Holy Prison

Chapter 1055: Establishment of Takeden

The news of the star map auction has been released, but this matter is not in a hurry now, because the star map is not being auctioned now, but will be auctioned a hundred years later, and it is the Seven Color Leaf Auction House that is in charge of the star map auction.

"In the next 100 years, it happened that the saint prison was escalating at a speed." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. "Chu Feng!" A voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng stood up quickly, and Shi Hua was the one who transmitted the sound to him, and he respected Shi Hua Chufeng. "President, why do you have such a leisurely mind to run me here?" Chu Feng smiled authentically, without asking him to greet him, Shi Hua directly entered the Chu Mansion. Chu Mansion has a strong defense, but as long as the blood does not move. , Those defenses are unlikely to affect a powerhouse of the god-excellent level.

"You came back very quickly this time." Shi Hua smiled and said, "I came to see you because I wanted to discuss with you about the celebration of the seminary at that time."

Chu Feng and Shi Hua sat down, and Chu Feng drank a sip of tea and smiled: "Dean, you are the dean of the Seminary, don’t you need to discuss with me about this school celebration? I can’t mention any construction. Sexual opinions come!"

"Chu Feng, what do you think is the beginning of the seminary?" Shi Hua said. "Very good and powerful." Chu Feng said. Shi Hua said helplessly: "Tell the truth, okay? You are still sloppy with me. By then, you will be the dean of the Academy."

"Ah, really?" Chu Feng said.

Shi Hua glared at Chu Feng: "So there are fakes?"

Chu Feng shrugged: "Okay, then I'll just say that the Academy is a good academy, but it's not a top-notch academy. From the perspective of students, the number of students in the Academy is generally over a million. Left and right, not too little, not too much. The quantity is okay, but the quality is not very high."

"It's not easy to enter the Seminary Academy, but it's actually not very difficult! There are not many students like Duan San who are really good at the academy that they have absorbed! Therefore, the quality of the students is not good enough. This is the first problem."

"Secondly, the faculty is not particularly strong. In the academy, most of the mentors are at the **** level, and there are not many mentors at the king **** level. Although for most students, a mentor at the **** level Teaching is enough, but if you have a more powerful tutor, it is obviously more attractive!"

"Third, after graduating, many students do not have deep feelings for the academy. If the academy is in trouble, I am afraid that many will stand by indifferently. This is a failure.

"The fourth point I said before, the college lacks its own armed forces, the dean, he said before that the establishment of the martial hall, why hasn't there been any movement so far?"

Shi Hua smiled and said: "You are very good, if the college does not want to develop, then this is fine, but if you want to develop, many places need to be strengthened. The establishment of the Wudian requires a lot of things, and now everything is ready. Only after the final announcement, there may be some pressure after the announcement."

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Pressure? Who doesn't want to live anymore, thinking of Shenchu ​​City to put pressure on Shenchu ​​Academy? Dean, don't worry, if anyone thinks the seminary is inappropriate, you can ask them to come to Shenchu ​​Town. I!"

"Just waiting for your words." Shi Hua laughed and said, "With your words, there will be no problem with the establishment of the Martial Hall! Now who doesn't know, the entire Nine Profound Empire, you are the real Uncrowned King? Chu Feng, when I announced the establishment of the Martial Hall, I announced that you would become the next Dean of the Academy of Divinity, how?"

"This" Chu Feng thought for a while and nodded, "If the dean thinks it's okay, then just announce it. I don't have any comments." "Okay. Chu Feng, do you have any good ways to strengthen the teaching staff of the Seminary Academy? No?" Shi Huadao.

Chu Feng thought of the villagers in Aosong Village. With their cultivation bases, they are certainly not problematic as mentors. Many of them will be able to reach the Emperor God level cultivation bases in no time. !

"Dean, in this regard, you should think of a way first. I have thought of a way, but the time is not yet ripe." Chu Feng said.

Now he is only the top cultivation base of the Emperor God, and the holy prison has not yet been upgraded. It is not a wise choice to let the people of Aosong Village be exposed.

Shi Hua nodded: "Okay, right, did you get the news about the star map auction? Do you have any ideas? You have a flying boat. If you have a star map, then the flying boat can be there. Go above!"

"At that time, it depends on the situation. If you can get it, then try your best to get it." Chu Feng smiled, "But even if you get it, it is not easy to think of other things. Feizhou's current speed is only ten times the size of the gods. The speed of the consummated strong person can't jump in space. It's okay to be close, but far away, flying for thousands of years, I don't have that interest."

