Holy Prison

Chapter 1065: The huge benefits of upgrading

"Chu Feng, guess what's the benefit?" Miao Xian'er laughed in Chu Feng's mind. Listening to Miao Xian'er's laughter, Chu Feng was relieved, Miao Xian'er could laugh so happily, and there should be a lot of benefits from the upgrade of the holy prison this time!

"Miao Xian'er, stop playing, tell me quickly, otherwise, the flowers will be opened at that time." Chu Feng smiled in his mind. "It's boring, it will threaten me a poor little girl." Miao Xian'er hummed softly, "I heard that, I can only say it once. If you don't know then, don't blame me for not saying it!"

Chu Feng chatted with Tang Ming and the others while listening to Miao Xianer's words in his mind. "Attention, the first point, the holy prison is upgraded to the tenth level, the space of the holy prison becomes more stable, and the holy prison is more difficult to be discovered after it has turned into dust. Moreover, even the strongest of the quasi-sage level wants to discover Tianshou is also extremely difficult, even with a little discovery, Divine Sense cannot chase into the holy prison space!" Miao Xianer said.

A faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. This was expected, but he was also very happy to know Chu Feng. This shows that if he gets Xinzi that day, he will not be discovered at all!

"The second point, Sky Eye, Sky Hand, Clinic, Tian Hu, etc. can be upgraded again. After the upgrade, it will be more powerful than before. Sky Eye, after the upgrade, it can now lock a hundred targets. If the locked targets are ten Within ten times, the locked distance will be ten times as long as before. If more than ten, the locked distance will slowly decrease. Up to one hundred can be locked. If one hundred are locked, the distance that can be locked is the same as before the upgrade. The same.", "Tian Shou, after the upgrade, the power will be further enhanced, and now even the more powerful Emperor God level powerhouse, Tian Shou can also be directly caught in the holy prison space! After the medical clinic is upgraded, the healing ability will be improved! Can be established! The twelfth-level sky prison also has torture chambers. The twelfth-level sky prison can hold the powerhouse of the Emperor God level. If it is a soul-type life, the twelfth level sky prison can hold the powerhouse of the God-level power. !"

"After the store is upgraded, the items will increase, and the highest value of the items that can be purchased will increase. You can purchase up to one billion monetary points. The holy prison's judgment on an item is also one billion monetary points, which is equivalent to fifty trillion catties of the best spar. !"

"Miao Xian'er, these are just some enhancements of old abilities, shouldn't it be just these?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Don't interrupt, I haven't finished talking yet." Miao Xian'er hummed softly, "Sky Eye, some scanning ability has been restored again, but the scanning distance is only one-tenth of the scanning distance of your mind, compared to Your mind scanning is more concealed. If your mind scanning distance increases, the scanning distance of the sky eye will also increase!"

"Those hundred heavenly guards can be upgraded to the primary level of the Emperor God, and can be strengthened to the high level of the Emperor God!"

"Because you already know that the domain tower can be recognized as the master, now you can make one of your women the master of one of the domain towers. After becoming the master of the domain tower, her memory will be protected by the holy prison, if Someone checks her memory, and the memory in her memory that is not suitable for being known will be immediately hidden. After becoming the owner of the domain tower, the power of the domain tower can be doubled. This double power means that it could have been In the case of winning five people, you can now win ten people. It does not mean that your own power speed has doubled! As the fit with the domain tower increases, the power that can be improved will gradually increase!"

"Your entourage can walk with the holy prison. However, this kind of carrying is not like the Tianwei. It takes a certain amount of money and a small amount of combat points!"

"In the holy prison, you can build a bottle of holy prison heavy artillery, holy prison heavy artillery, can be used to attack the target locked by the holy prison, powerful, each shot needs at least one day to accumulate energy, only one day of energy storage power will be relatively small , If the energy is stored for more than a hundred years, then the power can reach the maximum! The Holy Prison's heavy artillery has the smallest power, which can kill an elementary character of the Emperor God, and now the maximum power can kill a figure of the **** of great perfection! The range of heavy artillery is extremely far! Note: The holy prison heavy artillery needs to absorb the spar to accumulate energy. As the holy prison level increases, the number of holy prison heavy artillery can be increased. Its main function is to deal with diehard criminals. Of course, which person to deal with specifically depends on The holy prison master decides for himself!"

"The domain tower master can practice in the domain tower he belongs to. The training speed is a minimum of 10% bonus. As the fit increases, you can get a maximum of ten times the training speed bonus. Chu Feng, you enter the master's The domain tower also has a training speed bonus, which is the same as the domain tower master!"

"If there is a domain tower with a master, Chu Feng, you can borrow the lowest one-tenth of the power of the owner, and the highest half of the power. If the borrowing force is small, the borrowing time will be longer, and if the borrowing force is large, the borrowing time will be shorter. It depends on the strength gap between the two parties!"

