Holy Prison

Chapter 1071: War Book

"Brother Feng, what's the matter? Seeing your frown, this is not like you usually." Lan Wen smiled authentically while massaging Chu Feng's temples.

Chu Feng lay flat with his hands on Lan Wen's thighs. "This time the trouble is not small." Chu Feng sighed authentically. "Brother Feng, is there any trouble that can't be solved? Sister Yilian is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse. Sister Bing Ning and I can't help you at a low level. Feiying has that poison in her body. Dan is not good at helping you, only sister Yilian can help you." Lan Wen laughed.

"Fortunately, there is her. Otherwise, your husband will not only have such a headache this time, it will be a few laps on the other side." Chu Feng said softly, "Aojia Village has provoked the powerhouse of the underworld, although it has long been I know that the underworld is very powerful, but the strength of the underworld is beyond my expectations!"

"How strong is it?" Lan Wen said.

"There are thousands of god-exalted powerhouses who have truly joined the underworld, and the number of god-exalted powerhouses that the underworld can control is more than 20,000!" Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen secretly took a breath, such strength is really terrifying! "Brother Feng, is so strong?" Lan Wen was a little unbelievable. Even if the power of a god-excellent level powerhouse is very strong, there are so many god-level powerhouses in the underworld. "Only strong, not weak." Chu Feng said helplessly.

"Then no wonder you have such a headache. Brother Feng, stop the headache, no matter what, we will face you together." Lan Wen said softly.

"Well, it's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, let it go!" Chu Feng smiled and said, "This day, I don't think it can collapse now! Okay, you practice, I'm out. It should be Austrian. Jiacun’s large defensive array is almost established. As long as there is that large defensive array, even the strongest quasi-sage level can attack for a while!"

"Okay, Brother Feng, I believe you can deal with it." Lan Wen smiled authentically. "It's necessary, let's go." Chu Feng kissed Lan Wen and disappeared into the holy prison space for an instant.

"Chu Feng, it's good for you. We were so busy that we turned around, and you are gone. Are you convicted?" Yilian said authentically. "Convicted and convicted, my wife has worked hard." Chu Feng said with a smile, "Well, the defense formation has been established? How is the defense capability?"

Feiye also came to Chu Feng at this time: "Thanks to Sister Yilian, the defense of Orga Village is much higher than before! Sister Yilian said that even with her strength, she wants to break through Orga. The defense of the village also takes at least half an hour. Even if the attack power is increased three times, the defensive array can defend for about five minutes. If the attack power is increased ten times, it can only defend for about ten seconds, but about ten seconds. Time is enough for us to evacuate!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "That's all right." Song Ye and the others retreated. They must have retreated to Shenchu ​​City. When they thought of Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng's brows wrinkled slightly. If they really fight with the underground palace, then Shenchu The city may not be so safe! There are too many powerhouses in the underworld. Shenchu ​​City now has hundreds of safflowers that have reached the full strength of the gods, but the underworld can control more than 20,000 gods! Even if there are not 20,000, but only 2,000, Shenchu ​​City may not be able to withstand such a strong attack!

"Chu Feng, what's the matter?" Yilian said.

Chu Feng shook Yilian's hand: "Yilian, you need to fight the palace lord of the underworld once, are you sure of winning?" "I have fought against Dark Moon many times, and I have experience in fighting, and Now that the strength is stronger, even if it is impossible to win, defeat is basically impossible." Yilian smiled and said, "When will I fight? I have also fought with a quasi-saint-level person in Dark Moon. To be honest, I have some expectations!"

Chu Feng looked out of the barrier. Outside the barrier, a few people who were not weak were wandering at this time. Although none of them had the strength of a god-level, there was also a god-level one among them. The strong, and the other few, the ones with low strength also reached the middle level of the emperor **** junior!

"Eileen, if you have a battle with the palace lord of the netherworld, it doesn't matter if a few people of the netherworld die. The palace lord of the netherworld will not have a big conflict with you because of a few people of the netherworld! "Chu Feng said with a smile, "Of course, if you can kill the palace lord of the underground palace or seriously injure him, then it would be best!"

Yilian frowned slightly and said: "Palace Lord, he won't appear to fight me?"

"Naturally won't fight you easily, but what if a challenge is delivered to him?" Chu Feng smiled, "He is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse. If the challenge is in front of him, he will definitely fight. War, that kind of battle is very attractive to him! Moreover, he can't shirk, if he shirks, then his resistance to sanctification will be a lot!"

Yilian nodded: "That's true, then, I will prepare a war note?"

