Holy Prison

Chapter 1101: Fengman's apology

Chu Feng's slap was slapped, and the purple-clothed woman was stunned, and the Feng Clan experts who had gathered were also stunned, even Feng Bingning was stunned.

It is not uncommon for a god-level powerhouse to slap a god-level figure, but if a god-level person slaps a god-level person, this is so rare!

"Ah, you hit me!" The purple-clothed woman screamed. She speeded up and attacked Chu Feng. Of course, the intensity of the attack was also increased, but in the eyes of people outside Chu Feng's small world of laws , The attack of that purple-clothed woman was really slow!

With such an attack speed, let alone hitting an Emperor God level person, even a gold level person, it is impossible to be hit by her!

"You owe it!" Chu Feng sneered. At this time, the purple-clothed woman was already defensive. Chu Feng's silver knife appeared in the small world of Law, and it was just a person of middle-level **** who was attacking by the silver knife. Next, the purple-clothed woman's defense was completely shattered within a few seconds!

The silver knife hit the purple-clothed woman's forehead, and the purple-clothed woman's face was extremely ugly. She couldn't wait to slap Chu Feng to death, but at this time she could only stop moving. She could feel the silver knife's power. As long as Chu Feng controlled it a little bit forward, it was estimated that she could take her life!

At this moment, the faces of the people who came from the Feng Clan were really wonderful, unbelievable, weird, angry, and doubtful. "Woman, if you are not welcome, I will kill you." Chu Feng said coldly, his mind moved. The silver knife was collected, and the small world of the law was temporarily included in his body.

"You" the woman in purple wanted to get angry, but thinking about what had just happened, she was really scared, she really didn't understand, how could Chu Feng, a person at the peak of the Emperor God, be able to beat her so easily An intermediate powerhouse who respects God! Since when, the people of the Emperor God level are actually so awesome.

"Chu Feng, what happened on this side should have nothing to do with you. You can go to Phoenix Ridge with Feng Bing first." The yellow-robed old man coughed lightly.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I don't even bother to do something like that. By the way, I don't know if you know one thing. Now in the abyss, even people of the Emperor God level are likely to reach the outside world. If so. If it is the hands of people from the abyss, then it will be much more difficult to count the opponent's head with divination and other methods! If the opponent still has treasures in hand, the possibility of divination and other methods is even lower. "

"Can the people of the Emperor God level get outside in the abyss?" The Feng Clan people were all startled, they really didn't know the news.

"Yes, all right, you can check it slowly, Bing Ning, let's go." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning nodded, and Chu Feng and the others quickly disappeared within Phoenix City. "Really, it's possible that the Emperor God level people in the abyss can get outside?"

"Chu Feng shouldn't lie to us with such a thing, it's true in all likelihood! But this thing is not necessarily done by the people of the abyss."

"How can Chu Feng's strength be so strong? I think his cultivation base is the peak of the Emperor God, but his combat power, when will he reach the peak of the Emperor God, he was only at the beginning of the Emperor God before, and he has risen so fast. !"

As soon as Chu Feng left, those from the Feng clan discussed that the purple-clothed woman had an ugly face, "I think that Chu Feng has some treasure in his hand. His cultivation level is not strong, but it is not weak anymore. Baby's words"

"Shut up, is it time to discuss Chu Feng's strength? Let us all focus our attention on finding the murderer!" The purple-clothed woman said coldly.

Slowly flying towards Phoenix Ridge, Feng Bingning said with some doubts: "Feng, your strength." When Chu Feng was in the abyss, Feng Bingning had been practicing, so she didn't know the growth of Chu Feng's strength. , I don’t know that Menghao and the others have reached the quasi-sage level cultivation base now!

"This time, there was a bit of adventure on the side of the abyss, and the strength has increased a lot. In addition, the three of Lao Meng and the three of them have reached the Quasi-Sage level. This news will not be said for the time being." Chu Feng said in a voice transmission.

Feng Bingning's face showed surprise. She didn't know how much Chu Feng's strength had improved. It was not too happy in this regard, but Meng Hao and the others had improved to the Quasi-Sage level. This is a happy event, the three Quasi-Sage level experts. , That strength.

"Feng, Lao Meng and their strength have reached the Quasi-Sage level, they are still willing to protect you for ten thousand years?" Feng Bingning suddenly thought of a little, "Hey, no, how do you call Lao Meng? The youngest?"

