Holy Prison

Chapter 1052: mission completed

Yilian's face blushed, Chu Feng said it so obvious, how could she not understand that that beauty is not her, "Chu Feng" Yilian gritted her teeth viciously.

"Don't do it, I will hit myself!" Chu Feng quickly stood up and said. "Puff!" Yilian was amused by Chu Feng, but she quickly sullen her face and said, "That's okay, you try."

"Yilian, do you remember what you just said? This, you are a quasi-saint-level powerhouse. You can't speak without words. You said I said that you can drink scented tea, and you will help. You can help me slowly, should I drink this scented tea?" Chu Feng sat down again.

"Drink, drink, you can't kill you!" Yilian scolded, but her scolding was really not harmful. The beauty was angry, and Chu Feng seemed to have a different taste.

The scented tea was quickly brewed, and Chu Feng had a hint of surprise in his eyes before he tasted it. This scented tea seemed to have a calming feeling when it smelled, and all the troubles and sorrows in the world seemed to smell the tea. The incense will be forgotten! "Good tea." Chu Feng picked up the teacup and smelled it deeply and praised.

"Chu Feng, pay attention. Take a sip of tea, it’s best to swallow it in two sips, so that you can realize your state of mind. Forget it, when I didn’t say, you have even experienced the infinite state of mind that embraces heaven, earth, and heart. This is for you It's no use." Yilian said.

Although Yilian said that, Chu Feng took a sip of tea and swallowed it in two. In the first sip, Chu Feng felt that his mind became pure and tough, free from dust. Slowly, he swallowed in the second sip. , Chu Feng felt that his own mind was quickly converging with the whole world, his heart was converging with the world, and man and nature were one, that feeling was more beautiful.

The insight of the soul did not prevent Chu Feng from feeling the goodness of the tea itself. He felt the fragrance of countless kinds of exotic flowers one by one, and they were numerous, but they did not appear to be messy.

"It's pretty good." Chu Feng felt it carefully for more than ten seconds before speaking. "How many kinds of floral fragrances are there?" Yilian asked with a smile.

"100863 kinds, right?"

Yilian shook her head: "Wrong." "Wrong?" Chu Feng took another bite, and this time he realized it more carefully, "Uh, it seems to be really wrong, right?"

"Wrong again, you idiot." Yilian said with a grin.

After tasting ten mouthfuls, Chu Feng said the correct result after making many mistakes. "Ilian, what are your plans next?" Chu Feng asked.

"What's your plan?"

"The Dark Demon Hall is destroyed, are you still the same as before?" Chu Feng said. Yilian chuckled and said: "The Dark Demon Temple is destroyed, without the pressure of the Dark Demon Temple, I really feel a little uncomfortable, but I think I will get used to such a stress-free life soon. Drink tea and feel relieved. Practice, maybe walk around in a different way."

At this point, Yilian paused slightly: "Chu Feng, are you leaving?" "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, "I will leave temporarily, but I can come and see you at any time. Yi Lian, you can go to the upper two or three levels of the world. Don't go to the world that is too high, otherwise it won't be easy for me to find you."

From the first floor to the second floor, and from the second to the third floor, the domain tower value needed for this is not much. Even if Yilian goes up, Chu Feng can find her relatively easily.

"By the way, do you have a Boundary Breaking Stone?" Chu Feng said.

"There are two." Yilian said, she is not a figure who is forced to win, even if someone below offers it, she will not accept it. These two are still obtained in the Tianluo forbidden area before.

"These eight boundary-breaking stones are here for you." Chu Feng thought, eight boundary-breaking stones appeared in front of him, "If you have something, you can use the boundary-breaking stones to reach another world."

Yilian shook her head slightly in a daze, "Chu Feng, you have given me enough help. I can't accept anything like you anymore." Chu Feng sat down beside De Yilian, and he slowly stretched out his hand. A big hand covered one of Yilian's small hands. Yilian wanted to withdraw it, but in the end she didn't withdraw it for Chu Feng to hold it.

If there is no such close contact as before, Chu Feng wants to hold Yilian’s small hand like this, it is simply more difficult than reaching the god-excellent level cultivation base, but with the previous close contact, Yilian has a broken pot in her heart. The idea of ​​falling is like that anyway, what about shaking hands, and Chu Feng looks pretty good.

"Yilian, it's just a little gift. And, I don't need that thing. You may need it in the future. Going up the world, the aura will be more abundant. You may be able to break through the saint here, but break through After that, the higher level world will be more suitable for your training." Chu Feng said.

