Holy Prison

Chapter 1227: Lots of ghosts

"It's still more comfortable on the safe island!" Zhou Wen muttered. When Pope Guangming had recovered some strength but had not fully recovered, the safe island where Chu Feng and the others were located disappeared instantly!

The safe island disappeared, and Chu Feng and the others naturally felt the gloomy and terrible Nether Forbidden Domain again. "I'm going forward, you keep up, I hope Sun Shu will be there when we arrive, otherwise it will be difficult for us to kill him!" Pope Guangming killed a nearby ghost with a palm. .

"Hurry up!" Chu Feng said. Through the scan of the sky, he knew that Sun Shu was still recovering at the moment and ignored them. He was very clear about the terrible Sun Shu in the Nether Forbidden Domain. He didn't think Chu Feng and the others could threaten his life in such a place!

A group of people rushed forward, ghosts, tree monsters, human-eating stones, shadow killers with extreme speed, and the voice of death Chu Feng. They encountered many, and the closer they were to where Sun Shu was, Chu Feng The stronger the attack they received, the shadow of death enveloped each of them!

"Number two, hurry up!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. As soon as his voice fell, the number two, with the cultivation of the gods, instantly attacked the number three beside him!

Yilian took the shot and immediately confined the second shot. Chu Feng looked into the second's eyes. At this time, there was only a crazy color in his eyes, without a trace of clarity! "It's the voice of a puppet!" Number 3 trembled. If Yilian didn't make a move just now, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured by Number 2's attack!

"It's a very powerful voice of puppet, he's not saved!" Bruin said solemnly. Voice of Puppet and the others have encountered it along the way. They can dissolve the voice of puppet, which is not very powerful, so they are completely lost. After the Qingming situation, they can't help it!

"No. 5 was directly turned into **** water by the sound of death, and No. 2 died again, plus the previous No. 4, we have already died three people!" Chu Feng said, his face was a bit difficult, he looked at Zhou Wen At a glance, Zhou Wen and the others are fortunate to have powerful natal weapons, otherwise they would have already died by now!

The number two died, and that drop of his natal blood was given to Bruin. He died instantly when Bruin finished speaking!

"No. Three, you probably shouldn't have entered this place!" No.1 patted No.3 on the shoulder and said, "I know it is so dangerous inside, so I came in, admire it!"

No. 3 smiled bitterly: "If it wasn't a last resort, how could I get in here? Don't you also know how terrible it is? So the high mortality rate has also come in!"

"Now is not the time to chat, move on!" Pope Guangming said solemnly, another person has died, and his heart is heavy. Although he has a quasi-sage level cultivation base, he is a quasi-sage level powerhouse. , The chance of death here is also relatively large!

"We've been halfway through, and if it's a little bit faster, it's estimated that we can reach the place where Sun Shu is in five hours!" Pope Guangming added another sentence and the speed of advancement suddenly accelerated!

"Boss, if I die, help take care of Wan'er." Chu Feng and the others quickly followed the Guangming Pope forward, and Zhou Wen suddenly spoke. "Fatty, what **** you say, we will all go out alive! If you have an accident here, even if I go out alive, what face do I have to see Tang Wan cheer me up, and talk such bullshit, then I will go out. Definitely tell Tang Wan, you just wait to be cleaned up!" Chu Feng said viciously.

"Boss, I just said in case."

"Nothing in case!"

As time passed by, Chu Feng and the others were all highly nervous, "We are very close. There is a sandy land in front, and there is a blood lake in the middle of the sandy land. Sun Shu should be in the blood lake. In!" Pope Guangming said.

"Yeah Solah"

The melodious music sounded at this time, and Chu Feng and the others were shocked. In this nether forbidden domain, the pleasant sounds are generally extremely terrifying. Like the sound of death before, the sound is very beautiful. , But in just a few seconds, Number Five turned into blood under the power of that voice!

"Chu Feng, Sun Shu!" Miao Xian'er said that the image of Sun Shu appeared in his mind for an instant. Sun Shuben sank into the blood pool for training, but at this time he slowly moved out of the blood pool. Floated up. "What is noisy!" Sun Shu said impatiently and put his hands on a black bead.

"Pope Guangming, Chu Feng didn't expect you to hook up again! I got here in such a short time, and I really underestimated you!" Sun Shu's face was a bit cloudy and uncertain. If he was given some time, Even if Chu Feng and the others are twice as strong, he is not afraid, but now, his injuries have not recovered, and he has only a little control over here, it is not easy to kill Chu Feng and the others.

