Holy Prison

Chapter 1236: Life burn

"The strength has really reached the Quasi-Saint Level!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. The evil value of No. 1 exceeds the value of goodness. The Sky Eye is locked on him. The picture from the Sky Eye from within the Nether Forbidden Domain to the outside shows that a powerful aura burst out of his body in an instant, that aura is not a god-given grandeur. What a consummated strong can possess is only a quasi-sage-level strong can possess!

Outside the Nether Forbidden Domain.

Feeling the tyrannical power that exploded in his body after his breakthrough, No.1's eyes flickered with a rather satisfied look. "Chu Feng, Chu Feng, destroy my substitute. If you didn't take your life this time, you won't be so lucky next time." Number One said softly.

In the Nether Forbidden Territory, Chu Feng was slightly surprised. It turned out that Number One was the deity of the Man King! "Number One is the deity of Manking King. Now his strength has reached Quasi-Holy Grade, and he still has that holy artifact." Chu Feng frowned secretly. It is not that he has no confidence in himself, but is such a powerful Manking King. , It is not easy to deal with it!

"Master Pope, won't you also give up this opportunity?" Chu Feng's voice resounded in Pope Guangming's mind. "What can you do? If the body of the immortal powerhouse is really alarmed, then it will be difficult for us to escape!" Pope Guangming also said through a voice transmission.

"There is no good way, but if Sun Shu is let go this time, then we will face a much stronger Sun Shu in the future!" Chu Feng said.

Sun Shu blamed with a smile: "Chu Feng, Pope Guangming, there are only two of you, you choose, choose to leave or choose to continue! Leaving, the future is bright, and if you stay, then perhaps you will die with me! "

"Brother Chu, sorry!"

Pope Guangming said softly and honestly. After thinking about it in his heart, Pope Guangming decided to leave. Although he may kill Sun Shu if he continues, he may die. After living for so long, Pope Guangming is more afraid of death!

"A wise choice, Jiejie!" Sun Shu said that another halo appeared, "Pope Guangming, after you go out, your strength should be improved! Chu Feng, if you leave, leave me immediately, if not If you leave, then, I'm afraid there will be no chance to leave!"

"Let's go!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "Lao Meng, you should guard outside first, and don't let Pope Guangming attack us!" "Yeah!" Meng Hao and the others didn't think that the three of them passed through the aperture at once. Leaving the Nether Forbidden Domain.

"Xiao Mingzi, be careful!" Chu Feng's voice sounded in Tang Ming and their minds. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, the four of them, appeared directly next to the aperture from the flying boat and then left the aperture at once. "Yilian, let's go!" Chu Feng said as he took the flying boat, the Black King became smaller just so that Chu Feng rode on it.

"Together!" Yilian said.

Chu Feng said: "You go first, I'll break it." Yilian was slightly surprised and said, "Chu Feng, are you not going to go out at this time? No, or go out together, or I will stay!"

"If there is nothing, you go out first, I will come out immediately, and go out together and you will easily be tricked by the guy Sun Shu." Chu Feng said through the sound transmission, "Go out immediately, Xiao Mingzi and the others may be in danger outside."

"Do not!"

Sun Shu sneered: "Chu Feng, after all you can't get out, I can't hold on to the aperture for much time. If you don't get out, then it will basically be impossible to get out afterwards!"

"Yilian, obedient, Fatty, they may need your help at this time, and Godchu City and the City of Innocence also need your help!" Chu Feng said through the sound transmission, "I have the Black King, and the Holy Prison In the space, Hei Ye and the Spider King are still surrendering to me. Their strength is not weak! Believe me, I will have nothing to do. I can’t let this opportunity go. I have a hunch that if I let it go this time With Sun Shu, then we must have great trouble in the future!"

"You are outside, try to keep yourself in a safe environment, and the strength that I can use when I borrow your power is almost quasi-sage!"

"In addition, have you forgotten, I still have a hundred heavenly guards, each of them now has the emperor god's advanced cultivation base, and the power of those lavender laws can enhance the strength of the heavenly guards. As long as you give them more power of the lavender law, there is no problem for a Tianwei to reach the quasi-saint level! Although I am reluctant to use the Tianwei, if it threatens my life, I will definitely use it!"

"I love you, go out obediently!"

Chu Feng gently pushed Yi Lian, and Yi Lian looked at Chu Feng affectionately and instantly entered the aperture and disappeared.

"Be careful!"

Yi Lian’s short voice sounded in Chu Feng’s mind, “Chu Feng, Yi Lian is safe, Zhou Wen and the others did not have an accident, and their strengths have improved.” Miao Xian’er’s voice sounded in Chu Feng’s mind. Miao Xian'er and the others appeared near Pope Guangming. Pope Guangming was locked in by Heavenly Eye, and the Heavenly Eye could naturally sense some of the situations around him.

