Chapter 169 The Forest of Seven Nights, You Die and I Die!!

“Can’t get in touch with the following anymore?”

Seven Nights Huang Li looked at the Seven Nights Clan in the middle of the field and said in a deep voice.

The Seven Nights Clan people present were all a little desperate, and when they heard the Seven Nights Yellow Reason’s question, the first Seven Nights Clan member also said, “Yes, and… There were two teams found to have invaded, and there were about a hundred people on the other side, I’m afraid…”

The despair on the faces of the people was even worse.

Seven Nights Huang Li showed a faint smile: “Tono’s personal armament? Judging from this number, I don’t plan to live my mouth…”

Someone asked in a puzzled voice, “Elder Clan, what is the origin of this Tono, I have never heard of these guys!” ”

“Oh, anyway, I don’t know when to target our enemies.”

“No, the Tono family’s territory is not within the scope of our mission, originally they are in contact with the Demonic Organization, so according to common sense, we can’t provoke them.”

A clan member who knew something about the Tono clan whispered.

“Yes, patriarch, we have only recently moved here!”

Seven Nights Huang Li looked at the endless night, quietly listened to these meaningless words, and gently waved his hand.

“In short, no matter what, the matter has reached this point only to fight back, and as for why they are here, they think it is just for those meaningless things.”

The atmosphere of slaughter began to pervade.

Tonight, it seems that it is destined to be the end of your death.

Listen to the shouts of killing in the distance.

Makoto Fujimaru didn’t rush to move.

Blocked by the enemy family to the doorstep, the Seven Nights family basically only has the end of defeat!

The Seven Nights Clan is an exorcist family, in fact, it is more based on assassination.


In simpler terms, it is the killer, the person behind it.

It is not possible to go on the table, nor to see the light, and to fight people head-on, is never a good place.

In addition, the Seven Nights family chose to marry close relatives in order to inherit their superpowers

Therefore, the number of bloodlines passed down from this darkness is not very large.

Although the children of the Seven Nights Clan can grow up have good strength, by today’s developed scientific and technological civilization, the Seven Nights Clan has actually declined.

For example now.

At a glance, the number of people coming from the other side is obviously overwhelming for the Seven Nights family.

At present, only the core members are left in the Seven Nights Station, and the rest have already rushed into the Forest of Seven Nights.

This is the only natural barrier of the Seven Nights at present, the Forest of Seven Nights.

That is, Fujimaru Makoto sneaked out of the house, looking outside in the direction where he could break through, and Seven Nights Huang Li came here with the last of his people.

“Lord, are you going to take on the attack?”

“Of course, if the signs are not stopped in time, I am afraid that we will not sleep peacefully every day in the future, but it is a good time to choose the loosely organized now, rest assured, no matter how many people are killed, those guys will also clean up the mess for us.”

Seven Nights Huang Li looked out over the dark Seven Nights Forest Road.

Listening to such words, Fujimaru Makoto also understood why none of the Seven Nights Clan could escape.

It’s that time.

Seven Nights Huang Li hadn’t even thought of breaking through.

“But, the patriarchs, even so, we will definitely have damage, those people, not half-blood monsters, just armed humans, and also have heat weapons!”

Someone spoke up suggesting.

“Since this is the case, I will go one step ahead, I will solve their leader first, the thief will capture the king first, and the rest, you will deal with it, remember to make more use of the terrain!”

Leaving these words, Seven Nights Huang Li planned to step towards the darkness.


This mountain has been drilled and camped by the Seven Nights Clan for a long time, and the Seven Nights Clan can be said to know everything about the grass and trees in this place.

Using the terrain to carry out covert assassinations can indeed be circumvented for a long time.

In addition, the Seven Nights Yellow Reason, who was the most powerful assassin of the Seven Nights Clan, acted alone and solved the words of the leader of the other side.

The Siege of Seven Nights was naturally solved.

“So, what about the children?”

Seven Nights Huang Li turned his back on the camp of Seven Nights: “Let them fall asleep first, they are our hope, we just need to take care of everything before they wake up.” ”

Seven Nights Huang Li rushed towards the depths of the Forest of Seven Nights.

The remaining Seven Nights Clan members also looked at their homes with affection and rushed into the dark dense forest from different directions.

Tens of seconds after they left, Makoto Fujimaru slowly walked out.

After a few sighs, Fujimaru Makoto rushed into the dense forest in the direction that Huang Li had just left in the Seven Nights.

This dense forest of seven nights has many traps prepared by the seven nights.

