaru Masayuki said indifferently, “I said that a goddess like you doesn’t know how to make offerings, what’s wrong with that?” ”

“Then I ask you again, do you think I was very average the last time I played poker?”

Makoto Fujimaru frowned.

“Answer this goddess!”

Ishtar stared into the eyes of Makoto Fujimaru.

“It was ok.”

“Just ok?”

Thinking of the Ishtar EX-level Miyuki when the appearance was in full bloom, Fujimaru Makoto slightly bowed his head, “Not bad.” ”

Ishtar suddenly showed a satisfied expression.

Immediately, he hid his inner little snickering joy and planned to leave.


Fujimaru Makoto’s mind moved, and the lock automatically opened, directly binding Ishtar.

“You, what else are you going to do, this goddess is merciful, ready to leave with the bull of heaven, Gugalana, and let you and the Kish city-state at your feet go.”

“What about the city-states and people you came along the way?”

Fujimaru Makoto said coldly.

“They are not your people at all, they are the people of Gilgamesh the king of Uruk!”

“In the near future, I will lead my army to the south, and you say that it belongs to whose territory it belongs, not to mention, under the whole world, can not be the king’s land, the coast of the land, can not be the king’s subjects, even if you are a goddess, this king will also condemn you as a god based on the king’s power today!”

“You, you, you arrogant fellow, as a human being, dare to convict the goddess!”

“Theocratic king, why not?”

Makoto Fujimaru looked at the Celestial Bull that was stuck in the sky, “Now that you have recalled the Celestial Bull Gugalana, the king can spare you the death penalty!” ”

“You, you’re going to kill me?”

Ishtar was incredulous.

“What, do you think this king can’t kill God?”

The sun-shooting bow in Fujimaru Makohiko’s hand suddenly condensed in heat, and the bow strings made of Yang Yan were even more scorching in the air.

Ishtar showed a look of grievance and turned slowly, while whispering: “Build a temple for Ireskirgaard, build a statue of the deity, and be fierce to me.” ”

Makoto Fujimaru’s gaze remained cold.

Ishtar shouted at the bull of heaven, “Gugalana, come back!” ”

The master spoke, and the bull of heaven, Gu Galanna, immediately shrunk his body.

Suddenly, the thunderclouds in the sky began to disperse, and the earth was once again illuminated by the sun.

“Now you can let go of this goddess.”

Ishtar muttered.

“The king has said that only you are spared the death penalty, do you want this king to rebel?!”

“You, me, I listen to you…”

“Follow this king south, and on this way perform your duties as the goddess of the harvest that brings prosperity to mankind!”

“Going south? You, you’re going to send troops now?! ”

Fujimaru Makoto narrowed his eyes, “Isn’t this a great opportunity, after such a flood, the southern city-states will inevitably suffer heavy losses, and this is not a good opportunity for the king to recover the lost land.” ”

Forget it.

Makoto Fujimaru turned around, “According to the order of King Chuanmoto, immediately gather a large army and send troops to the south!” ”

Effortlessly make the bulls and gods of heaven bow down.

At this moment, Makoto Fujimaru was far superior to the gods in the hearts of the subjects of the entire Kish city-state.

“My King is mighty!!!”

“My King is mighty!!!”

When thousands of shouts are condensed together, the sky is shaken.

Ishtar watched Makoto Fujimaru accept the back of the people’s pilgrimage, and his eyes grew brighter.

Next second.

“Inner attendant, go to the king’s treasure house and bring the golden slab and let our goddess hold it.”


Ishtar was stunned: “You, what are you going to do?” ”

Makoto Fujimaru glanced at her, “You’ll know later.” ”

Two hours later.

The army marched.

At the very front of the vanguard army, on a carriage, Ishtar was whimpering and sobbing, tied to a wooden pillar by a chain, holding a gold slab in his hand

On the stone slab was a line of dragon flying phoenix dance: I am a useless goddess.

“Whoops, what a bully goddess.”

At Ishtar’s side, the bull of heaven, Gugaran, was constantly mooing and comforting his little master.

You begin to lead your army south. 】

[You follow the Tigris River all the way to the southeast, and the city-state where the flood roared and is completely unable to organize the forces of resistance.] 】

You forced Ishtar to use his divine authority to bring good harvest to the people of the city-states along the way. 】

[Your fame has increased dramatically.] 】

The majority of the people, fed up with the tyranny of Gilgamesh, choose to follow you. 】

[You have no mercy in killing all the nobles who do not want to surrender, as well as the die-hard army of the Uruk Kingdom.] 】

Three months later, you recovered all the lands that had once been the Northern League of Kish. 】

Half a month later, you occupied the Treasury Federation. 】

[Your territory surpasses Gilgamesh, King of Uruk!] 】

You are under the attention of the gods of heaven. 】

[You have become the king with the largest land area in the history of the Kish state!] 】

Your fame spread throughout the Two Rivers Valley, throughout the Mesopotamian plains! 】

【Your fame has reached its peak!】 】

【Your human emperor skill ‘Earth King’ has once again greatly improved your blessings. 】

“Really, you didn’t lie to me to bring another harvest here, and the words on this slab will all disappear, and I can also take this slab off?”

Standing on the walls of Kusa, Ishtar looked at the stone slab on his chest.

The line that originally inscribed “I am a useless goddess” on the stone slab has disappeared 7788, very faint, and if you do not look in front of you, you can hardly see the handwriting.

“When did I ever lie to someone?”

“But you lied to God!”

Ishtar was full of dissatisfaction, and after this time together, she had almost learned most of Fujimaru Makoto’s personality.

As long as you don’t disobey him, it’s still easy to get along with.

But Ishtar was not reconciled to the fact that she had been holding the slab for a long time and had not come to Makoto Fujimaru once.

She hadn’t heard Makoto Fujimaru say ‘unusual’ the whole time.

“Tonight I must let you understand the goodness of this goddess!”

Secretly cheering himself up, Ishtar looked at Makoto Fujimaru.

Fujimaru Makoto thought about it and withdrew the bundle of Shinso.

In the gesture of a true goddess, Ishtar flew up into the sky and waved his arms.

Suddenly, a miracle appeared!

All the grains and plants in the soil are bathed in a holy light.

Visible to the naked eye, it begins to sprout and grow, and then grows into fruition!

Looking up, after the holy light has disappeared, it is a golden yellow, symbolizing an absolute harvest!

“Praise my king! Praise the Goddess! ”

Ishtar drifted down next to Makoto Fujimaru and proudly nuzzled his chin.

Makoto Fujimaru snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the golden slab hanging in front of Ishtar’s body began to shatter and fall… Let.

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