Chapter 167 What if it wasn’t a separation of personalities? Weishui Sword Furnace!!

Although he promised Elquite, Makoto Fujimaru was still a little absent-minded when playing.

One comes.

He still had no memory of him and Elquit.

Second, I always feel like I’m caught in a big conspiracy.

Because, the enchantment technique left by the Demon God King Gaitia was indeed the enchantment of the separation of human souls.

But, according to common sense.

That simply doesn’t work for Makoto Fujimaru.

After all, Makoto Fujimaru appeared in that era as a servant.

In his essence, he was just a demon.

It’s just that because of the existence of the simulator, he can keep memories of the time of the simulation.

But if that is not the ‘evil’ of the separation of other personalities.

So what exactly is that?

Looking at Elquit happily eating the meat sandwich bun in front of him, Makoto Fujimaru fell into deep thought.

“Is it delicious?”

“Very distinctive, Makoto, don’t you eat it?”

Makoto Fujimaru shook his head lightly and smiled, “I’m very happy watching you eat.” ”

Elquit had a happy expression in his eyes.

This statement is true.

Elquit didn’t have much experience as a human being, and for more than eight hundred years, he came to human society only for a certain ‘mission’.

She has an innocent personality.

With her, it is easy to be infected by her emotions.

“What did Elquette come here for?”

Walking down the street, Makoto Fujimaru ignored the eyes of the crowd around him and asked softly.

“To find Makoto.”

“Huh? Looking for me? Why. ”

“Because I like Makoto and want to live with Makohiko, and Makoto didn’t promise me that the next time he finds you, take me home, you won’t be able to talk!”

Elquit turned his head and showed an unhappy expression.

Hear such a most direct confession.

Makoto Fujimaru was a little stunned for a moment.

Opening his mouth, Makoto Fujimaru muttered a little, but still told the truth: “Elquit, that… I don’t have those memories with you now. ”

“Huh? How did Makoto recognize me? ”

“I know you from other dead men, and I’ve met that Princess Kurohime before.”

“That bad woman… Forget it, Makoto are you sick? But it is, Makoto your body… It seems to be a human body. ”

Physically, so close, my urge to suck your blood is not so strong.

Elquit said softly, with some worry, but then continued to smile happily, “But it doesn’t matter, Makoto forgot it, I remember it well, then let’s re-know it now, I’m Elquit Brunstad, and I like Makohiko the most!” ”

Makoto Fujimaru took a breath and smiled.

“Well, I’m Makoto Fujimaru, and I’m also very fond of Elquit.”

Together again, Makoto Fujimaru spends a full day outside with Elquite.

After nightfall.

The two arrive at a hotel, just a simple hypnotic magic, and the two successfully check in.

But just entered the hotel.

Makoto Fujimaru found the figure of the magician in the shadows.

After pondering for a moment, Fujimaru Makoto decided to go out and investigate, preferably to catch the magician who was a religious subordinate of the Kichijoin Temple.

“Elquit, you take a shower first, I’ll go out and get rid of the bad guys who are following you, and I’ll be back right away.”

“Ahhh… Must I go? ”

“Well, I’m going to catch him and ask him something.”


Makoto Fujimaru flashed a figure out of the room, disappeared, and came to the top of the hotel.

A cold wind blows in mid-air.

Makoto Tsutomaru felt something in his heart and looked toward the roof of the building opposite.

Only to see that a figure like him, also quietly watching the residential area with complicated lanes.

The magician was hiding there. The next second, the figure on the other side raised his head.

Makoto Fujimaru was stunned.

The other party is also stunned!

“Wei Palace?”

Makoto Fujimaru took a step forward and then came to the roof of the building opposite. It was Shiro Uemiya, who disappeared in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Makoto Fujimaru remembers that Shiro Emiya was abducted by Archer to the Middle East.


“How did you end up here?”

Makoto Fujimaru asked in surprise.

Wei Gong Shiro looked like he had suffered a lot in the past period of time, his skin was dark to a certain extent, the muscles of his body had also been trained, and a will named Perseverance had appeared on the face of the original teenager.

“Tracking down a cult, that magician is my purpose.”

