Holy Prison

Chapter 1129: Return favor

"Well, how can I tell you this? It's not that if I understand the first level of state of mind, I will always keep my heart like a mirror and not provoke dust. We are in the world and we have been maintaining that state. It’s impossible!” Chu Feng said, “This state of mind, you have reached it, then you can easily reach it when you want to reach it later. Maintaining the state of mind consumes mental power. In addition to the special training of the state of mind, it is basically Not many people deliberately maintain that state of mind!"

"The state of mind usually doesn't have much effect, but it is useful at critical times, such as when you are stuck in a bottleneck, such as when the heart demon invades, such as when you understand something." Chu Feng said, "When infinity is not reached, do you have no impression of infinity?"

Zhou Wen nodded: "That's natural."

Chu Feng said, "This is how you improve your mood. As long as you reach the infinity once, then you will have some understanding of the infinity. You don't have to stay in the infinity all the time. When you want to go there, it is still there." Nodding thoughtfully: "I understand a little bit."

"Don't think too much, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the horizon, the stronger the soul, and it will be easier to realize the first level." Chu Feng smiled, "The mountain, the water, the world and everything can be You have an insight, and you will reach that state if you go with the flow!"

"It seems to understand, alas, I don't want this **** question for the time being, let's go to the Dragon Clan's side soon, and pay back the love of the East Sea Dragon Clan, and then go to Xiao Mingzi's, we haven't got together for a long time." Zhou Wendao .

The two accelerated their speed and quickly reached a city. After passing through the teleportation array one by one, it didn't take much time for Chu Feng and the others to reach the East Sea.

The water waves are rippling, and the scenery is still the same as before, but Chu Feng’s mood when he came here this time is completely different from that at the time. Chu Feng looked at it quietly for a while and chuckles: "Fatty, if I was in a mirror-like state of mind that day. If you get to this side, you won’t be too anxious at all, because in that state, I know clearly that everything will pass. The anxiety of the day has now been turned into a memory."

"Boss, why aren't you in that state? If you're in that state, you can calm your mind and deal with problems better." Zhou Wen said strangely.

"Hehe, peace of mind is a kind of power, confusion, is it not a kind of power? Fat man, if you reach the first level one day, don't enter that state of mind casually, you enter that state In the state of mind, you can get benefits, but at the same time, there will be a bad effect. Staying in a state of mind for a long time will have a dependent effect on that state of mind, which is not conducive to the growth of your heart. In my opinion, my true heart is more important than that state of mind!" Chu Feng said.

"Disciple, in terms of mood, you and Chu Feng's understanding is really too far apart." Pangu's voice of hatred for iron and steel sounded in Zhou Wen's mind. "Master, the boss is a freak, this, it's incomparable." Zhou Wen said in his mind, "I and Xiao Mingzi have a master, and you are only teaching the intermediate level of the emperor god. The boss is already the emperor. God is at its peak, and he also has the power of law!"

"He is indeed an outlier, cheer for the teacher. If you have not been able to catch up with Chu Feng, then you will lose the face of the teacher!" Pangu said with shame. "Yes, yes, please don't worry, Master, I will come on, I must!" Zhou Wen promised quickly.

The water was surging, and two golden dragons broke through the water first, and then a middle-aged man in yellow robe appeared on the sea in front of Chu Feng.

"Father, he is the one Chu Feng who almost shook our dragon-tone bell!" A crisp voice rang out from the mouth of a little girl who seemed to be only five or six years old. It was a transformation of one of the golden dragons. "Sister Wang, it should be, but from his appearance, it seems that he is only at the Emperor God level. How can we almost shake our dragon tone clock?" This time it was a little boy who was speaking. The little girl was not much older, she looked like she was seven or eight years old.

"Feng'er, don't be rude! Don't hurry up and put away the purple eye and longan" the middle-aged man in yellow robe said solemnly. "Oh!" A lavender longan appeared on the forehead of the little boy with his tongue out and disappeared immediately.

"Lord Dragon King, it's polite." Chu Feng arched his hands and smiled. "The two little guys are very cute." "Dragon King!" Zhou Wen also bowed his hands.