"Well, let me kiss and I will leave." Chu Feng said with a smile. "Think well, think beautifully!" Yilian snorted and took her little hands back.

"Haha, I'll kiss you later." Chu Feng said that he left this domain tower and appeared outside the domain tower.

Just appearing outside, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Okay you are Chu Feng, and you are in trouble again. It seems that I need to tell Feng Bingning and the three of this news! "Miao Xian'er, do you know what happened inside?" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng spread his hands: "Then you know, I was taken, I was pushed down, and I was the victim." "Victim, Chu Feng, you look shameless, you are the one that the old master killed before. Demeanor!" Miao Xian'er snorted softly, "Look at the information yourself, your 2 million battle points and 20,000 domain tower values ​​have been accounted for!"

Chu Feng was overjoyed. The task of destroying the Dark Demon Palace was indeed completed. The normal reward is one million combat merit points and 10,000 domain tower value. Now it has doubled, and naturally it is two hundred times combat merit points and 20,000 domain tower value. !

"With a value of 20,000 domain towers, I don't know if I can get to the tenth floor of the eighth domain tower." Chu Feng eagerly reached the seventh floor of the eighth domain tower.

The portal from the seventh to the eighth floor, Chu Feng, was discovered long ago. It didn’t take much time for Chu Feng to reach that portal. It takes five thousand domain towers to open this portal to reach the eighth floor!

Pressing his hand on the portal that seemed to others to be just an ordinary stone, after three seconds, five thousand domain towers were consumed, and Chu Feng's figure had reached the eighth floor of the domain tower!

"God bless, the eighth to ninth floors, plus the ninth to tenth floors, the domain tower value required should not exceed 16 thousand and not more than 20,000!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, his current domain The tower value is just over 16,000. If it is less than 16,000, as long as you find the portal, he can go up quickly!

Chu Feng doesn’t know where the portals from the eighth to the ninth floor are. Try to avoid fighting. Chu Feng swiftly sweeps within the eighth floor. As new areas are constantly discovered, his domain tower value has some Improve, but the speed of improvement is relatively slow.

One day, two days, three days, when three months passed, Chu Feng let out a long sigh, he finally found the gateway to the ninth floor in a tree!

"God bless, don't be too much!" Chu Feng pressed his hand to the door with a little nervousness in his heart, and suddenly a message came into his mind.

To go to the ninth floor, you need a domain tower worth six thousand six hundred!

"Haha!" Chu Feng laughed, only six thousand six hundred, which was a lot less than what he estimated. "It's actually only six thousand six hundred. The portal to the tenth floor should not exceed fourteen thousand, right?" Chu Feng's shadowy figure instantly disappeared within the eighth floor and reached the ninth floor of the eighth domain tower. !

From the ninth floor, Chu Feng immediately searched for the portal to the tenth floor without saying a word. As long as he reached the tenth floor, the holy prison could be upgraded. For Chu Feng, the upgrade of the star ring was Very important thing, as long as the holy prison is upgraded, his strength can undoubtedly increase many times!

Time goes by in Chu Feng’s search, one month, two months, three months, four months, and five months. This time it takes more time. On the one hand, the area of ​​this layer is larger, and the other On the one hand, there are many more powerful people at this level. Sometimes conflicts inevitably occur. For example, if Chu Feng wants to enter a certain place, and it is a private place, what should he do? In such a situation, it is impossible not to conflict.

Driving the Silver Wing, Chu Feng bumped again and again. In front, the face of a strong man at the pinnacle of the gods was full of helplessness. After twenty or so horrible bumps, his cultivation base has now suffered some injuries. Up.

"My friend, I will repeat it again. I just want to enter your manor and have a look. I will never move anything in your manor. If my friend refuses to give in, then I will only kill my friend. Please don't doubt me. No, even if I don't use other things, I can keep hitting you to death like this." Chu Feng's low voice sounded outside.

"That's it, I'm afraid of you, you can enter." The strong man at the peak of the gods smiled bitterly. If this continues, he has only two options, first, escape; second, be beaten to death! If he escaped, it would be no problem to crash into the manor with the impact of Silver Wing.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome." The strong man at the peak of the **** snorted and opened the restriction to let the Silver Wing enter his manor. "Huh!" Chu Feng smiled, and broke into many strong man's manor. This time he finally got the result he wanted. The portal to the tenth floor was within this god-level strong man's manor. .

With a thought, Chu Feng took the Silver Wing and appeared outside. "Friend, don't think about killing, otherwise I promise you will be dead." Chu Feng said as he flew up, he quickly reached a stone wall, and the gateway was on the stone wall!

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