Holy Prison

Chapter 1211: Fat sheep

"Too much bullying!" Hei Ye shouted angrily, the attack of the two evils of the abyss soared so that he suffered some serious damage at once, "Blood Dragon Attract!"

Hei Ye spouted his blood onto the dagger in his own hand, and from his dagger, a blood shadow burst out instantly towards the middle-aged man!

The blood shadow was in the shape of a dragon, but it was not a divine dragon but the kind of magic dragon in the abyss. The magic dragon reached the vicinity of the light cage at a very fast speed.

The earth-shaking dragon roar sounded, and the devil dragon's claws slashed on the light cage! "Pi!" The sharp claws of the magic dragon collided with the light cage, and the light of the time cage dimmed a lot, but the power of the magic dragon must have been consumed!

"Abyss Shuangsha, this is yours and mine, since you are not giving in, then I will take the life of one of you with my life hahaha!" Hei Ye laughed wildly with a pale flame from his body! The Abyss Shuangsha are all heartbeats, single-to-one, they are not better than Hei Ye, if Hei Ye kills them all with his own life, then it is possible to do it all!

With a 50% chance of death, the Abyss Shuangsha coincidentally lowered the intensity of the attack and strengthened their defense! "Friends, we don't need to get there, you don't need to hand over other things, hand over Tianxinzi, you can leave safely!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Yes, hand over Tianxinzi, and you can leave! Don't lose your life because of a mere Tianxinzi, it's not worth it!" Another human said.

In the raging flame, Hei Ye sneered and said: "Impossible, you robbed the wrong object, even if you are desperate, I cannot compromise with you! You have your rules, and I have my rules, you I don’t want to go for nothing. I can give you something worth one or two billion, but don’t think about more things!"

"Friend, you are not kind, one or two billion, when did our Abyss Shuangsha joint appearance fee be so low?"

Hei Ye said coldly: "If this is the case, you can try another deity. I don't want to die yet, but if anyone wants me to die, I will let someone die! You two, who will attack me a little bit higher? , I will drag him to death together! Spider King, the light web will be withdrawn for me, otherwise, I will take you first to fly into the ashes!"

The previous Blood Shadow Demon Dragon had disappeared at this time, and the light cage was weakened by the Blood Shadow Demon Dragon's attack, but it had not been completely destroyed.

"Humph!" Hei Ye snorted coldly. He swung the short dagger in his hand, and the sharp sword beams flew out and fell on the optical net. When the middle-aged man did not strengthen the optical net, it was just a short time. Within a second or two, the optical net disappeared into a little bit of light!

"Damn, it won't be over like this." Chu Feng cursed in his heart a little in the distance. If it were over, the possibility of them trying to grab Tianxinzi would be much smaller, although Hei Ye was hurt a bit. , But the injury was not particularly severe. Although Yilian is strong, it is not easy to grab a quasi-saint-level powerhouse!

The light net disappeared, and Hei Ye's face showed a faint smile, but the smile on his face instantly solidified in the next moment. The moment he relaxed when the light net disappeared, the Abyss Shuangsha lowered his own defense and then turned himself The attack has been raised to the maximum!

"Cross kill!"

"The eyes of the cold ice!"

The two sharp blades in the Manking King's hands combined to form a cross that quickly turned towards Hei Ye and blasted over. At the rotating cross, the space was completely shattered to form a dark cylindrical passage!

Manking Man is that young man, that middle-aged man is the Spider King. Under his violent drink, the eight eyes on his chest instantly merged and a cyan light shot towards Hei Ye at a terrifying speed. !

Even though the light net disappeared, Hei Ye relaxed a little bit, but he didn't completely relax. Countless years of experience made him react to the current situation in an instant!

Between his thoughts, Hei Ye made the rugged flames rising from his body soar a lot, and that dagger was pierced deeply in his chest, and a **** light of several meters long came to face the attack. The cross kill to kill! The short dagger resisted the cross killing, and the awe-inspiring flame desperately resisted the cyan light. Around Hei Ye and the others, the world was shattered in their battle!

Hei Ye yelled, he alone resisted the attacks of the two of them, and the strength of the two of them was not weaker than him. At this time, they were attacking with full force. Naturally, the pressure was great!

The cross formed by the short dagger and the double-edged blade finally collided with each other. At the moment when the two collided, Hei Ye and the Manking King trembled. As a result of this tremor, the Manking King didn't suffer much. Hei Ye received a serious injury, but he couldn't help it. Who said he had only one person, and there were two people on the Manking side.

