Holy Prison

Chapter 1097: Don't leave one

Many people who escaped from Wang Yuancheng were imprisoned by Menghao and their three quasi-saint-level powerhouses. In Wang Yuancheng, many people were in fear, but some people were grateful, but when those people were grateful, the entire Wang Yuancheng Hidden offensive objects appeared in many places.

"No, no!" A king-shen-level person in Wang Yuan Mansion said in horror. He saw a triangular spire popping up on the street not far from him. He is no stranger to this spire. Last time he I also saw this spire, Wang Yuan Mansion killed 40-50 million people that time!

Attack, the entire Wang Yuan City, countless places attacked, all kinds of attacks were like a sickle of death, killing many diehards belonging to Wang Yuan Mansion.

In just an instant, at least hundreds of thousands of people belonging to Wang Yuan’s Mansion died under various attacks. After a little bit of time, the number of deaths continued to rise. Ten seconds away, in Wang Yuan City. The number of people in Wang Yuan Mansion has reached six or seven million!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I just joined Wang Yuan Mansion!"


Ten seconds later, all the attacks ceased. Many people belonging to Wang Yuan's Mansion screamed, but they soon discovered that this attack hadn't killed them!

"Chu Feng, how do they deal with it?" Meng Hao said. Many people who had escaped from Wang Yuancheng were gathered by Meng Hao. These people are not too many, but there are hundreds of them. Each of them has a relatively high level of cultivation. Among them, those with low cultivation base also have Wangshen's primary cultivation base.

"Spare! We will definitely not be your enemy!"

One of the powerhouses of the Emperor God level begged. "Meng Lao, kill them all." Chu Feng said solemnly. It would be fine for some people in Wang Yuan Mansion's lower cultivation base to leave them a life, but these people, their cultivation bases are not low, if they are left behind. , Then there is likely to be no small trouble.

"Yeah." Meng Hao nodded, and the three quasi-sage-level powerhouses started their hands. These hundreds of people were all obliterated and turned into nothingness in just a second or two!

"All the people who belong to Wang Yuan Mansion will go outside the east gate of Wang Yuan City. Those who disobey will die!" Chu Feng's cold voice sounded throughout Wang Yuan City.

In Wang Yuan City, many people in Wang Yuan Mansion were fortunate not to have died, and all their faces changed when they heard this order. "Within five minutes, anyone who hasn't gotten outside the east gate of Wang Yuancheng, die!" Chu Feng added, Wang Yuancheng is very large, but the people of the abyss generally have a relatively high level of cultivation. In five minutes, even if it is cultivation The lowest person can reach the east gate of Wangyuan City from the west!

"That's Chu Feng, Wang Yuan Mansion is really pitiful. He got into such a character."

"Poor shit, Wang Yuan Mansion asked for this. I know a little bit about Wang Yuan Mansion and Chu Feng. Back then, Chu Feng's cultivation base was very low. Wang Yuan Mansion arrested Chu Feng's parents and his younger brother and threatened him. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng rescued his parents and younger brother from Wang Yuancheng. After coming down again and again, the conflict between Wang Yuanfu and Chu Feng deepened."

"Wang Yuan Mansion is indeed domineering, but this Chu Feng is not easy to provoke. I don't know how many people in Wang Yuan Mansion died in Chu Feng's hands."

As time passed by, many people in Wang Yuan City were talking about it. At the east gate of Wang Yuan City, people belonging to Wang Yuan Mansion continued to gather, although many people who belonged to Wang Yuan Mansion before left Wang Yuan City, and the magical Shu The attack also killed millions of people in Wang Yuan Mansion, but at this time seven or eight million people gathered outside the East Gate of Wang Yuan Mansion!

Five minutes passed quickly, and most of the people belonging to Wang Yuan's Mansion left Wang Yuan City to get to the east gate, but some people in Wang Yuan City were lucky enough to stay.

"Magic Shu, the time has come, kill all the people who belong to Wang Yuan Mansion who have not come out of Wang Yuan City at this time." Chu Feng's voice sounded inside Wang Yuan City again.

A lot of attacks sounded in Wang Yuancheng, and some lucky people fell into a pool of blood. As the intelligent mastermind of Wang Yuancheng, the demon is clear about who belongs to Wang Yuan’s mansion. Yes, it is impossible for those people to be fooled!

Outside the east gate of Wang Yuan City, Chu Feng stood in the air, and those people belonging to Wang Yuan Mansion stood on the ground. There were millions of people, and there was a sea of ​​people, but at this time, all those people were full of horror. Lulu, they knew that their destiny was not under their control at all, but in Chu Feng's thoughts!

