Holy Prison

Chapter 1090: Wang Hua, kill

"Patriarch, this time I am following the order of the palace lord to discuss something with Patriarch." Wang Hua said. Shi Han stretched out his hand: "Well, Brother Wang Hua, please sit down."

Wang Hua sat down, and his maid offered tea immediately. "Patriarch Shi, my Wang Yuan Mansion already has enough evidence to prove one thing." Wang Hua stared at Shi Han's eyes.

As Shi Han drank the tea, Wang Hua saw that Shi Han had no intention to speak and continued: "Chu Feng’s younger brother Chu Long is now in Shijiabao, and he has a close relationship with the donor, your beloved daughter. The donor must know, My Wang Yuan Mansion and Chu Feng are incompatible with fire and water. The Palace Lord meant that he hoped that the Shi Patriarch would put Chu Long over to our Wang Yuan Mansion for the disposal of the two forces' peace!"

"What if I don't follow Shi Jiabao?" Shi Han squinted.

Wang Hua said with a chuckle: "Patriarch Shi, although you are the current Patriarch of the Shi family, but if the whole Shi family is in danger because of your own woman, I think it's not just me who disagrees with the Shi family. Many others will not agree!"

There was a knock on the door. "Patriarch, the second elder and the fourth elder, please see me." The voice of a woman outside the door rang. Shi Han's face turned solemnly and said, "Please come in, two elders."

The door opened, and an old man in a red robe and another old man in a purple robe entered the room. "Patriarch." The two elders who came in nodded to Shi Han.

"Two elders, don't know what's going on here?" Shi Han said solemnly, with a little bit of anger in his tone. Shi Han has already understood that Wang Yuanfu can know that Chu Long and the others are in Shijiapu In Shi’s family, I’m afraid that there is internal leakage of information in Shi’s family, and the leakage of information is likely to be the two elders in front of them. Even if it is not them, they definitely have a certain relationship with them!

"Patriarch, we heard that the family was mainly due to an outsider, and then went to war with Wang Yuan Mansion?" the red-robed old man said, "Patriarch, today we are here because we want the Patriarch to hand over that foreigner out of the family's safety. !"

"Brother Wang Hua, so, what you mean by coming today is to inform me the Shi family, if we don't make friends with the Shi family, then Wang Yuan Mansion will go to war with my Shi family, right?" Shi said coldly.

Wang Hua said indifferently: "Patriarch Shi, the two forces are fighting, and there will be countless deaths and injuries by then. It is neither my wish nor the wish of the Lord Wang Yuan Mansion. But Chu Feng is the mortal enemy of our Wang Yuan Mansion. If the Shi family insists on If you protect Chu Long’s younger brother, then Palace Lord’s meaning is that a battle is inevitable!"

"Patriarch, think twice!" said the purple-robed old man. He said a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand, "Patriarch, this is what some people in the family mean."

Shi Han took the jade slip, and his consciousness penetrated into the jade slip. "Patriarch, don't come to my house because of an outsider!"

"Please think twice!"

"Patriarch, take the family first!"

Inside the jade slips are images one after another, and what those people say in the images all mean the same thing. "Pop!" Shi Han smashed the jade slip on the ground. Under his smash, the jade slip was naturally shattered. "The two elders are interested. I have two elders in the Shi family who care about family matters like this. It is really fortunate for my Shi family!" Shi Lengchun smiled.

"Patriarch, fornicating with outsiders, this is our fault. We are willing to accept punishment from the family, but we don't want the Patriarch to go deeper and deeper on the wrong path!"

"Patriarch, now Chu Long is not married to Shi Yan. It is not difficult to separate them. I hope Patriarch makes a wise decision!"

Shi Han said angrily: "Fuzzy, the two elders are really confused! Two elders, I tell you very clearly, as long as I have Shi Han on the seat of the lord for one day, the Shi family will not hand over Chu Long to the Wang Yuan Mansion! If the two elders think that Shi Han is not worthy to be the head of the Patriarch, then give me a hundred years. After a hundred years, a general election will be held to elect another Patriarch who is more competent!"

"Patriarch, forgive Wang Mou bluntly, you are not a qualified Patriarch." Wang Hua said indifferently. "Brother Wang Hua, I'm Shi Han's short-sighted, or your Wang Yuan Mansion provokes an offensive person. Time will naturally prove everything." Shi Lenglen smiled and said, although Chu Feng has not yet come, he knows Chu Feng was not dead at this time. Shi Han still knew some of Chu Feng’s energy. When Wang Yuan Mansion and Chu Feng fought, he was not optimistic that Wang Yuan Mansion could win. Therefore, even if there is no relationship with Shi Yan, Shi Han Will also make the decision to protect Chu Long!

"Uncle Shi, who said you were short-sighted, Chu Feng was the first to disagree." Chu Feng's chuckle voice sounded in the room.

Shi Han's expression changed slightly, and Wang Hua stood up all of a sudden, and all the spirits of several people were released. Chu Feng had already appeared outside Shijiapu at this time.