Discerning the direction, Makoto Fujimaru flashed his figure.


There was a slight noise ahead, and then the tongue of machine gun fire flashed in the dense forest.

Fujimaru Makoto’s pupils shrank and he quickly flashed behind a large tree.

Fortunately, the machine gun was not aimed at him.

But the sound of ‘clicking’ is incessant, and the red light is constantly emerging in the night.

Just soon.

With a flash of silver light, there was silence.

The moonlight shone through the cracks in the dense forest, revealing points of light that Masayuki Fujimaru did not touch and still walked in the darkness.


Several corpses appeared in front of Makoto Fujimaru’s eyes, and the two corpses in the front were killed by a knife in the neck.

It was the same wound caused by the dagger on Makoto Fujimaru’s hand.

This is the weapon that the Seven Nights have used since they were young.

It’s called the Seven Nights of the Exorcist Knife!

Makoto Fujimaru slowly approached, the corpse crushed by the fallen tree trunk, the body of Hiroshi who was twisted from behind, and the corpse that had been directly penetrated through the head by a blunt object.

The Seven Nights Family, using blunt instruments, is the only one who uses the Seven Nights Huang Li.

Any child would have been scared to pee his pants here, but Makoto Fujimaru just groaned, and then pulled off a corpse’s bulletproof vest and put it on his body.

Keep moving.

Makoto Fujimaru saw several battles.

In addition to carrying modern thermal weapons, the invaders actually have thermal imagers, and the most terrifying thing is the special ability of the invaders.

It was as if he had taken away the body heat of the Seven Nights Clan out of thin air.

Those Seven Nights tribesmen were shaking their bodies and were slaughtered.

The negative effects of the Straight Death Demon Eye had already covered Makoto Fujimaru with cold sweat on his forehead.

This body does not have any magic foundation, and seeing through the mana consumption of the death line is really difficult for him to be a bit strong now.

Fortunately, though, his willpower is strong enough to feel that there is not much problem in escaping from here.

I don’t know when, the Seven Nights family’s mansion has also heard a noise.

It is thought that the Seven Nights Yellow Li has also encountered a strong enemy, and the ordinary Seven Nights people, in the case of the other party’s long-planned plot, simply cannot form an effective resistance.

Those people, at this moment, have surrounded the mansion of the Seven Nights Clan.

Finally you can see the way down the hill.

That is, Fujimaru Makoto had just breathed a sigh of relief.

Somewhat abrupt.

Makoto Fujimaru suddenly stopped and leaned down.

He heard the sound, as subtle as the sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves, and the field of vision discerned the past little by little, and Makoto Fujimaru saw a dark muzzle.

With a sudden force on his right foot, Makoto Fujimaru lunged forward, the dagger in his hand swinging sharply.

At the same time that the other person pulls the trigger.

In the night, the dagger turned into a silver streamer, tearing the neck of the other party, and the rattan maru Makoto threw at him.

How to kill people most efficiently, this is the biggest gain of Fujimaru Makoto this simulation so far.

He knew that he didn’t have much strength in his little arms and legs now, so throwing them out was the safest.

As for why Makoto Fujimaru didn’t pick up the machine gun before.

To tell the truth, that thing is a bit heavy for Makoto Fujimaru now, and carrying that will hinder his speed of travel.


Gunshots were still ringing.

Makoto Fujimaru only felt a suffocation in his chest, and then instantly fell down and sat down by the impact of the impact.

His strength was still a little small, and it still took a little time for the dagger to cut, so that the other party still pulled the trigger before he died.

If the body grows a little bigger, the other party will definitely not have reaction time.

Blood scattered in the moonlight.

The dirt under the dark night is like a peach blossom that has been wantonly sprinkled by a blackboard, bright red.

Makoto Fujimaru touched the bulletproof vest he had just put on, and the shell casing still had temperature.

Good luck.

It is not the super-powered person of the other party, just ordinary members.

Standing up again and picking up the dagger, Makoto Fujimaru began to travel through the dense forest again.

From time to time, several corpses appeared, both of the Seven Nights and some of the invaders.

Fujimaru Makoto crossed it directly without even looking at it.

He had no intention of helping Seven Nights Huang Li, and even planned to quickly evacuate here while the Seven Nights Yellow Li was now dragging the opponent’s core combat strength candidates.

Because, Fujimaru Makoto remembers, this time the Tono clan chose to cooperate with the object of the Koma Red Mo.