Makoto Fujimaru nodded.

Then it seems that his memory is not wrong.

In a certain parallel world, Shiro Weigong did have this experience, encountering the Killing House and the Prayer Temple, and then it seems that he killed all the believers in the Killing House and the Prayer Religion.

“Fujimaru Jun, is your target the magician too?”


The two looked at each other, and Makoto Fujimaru smiled and said, “You can talk about your purpose first, maybe I know.” ”

“I want to know what kind of organization that guy belongs to, and they’re in the Middle East, using the chaos of war to create a lot of horrific dehumanizing events.”

Makoto Fujimaru bowed his head slightly, “I know this, but I don’t recommend you to go now.” ”

“I’m not that stupid now, I just want to confirm the identity of the other party first!”

“It is said that it is a new religion, the leader of the sect is called the Killing Courtyard Prayer Wasteland, the predecessor is the third place in the burial organ of the Templar Church, the nun code-named ‘Nuns’, the auspicious temple and the prayer is very strong, it is not recommended that you face it now, as for the specific location of the church stronghold, I only know that it is in Heze, Shandong Province, on the Chinese side.”

After quietly listening to what Makoto Fujimaru had said, Shiro Uenomiya immediately showed a contemplative look.

After thinking for a few seconds, he immediately said without hesitation: “Then the person below will be handed over to you, and I will go first.” ”

“Wait, where are you going?”

“Shandong Heze.”

“Go now?”


“You wait for me, I’ll follow you, and I’ll meet someone there too.”

Makoto Fujimaru didn’t say that he was going to see the Killing Courtyard and pray for the wilderness, he was afraid that the guy from Weigong Shiro would directly kill him and send himself to death.

Next second.

Makoto Fujimaru soared into the air, as if stepping on a staircase, and strolled down in mid-air to a courtyard.

The palm of the hand is open, and the magic of the palm is condensed.

Suddenly, the magician in the room wanted to jump out of the window and escape, but the next second, Makoto Fujimaru had already thrown himself in the air.

A heavy blow hit the magician’s shoulder.


He spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Makoto Fujimaru slowly squatted down and said in a very low tone, “I ask, you answer, all the questions, I only ask once, understand?” ”

The magician nodded vigorously.

“Tell me what you’re here for.”

“Stalk, stalk the woman, she flew in from Germany, the one who went with you at noon.”

“Very well, why follow him?”

“This, I really don’t know, I’m just doing what I’m told.”

“Where is your church’s stronghold?”

The magician shook his head in horror.

Makoto Fujimaru asked softly, “With the bondage of a contract, can’t you answer?” ”

The magician immediately nodded in surprise, “Hmm, um. ”

Squinting, Fujimaru asked, “What contract did the other party and you sign with?” ”

“Hair, hair!”

Fujimaru Makoto lowered his head slightly, slapped a snap of his fingers, and the authority of the blood and contract was launched, and a layer of blood appeared in his eyes.

Only to see the magician’s neck, inside the blood, a hair of about two centimeters quietly attached to the throat tube and capillary veins.

A flash of red in his eyes.

The magician immediately covered his neck and screamed.

“Now you can say it, say it.”

Makoto Fujimaru looked at him.

“Heze City, Shandong Province…”

The magician also took out a map and marked it out for Makoto Fujimaru.

Satisfied nodded, jotting down the location.

The magician also looked at Fujimaru Makoto expectantly, and Fujimaru Masayuki just turned away and then came to the front of Shiro Emiya.

His hand rested on the shoulder of Shiro Uemiya.

Makoto Fujimaru said, “Let go of the gods.” ”

Wei Gong Shilang was stunned for a second, then closed his eyes and opened them again, and the two of them were already standing on a vast square.

Above his head was the word Heze.

This is the railway station in Heze City, Shandong Province.

“Well, I’ll be separated here for the time being, Wei Gongjun.”

“Well, Fujimaru Jun…”

“What’s wrong?”

Wei Gong Shiro opened his mouth, and finally did not ask anything.

“There will be a period later.”

“There will be a period later.”

