Holy Prison

Chapter 1217: Forbidden place

"Goo!" "Woo!" "Howl!"

The flying boat descended parallel to the Xutian Cliff. During the rapid descent, some monsters attacked from the Xutian Cliff, and some monsters chased the flying boat and flew. The speed of the flying boat is very fast, but some live here. The speed of the used beast is not slower or even faster than the flying boat!

A series of attacks fell on the flying boat, and many of the attacks were quite strong. If it were a general god-excellent level powerhouse, it is estimated that one attack of that kind would be enough to wipe it out!

"What a powerful attack, no wonder this Xutian Cliff would not choose to pass from here even if many mighty god-exalted powerhouses would choose to pass here!" Pope Guangming exclaimed, starting from the top of the cliff and now it is only three minutes. However, it is estimated that there were 8,000 attacks without 10,000 times!

Chu Feng chuckles and said: "My Lord Pope has just arrived in the abyss, but he seems to know the abyss better." "Hehe, I need to catch Sun Shu. Naturally, I collected some information about the abyss before reaching the abyss." Zong said with a smile, "Brother Chu, this time is the only three of us, or are there other strong men dispatched? The number of strong men in your God Chu City is really enviable!"

"Where, it hasn’t been long since the development of God’s First City. In terms of background, it can’t be compared with a big power like the Pope’s and your Guangming Sect. Your Pope, I don’t know which saint level believes in the Guangming Sect The strong?" Chu Feng said.

"My Guangming religion, the Lord of faith is the Almighty Holy King of Light. If Brother Chu has the heart to believe in my Lord, then there will definitely be achievements far beyond me in the future!" Pope Guangming showed a pious look on his face. The world is dark, and the glory of the Lord makes this world full of light!"

Chu Feng curled his lips secretly, this set of people with a low level of huyou cultivation is still good, it is impossible to huyou him! The existence of light is because of the law of light, that is, the holy king of light has not reached the top in his estimated understanding of the law of light. It is a joke to say that the light is because of the holy king of light.

It is about Pope Guangming’s faith. Chu Feng did not express contempt. It is useless to despise Pope Guangming. For Pope Guangming, his faith has already penetrated his soul. Even if he said plainly that the existence of light cannot be Because of the Holy King of Light, the Pope of Light will not believe it, he will only believe in his own faith!

"Brother Chu, don't you believe? The existence of light is because of the efforts of generations of the Holy King of Light, and the rules of incarnation of the Holy King of Light from generation to generation, we have the bright world today!" Pope Guangming said.

Chu Feng chuckles and said, "My Excellency Pope, we are not discussing such issues!" Chu Feng said that the speed of the flying boat suddenly slowed down, and the resistance to advance instantly increased many times! "Attention, everyone, we have to pass the barrier between the two worlds to the second level of the abyss!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

The speed of the flying boat slowed down, but it was still faster under the powerful propelling force of the flying boat. Outside of the flying boat, the bombarding lightning was denser at this time, but the flying boat’s defense was very strong. Although the lightning caused Chu Feng to consume a lot Quick, but it is very difficult for them to break the defense of Feizhou and hurt Chu Feng!

The powerful space pressure squeezed the flying boat, but this squeeze did not last long, about five seconds, "Shoo!" The speed of the flying boat suddenly skyrocketed. It has passed the barrier between the two worlds and reached the abyss. Second floor!

At the second level of the abyss, there is a mountain below Chu Feng and the others. That mountain is the Xutian Peak. There is every layer of the Xutian Peak, connecting every layer of the abyss!

If Chu Feng and the others thought of the second floor, it would be so easy. At this time, they only need to turn a little bit. But Chu Feng and his destination is not the second floor of the abyss. Therefore, Feizhou continues to face the void without any turning. Rush under the cliff!

The second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer.

The flying boat descended layer by layer. About half an hour later, the flying boat was put away by Chu Feng. They had already reached the peak of the seventh-level Xutian Peak in the Abyss!

"It's really fast, we will reach the seventh floor of the abyss in just a little bit of time." Yilian's divine consciousness spread and scanned the surroundings with a chuckle, "It seems that except for the aura of the abyss in the space is stronger, the space is more stable. There is not much difference between the seventh floor and the first floor."

"It was originally like this. The tenth floor of the abyss is quite different from the nine above, but the rest is not much different." Chu Feng said, "Pope, please determine the location of Sun Shu."

Pope Bright nodded slightly and a book appeared in his hand. "Bright Bible." Chu Feng said softly, with such a few large characters on the cover of that scripture.

