Holy Prison

Chapter 1204: Tianxinzi Auction (1)

"Do they all have the quasi-saint-level strength" Tang Wan said in shock, the image in the light ball, the strong flying in the sky, there are more than 60 people!

"Damn, where are so many powerful people coming up!" Zhou Wen called, "Sixty-three, it seems that every one of them is a Quasi-Saint-level strength!"

Long Xiao frowned, and with his quasi-sage-level powerhouse's eyesight he could tell that those flying in the sky were indeed quasi-sage-level powerhouses!

Chu Feng glanced at everyone on his side. Long Xiao Jiujian and Meng Hao were five quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Tang Ming and Zhouwen could burst out quasi-sage-level strength, but they lasted only a minute. Yilian’s strength is the strongest, but she can face up to four ordinary quasi-sage-level powerhouses alone, even if the quasi-sage-level powerhouses outside are all ordinary quasi-sage-level powers, if they unite, Chu Feng and the others Definitely not an opponent!

"Husband, what are you going to do?" Yilian said.

"I went out as a clone, you are all in here, and I will pass the outside situation here through the clone!" Chu Feng said that the light ball disappeared suddenly, "There are too many strong people outside, so I scan the outside scene. Can't hold on for long!" Chu Feng said.

Of course, what Chu Feng said is false. With the power of Sky Eye, its scanning will not be discovered by outsiders, and the persistence time can be extremely long, but if that is the case, Long Xiao and the others would be a bit weird. Ten quasi-sage-level powerhouses, this kind of peeping is definitely not an easy task, but they will not be surprised for a few seconds. If Chu Feng scanning can last for a few minutes or even longer, then they are not surprised. may!

"Boss, you go out alone, is this okay?" Zhou Wen frowned. "Those guys are probably the ones who cannibalize people without spitting out bones!"

"I'm just going out as a clone. What if the clone is destroyed? We spent a lot of time in the City of Innocence. Some people should also know our power. When you are not there, they won't be casual. You shot me." Chu Feng smiled, "If there is a need, I will notify you as soon as possible to help!"

Long Xiao said: "Chu Feng, your treasure that forms this treasure space will not be discovered by other people? If we are discovered, we will most likely be out!"

"Probably not!" Chu Feng said, "Senior Long Xiao, then you can stay here for more. It's just that the auction will start in more than 20 minutes. I will go out first!"

Long Xiao and the others nodded, and Chu Feng turned into a clone of Emperor God's peak strength. The clone disappeared in the holy prison space in the blink of an eye and appeared outside the gate of Tianxin Auction Hall!

The avatar of Chu Feng just appeared in the sky and dozens of eyes suddenly fell on him, "Huh!" Chu Feng hummed in his heart and stepped back slightly, most of the quasi-sage-level experts still did not let go. Aura, but some of them exude a stronger aura!

If only one or two people exuded a relatively strong aura, it would not make Chu Feng retreat, but with more than a dozen people at once, Chu Feng's current clone was a bit unable to resist.

"Everyone, I took out the Tianxinzi I got. It seems that I took the wrong one? If you don't want me to put the Tianxinzi up for auction, it doesn't matter if I keep it on my own, anyway, I'm not bad with other things." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "But in that case, I'm afraid that some friends who already have Tianxinzi will feel unhappy!"

"Chu Feng, are you a clone to greet us?" A gloomy voice rang, "Where is your deity? In addition, don't you have a friend with Quasi-Holy level?"

The sound seemed to sound from all directions, making it difficult to judge the source of the sound. Chu Feng scanned the sky to determine who was making the sound, but he pretended not to notice. Chu Feng arched his hands: "Forgive me, I am ignorant. I didn't expect that there are so many quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the abyss. I think everyone is smart, and there are some things that I can know even if I don't say it. Clearly!"

"Yes, my deity and a few of my friends are not here. They can't maintain the order here. Only by not being here can this auction go on quietly today! Only twenty minutes or so, everyone, please In fact, friends who have already purchased tickets can enter the venue now!" Chu Feng's voice sounded throughout Fenglin City.

"Good courage!"

The gloomy voice rang again. Chu Feng said indifferently, "Thank you for the compliment of this senior. I hope that senior is a good guest. If you make trouble, you will not only be embarrassed by Chu Feng, but also be an enemy of other strong people with Tianxinzi. My Chu Feng is not strong enough. Seniors may not care about it, but other friends with Tianxinzi may not be as easy to deal with as me!"

"How can you deal with it?"

