Holy Prison

Chapter 1225: Basis for cooperation

"Damn it, **** it!!" Pope Guangming cursed while advancing. He didn't expect that he would be so embarrassed. A few hours after being poisoned, he almost died several times!

Although he has not died now, he has a lot of wounds on his body, and the power consumption of his whole body is extremely high. In this Nether Forbidden Domain, the consumption of power is much faster than outside, and he has no one else at this time. His side can help him!

"Our Lord Pope, it seems to be much worse than we were before!" Tang Ming said with a chuckle. They had already seen Pope Bright at this time, but Pope Bright, who was dealing with the attacks of the surrounding ghosts, had not yet seen it. they. "This guy deserves it, but do you feel a little strange, his strength seems to be much weaker than before!" Zhou Wendao.

Bruin watched carefully and whispered: "He seems to be poisoned. Look at his face showing an abnormal purple-red color. It is very likely that he is poisoned, and it is still very poisonous!"

"Indeed, what does this old ghost scold? He let us all get to this ghost place. We haven't scolded yet, but he scolded." Meng Hao said.

Soon Menghao and the others knew who the Pope Guangming was scolding, he quickly greeted the men and women in the Sun Shu family, and the scolding was called a non-image!

"Fuck, boss, tell me, did I confess to the wrong person and curse like a mad dog? He is really the Pope of the Bright Cult" Zhou Wen was a little incredulous and authentic. He never thought he was a civilized person, but Some words cursed by Pope Guangming, Zhou Wen thinks that he can't speak out!

"The Pope Guangming should have an agreement with Sun Shu to bring the boss to this side, and then I am afraid that the agreement with Sun Shu has changed, and Sun Shu broke the contract. As a result, it is very likely that Sun Shu has calculated it. Eight or nine of them were given to him by Sun Shu! Pope Guangming was very alert and poisoned him. It is estimated that the poison was eaten as a good thing without his knowledge!" Tang Ming analyzed Tao.

Chu Feng glanced at Tang Ming and his eyes flashed Dingsi's surprise. Although Tang Ming was just guessing and there was no evidence, it must be said that Tang Ming's guess was almost completely correct!

"Xiao Mingzi's ability in reasoning and analysis is getting stronger and stronger. If there is no help from the holy prison, I am afraid I am not as good as him in this respect." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. "Chu Feng, is there a feeling of loss? Hehe!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Lost? What is lost. The stronger he and the fat man are, the happier I am! There is a saying? Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs, teammates with high ability, this is a blessing. "Chu Feng smiled in his mind. "Zhou Wen might be a little upset after hearing what you said." Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

"Do you think he is stupid? He is just as lazy as Meng Hao, if he is the only one, he can definitely tell a lot of things by spending some time!"

During the short time when Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er spoke, Pope Guangming was already very close to Chu Feng and the others. "Chu Feng!" Pope Guangming was shocked. He never expected to see Chu Feng here. There are still two difficult ghosts around them. If Chu Feng and the others attacked at this time, Pope Guangming would think that he would be too bad for him!

"Come here!" Chu Feng raised his right hand and stretched out his **** and hooked it, as if he was calling a pet dog or something. Pope Guangming was angry, but seeing that Chu Feng and the others did not move there, he I also know that the place where Chu Feng and the others are now must be a safe island!

A safe island, this is very important for the current Pope of Illumination. He needs to go to the safe island to restore his consciousness and restore his own strength. At the same time, a safe environment can also allow him to deal with his injuries. But this safe island, Really safe.

I knew that this safe island was absolutely insecure, but Pope Guangming still had to bite the bullet and approach Chu Feng and the others. With the power in his body, Pope Guangming knew that he would not be so lucky because of the exhaustion of power. Encounter another safe island before!

Retiring the two ghosts, Pope Guangming and Chu Feng got closer. The moment he entered the safe island, the two ghosts that had haunted him for a long time disappeared!

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here!"

"Isn't this the Lord Bright who invited us in? It's a little embarrassing like this!"

Zhou Wen and Tang Ming both laughed. There were smiles on their faces, but at this time there was no smile in their eyes, but only cold eyes!