The middle-aged man in yellow robe smiled and said, "Chu Feng, Zhou Wen, things should go well depending on how you look like. The two of them, cuteness is cuteness, but it also hurts my brain. Feng'er, Xiaoyu, don't understand It’s polite, isn’t it? Hurry up and salute the two seniors"

"A salute is okay, but is there any gift?" The little girl blinked and grinned, "No gift, I won't do anything that suffers. Just a reminder, Xiao Yu likes spar. The more spar, the more Xiao Yu likes it. Oh!"

"Really, I don't know what is good about spar. If you have more, you can only look at it, but you can't use it so much. I only like treasures that can enhance my strength." The little boy curled his lips.

The yellow-robed middle-aged man showed embarrassment on his old face: "Chu Feng, Zhou Wen, the two little guys are ignorant, sorry, laughed!"

"It's okay, it's not a bad habit." Chu Feng said with a move of his mind, a top-grade crystal and a top-grade material capable of refining treasures appeared in his hand. "Two little guys, the gifts are light, do you want it?" Chu Feng Smile authentic.


The two little guys said in unison, they all stretched out their little hands and sucked hard, and the spar and the best materials were in their hands.

"Two little guys, one more sentence, do you want?" Chu Feng bent down and looked at them with a smile. "It's okay to like spar, and I like it too, but don't become a slave to spar; you can also like treasures, but it's better not to ask others like this, to enhance your strength and rely on your own hands to get it. "Chu Feng smiled.

The two little guys were thoughtful, and the yellow-robed middle-aged man's eyes lit up slightly: "Chu Feng, thank you, please!"

Several people entered the Dragon Palace, the two little guys went to play, and Chu Feng and the others were in a palace. "Chu Feng, Zhou Wen, please sit down!" Donghai Dragon King said with a smile.

Chu Feng and the others took their seats, and their own maid immediately offered drinks and some small snacks. "Lord Dragon King, this time I came here to see if I could repay the favor of Mr. Dragon King before you. If there is no Dragon Bell, this time things will not be so easy to solve." The three clinked glasses and drank a drink. Chu Feng smiled authentically.

"If the problem is solved, it will be solved." Donghai Dragon King smiled, "Chu Feng, what do you think of Fenger and Xiaoyu?"

"Very good, they are all very cute children." Chu Feng said, "Lord Dragon King, if you have anything to say, you can say it straight." Donghai Dragon King nodded, "Chu Feng, then I'll speak up. The two of them are actually I have always been looking for a suitable master for them, but they two are spoiled by me, and ordinary people can't control them at all, and dare not care about anything. But if you don't take care of them, It will not be good for them in the future."

"So I don't know if you can become their master, Chu Feng? I think you must have this ability to become their master!" Donghai Dragon King said.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "Lord Dragon King, you speak up, Lord Dragon King, I shouldn't refuse, but I am really not a good teacher. My wife is pregnant, and I am often in a daze these days. I feel I am still a child, and in a blink of an eye I become a father."

"To be honest, I am not prepared to be a father, let alone be a master of others. Besides, I really don’t know much about the Dragon Clan’s exercises. If I let Xiaofeng Xiaoyu follow I, that’s not good for their future." Donghai Dragon King sighed and said: "It seems that I have difficulty in being strong." "Lord Dragon King, how can I recommend someone to you? He is more suitable for Xiaofeng Xiaoyu than me. There are too many masters." Chu Feng said.

"Oh? You said." Donghai Dragon King said quickly.

"One of my friends, Long Wuji, must have heard of this name, Lord Longwang." Chu Feng said. East China Sea Dragon King's face sank slightly: "Chu Feng, do you know the contradiction between my dragon clan? Long Wuji I know, if he is from my East China Sea Dragon clan, he is naturally an excellent candidate, but he is from the South Sea Dragon Clan. people!"

Chu Feng chuckles and said: "Lord Dragon King, there were internal reasons for the split of the Dragon Clan back then, but the main reason was external. Now that all these years have passed, I don’t believe in Dragon King even though they are fighting each other. Sirs, leaders of the dragon clan do not intend to reunite the dragon clan."

"The division of the dragon clan, this is a joke in the eyes of outsiders, Lord Dragon King, do you plan to let outsiders keep watching the jokes? Tao.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea raised his head and drank a large glass of wine: "Chu Feng, we old guys have indeed discussed the issue of the unification of the dragon clan, but it can't be done!"

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