Many of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses who came here secretly murmured in their hearts, they naturally have a more detailed understanding of Chu Feng’s power, Meng Hao, the three of them, and the Dragon Roar Wine Sword are all quasi-sage-level strengths, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen can display the strength of the Quasi-Saint-level, and Chu Feng's wife Feng Bingning can also display the strength of the Quasi-Saint-level, and Yilian is even more capable than several ordinary Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses!

A force with a quasi-sage-level powerhouse is extremely powerful. A quasi-sage-level ancestor has great deterrent power, and in the city of God, there is more than one quasi-sage-level powerhouse!

Coming to this side, many people actually took advantage of this opportunity to wipe out Chu Feng's thoughts in their hearts, but now there is only a clone of Chu Feng, such plans can only be suppressed in their hearts for the time being!

"I seem to be late!" A long laugh sounded, and in the blink of an eye an old man in a white robe came quickly from a distance. "Pope Bright." Chu Feng was stunned for a moment. Now that Pope Bright has changed, his aura has also changed, but the data scanned by the Sky Eye can't be wrong. The person who came here is Pope Bright!

"Pope Guangming is here, isn't it?" Chu Feng immediately thought of a possibility that Pope Guangming might have got a Tianxinzi!

Just when Pope Guangming arrived, a loud roar sounded, and the entire Fenglin City seemed to tremble in that roar.

"I shouldn't be late!" The voice of a bald, brawny man stepped on an abyss demon tiger with a peak strength of tens of meters!

Chu Feng looked at the brawny bald man, and after he looked over, the brawny bald man grinned at him: "Chu Feng, I have the Tianxinzi, and your Tianxinzi belongs to me. The rule of the sky monument will come. It's mine too!"

"Very good!" Chu Feng yelled in his heart. If Pope Guangming has one, this brawny has one, plus the previous woman in red had one, there will be three, and there will be three in Muyan Island. There is one, that is four, plus the three that Chu Feng has obtained is seven!

However, what made Chu Feng a little strange was that the Beast King on Mother Yan Island hadn't arrived yet. "Don't that guy want to get Tianxinzi and fail? Or is he afraid? It shouldn't be possible. That guy is also a strong man in the abyss, so where is it so easy to be scared to come!" Chu Feng said in his heart.

"Everyone, please!" Chu Feng said, for some of these quasi-sage-level powerhouses, some of them did not buy tickets. Chu Feng did not embarrass them at this time. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses are different from the god-excellent-level powerhouses. Now that the sages are not coming out, the quasi-sage-level powerhouses are standing at the peak of their strength, there is really no need to contradict them in order to make that little money!

"Chu Feng, can we exempt one ticket?" A quasi-sage-level expert joked. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Naturally, the quasi-sage level strength is the ticket. Everyone, the Tianxin auction site is just a rudimentary auction site. There is no VIP room. Everyone can only sit in the VIP area in the front row. Hope you don’t mind."

"Don't mind, don't mind, it's best to see clearly this way, haha!" Some strong laughed authentically. If there are really VIP rooms, some strong ones are not happy. They come here to see who has the gods. Yes, if they are divided into VIP rooms one by one, then the line of sight is blocked, and the spiritual sense is not easy to use!

The Tianxin Auction Site is indeed as crude as Chu Feng said. The entrance door is a huge hall. There is a stone platform in the hall facing the door. Below the stone platform are all seats. Very particular, each seat in the VIP area is seven or eight meters long, made of fine wood and covered with precious exotic animal fur! The rest of the ordinary seat is the same, but the length is slightly shorter and only five or six meters long!

When Chu Feng and the others entered the arena, the 40,000 people who bought the tickets were already sitting on their seats. Chu Feng and the others entered, and the eyes of the 40,000 people fell on them. Most of them are showing envy, and the quasi-sage-level strength is a great temptation for them!

"Everyone, please sit down!" Chu Feng smiled. There are a hundred seats in the VIP area. Seventy or so quasi-sage-level experts have randomly found a seat to sit down. Each VIP area has a seat. It's better, but it's not much worse. You don't need to choose too much.

"There are still ten minutes or so before the auction will officially start. Please wait a while. I will greet you at the door. Maybe other guests will arrive." Chu Feng nodded to the quasi-sage-level experts. He quickly left the auction hall. "My lord, the auction hasn't started yet?" A soft voice sounded, and Chu Feng's eyes lit up. A woman with a very good appearance quickly reached him from a distance.

"I'm participating in the auction on behalf of an adult!" The woman said again before Chu Feng had spoken. She said that a Tianxinzi appeared in her hand!

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