Holy Prison

Chapter 1201: Legend of Magpie Bridge

"A guest from nature?" Chu Feng and Mocha came to a huge room. This room is definitely not gorgeous, but it is majestic!

There are many chairs, big or small, in the palace, and now there are dozens of powerful mechanical races sitting on those chairs. The moment Chu Feng and Mocha entered the room, all their eyes fell on Chu Feng. .

"My lord, patriarchs, bring guests here!" Mocha bowed her right hand on her chest and bowed slightly in a salute! "Well, okay, Mocha, you go down first!" Chu Feng was talking about a giant sitting opposite them. Even if they were sitting, the giant was several tens of meters high. Chu Feng and the smaller Mocha It's really short and tight in front of the giant!

"Yes, King!" Mocha said, taking a look at Chu Feng and then quickly stepped back. "Guest, I, the lion king Oberta welcomes you to Datan on behalf of the mechanical clan!" The huge robot above the main seat lowered its head and said loudly, his voice passed into Chu Feng's mind like a thunder. !

Chu Feng is really not used to raising his head and talking to those powerful mechanical races. His body grows rapidly during his thoughts, but in just a second, Chu Feng's body has reached a hundred meters, "Hello everyone. Chu Feng said with a smile, "Lion King, you made a mistake. I am not from nature but from another world."

"Different world"

Many of those powerful mechanical clan exclaimed. "For many years, our Datan are all powerful people who do not have another world arrived! I heard that only the natural side will have powerful people from another world arrive!"

"My lord, is Datan going to rise again"

"If someone from another world can arrive, then our Datan will not gradually wither away!"

Dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at Chu Feng tightly, "Oh, don't scare our guests!" Oberta said loudly, Chu Feng laughed secretly in his heart, and the voice of others was a little lower, only this Oberta's voice was like Ray, if he is scared, he is also scared by Obetta.

"Guest, that, expensive, your last name?" Oberta is very unaccustomed to being authentic, he probably has never spoken so politely. "Lion King, my surname is Chu, Chu Feng, Lion King, you and everyone can just call me by name." Chu Feng smiled, "Lion King, I think we can talk about it!"

"Communication, good, of course it is good!" Obetta said with joy, he was thinking about how to talk to Chu Feng, but he didn't expect Chu Feng to take the initiative to request communication.

As time passed slowly, Chu Feng told them some information on the ninth level, but Oberta and the others did not hide it, and they answered all the questions Chu Feng asked!

"Guest, think of the natural side. Unless the two pieces are put together again, there is really no way!" Oberta said loudly, "but the power of heaven and earth separates the two pieces, unless you find the legendary one. The Magpie Bridge in the middle, otherwise it would be impossible to reunite the two pieces!"

"The King, Magpie Bridge, that is something that doesn't exist at all!" Someone laughed and said, "Chu Feng, don't listen to the King, the King is fooling you, and the Magpie Bridge is in the story made up. Something that exists!"

Chu Feng said, "Lion King, I would like to hear the legend of the Magpie Bridge."

"Yellow Bird, for you, my mouth is stupid." Oberta said loudly.

The person who just spoke is Yellow Bird. She is a female, quite petite, but she is also tens of meters high. "The legend of Chu Feng and Magpie Bridge is like this. Back then, the two pieces were separated. All kinds of reasons are divided into two pieces to be unable to meet each other. God feels the devotion of some lovers, so every year on the seventh day of July, countless magpies will form a magpie bridge between the two pieces. "

"All lovers can go to Deque Bridge to meet their lovers that day. However, God is also ruthless. There is only one day. After that day, everyone must return to their original place! Later, there will be According to another legend, as long as someone can reach the opposite side through the magpie bridge, then the power of his and his lover's love can make the two pieces reunite, but no one has ever reached the other through the magpie bridge! Maybe there was such a thing in ancient times. , But now, even Queqiao has become a legend."

"Perhaps this Magpie Bridge really exists. I have found some ancient books, which contain records in this respect. Although there is no conclusive evidence, I don't think many ancient people will lie to us." Another humane said.

Chu Feng lowered his head to think about it. This Magpie Bridge had really existed in all likelihood before. The owner of this No. 7 Domain Tower, Chu Feng, had listened to him. He was not the kind of person who played cards according to common sense. It is not strange to say that he made such a magpie bridge!

