Holy Prison

Chapter 1172: Death list

"Huh? Someone is really going to make trouble in today's Shenchu ​​City?" Zhou Wen said in surprise, "That's really fatal. As long as some of us survive, we will definitely find trouble by then! Boss, are you right? We? It's just such a guess, but the possibility is extremely low!"

Bruin said: "Chu Feng, maybe you are mistaken. We are all dead. What good is it for Infinity? We are a top group of people above Infinity. If Infinity does not have a few quasi-sacred powerhouses. Now, that is a piece of fat for the people of the abyss!"

Chu Feng rubbed his temples and said in a puzzled way: "This is something I can't figure out, but someone is going to kill us. I shouldn't be mistaken about this. You know that I have always been sensitive, and I felt it just now. Dangerous atmosphere, and then discovered that several people seemed to be malicious!"

"Boss, are you sure that the dangerous aura is in Shenchu ​​City?" Tang Ming said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "There is nothing wrong, it must be God Chu City, and someone should be ready to attack us!"

"That's really weird." Tang Ming said.

"Zhi, boss, do you know who they are? Let's catch one or two and ask one to understand! By the way, what should we do now? If those people make trouble," Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "No, we are not there now, they should not make trouble. If they don't kill us, what use is they making a little trouble in Shenchu ​​City? Okay, the deity is here. Everyone, use the clone to go out, it doesn't matter if the clone is destroyed."

"Boss, is this okay? Shenchu ​​City is our base camp. If the deity dared not appear in our base camp, then" Tang Ming frowned.

"Your deity is here, and my deity is going out. As long as you don't show up, I am an emperor **** level person, and there should be no one against me." Chu Feng said. "Chu Feng, no!" Yilian hurriedly said, "If you use the clone, everyone will use the clone. What hero do you go out to play!"

"Feng, you can't do this!" Feng Bing condensed.

"I also don't agree, Brother Feng, it seems that your deity can't go out." Lan Wen smiled. "You guys, okay, everyone will go out in avatars." Chu Feng said that his strength quickly improved, and his strength soon reached the middle level of the Emperor God. "That's all right." A clone of the Emperor God Great Perfection appeared beside Chu Feng, and it was his clone who spoke.

"That's okay." Feng Bingning and the others nodded in agreement. Although this clone is very powerful and dies, it will do a lot of damage to Chu Feng's deity, but with Chu Feng's recovery speed, the damage will not take much. Time can be restored. "Okay, I'll go out first, and then everyone's avatars will go out too." Chu Feng said and went outside in an instant.

Through the eyes of the sky, Chu Feng immediately knew that many people had a little change in their expressions the moment he went out, and that little change was difficult to detect, but with the eyes of the sky, you can look slowly, and naturally you can detect the tiny The look changes.


Chu Feng asked himself why, but there was no result! On the enemy side, Sun Shu is now in the abyss. He should not be able to control many god-exalted powerhouses. On the other side of the Guangming Divine Sect, how could it be possible to control many god-exalted powerhouses on the infinite side in a short time!

Moreover, if it were the sect of the God of Light, then the Pope of Light would not talk to him for a long time! "Could it be that there is a huge power above the infinite that is much deeper than the underworld?" Chu Feng thought this way, Zhou Wen and their clones appeared outside.

"Brother Chu, you are" a strong man who respected the gods and reached perfection came to him with some doubts. "Haha, what's wrong? Is there any problem?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Brother Chu, we are all deities who come here, they are all clones, are there some"

Chu Feng looked up and down the powerhouse of the **** Dzogchen: "Their deity has more important things. Brother Wu, you are good at strength, I wonder if you can do me a favor?"

"Of course, Brother Chu, please say!" The strong man who had perfected the gods laughed. "Fatty, you greet good guests, Brother Wu, don't resist, go to my treasure space." Chu Feng said that a suction force acted on the strong man who respected the great perfection, that great perfection. The strong man frowned slightly and was instantly absorbed into the holy prison space the next moment.

Within the holy prison space.

"Brother Wu, sit down!" Chu Feng stretched out his hand in the holy prison space. "Brother Chu, didn't you let me come in and help?" The strong man who had perfected the gods was a little nervous in his heart.