"Chu Feng, don't you plan to leave?" Sun Shu said coldly.

"So what?" Chu Feng said indifferently, "Sun Shu, I know you don't have much power anymore. Chu Feng is in the flying boat at this time, and outside the flying boat is the Black King, with the Black King holding him on, plus Feizhou's own defense is so strong that Chu Feng and the others can now barely resist the attack in the sand. After the previous riots, the attack launched by the sand is much weaker than before!

Sun Shu took a deep breath and a calm voice sounded outside: "Chu Feng, you don't want me. I admit that you are right. I don't have much power to motivate the power here to attack you, but I still have my life. One, enough to make the body of the immortal powerhouse burst out a little bit of power!"

"The light gate is still there, you go, I will never embarrass you, and I don’t have the power to embarrass you again! I don’t want to die, but if you and me, then we will die together! I have nothing to worry about. People, you have parents and wives. I heard that Feng Bingning is still pregnant with your child!"

These words of Sun Shu are really sincere, but Chu Feng did not choose to leave, "Sun Shu, this time only one of us can survive!" Chu Feng said solemnly, as he spoke of the Black King's attack. It became more fierce, and the skulls that sparsely emerged from the sand were shattered under the attack of the Black King!

"Okay, okay, okay! Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you, don't you want to go out, then leave your life in this Nether Forbidden Domain!" Sun Shu sneered, "Only you have the animal Sacrifice, I want to see if you can get in front of me. If you can't, your lives will be thrown here for nothing!"

In the underground blood pool, Sun Shu slapped angrily on the blood water of the blood pool. The portal he forcibly opened swayed slightly in front of Chu Feng and disappeared!

Outside the sacred prison space, not far from Nether City, Yilian, Bruin and Zhou Wen were together, and Pope Guangming and Number One had already left far away! Although the strength of Number One has improved, he does not have much confidence to face the attacks of Yilian and the others. According to Pope Guangming, his strength is estimated to be much lower than that of Number One today!

"Sister-in-law, where's the boss?" Zhou Wen was surprised. Yilian had been out for ten seconds, but Chu Feng and the Black King still did not come out of the Nether Forbidden Domain.

Tang Ming's expression changed: "Sister-in-law, is the boss going to kill Sun Shu there?" Yilian nodded slightly: "Well, let's go, we will immediately return to the City of Innocence. Pope Bright and No. 1 are all After leaving, we must ensure the safety of the City of Innocence and the City of God's Beginning!"

"This guy, what hero, wants to destroy Sun Shu, wouldn't it be easier for us all to work together!" Meng Hao cursed a little.

"Sister-in-law, why don't you persuade that fellow Chu Feng." Tang Wan said. Yilian said softly, "Don't tell me, Chu Feng has his own plan. Sun Shu thinks he must get rid of this time. The biggest danger inside is the danger of the immortal saint awakening. We are alone in it. If In such a situation, it is just another loss. Except for the biggest danger, I believe he can still handle the other dangers."

"Pope Bright and they have already left for some time. We can't waste time anymore. Let's withdraw, and pay attention to the abyss of death!"

"At that time, if the boss comes out, you must scold him severely!" Zhou Wen said solemnly. They looked at the direction of the Nether Forbidden Domain one by one. After a while, the strength of the eight people had been greatly improved. To leave!

Within the Nether Forbidden Domain, time passed by, and the skulls hidden in the sand were continuously destroyed by Chu Feng and the Black King. In the underground blood pool, Sun Shu felt uncomfortable, but he was already There is no power to induce the power of the Nether Forbidden Domain to attack Chu Feng!

"Want to alarm the corpse of the immortal strong man?" Sun Shu frowned and thought to himself. He was not absolutely sure that he could alarm the corpse of the immortal strong man, but for him who had no power now, he was alarmed. There is only one way for the corpse of the immortal strong man, that is, the completely burned life gains short-term power, after which he will die regardless of success or failure!

With a sound of the Black King, the powerful soul shock wave shattered some of the last attacks towards Chu Feng and their skulls. Those skulls fell one after another, and the flying boat and the Black King quickly reached the edge of the blood lake.

"Sun Shu, you are dying!" Facing the vast blood lake, Chu Feng said indifferently. "I'm going to die, you can't live! Hahaha, hahahaha! Die, let's die together!!" Sun Shu's crazy voice came out, in the underground blood pool, Sun Shu's whole body suddenly ignited a **** flame !

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