"Hello everyone, everyone." Pope Guangming felt extremely uncomfortable, but the feeling of constant recovery made him reluctant to leave, and even if he wanted to leave, Chu Feng and the others would definitely not let him leave! "Master Pope, we are fine, especially me, protected by the big bright handprint of the Pope, the two days have passed very well." Chu Feng held a glass of red wine in his hand and drank a little smile.

Pope Guangming took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Brother Chu, the previous thing was something wrong with me. I am here to accompany Brother Chu and you all."

"Tsk tsk, listen, Xiao Mingzi, when, such things, a sentence of accomplices can be over" Zhou Wen sneered, "Although you are indeed a character, but our lives, it seems that it is not a stubborn, boss, although Everyone here has a higher chance of living with one heart, but I don’t agree to spare him easily!"

Tang Ming glanced at Zhou Wen and said indifferently: "Boss, I will not spare the old **** Guangming Pope easily. If he can't give us a sufficient amount of confession, then next year today will be his memorial day!"

Pope Guangming looked straight at Chu Feng: "Brother Chu, I can swear by my soul that I will never be an enemy of God Chucheng, and I will do my best to deal with Sun Shu with Brother Chu! To tell you the truth, Sun Shu has a certain control over this Nether Forbidden Domain. If you are alone, you may be lucky to escape, but it is very difficult to kill Sun Shu! We can cooperate. If we cooperate, kill Sun. The possibility of a book is much higher!"

"Fart! Fuck your mother, Pope Guangming, you old **** thought that a broken oath would allow us to easily let go of you. The boss almost died in your hands, and we are also because you entered this place. Ghost place! If it wasn't for the uncle who is not interested in men, the uncle will immediately let you know what chrysanthemum cannibalism is!" Zhou Wen yelled, "Boss, I don't think there is anything to talk about, just get rid of this old mess!"

Looking at the Guangming Pope, Chu Feng said with a faint smile: "My Excellency Pope, we were very unhappy with the previous cooperation. Let's solve the problem of previous cooperation first, and then discuss cooperation, how to make an agreement with Sun Shu, and then deceive me. On this side, Lord Pope, this matter is a bit unkind!" "Chu Feng, what do you want?" Pope Guangming said solemnly. "Your Excellency Pope, you should know that people who are born with essence and blood can come out with the strength of the god-exalable level." Chu Feng said indifferently.

"Don't think about it!"

Pope Guangming categorically refused. Chu Feng said it was right. This is not only a person from the abyss, but also a person from the outside. As long as one of the two conditions is met, or willingly, or despair! "Brother Chu, that's impossible! I can't willingly give my life and blood, and with your strength, I can't be completely desperate!" Pope Guangming said solemnly.

"Really? Here, Master Pope, you have a place to escape. If there is no place to escape, with your current strength, you think you can beat us people," Chu Feng said flatly, "Just let your strength drop to Freezing point, I think you will know what despair is!"

Pope Guangming’s thoughts moved. The Guangming Bible appeared in his hands with a cold voice: "Brother Chu, if I lose my freedom, I would rather die! But when I die, I will definitely take one of you, believe me, I have this Strength! Even if you can't take away a quasi-saintly capable person, the problem with taking you or Tang Ming and Zhou Wen shouldn't be too big!"

"My Lord Pope, if you don't want to lose your freedom or your life, do you have any other good ideas? If not, even if I want to let you go, Elaine and the others will never let you go. "Chu Feng tasted the wine and slowly said, "I want to deal with Sun Shu, but I guess you want to kill Sun Shu more now. We are not unable to cooperate, but to be honest, let me see your sincerity!"

"What kind of sincerity do you want?" Pope Guangming said solemnly.

Chu Feng looked straight at Pope Guangming: "For example, Tianxinzi! Lord Pope, Tianxinzi handed it over, we can't cooperate!"

"What Tianxinzi, Brother Chu, don't be kidding me, I didn't get those three Tianxinzi!" Pope Guangming said with a shock, he couldn't remember where there was a flaw that Chu Feng would know.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "My Lord Pope, I didn't say that there are three Tianxinzi, and there are nine Tianxinzi in total!" Pope Guangming's heart sank, and he was actually criticized by Chu Feng just now. If you change to a bright environment The Pope’s answer would not be so careless, but this environment really makes the Pope Bright unable to meditate!

"Boss, those three Tianxinzi that were auctioned before were on Pope Guangming?" Zhou Wen said in surprise.

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