At the moment Hei Ye's body trembled, a little bit of cyan light penetrated the rugged flame and entered Hei Ye's body. The temperature of that cyan light was extremely low, even though only a little bit of cyan light entered the body. Ye also felt that his body seemed to be stiffer!

"Blood Shadow God Escape!"

A trace of struggling flashed in Hei Ye's eyes, but in this situation, he had no more choices. Could it be that he really lost his life with Abyss Shuangsha?

Blood Shadow God Escape is his last life-saving method. This is a taboo technique. He will never use it if it is less than a last resort, because once used, it will be very weak for thousands of years. The strong can't fight, even if you meet the strong with the gods and Dzogchen, you may not be able to fight!

Using the blood shadow **** escape, Hei Ye's body instantly turned into countless blood lights, and each blood light shot out in a different direction. Although a lot of the blood light was killed by the cross killing or frozen by the cyan light, more of the blood light escaped at a very high speed!

"God eyes!"

The two evil gods of the abyss opened their eyes and looked around, but Hei Ye even used things like the blood shadow **** escape, how could they tell in a very short time! If you can't tell the difference, there is no way to talk about the pursuit. It is tens of thousands of blood lights, and each direction is different. God knows that there is Hei Ye's true body!

"Damn, let him escape!" Man Wang said unwillingly. "He is also a quasi-sage-level strength. It is relatively difficult for us to kill him! This kind of escape technique has a huge impact on strength. Let's look for it in all directions!" Spider King said.

"Forget it, Spider King, since we escaped, we have less hope of catching, I think we can change a target!" Man Wang said, "This black robe is not easy to deal with because we don't know his identity, but there is one person, We know his identity very well, and his wealth is also very rich!"

"Chu Feng?" The Spider King said and laughed, "It's really good, he is not alone, and I heard that he is very good to his relatives and friends, um, I like such people hahaha!"

Man Wang also laughed: "He earned hundreds of billions of billions this time, so we don’t want more. Two-thirds of it will be fine! I didn’t know before that he has two heavenly hearts, otherwise, let’s do it earlier. Maybe you can get two Tianxinzi!"

"Don't worry, let's do it slowly, Tianxinzi, as long as we know who has Tianxinzi, we can find the door! There is no drag, we can let it go!" Spider King laughed.

Chu Feng and Yilian hadn't left at this time, and they heard the cold light flashing in Chu Feng's eyes when they heard King Praying Man and Spider King say. "Damn it, everyone will treat me like a fat sheep," Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart. "Miao Xian'er, locked the two of them!" Chu Feng said in his mind. He had already checked the information of Abyss Shuangsha and them, and they were all people who could be locked.

"Chu Feng, ten people have already been locked. If you lock them again, the scanning distance will not be the maximum distance." Miao Xian'er reminded.

"It's okay, lower it a little bit, lower it a little bit!" Chu Feng said in his mind, characters like Abyss Shuangsha are extremely threatening, and if you don't lock them, it won't be easy to find them again.

The Manking King and Spider King said a few more words, and the two left quickly. Their direction is the direction of the City of Innocence. Just now they were not just talking about it, but preparing to implement it!

"Yilian, you go back to the City of Innocence, make sure that nothing happens before I come back, and I will chase Hei Ye!" Chu Feng said through a voice transmission. "How did that happen? Hei Ye is a quasi-sage-level expert!" Yilian frowned and shook her head.

"Ilian, I heard about me. This is a rare opportunity. Hei Ye has not escaped from the locked range of Skyeye. If he escapes from the locked range, it will be difficult to catch him again! He used his taboo ability. At that time, it’s not bad to be able to have the cultivation base of the Dzogchen Dzogchen, I use your strength to exceed the strength of the Dzogchen Dzogchen, and I still have the power of the law of space, and it won’t be difficult to win him!" Quickly transmitted the voice, "You go back, if the Manking and the others sneak attack, then there may be a lot of problems! You go back, I can safely go to catch the guy Hei Ye!" Yilian hesitated slightly. Nodded: "Then, be careful! It doesn't matter if Tianxinzi can't get it, the most important thing is that you are fine! Remember that you are facing a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, even if his strength drops to a **** At the pinnacle, it is very likely that he will be able to burst out of Quasi-Saint-level strength even when he is showing his might!"

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