Holy Prison

Chapter 1139: Void Stone

"Can the Void Passage be accelerated?" Zhou Wen said in surprise.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, space wormholes are very rare, and it is extremely difficult to build a teleportation array over a long distance. Void channels in the universe are the most important means of transportation. Those crystal skulls should be It takes a lot of speed to get from the earth to the infinity through the void channel in three months. At our speed, as long as we know the correct void channel, it is estimated that it will be one or two hours from the infinity to the earth."

"Boss, what is this void stone?" Tang Ming said. Chu Feng smiled and said: "The operation of the Void Channel requires some Void Stones. This Void Stone contains the power of the Void. The power of the Void is relatively high. It is more difficult to feel the power of the Void with our strength!"

"The information on the main control tower should contain information about the void passage to the earth, boss, hurry up and merge it." Zhou Wen smiled.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, "I have begun to send information to me!"

The integration of the main control tower and Chu Feng has reached a certain level. At this time, a large amount of information quickly appeared in Chu Feng's mind. The information came like a tide, but the coming and going fast, just short In two or three seconds, all the information is completely transmitted.

"Fortunately, I got this thing." Chu Feng let out a long sigh of shock in his eyes. "What?" Tang Ming said quickly. Chu Feng said solemnly: "Dad and the others have come out of the earth. They have to a certain extent escaped the limit of the Millennium Fate. If the person in charge of the main control tower did not let them die, they would not die. But if they control it The people in the main control tower let them die. If they live for a thousand years, they will die immediately!"

Zhou Wen and Tang Ming also showed shock in their eyes. If they hadn't found the main control tower, it would be really dangerous for the main control tower to be in the hands of others!

"Fortunately, fortunately, the lucky people have their own ambitions, haha." Zhou Wen laughed and said, "Boss, now you should be able to cancel the thousand-year life ban, right? I got this main control tower, I don't know what is there. Right?"

Chu Feng relaxed and laughed: "There is no big right. There is no problem with the abolition of a thousand-year fate. Otherwise, it can add a lot of energy to the earth, and then let the earth grow up! The diameter of the earth in ancient times is At hundreds of billions of kilometers, the earth today is too small and too small compared to the earth at that time! Although the sub-control tower has such capabilities, the authority is much lower than that of the main control tower!"

"In addition, with this main control tower, it can be teleported to any place directly above the earth. This is not a big benefit now, but if the earth grows up, this benefit will not be small. Also, There is a planetary control center in the center of the earth. If the planet can grow to a certain level, the person with the main control tower can enter that planetary control center! As for what's inside, I don’t know yet.” Chu Feng said .

Zhou Wen said, "Boss, should I know where there is a void passage to the earth?" Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, I know, the earth was very important in the past. There are many void passage entrances around the earth! There are also void passages leading to Shengyuan Star."

"Great." Zhou Wen laughed.

Chu Feng interrupted Zhou Wen and said, "Fatty, don't be too happy. Those void stones are only enough for us to pass, not enough to come back. If we want to go past, we have to wait a few days before we get more void stones."

"Brother Feng, even if we find it, we won't recognize it as a void stone. It looks like an ordinary stone to us!" Tang Ming frowned.

"It's easy. You can pass a little trick. You can punch it into the jade slip, and you can sense whether there is a void stone within a certain distance." Chu Feng said that his spiritual knowledge penetrated into Tang. In the minds of Ming and Zhou Wen, a large amount of information quickly entered Zhou Wen and Tang Ming's minds.

"Really, it really is a small trick, that is, it needs to change 100,000 methods, and it is required to be completed in a very short time. It is simply killing." Zhou Wen was a little depressed. "The shorter the time, the better the effect, the longer it lasts. This void draw is also interesting." Tang Ming said that he took out a good jade slip and quickly used various techniques.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. Tang Ming’s face showed a trace of sweat in just a few seconds. After ten seconds, Tang Ming took a breath and stopped. In front of him, the jade slip was already Exudes a gray light.

"Boss, try it quickly." Zhou Wen said. The piece of void stone that Chu Feng had put away before he moved his mind appeared in front of him again. As soon as the void stone appeared, the gray jade slip immediately emitted a light blue light. "The effect is still there, but the distance still lasts." Tang Ming said and shook his head. It took him ten seconds to fix the piece of jade slip. The distance that the jade slip can sense is probably only Tang Ming's spiritual scan. One-tenth of that, and the duration is estimated to be only a few days!

