Holy Prison

Chapter 1127: Whip each other

Chu Feng thought for a while, but there was no result. There were too many strong and weak enemies. I think that when he got married, there were hundreds of people who came to trouble him!

"Chu Feng, don't think about it, you can't think of it, you make a poisonous oath, if I tell you you will give me a happy one!" Feng Yi said solemnly.

"Speaking of it, I can give you a month to live comfortably, and your injury will be treated similarly to you, otherwise you can keep it. Anyway, I am not in a hurry for such a thing. If I have a relationship with him If someone conflicts, he will definitely appear." Chu Feng said lightly.

"Impossible!" Chu Feng thought, Feng Qingyang appeared beside him. "Grandpa" Feng Qingyang exclaimed, Feng Yi was burned by the Emperor God, the suppressed and painful voice made him feel stunned. "Chu Feng, you don't want Feng Bingning to fail when Ying Po comes back," Feng Qingyang said solemnly.

Zhou Wen waved his hand and slapped it in the face: "His grandma, Feng Qingyang, your kid also put on a fart costume for the uncles to tell you the good news that the sister-in-law's heroic spirit has returned, so I won't bother you in this regard. Heart!"

Feng Qingyang's face changed drastically, this was their only hope of survival right now, but it was so broken. "Chu Feng, there is a saint-level powerhouse in our line, grandpa, did you tell them this one? Chu Feng, if you kill us, you will definitely not escape to death by then!" Feng Qingyang shouted in fear in his heart Tao.

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Don't worry, why am I willing to kill you? Your grandpa begged me to kill him, I don't even have such interest!"

"Feng Qingyang, you were brave last time, Feng Yi, didn't you?" Chu Feng smiled evilly, and Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang's expressions became very ugly. What happened last time cannot be compared to Feng Qingyang or Feng Yi. It was a great shame. Under the strong effect of the distraction, the chrysanthemums of both sides were brutally exploded by the other side!

"Jiejie, Boss, at that time, under the influence of the distracted feelings, their memory was not too clear. They should have been recorded? Give them a replay?" Zhou Wen sat down and drank a little wine with a weird smile.

As soon as Chu Feng waved his hand, the scene at the time reappeared, "Chu Feng child, you deceived too much" Feng Yi roared and saw the scene again, because it was in a sober state, that kind of "stimulation" "The feeling is naturally stronger! "Chu Feng!" Feng Qingyang gritted his teeth!

"Boss, I think Feng Qingyang can also enjoy this emperor sacred fire, just let his grandfather enjoy it, what is it like?" Zhou Wen smiled.

Chu Feng's mind moved the emperor's magic lamp to Feng Qingyang: "Feng Qingyang, it's very easy to use, just breathe lightly at it, use it to burn Fengyi, ten minutes later, replace it with Fengyi and burn you. If If you burn each other can’t satisfy me, then you can enjoy it together!"

"Chu Feng, you" Feng Qingyang said in anger. "If you don't use it, do whatever you want. If you use it, only one of you will enjoy the painful taste at all times. If you don't use it, enjoy it all the time!" Chu Feng said lightly, "Right, fat man, give the whip to Feng It is too monotonous to just enjoy the fire of the Emperor God. At least one whip must be drawn out every three seconds. If it is less, if it is lighter, then one less whip will be a thousand whip!"

"Hey, Feng Qingyang, it's yours!" Zhou Wen also threw the whip in front of Zhou Wen. "Chu Feng, you should just kill me!" Feng Qingyang was a little mad, and went to burn Feng Yi himself and flog Feng Yi. Under normal circumstances, he really lacks such courage!

"Feng Qingyang, I guess you don't have an audience, so it's not easy to start, so I'll find some audience for you!" Chu Feng said in a short period of time. This space seems to have become an Colosseum. , The images of people in many other spaces appeared. Those people were naturally from Feng Yi's line. They were shocked when they saw the picture of Chu Feng and the others here.

"Chu Feng, you demon, come again!"

"Chu Feng, kill us!"

"Chu Feng, treat the Great Elder like this, you must die!"

Many people's voices passed into Chu Feng's ears, and Chu Feng's place suddenly became very lively. "Shut up to me, otherwise, you will come up to act in person!" Chu Feng said lightly. With a word of his, the countless people who called the station immediately closed their mouths obediently, in front of so many people, if they were **** ,that.

"Chu Feng, scholars can be killed but not insulted!" Feng Yi said authentically. "Yeah, old miscellaneous fur, you are still a scholar, you are an ancestor, you are not a human now, but a beast, you know? No, right? How can I say that beast, you old miscellaneous fur is simply not as good as a beast !" Zhou Wen scolded!