"Yes, Bright Bible, this is the treasure of my Bright Church." Pope Guangming said that his face was full of piety. "It can guide the lost soul, and it can also let me know something I want to know. However, it is very expensive to know where Sun Shu is!"

Pope Guangming said that a faint light radiated from the light Bible, "Almighty Lord, please guide me and let me know where the master of this breath is." Pope Guangming said piously, the breath of Sun Shu Slowly passed into the light Bible by him!

Time passed slowly, and Chu Feng and Yilian waited quietly. Sun Shu is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse. Even if his strength is damaged due to injury, his approximate position should not be the same. An easy thing.

Time passed by, about five minutes, and the light on the Bright Bible gradually faded, and the closed eyes of Pope Bright slowly opened.

"Master Pope, there should be results." Chu Feng chuckled lightly. Pope Guangming also showed some smiles on his face at this time. It shouldn't be bad news. "Brother Chu, I already know the approximate location, I'll get closer and check it again!" Pope Guangming said.

Chu Feng thought of a detailed map ball and appeared in his hand. This is the map ball on the seventh floor of the abyss. Not only the map ball on the seventh floor of the abyss, but the map ball on the first to ninth floors of the abyss, Chu Feng is all prepared!

"His Pope, where is it probably?" Chu Feng said.

"This area!" Pope Guangming quickly delineated an area. The area that was delineated is not less than one-thousandth of the seventh floor of the Dalian Abyss, but even if the Sky Eye is locked on Sun Shu, he thinks It is not easy to find him through the eyes of the sky. Compared with Infinity, the abyss is much bigger!

"Yilian, you can't completely restrain the abyss of death. Let's enter my treasure space first, and Master Pope and I will rush over there." Chu Feng said.

Yilian looked at Pope Guangming and nodded slightly. "Husband, you should be more careful, the Pope Guangming is not worthy of your trust!" Yilian said.

"Don't worry." Chu Feng said, Yilian entered his treasure space as soon as his mind moved. "Master Pope, let's go over!" Chu Feng said.

Pope Guangming nodded slightly. Both of them changed their appearances. Like the first floor, many cities on the seventh floor of the abyss also had teleportation platforms. Through the teleportation platforms, Chu Feng, they lined out towards Pope Guangming. Move forward in that area.

If the quasi-saint-level strength comes out, then Chu Feng and the others can move forward very quickly, but if that happens, Chu Feng and the others will move forward relatively slowly, but after a month and a half they are already before the Pope of Light. The area that came out.

"Miao Xian'er, haven't Tianyan sensed Sun Shu?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "No, if I feel it, I'll definitely tell you. Good, don't worry." Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

Chu Feng looked at Pope Guangming and said: "My Lord Pope, it should be possible to locate it again!" "Well, let's go outside the city!" Pope Guangming said.

Leaving the city to a place with no one, Pope Guangming quickly took out the Guangming Bible: "Brother Chu, let me declare in advance that if Sun Shu runs away during this period of time, it is estimated that it will not be able to accurately locate , Repositioning, you need to give Guangming Bible a lot of rest time!"

Chu Feng frowned and said: "My Excellency Pope, as we said before, if Sun Shu is caught or killed, I will open that space wormhole, and only then will Shenchucheng and Guangming Divine Sect have the possibility of cooperation. ."

"Yeah." Pope Guangming nodded slightly in the depths of his eyes, "Our luck shouldn't be bad, it's just over a month, I believe Sun Shu has not left!"

Chu Feng didn't speak any more, and Pope Guangming showed a pious expression in his eyes: "Almighty Lord, please guide me."

This time it was much shorter than the last time. In just half a minute, the light on the Light Bible dimmed: "This is the area!"

Pope Guangming pointed at the map ball that Chu Feng took out again. "This" Chu Feng frowned, and the map ball on the hand of Pope Guangming was marked in red, and there was a warning on it. It was extremely dangerous! !

"Brother Chu, I didn't expect that Sun Shu could actually reach such a place." Pope Guangming's brows were also frowned. On Chu Feng's map ball, the area marked in red was only more than ten blocks, and each block belonged to The forbidden place on the seventh floor of the abyss, a place like that, even if a strong person with a deity and great perfection enters it, it is impossible to survive!

"Let's go first!"

Chu Feng said solemnly, he didn't believe in Pope Guangming too much. Pope Guangming pointed out that area at this time, but Chu Feng still doubted whether Sun Shu was in that area.

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