Holy Prison

Chapter 1078: The channel is not accessible

"Look, this is an upward passage, which is some distance away from us." Bruin pointed to a place on the map and said, "We can't go too fast. It will take a few days to get to this place. If If everything goes well, we may be able to go out in ten days."

Chu Feng smiled secretly, going out within ten days, this is simply impossible! The place Bruin was referring to was indeed the passage, but on the side of the passage, there were many powerful mechanical beings. Some of them, Chu Feng, judged that they were much stronger than the crocodile mechanical beast!

With so many powerful mechanical beings on that side, it is extremely difficult to get to the upper level from that side. If they are not careful, the four of them will be finished together.

In Chu Feng’s plan, they have to go from some small passages to the upper level. There are not many such small passages, but they are not without them. Around these small passages, the number of mechanical life is compared with that of the machinery around the main passage. There are far fewer beasts!

"Old Bu, there seems to be a clearing around this passage. If there are powerful mechanical lives around, we have no place to hide, and we will be easily found." Meng Hao frowned. Bruin said helplessly, "What should I do? Do you have a better way? We can only go there, and then figure out whether we can divert the mechanical life there, so that we can go up through the passage. Up."

Jitian Lun said: "There is another problem. The passage may be closed. If it is closed, I don't think we can destroy the passage with our attack power."

Chu Feng murmured in his heart: "Don't worry about this." The passage is for a long time, and they can definitely pass through, but there are too many mechanical beasts on that side.

Chu Feng and the others are just four people. On the other side, through the sky-eye scanning, Chu Feng knew that there were more than 1,000 robots and dozens of that kind of giant mechanical spiders. Besides, there were some other mechanical beings there, such as Three mechanical pythons more than ten meters long, and five mechanical tigers lying and resting.

In addition, there are the most mechanical wolves on that side. There are as many as four to five thousand. They have sharp minions, and there is a muzzle above their head. Chu Feng has no doubt that power can be fired from those muzzles. Powerful bullet! Think about it, four or five thousand mechanical wolves all fired powerful bullets at them. Under such an attack, with their current defense, they would definitely be blasted into scum in an instant!

"I have something to say." Chu Feng frowned and said. "Chu Feng, just tell me if you have something to say, we are on the same boat now." Bruin laughed.

"Then I'll just say it straight." Chu Feng said, "I don't agree with going in the direction of the passage. It doesn't feel good to me. I think there must be powerful mechanical life on the other side, and the number is probably not It will be less!"

Chu Feng's words made Meng Hao and the others frowned. If they discovered this picture at the beginning and then Chu Feng said so, they would definitely disagree, but after coming along, Chu Feng had already confirmed his intuition to them. Very powerful, even more powerful than their intuition. Under such circumstances, Chu Feng's words could not help them to think about it.

"It's a pity that the clone can't advance much distance here, otherwise, you can let the clone go and take a look." Meng Hao said.

"Chu Feng, I believe your intuition, but we still have to go over and take a look. That is our hope of leaving this place the fastest. In other places, even if there is a way to leave, we need to look everywhere. It may not go where it is safe." Bruin said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay, let's take a closer look, but we must be careful and careful. Now everyone should take a break. You won't be able to find such a good opportunity to rest in the future."

Meng Hao and the others nodded and sat down to rest. Although the previous battle did not consume much, it was not a small one. At this time, it is best to recover and fight again.

After a quarter of an hour, Chu Feng and the others left the room. Although the room is temporarily safe, finding the direction to leave as soon as possible and leaving this ghost place is completely out of danger.

Meng Hao and Jitian Lian use the knife, Bruin is holding a sharp sniper spear, and Chu Feng is switching between the sharp sniper pistol and the silver knife. At the beginning, there were some problems with the cooperation between the four. , But slowly, the cooperation between Chu Feng and them quickly improved.

"There may be danger at the corner ahead, Meng Lao is ready to attack, Ji Lao will rescue at any time, Bu Lao guards the left front."

"Second-level threat, you guys must be careful to hide it, I will use the Sniper Gun!"

"There are too many mechanical lives ahead, let's turn!"

