Holy Prison

Chapter 1145: Earth changes

"In three minutes, you, sister-in-law, are much better than us. Xiao Mingzi and I can hold on for one minute. If we can reach three minutes, it will be much stronger than we are now." Depressed and authentic.

Feng Bingning smiled lightly: "Zhou Wen, I am not necessarily stronger than you. You can borrow power once in about ten days, but if I exhaust the power in my blood, it will take about two months. Time, the power in the blood will recover again!"

"Two months?" Chu Feng frowned, "Bing Ning, can you use your power repeatedly before you run out?" Feng Bingning nodded slightly: "You can use it many times. But every time it is used, it consumes at least one-tenth of its full strength, even if it is not used for the last 18 seconds."

"Sister Bing Ning, you have full power for two months. If you use it for less than 18 seconds, you can use it ten times; Brother Ming and the others can use power once in ten days, but within ten days, you can’t use it once. After using it again, I think sister Bing Ning, yours is better." Han Xiang said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Which one is good? I don't think it is easy to say. If the strength of Bing Ning is full, it will only be strong for three minutes, but Xiao Mingzi and others can get one minute in ten days. Strong, two months is six minutes. If they cooperate well, the power Xiao Mingzi and the others can exert will be even stronger."

"Sister Bing Ning, you don't need to pay anything to gain such power?" Lan Wen said. "Xiao Mingzi, what do you need to pay? It is convenient for you to say no?" Chu Feng looked at Tang Ming and the others with a smile, but Chu Feng hadn't asked this before.

"I and Xiao Mingzi should be the same. I don't need to pay anything else, I just need to become stronger by myself!" Zhou Wen laughed, "We become stronger, and the master is in our body. Consciousness can become a lot stronger, and then the master can wake up a little earlier."

"Me too." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng looked at Feng Bingning, and Feng Bingning smiled and said: "I am different from them. I can pray every other time. In fact, it is to provide my own power of faith, but this is not a belief for the strong, but for the strong. The faith of pure blood! If you need something other than this, you need to provide something else."

"What other thing? What other thing to provide?" Chu Feng asked. "Strong attack and defense treasures, can locate other people's treasures, etc. As for the things they provide," Feng Bingning showed a hesitant look on her face. "What is it?" Chu Feng frowned.

"Many, soul power, longevity, fate, life contract, etc." Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng looked at Zhou Wen and the others. Zhou Wen and the others shook their heads, "Boss, I don't have anything in this area. The only possibility for me to obtain additional treasures is to improve myself. If my strength can be greatly improved in a short period of time. Upgrade, then you can get extra treasures, otherwise there are only the basic things. If the strength progress is slow, then the basic strength cannot be borrowed." Zhou Wendao.

"The same is true for me. I didn't expect my sister-in-law might get something else, but it sounds like a deal with the devil." Tang Ming frowned.

Chu Feng frowned and thought for a while and solemnly said, "Bing Ning, if it is not a last resort, don't think about getting these extra things. Then what is the life contract?"

"The life contract is that if you make a life contract, you will be the other party's servant forever." Feng Bingning hesitated. "Sister Bing Ning, that extra thing doesn't seem to be too bad, it sounds really evil," Lan Wen said. Feng Bingning smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know, the power of Phoenix Transformation is actually very powerful!"

"You are right to think this way. The strength of our group of people is indeed very strong. If you are all at full strength, then there are several quasi-saint-level powerhouses. This trip to the earth seems to be It’s worth it.” Chu Feng smiled, “Okay, Bing Ning, you all restore your own strength. I am going to send power to the earth. After the earth grows for a few days, we will prepare to leave the earth and return to it. unlimited!"

Tang Ming and the others nodded, and Chu Feng thought that the earth's main control tower appeared in his hands. This main control tower has now been put in by Chu Feng 500 million jin of standard top-grade spar!

The 500-billion-jin standard super spar naturally cannot make the earth reach the level of ancient times, but it is no problem to make the earth with a diameter of more than 100,000 kilometers reach 1.5 million kilometers. If it can reach this level, then the earth The diameter of will be larger than the diameter of the sun!