The Rolling Mill clan mates with the ghost’s xenomorphs, and their offspring, not only bloodlines, but even flesh can be fused with each other.

When he was born, he turned into a demon as a human being, and before he was ten years old, he went crazy and slaughtered his entire people.

Such a being is known in ancient traditions as the Red Red Zhu.

In terms of Fujimaru Makoto’s current combat strength, the odds of winning against the red mole between the upper rolling mills are still quite low.

Not to mention, it was just a thug of the Tono clan.

Kill him, to no avail.

After eating the grain of the Seven Nights family for several years, if he can escape, Fujimaru Makoto helped the Seven Nights clan kill the head of the Tono family, and Tono Shinhisa can also be regarded as worthy of this kindness.

Now, it is better to grease the soles of his feet when the red mole between the rolling mills is dragged by the Seven Nights Yellow Li.

Not much time.

Quietly touching it, Makoto Fujimaru hid behind a pile of grass and looked forward solemnly.

Two figures were facing each other.

Opposite the Seven Nights of Huang Li, there stood a young man with a body of muscles that were somewhat daunting, some messy hair that half covered his right eye, revealing only his left eye, and there was no gun or blade in his hand.

On the other hand, the original relaxed and happy smile disappeared from the Seven Nights, and he tensed up a face and held his iron short rod in his hand.


Seven Nights Huang Li suddenly said loudly, but his eyes were still staring at the red Mo between the rolling rooms.

Komama licked his lips and looked over to Makoto Fujimaru.

In an instant, a sharp change occurred.

“Snap, whoops, whoops…”

Sharp blades flew in the night, trees fell from the sky, and countless guns emerged from the originally flat ground.

With the sound, the area where Huang Li had just stood for seven nights had already turned into a pile of rubble.

The Red Devil standing on the opposite side casually interrupted a section of the tree facing him.

The palm of the hand fluttered lightly, but the trunk cracked in response.

Seeing this scene, Fujimaru Makoto did not turn back and fled in the other direction

Just now, the trunk can be a meter in diameter, where is the thing that a human can crack with one punch.

What’s more, his other hand volleyed and grasped the half-cut trunk, and then crushed it…

“Is this still human?”

Makoto Fujimaru scolded in a low voice and then went straight away.

Although it was easy for him to do that when he was possessed by the Servant Lingji, it was a living modern man.

Seeing this Ruma Hongmo, Fujimaru Makoto completely understood why the Tsukihime World and the Fate World belonged to parallel time and space.

The fate of the world, more or heroic spirits.

The world of Tsukihime is the world itself where these abilities exist.

Pray in his heart for seven nights Huang Ri to drag the red horse of the rolling room a little longer, and Makoto Fujimaru quickly evacuated here!


Seven Nights Huang Li slammed into the tree, and did not wait for Seven Nights Huang Li to react.

Hongmo had already rushed to the tree, and with one hand he clasped the Seven Nights Huang Li’s neck and cut off half of his body, and kept spitting out blood foam in his mouth.

Correspondingly, his consciousness also passed away little by little…


Seven Nights Huang Li finally glanced at the red eyes of the red Momo, and then moved to another direction without concentration.

It was the Seven Nights House.

At this moment, the house was silent.

The moon was high and far away, and the red mole of the rolling mill walked in the Forest of Seven Nights, where only corpses remained, and soon arrived at his destination.

There was crimson blood everywhere, and as if the vermilion berries had been trampled on all the thorns, they crossed the square, and the red of the rolling room entered the house.

Seven Nights Shiki sat calmly on the tatami, not knowing whether he didn’t know to be afraid or forgot to be afraid.

“You guy, is it seven nights?”

Koma smiled and said so.

Seven Nights nodded, “There is a guy who has run.” ”

Koma said it to Shikiya Shiki, and it was also to the Tono-dai representative behind him.

The Tonoya nodded calmly and continued to focus on the Seven Nights Shiki.

The corners of his mouth curled even wider: “We’ll see you again someday.” ”

After saying this, the red horse of the rolling mill took the lead and left.

Seven Nights Zhigui got up slowly and walked to the door, with only a round of blue moon booking left above his head.

When he walked to the forest, there was fierce machine gun fire behind him.

Then a monstrous fire broke out.

Standing next to the Seven Nights Shiki, only this Tono family member remained.

“Who are you?”

“Your father in the future.”

Before the expression on Qiye Zhigui’s face appeared, the red light had already filled the vision and soul of Qiye Zhigui.

In the silent forest, only his screams remained, like the roar of reeds…

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