Chu Feng sat down first: "Brother Wu, I let you in, just want to ask you one thing, why do you want to kill us" "What."

The strong man who had just sat down, was surprised by Chu Feng's words and stood up again. "Brother Wu, you are not the only one who has such thoughts. I know that many people have such thoughts. Why? If you speak out, maybe you can still survive. If you don’t say anything, then Brother Wu, With the strength of my God Chucheng, it shouldn't be too difficult to get rid of your Wu Family!" Chu Feng took a sip of a cup of hot tea in his hand.

"By the way, Brother Wu, don't think about being able to escape from here. If I were you, I wouldn't have such a stupid idea. If you can't ask me this question, you can ask someone else to ask, believe so much. People, someone will answer me.” Chu Feng said.

The strong man of the **** Dzogchen sat down slowly: "Brother Chu, I have to admire your eyesight. All of us are the strength of the peak of the gods and the Dzogchen, but you can see it. The exception is coming."

"Just talk about the point, why, I'm curious!"

"Because Feng Bingning, Tang Ming, and Zhou Wen are all on the death list!" The strong man of the **** Dzogchen said, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and his cultivation base was actually on the death list in a short time. Straight down to the peak of the gods! "You" Chu Feng said in horror. He didn't see what the strong man who respected the gods and perfection was doing, but he vomited blood all at once and lowered his cultivation base!

"Brother Chu, I said, even if you are going to kill me, please forgive my family!" said the strong **** of great perfection, "you can't tell the death list. If I say it, it will Be punished!" The strong man of the great perfection swallowed a mouthful of blood, and his cultivation base at the peak of the deity dropped a little bit.

"What death list, where is the death list!" Chu Feng said. "The death list is in every strong man who strongly wants to be a saint, the peak of the god, the great perfection of the strong heart." The face of the strong man who descended to the peak of the **** suddenly turned pale, and his strength was rapidly declining. God is the top, the **** is high, the **** is intermediate, the **** is junior, the emperor is perfect.

In less than ten seconds, in the horrified eyes of Chu Feng, the strong man with the power of the gods was actually reduced to the first level of the gods!

"Brother Chu, please, don't let me say it. If I say it again, my life will not be saved!" The strong man yelled. His own situation also shocked him very much. Of course, some were not. It's just horror, and there are deep regrets and fears! "What in your heart, in your heart?" Chu Feng said.

"Brother Chu, please!" The strong man said in trepidation. Before half a minute, he was still a strong man who respected God and perfected himself. Now only half a minute has passed, he is only the primary and the primary God reaches perfection, this difference in strength is one heaven and one underground!

"What are the benefits of killing the people on the death list?" Chu Feng said blankly, "Brother Wu, you want to kill Bing Ning and Tang Ming, and I will definitely not let it go, I can't find it. The reason to sympathize with you. Answer my questions and maybe you can survive."

"Different people have different rewards, powerful treasures, and their strengths will increase, and they will even reach the saint-level strength by then!" The strong said quickly!

Platinum Dzogchen, platinum peak, platinum top, the strength of the strong surname Wu has not dropped anymore, and his appearance has become extremely old in just a second!

The strong surname Wu screamed, his body disappeared, and there was only a little ashes where he was. In the blink of an eye, the little ashes disappeared under the power of time!

"Boss, what's wrong with this guy?" Zhou Wen and the others appeared beside Chu Feng, and Zhou Wen was surprised. "Stupid, I know it, Shouyuan must have reached the limit." Tang Wan said, "It must have taken a lot of time for him to reach the cultivation base of Dzogchen. In other words, he has lived for a long time and is top platinum. People who live for several million years can also live for millions of years. This individual has a good talent, and he has reached the cultivation base of the Great Perfection in a few million years."

"The death list, this thing is really evil, why are we on the list?" Tang Ming frowned tightly. "It's very simple, just find out what the three of you have in common." Chu Feng said.

"They all come from the earth, and the strongest can display the quasi-sage level strength!" Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, I, Wen Er, Tang Wan, Han Xiang are not on the list, Lao Meng and others are not on the list, it is very likely that these two points."

Zhou Wen looked ugly and said: "Then who did this? The sleeping saint? They made this **** thing before they fell asleep?"

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