"You are attentive," Chu Feng said with a smile, "In the past few years, the abyss has encountered some dangers. I lived and died with Lao Meng for a few years, so now I am a very good friend. Even if ten thousand years pass, if I need them to help me a little bit. I guess they won't refuse. Besides, my strength now is a little bit higher than you think."

"How tall? Senior?" Feng Bingning guessed. She couldn't tell that the purple-clothed woman was intermediate-level, but she could tell that the purple-clothed woman should have the strength of the god-level. Her guess is that the strength of the gods is the elementary level. Even if the strength of the gods is the intermediate level, it is estimated that she can't win a person who is the junior of the gods so lightly, so Feng Bingning guessed that Chu Feng's strength should reach the high level of the gods .

Chu Feng said with a smile: "It's even higher. With my current strength, even from the hands of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, I can usually escape my life. Now is the age when a saint can't be born. So, you Don’t worry about my safety."

"Ah!" Feng Bingning exclaimed, her eyes full of incredible expressions, and she could escape her life from a quasi-sage-level expert. The strength of these words is extremely strong!

Feng Bingning knew that even a strong man who respected the gods and perfected himself, facing a quasi-sage, the chance of escaping his life is very low. What Chu Feng said, it means that the strength he can exert is at least not Dzogchen below the gods!

"Feng, are you serious?" Feng Bingning said in surprise. "My wife, what did I lie to you for?" Chu Feng smiled, "It's just that I can only achieve that strength in a short time, and I can't hold it for too long, but generally speaking, there is no problem with using it to escape."

"By the way, Xiaolong and Shi Yan married on June 6th of the Queen's Year. Don't delay your training on the Feng Clan's side for too long." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning smiled and said: "This time there is really a lot of good news. Chu Long and the others have been together for a long time, and they also need to get married. Wang Yuanfu's affairs seem to be resolved."

Chu Feng and the others talked and laughed, although they flew slowly, they approached Phoenix Ridge after more than ten minutes. "Chu Feng!" Feng Man's voice rang, and her figure appeared next to Chu Feng and the others.

"Clan Chief Feng." Chu Feng said lightly.

Feng Man looked at Chu Feng with surprise in his eyes: "I heard that you actually defeated Ge Li in a short time. It seems that you have made considerable progress!"

"No way, if I don't make progress faster, won't my wife be taken away by outsiders again?" Chu Feng said calmly.

"The patriarch." Feng Bingning bowed slightly, "Feng, the patriarch is still good, speak well." Chu Feng's face was a little slow, he didn't need to look at Feng Man's face, but Feng Bingning said so. Naturally, Feng Bingning should not be embarrassed. "Bing Ning doesn't need to be polite." Feng Man said that with a thought, a barrier formed around him.

After hesitating for a while, Feng Man unexpectedly bowed to Chu Feng and bowed a salute: "Chu Feng, there is something wrong with the Feng Clan in the previous matter, so I still look at Haihan!"

Chu Feng was taken aback. He really didn't expect Feng Man to apologize to him in this way. You must know that Feng Man is the leader of the Feng clan and his status is respected. Now, although he has shown considerable strength, he is performing now. The strength that came out should not be enough to make Feng Man like this.

"Clan Chief Feng, what do you mean?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Feng Man said with a faint smile: "Chu Feng, I am the patriarch of the Feng clan. The old patriarch chose me back then. That was a great affirmation of me. I can't live up to her expectations. You were too weak to be worthy of. Shang Bing Ning, at that time you were with Bing Ning, and there were other wives. That was a humiliation to my Feng Clan. Although I know that it’s not good to break you apart forcibly, I’m sitting in this seat. , There are some things I must do!"

"Now your strength is strong. If I don't apologize, you will not be able to get rid of it. If that happens, it will be unfavorable to my Feng Clan. This is what I must do as the patriarch of the Feng Clan."

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that Chief Feng, you know more than I previously estimated." Chu Feng didn't conceal the things in the abyss. Although there are not many people in the abyss, it must be. There are some, it is not surprising that Fengman knows some things in the abyss.

Feng Man nodded and did not deny. She was sure that she knew something about Chu Feng in the abyss. She didn't believe it at first, but before Chu Feng defeated Ge Li, she was basically sure that the news was true.

"Clan Chief Feng, do you think that if you apologize, the anger in my heart will disappear? If this is the case, then there will be no fighting between heaven and earth." Chu Feng snorted coldly.

Feng Man said: "Chu Feng, we will talk about this later, let Bing Ning go to practice first!" "Patriarch, let me listen." Feng Bing Ning said, she was really worried that Chu Feng was in Phoenix. Here Ling fought with the Feng clan.

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