For the rest, for Chu Feng, it is definitely going to go. It is necessary to find Tianxinzi and find the rest of Nuwa's body, but it must wait until the speed of the flying boat becomes faster or the flying boat has the ability to jump in space!

"Well, okay, I have another cup of tea here. I'm leaving. By the way, three days later, I will let out the news of the establishment of the Martial Hall. If you are interested, come here. If you are not interested, forget it." Shi Hua left immediately and disappeared.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. At noon on the third day, Chu Feng walked to the gate of Shenchu ​​Academy in a different way, and a tall stone monument suddenly appeared at the gate of Shenchu ​​Academy.

At the same time as the appearance of the stone tablet, Shi Hua’s faint voice resounded throughout the entire seminary: "Attention, all teachers and students of the seminary, today is a great day for the seminary. Yixi, the seminary. The next dean is sure that the next dean will be Chu Feng, a former student of Shenchu ​​Academy, and Chu Feng, the master of Chu Mansion of Shenchu ​​Academy."

When Shi Hua said that, a phantom with a height of ten thousand meters appeared in the sky of the Shenchu ​​Academy. The phantom was exactly the image of Chu Feng. In the image, Chu Feng stood with his hand in his hand, and looked like a master!

"For Chu Feng, everyone is not unfamiliar. He will be the next dean of the Seminary School, and I believe he will be a much better dean than me. The Seminary School can definitely go further in his hands. Yaohuang's future!"

Shi Hua’s words made many people in the Shenchu ​​Academy stunned, but after a while, countless people in the Shenchu ​​Academy cheered. It can be said that in the Shenchu ​​Academy, Chu Feng now has a comparison Shi Hua's higher popularity!

"Senior Chu Feng is mighty!"

"Senior Chu Feng will be our dean in the future, great!"

"It's amazing. I used to be much better than him. I didn't expect that now I am still a student, and Senior Chu Feng will become the dean of the academy!"

At the gate of the college, countless people were also cheering. Listening to those cheers, Chu Feng showed a faint smile on his face. Popularity is always a refreshing thing.

"The second happy event, today, the Martial Hall of Shenchu ​​Academy was established. There are stone monuments announced at several gates of the academy. Everyone can understand everything about the temple from the stone monuments. As long as the conditions are met, then you can join God. The Martial Hall of the Junior College! Chu Feng will be the master of the Martial Hall of the Junior College of God, and I will be the deputy master!"

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Shi Hua to actually let him become the master of the martial hall! "President Hua, is this inappropriate? I am not the dean now, but I have become the head of the martial hall." Chu Feng said through a voice transmission.

"What's wrong? I have only a few hundred years as the dean, and hundreds of years have passed in a blink of an eye. Wouldn't it be troublesome to change it at that time?" Shi Hua smiled and transmitted the sound. Said, "Anyone who can do more work, you are more suitable to be the master of this martial hall than me. The martial hall is newly established, and young people like you need to take it to move forward quickly. I don't have the spirit of young people!"

A look of helplessness appeared on Chu Feng's face. Fortunately, he has dealt with a lot of things now, otherwise, there is really no time to do it. "Well, you have announced it, what else can I do, you old fox, I didn't say it when we discussed with me before." Chu Feng said.

"Haha, say it now, the same, haha!"

Chu Summit was the next dean of the Shenchu ​​Academy, and Wudian was established. These two news spread quickly like a hurricane to every corner of Shenchu ​​City and then spread around!

In Shenchu ​​City, the school gates were crowded, and all those students wanted to know what requirements were for entering the Martial Hall!

Among the crowd, Chu Feng's eyes also fell on the stone tablet.

The purpose of Wudian establishment is to protect the college, protect its students, and maintain the dignity of the college!

The martial hall, set up, one hall master, three deputy hall masters, ten first-level guardians of the martial hall, 100 second-level guardians, and 1,000 third-level guardians; Nine-level samurai, upward, eighth-level samurai until first-level samurai. In principle, those who join the martial hall are all 9th-level warriors at the beginning, and accumulation of contributions can only increase.

Regarding contribution: Contribution can increase the level in the martial hall, and different levels can get different benefits. For example, high-level warriors have the opportunity to listen to the preaching of the hall master and deputy hall master! In addition, the contribution level can be directly exchanged for treasures. The Martial Hall will build their own treasure store. Members of the Martial Hall can choose the treasures they need from the storehouse. If the treasures are out of date due to the improvement of the cultivation base, they can return certain points after handing them over! With a certain degree of contribution, members of the Wudian can even ask Wudian to help them accomplish specific things for themselves, but they must not violate the necessary regulations of the Wudian.

Contribution can be obtained, treasures can be paid, tasks issued by the martial hall can be completed, and so on.

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