Holy Prison

Chapter 1162: Threat of Tianxinzi

Feng Bing whitened Chu Feng and said, "Even if we are suspicious, we have no doubts. You haven't done anything to Feiye. You have no plans for Feng and Feiye? Anyway, you don't. There will only be four of us. If you still find someone, I hope that Song Ye will be one of our sisters."

"Song Ye, it's pretty good, I don't mean it." Lan Wen said. "I don't have any opinion, but if you don't love her, you still don't want to find her." Yilian said, she is the least objectionable, she has become the master of the seventh domain tower, so she clearly knows that Chu Feng will be very You may face big troubles. There are eight domain towers in total, and one more powerful and talented wife will give you more security when that happens!

Strong strength, high talent, and Fei Ye loves Chu Feng, and Chu Feng does not reject Fei Ye. In Yilian's view, Chu Feng and Fei Ye are very suitable.

It’s just feelings. It’s not that you can be together when you are right. It also depends on fate. Obviously, the fate of Chu Feng and Song Ye has not yet arrived!

"I really don't have any plans. I usually care a little bit more. Whether we can be together or not is up to God's will." Chu Feng said, "Well, don't worry about things like this, go and practice. By the way, Shenchu ​​Academy The 1.2 billion year anniversary is coming soon, don’t forget the time."

"Do not worry!"

Feng Bingning and the others started to practice again. Chu Feng thought about it outside. Only less than a year would be the 1.2 billion year anniversary of the Seminary School. Zhou Wen and the others were afraid that they would be back soon. It is estimated that there are some things that need his help in the seminary.


As soon as Chu Feng came out, Shi Hua's voice rang in his mind, and the Chu Mansion Chief Steward also hurriedly came to him.

"Dean Hua, what's the matter?"

"Butler, what's the matter?"

Chu Feng spoke while speaking, "Master, it's not good, there is news from the abyss that the second master has been attacked and injured, and Master Shi Han has also suffered serious injuries!" The Chu Mansion chief steward said quickly.

"Chu Feng, some of the students outside of our Divine Elementary Academy were attacked. Within this hour, hundreds of students from our Divine Elementary Academy died!" Shi Hua said angrily.

Chu Feng frowned, and just came out, he got two bad news at once. "Boss!" Tang Ming's voice passed into Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng's spiritual knowledge spread instantly, and Tang Ming and Han Xiang appeared in the teleportation formation of Shenchu ​​City.

"Xiao Mingzi, you really came in time!" Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Ming and the others arrived in front of Chu Feng from the teleportation formation in a short time. "What's the matter?" Tang Ming asked hurriedly.

"Xiaolong and Uncle Shi were injured in the abyss. Hundreds of students from the Shenchu ​​Academy died in this short period of one hour. Please help me deal with the things here in Shenchu ​​City. I am going to the abyss." Chu Feng Tao. "Boss, is Sun Shu's hand in the abyss?" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "It's not a small possibility. By the way, if your strength is weaker, you can go to Lao Meng and the others or go to Orga Village to find Shaoye. Shaoye can borrow some like you now. The force of the army has the quasi-sage-level strength." "Okay, don't worry, I will take care of the things here, and there should be no need to ask for help. Now the strength of our Shenchu ​​City is not bad!" Tang Ming nodded.

"I'll leave it to you here." Chu Feng said. "Boss, if you enter the abyss, don't be alone, let Sister Yilian be with you!" Tang Ming said.

"OK, you are also careful." Chu Feng said and immediately disappeared in front of Tang Ming and the others.

Thinking of Chu Long's side of things in his heart, Chu Feng traveled extremely fast, and he had already rushed from Shenchu ​​City to Philadelphia in less than half an hour.

"City Lord Chu!"

When Chu Feng arrived, the Fei family in Philadelphia immediately found out and bowed their hands. "I want to use the teleportation array." Chu Feng returned a polite.

"No problem, hehe." The Fei family expert hurriedly and politely said. Under the influence of Jiujian, Chu Feng's relationship with the Fei family has now improved. Although some people in the Fei family still have a little bit of resentment in their hearts, they are now The strength of the city, their little bit of resentment definitely did not dare to show it.

When he reached the teleportation formation, Chu Feng summoned Yilian, exchanged divine knowledge, and Yilian quickly understood what the situation is now.

"Husband, don't worry, Xiaolong and the others are just injured. It shouldn't be difficult to heal them with your abilities. There is an accident in Songye, an accident in Shenchu ​​Academy, and an accident in Xiaolong and others. Maybe it's not that simple. We need to be more careful. "Yilian held Chu Feng's hand.