Fujimaru Makoto smiled and a flash left here.0 Following the route on the map, Fujimaru Masayuki walked towards the suburbs.

This new religious stronghold is simple, just a newly built building.

Fujimaru Makoto saw the barrier of the Enchantment Barrier from afar, threw out a magic bullet with his hand, and forcefully broke it and walked in.

The scene changes abruptly.

In addition to this stationary building, other buildings stand in the square in front of the building.

The building has a totem-like pattern.

No guards.

Makoto Fujimaru walked quietly into the door.

That is, just after stepping into the hall, Fujimaru Masayuki saw a huge sculpture of two arms that were six or seven stories high, pulling from the ground

Get up, cross your hands in mid-air, and make a gesture of holding your hands.

And the killing house and prayer are in the palm of the hand that is held in both hands.

A yellow and fuchsia dress skirt, lined with very little fabric, only white over-the-knee socks and white high heels.

Standing there quietly, inexplicably making people have a kind of desire spreading.

“Long time no see.”

Killing Courtyard Prayer Condescending to reveal a loving tone like a virgin, “Are you also here to pursue happiness?” ”

“Why let people follow Elquit Brunstad?”

Killing Yuan, Akira tilted his head and looked at Makoto Fujimaru who was standing in the air, “Isn’t that your request?” ”

“My request?”

“Stop, Princess Bai Ji of the True Ancestors, Elquit Brunstad, get close to the Weishui Sword Furnace before you come to Xianyang.”

Makoto Fujimaru’s eyes jumped.

Weishui Sword Furnace? What the hell is this place?

Xianyang, Great Qin, the future he simulated going to Great Qin, and mustard chicks made it?

After pondering for a while, Fujimaru Makoto said, “Where is the Weishui Sword Furnace?” ”

Killing Yuan, Akira looked at Fujimaru Makoto with puzzled eyes.

That is, the next second.


The gate slammed open violently.

Makoto Fujimaru could only see Elquit standing there below.

Immediately falling to the ground, Fujimaru Makoto looked at Elquit who was gasping for breath and said, “Elquit, you, how did you get here?” ”

“I sensed you were gone and caught the magician!”

Elquette’s voice was full of worry and grievance.

The softness of the inexplicable bottom of the heart was touched.

Makoto Fujimaru stepped forward and shook Elquette’s hand.

“You, you wouldn’t be running, would you?”


Elquit nodded stubbornly.

The straight-line distance between Xianyang and Heze is four or five hundred kilometers.

He had been here for about ten minutes.

That is, ten minutes, Elquit ran for hundreds of kilometers for him

Gently wrapping Elquit around: “Stupid, didn’t I say it, just wait for me in the room…”

The grudge on Elquite’s face disappeared at once.

Holding Makoto Fujimaru in reassuringly, Elquette’s head rested on Makoto Fujimaru’s shoulder.

Looking back at the Killing Courtyard Prayer in mid-air again, Fujimaru Makoto whispered in Elquit’s ear, “Close your eyes, don’t resist.” ”

“Well, what Makoto wants, he can do whatever he wants…”

Elquit closed his eyes, a look of guilt.

The figure shook.

Makoto Fujimaru and Elquit returned to Xianyang and stayed in the hotel where they were staying.

“Elquette, you rest first, and I’ll take a shower.”


Elquit sat on the bed with her long legs outstretched.

Rushing to the cold, Fujimaru Makoto thought about the Weishui Sword Furnace.

Now it seems that his puppet body is in this so-called Weishui Sword Furnace…

Change into bathrobe and out of the bathroom.

Sitting on the bed, Makoto Fujimaru said, “Elquit, I have something to tell you.” ”


“This body now is my body, and I need to find the body of another doll to retrieve my memories with you.”

“Just now Makoto you just went to look for it?”


“Did you find it?”

“Basically the location was determined.”

“Then let’s go find it now.”

“No, I’ll just go tomorrow, but, Elquit, when I retrieve those memories, I may suddenly disappear again, and you sit quietly next to me and wait for me, don’t run around like this, you know?”

“After retrieving my memory, wherever Makoto goes, I’ll go!”

“No problem!”

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