"This Magpie Bridge, I don't know where the records appeared in the ancient books?" Chu Feng said. "It's near Wangtian Cliff!" The humanity who spoke just now.

"Wangtian Cliff." Chu Feng said silently twice in his heart. If you can't get to the other side by other means, then you must visit Wangtian Cliff. "Lion King, everyone, thank you for your enthusiasm, I think it's time for me to leave!" Chu Feng stood up and said.

Oberta and others stood up at this time. "Chu Feng, your strength is not weak, but you must be careful when walking in Datan! If you encounter trouble, welcome back to this city, we are all your friends!" Oberta said loudly.

Chu Feng was a little touched. Oberta and the others are indeed very hospitable and very good-hearted. "Ashamed, they have regarded me as a friend in such a simple way, but I have not recognized them as my friends at all." Feng sighed softly in his heart, the outside world had been tricking me a lot, and it was really difficult for him to recognize a person as a friend.

"Lion King, if I need your help at that time, I will not be polite. I'm sorry I haven't regarded you as friends yet, but if you need my help, as long as I get news, I will come over. Help you! I think maybe we will become friends in the future!" Chu Feng said, saluting slightly and then quickly exited the huge room.

"Honest man, he can indeed be a friend! But our friend is a little too weak, and it is probably impossible to help us now." A smile appeared on Oberta's face, "Thunder-winged tiger is dead. It is estimated that Hongtianhu will not give up, everyone is ready to fight!"

Chu Feng quickly left that steel city, not in a fighting state, he left from the seventh domain tower with a move.

After leaving the domain tower, Chu Feng went to Miao Feiying first. Miao Feiying is not practicing but trying to refine poison pills. "Feiying, how are you feeling these days?" Chu Feng instantly appeared behind Miao Feiying and hugged her slender waist.

"Fortunately, but I have failed to refine this poison pill many times. Could it be that I don't have the talent in this area?" Miao Feiying said a little depressed.

"It's not that you have no talent, but that you are now out of control of the poison pill. If your poison pill is controlled by that time, I guess you will become the most powerful poison master." Chu Feng kissed Miao Feiying's earlobe.

Miao Feiying turned around and said with a smile: "Then you are not afraid, then my whole body may be full of poison, you may die if you touch me."

"So vicious? Then I won't let you Jiejie now!" Chu Feng said as one hand touched the stiff buttocks and the other hand touched the firmness of Miao Feiying's chest.

Miao Feiying whitened Chu Feng and snorted. The next moment, Miao Feiying's face turned pale, "Chu Feng, you leave!" Miao Feiying shouted.

Chu Feng's crown of merit was also trembling violently at this time. As soon as his mind moved, Chu Feng immediately left the small space where Miao Feiying was.

As soon as Chu Feng left, within a thousandth of a second, the light green mist emerged from Miao Feiying. The light green mist spread to the entire small space where Miao Feiying was in the blink of an eye. The space wall was in that light. It corroded quickly under the green mist, "Miao Xian'er!" Chu Feng said loudly in his mind.


Miao Xian'er said that outside the small space where Miao Feiying was, there were space walls formed, one space wall was corroded, and there was another layer outside it! As long as Miao Feiying can't completely destroy the entire holy prison space, then the holy prison space will not collapse!

"Miao Xian'er, it seems that Feiying's outbreak is much stronger this time!" Chu Feng said. As the master of the holy prison, he wants to know Miao Feiying's situation is naturally easy.

"Chu Feng, it is estimated that Miao Feiying's poison pill will start to wake up slowly!" Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng's eyes lit up and quickly said, "Miao Xian'er, you are serious."

Miao Feiying’s cultivation is now a god-senior level. If the poison pill is awakened, her strength is estimated to be improved a lot, and if he controls such a poison pill, even a quasi-sage-level powerhouse will match her. You have to be careful! "Chu Feng, it will not wake up immediately, but slowly, it will take a lot of time." Miao Xianer said.

"Just start to wake up, just start to wake up!" Chu Feng said repeatedly, as long as you start to wake up, it won't take hundreds of thousands of millions of years, and if you don't start to wake up, you won't wake up within a million years. It's also possible, if that's the case, then it would be too much!

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