If the diameter of the earth is similar to the sun, then the earth will not revolve around the sun, but the earth and the sun will revolve around each other, and if the diameter of the earth is much larger than the sun, then the sun will revolve around the earth. truned!

If the earth had reached the level of ancient times, then there would not be only one sun in the sky, and one sun could not illuminate all the earth!

"Feng, do you want to inform the people on the earth? Many people estimate that they are practicing at this time. If they are disturbed, they may become crazy!" Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Then let me know." "I like this, I'll come." Zhou Wen laughed, no one was fighting with him, and Zhou Wen's voice soon sounded at every one on the earth. Corner: "Listen to all the human beings on earth, you are surrounded!"

There were about 30 billion people on the entire earth at this time, and those who heard Zhou Wen's voice were all taken aback. "Haha, joking, everyone pays attention. Those who are still practicing should quit the training as soon as possible. The earth is about to grow up. It seems that many people cannot quit in a short time. I will help you withdraw. Alright." Zhou Wen said that a powerful force enveloped the entire earth. In an instant, many practitioners on the earth who were at a critical time when they could not stop their training were completely suspended by Zhou Wen.

"Boss, OK." Zhou Wen laughed.

"You guy, a lot of people are at the critical moment of breakthrough, and it is estimated that they will hate you to death." Chu Feng smiled. "If they hate, I will slap them with a slap. If the earth can grow up, then they will have more aura and they will have time to slowly improve!" Zhou Wen curled his lips.

Chu Feng let out a deep cry, and the exquisite pagoda in front of him instantly exudes a brilliant light. The nine-color light shines from the pagoda. After a few meters, it turns into countless people that can only be seen by powerful figures. The little light particles radiated to the entire earth!

The entire earth, above the land, is sunny, but the large and small lakes above the sea are suddenly covered with lightning and thunder.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, many of the entire earth’s mountain peaks grew up quickly. They were originally only a few hundred meters high. In less than a minute they grew to more than one kilometer, and the entire earth’s land The area of ​​​​is rapidly increasing, but the area of ​​the ocean has not decreased, and the area of ​​the ocean is also rapidly increasing at this time!

When we grow up, the whole earth is really growing up fast. This situation has happened on the earth before, but because the sub-control tower replenishes energy for the earth at a long distance, the earth grows slowly at that time. At that time, it really grew at a shocking speed!

All mountain peaks are getting higher, all deep gullies are getting deeper, all lakes are getting bigger, and in some places, new mountains and lakes have appeared!

Above the sea and above the lake, the dark clouds are pressed very low, and a drop of rain with a fist size smashes from the sky quickly. The ocean and lakes have become bigger. There must be more water to keep the ocean still The lake is full!

The whole earth, some small villages and households are far apart. Except for very few cities, most of the cities on the whole earth have also become broken in the rapid growth of the earth. The whole earth, Countless roads have also become messy in the enlargement of the earth.

"Boss, I found that you are a saboteur." Zhou Wen smiled happily. At this time, their spirits are covering the entire earth. Although such a great change has taken place, the entire earth is shrouded by their spirits in Chu Feng. No one can die because of this.

"Break your head." Chu Feng scolded with a smile, "Many people are crying bitterly, but don't rush to comfort you."

Their homes were destroyed, and countless people on the earth shed tears in a short time. "This and this, the comforting thing is that their girls are better at it." Zhou Wen declined.

"I'm coming." Lan Wen smiled authentically. "My fellow earth citizens, don't be afraid. I am Lan Wen, and the guy from my husband Chu Feng made it happen. It has been more than 400 years, I don't know if you still remember us." Lan Wen's soft voice sounded. Throughout the earth, many people who were crying when they heard his voice stopped crying.

"The earth’s training environment is a bit harsh, so this time it’s necessary to improve the earth’s training environment. After the improvement, the diameter of the earth will reach ten times the current diameter, and the concentration of aura on the earth will increase a lot from the current foundation. After this improvement, even ordinary people on the earth who don’t practice should be able to live to more than two hundred years old! With the improvement of spiritual energy, there will be more ordinary people suitable for training, so don’t worry. Crying."

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