Chu Feng and the others kept getting closer, and gradually the power of command fell to Chu Feng. Although Chu Feng's strength was lower, Meng Lao found that the effect of Chu Feng's command was much better than that of them. In this case, in order to survive Naturally, letting Chu Feng command is the most correct choice.

"I think we are only five kilometers away from the passage!" Menghao said with a smile. "The number of mechanical lives seems to be a lot higher." Jitian Lian frowned.

Chu Feng said: "We are already closer now. We'd better find a place with a good view, and then let the clone go out and explore to see how many mechanical lives are on this side."

"Very well, then we will quickly find a place with a good view." Bruin said.

In the next two hours, Chu Feng and the others kept looking for a suitable location. In the end, Chu Feng and the others chose a relatively low house. Although this house is low, the view is good, which makes Chu Feng and the others satisfied. The thing is that the house has several doors to leave, leading to different passages. As long as several passages are not enclosed, they can escape.

"On the other side of the tunnel, there seems to be no mechanical life, Chu boy, this time you are probably feeling wrong." Meng Hao smiled. From them, you can see the situation on the other side of the passage. On the other side of the passage is a level of steps. Each step is 30 or 40 centimeters high and tens of meters long. There is a huge golden gate at the junction of the first floor. The golden gate is half open at this time. If Chu Feng can get there, they can pass through it.

There is a circular open space for thousands of meters around the steps. From Chu Feng and the others, there is no mechanical life in the open space. "This is abnormal." Jitian Lian said solemnly, "In such a large area, there is actually no mechanical mosquito, and there are no other small mechanical lives!"

"It's really abnormal," Bruin said solemnly.

Meng Hao smiled and said, "I said you two were not scared. There is obviously no mechanical life there." Chu Feng said, "Meng Hao, why don't you make a clone, then turn a little bit to enter. Try it in the passage square."

"No problem." Meng Hao said and immediately created a clone. If it is outside, this clone will have the strength of the Emperor God level, but inside, this clone is the strength of the General God level. With a god-level strength, you can beat a mechanical mosquito, but you can't beat a mechanical spider or a mechanical mouse.

However, Chu Feng and the others had already understood a little bit about it, and there was nothing wrong with the task of doing a test.

"Old Meng, the loss of this clone should not have much impact on your strength? If the impact is relatively large, it is better to use robots to test." Chu Feng said that a robot appeared in front of him, and this robot looked similar. Humans are very similar, but in reality it is just a machine that imitates humans. This is the work of one of the researchers in the holy prison space. The strength is not strong but the **** level. In this, it is not weaker than the Menghao Doppelganger!

Meng Hao shook his head: "It's better to use my clone. Although you robot doesn't know if it can draw out some hidden mechanical life, if it can't draw out and then we go out rashly, then we will confess. Here it is!"

"Let's try the effect of the robot first. If there is no movement, Meng Lao, you can use the clone to try it." Chu Feng said. "Alright." Menghao nodded.

The robot had a certain amount of intelligence. Chu Feng immediately gave the robot some commands. One of the doors was opened. The robot that had accepted Chu Feng's command immediately went outside the room.

"I hope there is no mechanical life here." Bruin said softly.

The robot ordered by Chu Feng moved quickly, and it didn't take long for it to reach a point farther from Chu Feng and the others.

"Attention, it's about to start." Chu Feng said softly.

Thousands of meters away, the robot moved in an instant, his speed increased in a very short time and then rushed towards the ladder.

"Roar!" "Hi!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The whole world suddenly became lively. Chu Feng and the others felt that their surroundings were quiet, but when the robot rushed into the passage square, countless voices suddenly entered their ears!

The roar of tigers, the hiss of pythons, and the gunshots of many mechanical wolves above their heads blared into one piece. Various lights flashed, and Chu Feng and the others saw that robot that had just entered the square area was torn by countless powerful forces. In pieces!

Meng Hao swallowed, their eyes were straight at this time, and there were many mechanical lives on the empty passage square.

"Insidious, so insidious, they had hidden their bodies before!" Bruin said softly, "Some of the mechanical beasts are so strong!"

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