Chu Feng didn't use his divine sense. Through the scanning of the sky's eyes, Chu Feng clearly discovered that some people had deep hatred in their eyes. "I know that many of you hate me, but I don't care, because all of you who hate me will soon die!" Chu Feng said lightly.

"Now, give you a chance, those who hate me, commit suicide, suicide can save the last bit of dignity, escape, presumably you also know that it is impossible!"

"Chu Feng, you **** it!"

"Chu Feng, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely not let you go, ah!"

"Chu Feng, you bastard, I curse you to die much worse than us by then hahaha!"

Chu Feng watched quietly, many of the millions of people cursed in their mouths and then chose to commit suicide. Among them, let alone a god-level master, there was not even an emperor god-level powerhouse. It was impossible. After some people took the lead, more people chose to commit suicide!

In just three minutes, at least 200,000 of the millions of people had ended their lives. "No one chooses to commit suicide, right? In this case, all people must not resist hypnosis, and the rebels die. Under hypnosis, I will only ask one question, do you hate me? If it is hate, then I am sorry!" Chu Feng faintly typical.

"Meng Lao, Bu Lao, Ji Lao, please." Chu Feng said to Meng Hao and the others. With Chu Feng's cultivation base, even if they did not resist, it would be more difficult to hypnotize so many people at once. But with Menghao's quasi-sage-level cultivation base, hypnotizing these millions of people is not an impossible task.

Meng Hao and the others nodded, and the three of them used hypnotic methods individually. With their cultivation base, hypnosis could not be mastered.

Millions of people, some people knew that they could not resist hypnosis. For such people, Chu Feng and Chu Long did not keep their hands. The two attacked and killed hundreds of people in a short time, except for this. Except for hundreds of people, the rest were already hypnotized by Menghao and the others after ten seconds!

"Chu Feng, don't worry, a little more time, we will give them deep hypnotism." Bruin said. "Oh, good." Chu Feng nodded, deeply hypnotized, the result of the question will be more accurate.

After another half a minute passed, the millions of people had all fallen into deep hypnosis. "Chu Feng, you can ask, just ask." Bruin said.

"Look at me!" Chu Feng said solemnly, Meng Hao and the others had already made the millions of people obey Chu Feng's orders. At this time, when Chu Feng spoke out, the millions of people all looked at Chu Feng.

"Do you hate me? Those who hate me fly a hundred meters!" Chu Feng said, his voice spread into the minds of millions of people, and soon, more than half of them flew up. The remaining people just stayed in place. "There are really many who hate me." Chu Feng mocked himself.

"Three brothers, kill the people who are flying, and let those who haven't been flying know that I killed these people!" Chu Feng said.

Meng Hao and the others nodded, and the three attacked at the same time. Those people did not resist, but in the blink of an eye, more than three million people who flew into the sky died under Meng Hao's attack.

"You guys, do you hate me now?" Chu Feng said again, "Those who hate me, fly!"

Just over three million people died, and many of the remaining three million people immediately flew into the sky. "Brother, if this goes on, I'm afraid it will be impossible to kill." Chu Long said softly.

"Xiaolong, what do you mean?" Chu Feng said.

"Kill all!" Chu Long took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Brother, on Earth, hundreds of millions of people died. My parents almost died in Wang Yuancheng. I know that some of them are more Innocent, but those who died on Earth are equally innocent.

Chu Feng said quietly, "Xiaolong, I'm thinking, you and Shi Yan are about to get married, don't carry the **** to the end at this time."

Chu Long was taken aback for a moment: "Brother, thank you. But I don't want to let them go."

"Meng Lao, Bu Lao, Ji Lao, trouble." Chu Feng said.

Meng Hao and the others nodded, and the three of them did it. The remaining three million people were all killed in a short time. Such a scene was so shocking that some people who came to watch the excitement were dumbfounded. A lot of millions of people can survive, but I didn't expect all of them to be executed!

Killing those people, leaving some stunned people nearby, Chu Feng and the others entered Wang Yuan City in a short time.

"Chu Feng, I have obtained the full authority of Wang Yuancheng." Chu Feng and the others appeared in the city lord's mansion, and the voices of the demon rang around Chu Feng and them.

Mo Shu's voice fell, and her phantom appeared beside Chu Feng and them. "Brother, who is she?" Chu Long and the others looked at Mo Shu in surprise.

Chu Feng smiled and introduced: "She is Wang Yuancheng's intelligent mastermind Shushu, Shushu, and he is my brother Chu Long. As for them, they are my friends, Menghao, Bruin, and Jitianyu."

"Hello." Magic Shu smiled authentically. "Oh, hello, hello." Chu Long said. Chu Feng greeted Chu Long and they all sat down: "Moshu, you have full authority to talk about some of the current situation in Wang Yuancheng."

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