"Well, I have activated the teleportation array." Chu Feng said, many Abyss Crystals were used, the teleportation array was turned on, and Chu Feng and the others disappeared within the teleportation array in an instant.

Abyss, Sky Dragon City.

"Father, how is Along?" Shi Yan kept walking around in the yard, and when she heard Shi Han's footsteps, Shi Yan suddenly came to Shi Han.

"Cough" Shi Han coughed a few times, "He is not injured, but don't worry, there will be no problem with his life for the time being. Didn't you inform Chu Feng? It will not take long before Chu Feng will appear in God. From Chucheng." "Father, who on earth is attacking you this time?" Shi Yan said.

"I am also very interested to know." Chu Feng's voice sounded in Shi Han's ears. "Chu Feng!" Shi Han's eyes lit up, "This time you are here really fast."

Chu Feng glanced at the room where Chu Long was and sat down, "Uncle Shi, tell us in detail about the recent events, is it the force that has the Quasi-Holy Grade powerhouse to take action?"

"Yan'er, go and take care of Chu Long first." Shi Han said. "Okay!" Shi Yan responded and quickly arrived in the room where Chu Long was.

Shi Han added an enchantment. "Chu Feng, the person who shot is a quasi-sage-level strength. It shouldn’t be a force that had a little bit of hatred with my Shijiapu before. That power has now established a good relationship with my Shijiapu. That quasi-sage-level The strong man in, severely injured me and Chu Long with just one blow, and he gave us a word." Shi Han said.

"What are you talking about?" Chu Feng said quickly.

"The other party asked you to surrender that Tianxinzi!" Shi Han said. "Uncle Shi, did you let others know about the news of the Tianxinzi?" Chu Feng hesitated. "No, no, don't get me wrong, Chu Feng, it's not that Tianxinzi, isn't Infinity a Tianxinzi that has been auctioned off? The other party asked you to hand over that Tianxinzi." Shi Han said.

"Who said that Tianxinzi is in my hand?" Chu Feng frowned. "Chu Feng, some time ago, the Sun Shu from your Infinite Mansion appeared on the first floor of the abyss. He broke out in a super city with the power of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and swears that he never got that heavenly heart. !" Shi Han said.

Above the infinity, there are so many quasi-sage-level powerhouses. At the beginning, it was certain that only quasi-sage-level powerhouses could take away the heart of the day silently. Now the quasi-sage-level powerhouses above the infinity, except for Sun Basically all of the books fought against Chu Feng, and the other party threatened him, that really did not find the wrong person!

"Chu Feng, that guy Sun Shu deliberately caused trouble for you and injured Chu Long and the others. It's probably not Sun Shu. Sun Shu doesn't have that kind of strength right now. If he has that kind of strength, he wouldn't stay Chu Long. Their lives." Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, what do you plan to do? If there are many strong people coming to the door, it will be very annoying."

Chu Feng's brows wrinkled tightly at this time. This matter is really not a trivial matter. Tianxinzi's attractiveness is extremely great for countless powerful people, even those of Quasi-Holy Grade!

Although the quasi-sage-level powerhouse is more likely to become the saintly person than the god-dzogchen powerhouse, it also has a high chance of death. If you can get the regular monument, you may be able to directly achieve the saint’s return. It may be a saint with higher strength! The temptation to reach the saint directly is huge, not to mention directly reaching the saint with higher strength!

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going." Chu Feng sighed in his mind. "Chu Feng, are you planning to hand over a Tianxinzi to go?" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind, "Tianxinzi will not take back the reward you have received if you hand over one now. Time is short, the mission fails, and the punishment is huge!"

"Chu Feng, can I help you?" Shi Han said. "Well, Uncle Shi, help me send the message. I will give out the Tianxinzi. However, I will only give it to those who have Tianxinzi! Ten years later, I will be in the nearest small city to Tianlong City. Lin Cheng gave out the Tianxinzi, and those who want to get that Tianxinzi must stand up and show off the Tianxinzi they own!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Shi Han was stunned for a moment: "What if several people come here at once?" "If that's the case, it will be pleasing to me!" Chu Feng said indifferently, "My things, who I love to give to whom? Can you manage it?"

"Chu Feng, you can be sure. If you are sure, then I will pass the news to you. If such news is passed out, it won’t work. It will probably not be long before it will spread throughout the abyss or even The entire Shengyuan Star!" Shi Han said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, I'm sure!"

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