Holy Prison

Chapter 1148: Return infinite

Zhou Wen and the others were able to get outside from the holy prison space. "With that void passage, it's really fast to return." Tang Ming smiled.

"It's fast, but it's much slower than the domain gate and the teleportation array." Zhou Wen said, "Brother Feng, we have been away for almost two months. There is nothing wrong on this side, right?"

"Not checked yet."

Chu Feng said, he said that soon one of the servants of Chu Mansion arrived in the hall where they were. "See Master, see you adults. Master, this is the news that Master Shi Qing just sent over yesterday." The man held a carved wooden plate respectfully and quietly lying on the plate a piece of jade slip.

Chu Feng waved the jade slip into his hand: "Go down."

"Yes, sir!"

The divine knowledge penetrated into the jade slip, Chu Feng quickly read the news in the jade slip, "Brother Feng, how is it?" Lan Wen asked. "Watch it yourself." Chu Feng said, sitting down and thinking.

Some of the information in this jade slip is not bad news, but there is no good news in it. "The underground palace actually announced its own strength, this strength is really scary!" Tang Ming frowned.

There are 21,086 powerhouses at the exalted **** level, 328646 powerhouses at the emperor **** level, 5214785 powerhouses at the emperor **** level, and the number of powerhouses below the emperor **** level has not been announced, but these three numbers are scary enough!

"There are more than 20,000 god-exalted powerhouses, more than 300,000 emperor god-level powerhouses, and more than five million emperor god-level powerhouses. The strength of the underworld is really terrifying." Zhou Wen said in a deep voice, "The power of the underworld is announced Actually, many forces have chosen to belong to the underworld, it's really his MA's egg!"

"Chu Feng, if the strength of the underworld is allowed to develop like this, then things will be very serious!" Yilian said, "the more developed, the stronger the underworld will be, and the faster it will expand! Sun Shu actually wants to build in the Supreme City Okay, I made an appointment with Long Xiao before, it seems that his strength has not only recovered, but also has improved a lot!"

Tang Wan lightly hummed: "The netherworld actually named that city a supreme city. The wolf's ambition is known to passers-by! If the netherworld develops to a certain extent, can we not stay in this Shenchu ​​City?"

Chu Feng frowned. Shenchu ​​City’s defenses need not be said to be quite strong. However, if more than 20,000 god-level powerhouses and 300,000 emperor-level powerhouses come to attack together, Shenchu ​​city will definitely Can't resist such an attack! The underworld still has some scruples now, but if the strength is stronger, it is estimated that there will be no scruples, and the thorn in the eye of God Chucheng will definitely be pulled out!

"Many people are so realistic. Before, there were a lot of strong people in Shenchu ​​City, but now many people have left from Shenchu ​​City." Lan Wen hummed.

Chu Feng's frowning brows loosened and glanced at everyone with a chuckle and said, "Please, why are you looking at me? Is there something dirty on my face?"

"Who made you the boss? The current situation is relatively strict. You don't have to make an idea." Zhou Wen said in an angry manner. Chu Feng smiled and said: "If your strength doesn't improve this time, then I think it's better to run away at this time, but Xiao Mingzi, fat man, and Bing Ning have all improved so much, there is no need this time. Too worried!"

"Under the control of the underworld, most of these forces are unwilling. Many forces are waiting and watching at this time. If we can show strong enough strength, then the underworld will expand slowly, and many forces will at least choose to be neutral. , Some forces that can't understand the underworld may even come to our side!"

"Although there are many powerful people in the underworld, there is a big problem, that is, they are scattered sand! Some powerful people in the underworld may even be enemies to each other."

Tang Ming smiled and said: "Such a situation is really very possible. If the underworld completely stands in the bright spot, it is estimated that it will take some time for the internal problems to be solved. It seems that Sun Shuyue and Long Xiao still have this level. It means that he wants to establish prestige through this battle, and many internal and external problems can be solved at once!"

"Then we have to let him lose this battle! It would be best if we can find a chance to kill him!" Zhou Wen laughed. "It will take about a month for the Supreme City to be built. Xiao Mingzi, you guys will prepare. Then we will go over and watch the battle together!" Chu Feng said.

Zhou Wen and the others dispersed, and Yilian also entered the No. 7 domain tower to practice. Now she can borrow about 1.3 times the strength, which is much stronger than the average quasi-saint-level powerhouse, but Chu Feng estimated that Yilian's strength at this time is not necessarily better than Sun Shu's strength. One month's time can't improve too much strength, but it can be improved a little!