"Shao Ming, how far is it, how long can it last?" Zhou Wen asked quickly.

"One-tenth of the scan distance of the divine sense. If you fail to sense the Void Stone, it is estimated to last three or four days. If you successfully sense the Void Stone, it will consume some power. The more you sense, the more it consumes. Much!" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng said: "Other forces know that there are not many void stones, so there should be a lot of void stones in the entire Infinity, we should collect as many as possible!"

The Void Stone is actually available in Chu Feng’s Sacred Prison Store, but Chu Feng checked it and found that the price was really ridiculously high. A fist-sized piece of Void Stone actually sold for a trillion catties of the best spar! For Chu Feng and the others, to get to the side of the earth, a person would need twenty fist-sized void stones to go back and forth. In that dilapidated space ring, Chu Feng and the others found a void stone enough for them to go back and forth. But three people going back and forth is not enough, let alone Chu Feng if they go back there will be more than three people!

"It's a pity, that space ring is a bit damaged. If it is not damaged, it is estimated that some of the void stones will not turn into nothingness!" Zhou Wen said.

Tang Ming smiled and said: "This is fate, but our luck is pretty good. We got the main control tower and got the method to create this void. Boss, fat guy, try it and see if you can persist. Longer time."

Chu Feng and Zhou Wen also took out a piece of jade slip and tried it. It took Chu Feng seven seconds to create one, while it took Zhou Wen eleven seconds to create a void quote. "Can't afford to hurt, this effect is too bad." Zhou Wen said helplessly.

"Sister-in-law Yilian is estimated to be able to create a very powerful Void Cage. Unfortunately, a person can only have three Void Cages at most." Tang Mingdao.

"Go, find Yilian and let Yilian try." Chu Feng said.

Soon Chu Feng and the others got to Yilian and the others, and they were chatting hotly with the girls. Some information about the main control tower and the void stone was passed to Feng Bingning and the others. After they understood for a while, Chu Feng smiled and said, "Yilian, you are the strongest. You can try to see if the created Void Energies How powerful."

"Well, good." Yilian smiled slightly. "Yilian, wait." Feng Bing said, "I will give you time to speed up and try. I don't know if the effect will be better."

Feng Bingning said that the time abilities had been applied to Yilian's body all at once, and Yilian immediately started to do it, much faster than Chu Feng and the others, but in less than three seconds, Yilian had already created one. Void cited.

"It's really expensive to make this thing." Yilian looked at the faint white light in her hands and exclaimed in amazement. She is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, but in just a few seconds, her strength has disappeared a lot. It feels like the whole world has quickly taken away a lot of her power!

"The void is bright, and the existence of the void stone is sensed." Tang Wanxi said. "Let's go and take a look." Chu Feng smiled. Yilian nodded, following Xu Kongying's guidance, Chu Feng and the others quickly left Shenchu ​​City and reached a stone mountain.

"It's here." Yilian jade palm shot, a huge boulder was mostly turned into rubble and only a football-sized stone remained. This stone looked ordinary, but Chu Feng and the others knew it must be a void stone. .

Zhou Wen smiled and said authentically: "It's not a small piece, this is a good start. Sister Yilian, I don't know how large your effective range is and how long will it last?"

"The effective range is three times the scanning range of the divine consciousness, and the duration is about three years. If the Void Stone is found, it will reduce the time." Yilian smiled.

"Ah, this is much better than what we are." Zhou Wenshan smiled. "Okay, let's go back first. With this void guide, there should be no problem finding some void stones." Chu Feng said.

When they arrived in Deshenchu ​​City, Chu Feng sent a message to Meng Hao and the others to help them collect the Void Stones. In addition, Leng Li and green robes, one hundred guards in the domain tower also appeared outside and began to collect Void Stones. Chu Feng and the others were also dispatched. Yilian went all the way by himself, Chu Feng and Tang Ming Zhouwen and the others, as for Feng Bingning and the others, all of their daughters stayed in Shenchu ​​City.

"Boss, over there over there!" Zhou Wen in Feizhou called, Chu Feng immediately flew in the direction of Zhou Wen's direction as soon as Chu Feng thought of Feizhou, and soon a basketball-sized void stone was discovered by Chu Feng and the others.

"Huh, this piece is not bad, but Fat Master is exhausted, Ming Shao, you are here to control this void lead." Zhou Wendao, Chu Feng and others took the void lead refined by Yilian, the effect is very good, but It was also very difficult to control, and Chu Feng and the three of them took turns to find it difficult.

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