"Okay, no more, it's basically like this, isn't it satisfactory?" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng laughed several times in his mind, and he was really satisfied with this upgrade.

The holy prison has improved, and some old abilities have improved. This improvement is not small, but this is not what makes Chu Feng excited. Chu Feng is excited about having three new abilities. First, scanning reappears, although only One-tenth of his divine mind, but the scanning force is very strong, and very concealed, even the quasi-sage-level powerhouse is estimated to be difficult to find the scanning of the holy prison! Second, the holy prison heavy artillery appeared. It has stored energy for a hundred years, and it can kill a powerful person who is a **** of great perfection in one shot. It is very cool. If it is a figure of the Emperor God level, a few days of energy storage time can be enough. Kill it! There is only one bottle now, and Chu Feng believes that if the holy prison continues to improve, there should be a few more bottles!

Third, Yuta can actually let one of his women recognize the lord. This is the coolest thing. If Yilian is allowed to recognize the lord, then, a quasi-sage-level powerhouse as a helper, he can still borrow half of Yilian at most. The power of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse is half the power, that can definitely be compared to a powerhouse who respects God's Dzogchen! "Miao Xian'er, can Yilian become the master of the domain tower?" Chu Feng took a deep breath and said in his mind.

"Yes, if you become the owner of the Domain Tower, she can leave the Domain Tower No. 7 and go outside. Initially, you can borrow 10% of the Domain Tower's power. You can borrow up to her normal power, but if you borrow half of it, With your current strength, you can only last for five seconds. This kind of borrowing can only be done once in twenty-four hours, otherwise it will cause a lot of harm to Yilian." Miao Xian'er said.

Five seconds, this time is very short, but if you make good use of it, the power of five seconds can do a lot of things! Chu Feng couldn't wait to laugh three times, but now that there are many people around him, this laugh can only be done in his heart.

"Miao Xian'er, upgrade Sky Eyes, Sky Guards, Sky Hands, Clinics, Exchange Counters, Shops. All the Sky Guards in the domain tower are summoned, and they all begin to upgrade to the Emperor God level. After the enhancement is over, let them return to the domain. Cultivate in the tower! Establish the holy prison heavy artillery, and immediately start accumulating energy!" Chu Feng quickly said in his mind, "By the way, can Yilian make her the master of the seventh domain tower now? If so, now Let her be the master of Domain Tower 7!"

"So in the upgrade of things that can be upgraded, Yilian can now become the owner of Domain Tower No. 7, are you sure to let her be the owner of Domain Tower No. 7 now?" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. "OK!" Chu Feng thought for a while. Although the relationship with Feng Bingning and the others is deeper, Yilian is just a latecomer, but Chu Feng still decided to give Yilian this time. This is not to say that he loves Yi more. Lotus, but Yilian is the most suitable!

Yilian is the quasi-sage-level cultivation base. If she becomes the master of the domain tower, she can borrow the power of the domain tower twice. Originally, she can only fight against a quasi-sage-level strong, and borrowing the power of the domain tower But it can fight against two Quasi-Sage level powerhouses at the same time, this can definitely help Chu Feng a lot! Moreover, if Yilian becomes the master of the domain tower, Chu Feng can borrow a stronger power. If Feng Bingning becomes the master of the domain tower, Chu Feng will not be able to improve much by borrowing half of Feng Bingning’s power, but if he borrows Yilian With half of the power, within five seconds, he is not weaker than the strong man who respects the gods and perfection!

Of the eight domain towers, Feng Bingning and the others would have one in Chu Feng's expectation, so it seemed to Chu Feng that the time was a little bit earlier and later!

"Chu Feng, how many domain towers and Yilian will recognize the lord? She was born in the seventh domain tower. If she becomes the master of the seventh domain tower, it will be easier to improve the fit." Miao Xian'er is in Chu. Feng said in his mind.

"Then number seven. By the way, Miao Xian'er, build some twelfth-level sky prisons, which can hold eight people, and some that can only hold one person." Chu Feng said in his mind. Those who imprison eight people can only imprison people of Emperor God level, but those who imprison one person can imprison people of Emperor God level. The gap between them is still relatively large. "Chu Feng, how much is the specific establishment?" Miao Xianer said.

"There are 10,000 sky prisons that can hold eight people, and 50,000 sky prisons at the twelfth level can only hold one person. If the value of kindness and money points are less, then you will die some spars!" Chu Feng said Road in my mind.

With a massive amount of spar, there are many benefits in this regard. If there is no massive amount of spar, the holy prison will not be able to build those many things at this time! !

"No problem, all upgrades and establishments will end within half an hour, but Yilian needs a little bit more time to become the master of Domain Tower 7!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

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