"Fatty, don't get angry with him, it's not worth it." Chu Feng smiled and said, "Come on, let's drink, ten minutes will pass soon, if Feng Qingyang didn't do it, then he would find someone else, so many people. , There are always people willing to do it, but in that case, their suffering time will be doubled."

"I mean, drinking and drinking!" Zhou Wen toasted and then touched Chu Feng.

Time passed by, and when about half of the time passed, Feng Qingyang's voice trembled a little and said, "Grandpa, for your own good, I am offended."

Feng Yi's old face twitched. He had planned to let Feng Qingyang do it, but he didn't expect Feng Qingyang to speak before he could speak. This was much more uncomfortable than if he spoke himself!

Feng Qing raised his whip, and the whip immediately drew on Feng Yi's body, "Ah!" Feng Yi didn't scream, but many people who watched screamed.

"Feng Qingyang, you only have such a small amount of strength? One thousand whips, within ten minutes, you must draw a thousand more Fengyi whips. If there are any more light ones, the same is true. In addition, you will have a thousand more whips later. !" Chu Feng said indifferently. "I'm not alive anymore, isn't it just a dead person, ah!" Feng Qingyang roared, and he instantly blew himself up. This time Chu Feng did not stop it. A strong energy storm appeared, but in the holy prison space, those energy storms It can't expand at all!

In just a short time, the energy storm subsided, and then Feng Qingyang's soul appeared in a daze. "How could this happen, how could this happen?" Feng Qingyang's face was full of incredible expressions.

"Qingyang, it's useless, you can't commit suicide here!" Feng Yi said. "No, no!" Feng Qingyang screamed. He chose his soul to explode, but the souls that exploded quickly gathered again. Here, the soul power will not leave any bit, Chu Feng, a holy prison. The owner did not agree, they absolutely have no right to decide their own life or death!

"How could this be"

Seeing Feng Qingyang's self-destruction and recovery again and again, the faces of the rest of Feng Yi's line in the remaining small spaces became ugly, and they couldn't even decide on death. This one is really terrible! If you can decide your own life and death, you can still choose to die if you can't bear it, but now, you can only endure endless pain!

"Qing Yang!" Feng Yi shouted in a low voice. If there is any delay, then he will enjoy the pain all the time. In contrast, it is obviously better to enjoy it in turn.

"Grandpa, how could this be? How could it be?" Feng Qingyang was terrified. Some time ago, he was still the core figure of the Feng clan, and his cultivation reached the Emperor God level. His future was limitless, but now there is not much time that has passed. Being a prisoner can't even decide on life or death!

"This is what God has done, it is forgivable, it is self-inflicted, and you cannot live!" Zhou Wen smiled and said, "Feng Qingyang, ten minutes is about to pass. If I were you, I would immediately do it."

"Grandpa, offended!"

Feng Qingyang cursed in his heart and blew a sigh of relief at the emperor lamp. The emperor lamp was not controlled by him, but it was okay for Chu Feng to let him have this little right! A thin flame was blown out by Feng Qingyang and fell on Feng Yi's body. Feng Yi bit his teeth and immediately revealed an expression of pain.

The whip was raised, and Feng Qing drew one whip to Feng Yi's body. If one whip was lightened, then both of them would be given a thousand whips. This punishment is too heavy, so he will definitely not give him this whip. There will be any release of water, and the special whip will be drawn to Feng Yi's body, which will definitely hurt the soul!

"Fatty, when I get to the shore, I will go to the East China Sea Dragon Clan first. If you don't want to go out, then you can practice here. If you want, you can go for a walk." Chu Feng smiled.

"Donghai Dragon Clan borrowed the Longyin Bell for you. This love is not small, it really needs to be paid back, boss, how do you plan to pay back this love?" Zhou Wendao.

Chu Feng shook his head: "I haven't figured it out yet. Let's talk about it when we arrive at the East China Sea Dragon King. Let's see what the East China Sea Dragon King has. With my current strength, the East China Sea Dragon should still be able to do it if it has any requirements."

"The world has changed. I think that when we reached infinity, we were so weak and so weak. At that time, the East Sea Dragon Clan was a behemoth that we couldn't look up to. I didn't expect that your power is stronger than the East Sea Dragon Clan now." Zhou Wen smiled. "Is your guy's strength weak? If your cultivation can reach the god-exalted level, plus the power of many laws of space, the power of the quasi-saint level is estimated to be inferior to you." Chu Feng haha Smiled.

"God-level, far away, boss, in a few years, I want to go back to the earth, I guess Xiao Mingzi will also go back to the earth, I don't know if there is any way." Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng frowned, "Going back to Earth? I'm afraid it will not be easy. I have a sub-control tower, but I don't know where the earth's main control tower is."

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