"Since you are here, let's play the game slowly. In my turf, you still want to kill me. That's a delusion!" With a smile, Sun Shu cut his wrist and a lot of blood flowed into it. Among a black bead, the sunspot was like a living thing swallowing Sun Shu's blood. In a short time, that bead was obviously higher than the others!

"Miao Xian'er, the holy prison heavy artillery, should be able to attack Sun Shu," Chu Feng said in his mind. "Naturally, it is possible, but Chu Feng, now the holy prison heavy artillery is not fully charged, and the attack power cannot reach the highest. If you attack Sun Shu, it is estimated that there will be no effect." Miao Xianer said.

The holy prison heavy artillery, now there is only one bottle in the holy prison space. It has been stored for decades, and the power of the attack has not reached the strongest. The power is equivalent to the power of the god-dzogchen strong, but the power is at least equivalent to the high-level power The player’s full blow! The full-strike power of the high-level god-excellent power will naturally not be weak, but Sun Shu is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, and it seems weak when used against him.

"Miao Xian'er, I am not dealing with Sun Shu. If Sun Shu leaves, I will immediately bombard the black bead that Sun Shu has transfused with the Holy Prison!" Chu Feng said solemnly in his mind.


The sound of the melodious music suddenly stopped. As soon as the sound of the music code stopped, a strange laughter came into Chu Feng's ears. "Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie"

"Sun Shu, get out of here!" Pope Guangming shouted. "Pope Guangming, didn't you want to kill Chu Feng? You actually got entangled with Chu Feng again. It really disappointed this seat!" Sun Shuyin's sad voice seemed to come from all around. , "Chu Feng, long time no see!"

"Not long!" Chu Feng said indifferently, "I really didn't expect that in such a little time, Sun Shu, you will become a tortoise with a shrunken head!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha, Chu Feng, you can use such a lowly aggressive method against me, it is too ridiculous! In order to welcome you, I have prepared a few big meals for you. Enjoy it slowly. , The first big meal, start!" Sun Shu's voice fell, and Chu Feng and the others heard a very familiar voice.

"A lot of ghosts!" Zhou Wen shouted.

In the Nether Forbidden Domain, there are many ghosts, and those with low strength are quite easy to deal with, like the light of the Purification of Pope Bright can purify a piece at once, but the ones with high strength are very difficult to deal with! Those ghosts, they were transformed from strong people who died in the Nether Forbidden Domain before, and their strength has declined, but the most powerful ghost can reach the perfection of the gods!

Even a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, if you encounter dozens of the most powerful ghosts, the possibility of death is extremely high! The ghosts complained, and Chu Feng and the others immediately saw tens of thousands of ghosts emerging from the mountains in front of them!

"So much!" Chu Feng's expressions all changed.

"Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, enter the flying boat!" Chu Feng thought of the flying boat and appeared next to him. Then he, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen immediately entered the flying boat. As for Yilian and the others, they all have the quasi-sage-level strength. Without entering the flying boat, they will not be able to display their already powerful attack power!

As for No. 1 and No. 3, Chu Feng did not include them in the flying boat. They have the strength of the gods, and they can also display a lot of combat power!

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and the holy flame of merit appeared at the front of the flying boat, and then the flying boat rushed into the ghosts at a terrifying speed!

The flying boat immediately ran into many ghosts and was touched by the sacred flame of merit. Those ghosts howled in pain. They are extremely protective against physical attacks, and the impact of the flying boat is almost ineffective on them. , But the power of the Holy Flame of Merit can restrain them greatly!

"The Lord said, there must be light, so there will be light!" Pope Guangming also knew the seriousness of the problem at this time. He said solemnly. The moment the white light fell from the sky, many ghosts were in the Holy Light. Sinochem becomes nothingness! "The Lord said that all evil will be purified in the Holy Light!"

"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt!"

Yilian read softly, her spiritual consciousness condensed into a whip, and which ghost she drew suddenly lit up slightly and then turned into nothingness. Yilian controlled the life force. Those ghosts, they are not alive. But after all, they are also a form of life, and naturally they cannot escape the attack of life force!

"Boss, there, those ghosts are devouring each other!" Zhou Wen yelled in Feizhou. The most powerful ghosts came out of the gods, but it did not mean that they could not reach the quasi-saint level!

Usually those ghosts do not swallow each other when they are asleep, but when they wake up to face the enemy, they can swallow each other, one by one ghosts swallowing other ghosts may reach Quasi-Saint-level strength!

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