"You prepare a piece of paper and write a war word on it. It is enough to contain the war intent on it. I believe that the palace lord of the underground palace will find the war word when he receives it." Chu Feng said, "You wrote that word. Don't use the power of the domain tower at this time, and even your own power is not necessary to use all of it, just 80% of the power is good, if it is too powerful, I am afraid that he dare not come!

"Well, the other party is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse." Yilian smiled, "If the disaster shown is not enough, maybe it won't attract his interest at all."

Chu Feng thought for a while: "Then 90%. He has just recovered from a serious injury. It is estimated that his strength will not be able to fully display." "Okay, then I will prepare." Yilian said as her mind moved, one by one appeared On the square paper, a writing brush appeared in his right hand, and the brush was already stained with black liquid.

Yilian stood still, but her fighting spirit rose rapidly. Around her, Chu Feng felt it was difficult to breathe!


Yilian snorted, and the writing brush in her hand moved, but in the blink of an eye, a big "war" word appeared on the white paper!

The fighting intent on Yilian disappeared, and Chu Feng looked at the fighting intent on the white paper, "Puff!" Under a careful glance, Chu Feng sprayed out a mouthful of blood instantly, and his eyes were full of shock. An extremely fierce fighting intent rushed out from that word of war. Fortunately, he had his eyes in time, otherwise it would be as simple as a spout of blood.

"Chu Feng!" Yilian exclaimed. "It's okay, it's okay." Chu Feng waved his hand, "You really cannot be read by ordinary people."

"You, you are so close, and you look at it carefully, it's strange if you don't receive the impact." Yilian gave Chu Feng a white glance. "This word seems okay." Chu Feng said, taking out a space ring and putting the piece of paper into the space ring. "Yilian, then you should prepare more in the next time and enter the domain tower. Let's do it, cultivate a good fit with Yutaduo!" Chu Feng said.

Yilian nodded, and Chu Feng changed his appearance and condensed his aura immediately outside the barrier. "Borrowing power!" Chu Feng sent a thought to the holy prison. The next moment, Chu Feng felt that a huge force was already integrated into his body and soul in a very short time. Feng felt that his strength had risen directly from the top of the Emperor God to the Emperor God Great Perfection!

This, Chu Feng only borrowed one-tenth of Yilian’s power, but one-tenth of the power easily made him reach the strength of the Emperor God Great Perfection. However, what makes Chu Feng a little regretful is that he borrowed power. After that, his true self skills temporarily disappeared, that is to say, he can exert a stronger power than the general emperor Dzogchen strong, but, imagine that with the true self skills, the more battles become impossible!

The Emperor God Dzogchen's strength is very powerful, and Chu Feng stepped past it, and he was in front of the nearby Emperor God level powerhouse and several Emperor God level powerhouses!

"Are you here to find some people with respect to gods?" Chu Feng said lightly.

That one Emperor God level powerhouse and several Emperor God level powerhouses felt tight. "Yes, yes, we just came to look for them. I don't know where Xiongtai knows where they are?" a high-ranking emperor **** quickly said.

"Dead." Chu Feng said blankly, "A few people with respect to the gods dare to provoke here, it's simply impatient to live!"

"Do you know which power we belong to?" The face of the emperor-level powerhouse changed. "Which force do you belong to? I would like to ask." Chu Feng said lightly.

"I'm afraid you are low in strength, I haven't heard of it." The Emperor God level powerhouse sneered. "It seems that you know the netherworld. If this is the case, then, transfer this spatial ring to the palace master of the netherworld." Chu Feng thought of the spatial ring and appeared in front of him, "I advise you to find a way to hand it in. If you don’t, you cannot afford the consequences."

After saying a word, Chu Feng disappeared in the blink of an eye before that one Emperor God level powerhouse and several Emperor God level powerhouses. "My lord, what's the netherworld?" One of the emperor-level powerhouses was a little confused and authentic. Their level was still a little lower.

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask. Go, let's go back, this matter seems to be beyond our control." The Emperor God level powerhouse said, he said that he took the space ring and immediately flew forward, the rest Several Emperor God level experts looked at each other and quickly followed closely.

Entering the enchantment of Orga Village, Chu Feng looked at Yilian, and Yilian nodded slightly. Without requiring Chu Feng to accept her, she directly entered the domain tower, so close, as a domain tower Master, she still has this little authority, but if she is far away, then she can't directly enter the domain tower, at least at the current level of the sanctuary and her compatibility with the domain tower is impossible!

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