"Brother Feng, are you still thinking about the underworld?" Lan Wen rubbed Chu Feng's shoulders and chuckled. At this time, only the two of them were here. Feng Bingning is now pregnant with a child. She is in Zhou Wen. When they left, they also went to practice in the secret room! Practicing more during this period is good for her and her children!

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, although the underworld is powerful, it's not a big deal when we leave when the strength improves and then kill it again. It's not a big deal. I'm thinking about the Guangming God Sect. Compared with the underworld, actually the God of Light The church is even more terrifying! The underworld has only developed in secret for many years, but the Guangming God Sect has clearly developed for a long time, and there are very many believers. Last time, many strong people of the Guangming God Sect were killed and there was also a quasi-sage. There is a lot of luck!"

"Brother Feng, Guangming Divine Sect may not be able to find the space wormhole to reach this side, and Guangming Divine Sect may not necessarily conflict with us." Lan Wen said.

"I hope that Bing Ning will not have an accident. If Bing Ning's accident happens at the time, even if the Guangming God Sect bears that breath, I will trouble them again." Chu Feng said solemnly, "Well, Wen'er, you too. Enter the Taiwu Tower to practice. By the way, Fatty and the others can turn their treasures into natal weapons, isn't your Taiwu Tower possible?"

Lan Wen shook his head: "Brother Feng, my strength is too low. Zhou Wen and the others can make the brick and Hongjun ring their natal weapons with the help of their master." "It's okay, you take it slowly Just come." Chu Feng smiled, "Okay, let's practice, don't let Tang Wan catch up with them."

"Strength, strength, the most important thing is strength! There have been many things during this period of time, and the upgrade tasks of the holy prison have not been done. This time things are flat, it is necessary to spend a lot of time on the upgrade tasks of the holy prison. !" Chu Feng secretly said while drinking tea.

There are four conditions for holy prison from tenth level to eleventh level. The first amount of money is one trillion, which is very easy for Chu Feng; second, to catch 80,000 Emperor God level criminals, and now Chu Feng has only caught three Four hundred, there is still a very long distance from 80,000 Na! Third, both domain towers need to reach ten floors, and one of them needs to reach 15 floors. The fourth is an upgrade task, which is far from him!

"Master! Someone from the Dragon Race is visiting."

A steward of Chu Mansion now knocked on the door and walked in. "Oh?" Chu Feng's spiritual knowledge spread out in an instant, and it was an old acquaintance Long Wuji.

"I see." Chu Feng said in the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of the housekeeper and appeared in front of Long Wuji in the other living room.

"Team Leader Long is coming here, I don't know what to do haha!" Chu Feng smiled and sat down opposite Long Wuji. "Chu Feng, I don't know if the predecessor's appointment with Senior Long Xiao has heard of it?" Long Wuji said with a trace of worry in his eyes. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I heard that, I was about to inform the Dragon Clan that we will go over and watch it. Unexpectedly, you rushed over. By the way, did the two little guys Longfeng Longyu recognize you? Master?"

Long Wuji nodded: "The two little guys recognize me as masters, but I'm a little afraid to teach them two little guys. Hehe. Chu Feng, I'm a little worried about Senior Long Xiao's current strength."

"Worry that he is not the opponent of Palace Master Sun Shu?" Chu Feng said. Long Wuji sighed lightly: "Well, Sun Shu made a public appointment this time, and agreed with outsiders to watch. He must have a lot of confidence! If an accident happens to Senior Long Xiao, then the newly unified Dragon Clan will face division again. Situation!"

"Don't be so pessimistic, Senior Long Xiao has already agreed to the challenge, and it is not easy for us to stop it, but if Sun Shu wants to kill Senior Long Xiao in the challenge, then I have to ask whether God Chucheng can agree!" Chu Peak Road. "Chu Feng, if Senior Long Xiao is really inferior in strength, are you confident to stop it?" Long Wuji said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I will tell you the truth, Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, and Bing Ning, if they burst out with all their strength, they will be able to display their quasi-sage level strength, and they will definitely pass by then. If Sun Shu wants to take the opportunity to kill someone, then I don’t mind having a big one at that time!"

Long Wuji's eyes lit up, and Zhou Wen and the others were able to display their quasi-sage-level strengths. This is great news! "Haha, since this is the case, then I can rest assured, I know you will definitely have a surprise here haha!" Long Wu extremely smiled.

"Team leader, you don't want to disclose this news for the time being. At most, just tell Long Xiao, and the rest of you don't tell! By the way, we have been back to the earth for more than a month." Chu Feng said some information It was directly transmitted to Long Wuji's mind, "The Void Stone, if you find it, you can charge more. People who don't believe in the method of making Void Quotation don't pass it."

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