Through the eyes of the sky, Chu Feng had just clearly seen everything happening inside. "Chu Feng!" Wang Hua hurried towards the door of Shijiapu.

Wang Hua made a move. Although Chu Feng's carelessness surprised him, he did not believe that Chu Feng's life could not be taken with his own high-level strength!

Chu Feng waved his hand, and a ray of law flew out and merged with the surrounding space. Wang Hua was immediately imprisoned in a small space, which was not large, but for Wang Hua, it was extremely Vast, he is inside, even if he flies at the fastest speed, he will not be able to reach the edge of the space for hundreds of years!

Wang Hua’s attack fell towards Chu Feng. He was very close to Chu Feng, but because he was in that small space, in fact, his attack would not fall to Chu after a hundred years. On Feng's body, that is, without breaking through that small space, it would be impossible for him to attack Chu Feng!

Wang Hua quickly discovered the strangeness. He attacked with all his strength, but with his god-respecting and advanced strength, it would be impossible to break this small world of laws within a few minutes!

Previously, Menghao broke through Chu Feng’s small world with only three attacks. However, how can Wang Hua’s strength be compared to Menghao? Menghao has already reached the Quasi-Holy level initially, and Wang Hua, he is only There is a huge gap between the high-level of the gods, the high-level of the gods and the great perfection of the gods, let alone the quasi-saint level!

"Chu Feng!" Shi Han was also able to get outside, he cried happily, Chu Feng is here, then Chu Long must be saved, and once Chu Long is saved, Shi Yan won't have to die!

"Uncle Shi." Chu Feng nodded to Shi Han. As for the two elders of the Shi family, Chu Feng did not have them. Although from their point of view, they did nothing wrong, but Chu Long is his own brother after all. They want Shi Han to hand over Chu Long, it is a violation of Chu Feng’s taboo, if it is not for Shi Han’s For the sake of face, Chu Feng will definitely teach them these two old guys!

"Chu Feng, you," Shi Han said in surprise, even if he made a move, it would not be possible to imprison Wang Hua easily, but now Wang Hua seems to be unable to escape Chu Feng's palm at all! "Wang Hua, I, Chu Feng, seems to be very easy to deal with in your Wang Yuan Mansion's eyes." Chu Feng's voice reached Wang Hua's ears.

A look of horror appeared in Wang Hua's eyes, and Chu Feng's strength far exceeded his estimation. "Damn, didn't the intelligence say that there is absolutely no emperor-level cultivation base? There is no emperor-level cultivation base, can you easily trap me like this?" Wang Hua cursed secretly in his heart. "Chu Feng, if Wang Yuan Mansion and you let go of all the previous hatred, what do you think?" Wang Hua said while attacking.

"Hahahaha!" Chu Feng laughed, "Wang Hua, this is the funniest joke I've heard in these years. When you Wang Yuanfu thinks you can kill me, then deal with it without compromise. I, when you think I am not so easy to deal with, just negotiate?"

"Even if Wang Hao kneels in front of me and begs me, I and Wang Yuan Mansion are immortal!" Chu Feng said coldly, he immediately borrowed his power, and in just a short time, Chu Feng's cultivation was from the peak of the Emperor God. Go straight to the peak of the gods. "Die!" Chu Feng slapped him down.

Being in that small world of laws, Wang Hua had no ability to dodge Chu Feng's palm, and this palm fell on Wang Hua's head easily.

The attack from the peak of the gods directly fell on the head of a senior person of the gods, and the possibility of the second result was extremely low, and Wang Hua's Qiqiao died instantly!

Before Shi Han and the two elders of the Shi family, some other people looked at Chu Feng in shock, "Is that really a god-level powerhouse in the Wang Yuan Mansion? It's too weak, right? Slap to death!"

"That is, I don't know how to dodge, I guess it's not a strong person at the exalted **** level, but if it's not a strong person at the exalted **** level, the patriarch and them"

Some people with weak strength can't see the mystery at all. They only think that Wang Hua's strength is very low, but the strong people, such as Shi Han and Shi Han's two elders, are very shocking.

Chu Feng's strength unexpectedly rose to the peak of the deity in that very short time, his attack power was strong, and Wang Hua couldn't dodge in that small world of laws, so Wang Huacai fell suddenly. Therefore, it is not that Wang Hua's strength is low, it is not that he is stupid and does not evade, but that he simply cannot withstand such an attack, and cannot evade such an attack at all!

Shi Han and the two elders thought to themselves for a moment. If they change their positions with Wang Hua, they will quickly come to the result. If they are in that situation, they will have the same result. Therefore, if Chu Feng If you want to kill them, it will be as easy as killing Wang Hua!

"The two elders, don't know whether to hand over my brother, haha." Chu Feng smiled slightly. "No" The two elders stepped back in shock by Chu Feng's simple sentence. Realizing this, the faces of the two elders were flushed.

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