Holy Prison

Chapter 1253: Poison Refining

Fifty or sixty years, this is almost the life of a mortal, but for Chu Feng and others, it is only a short period of time in their long life.

"Unexpectedly, there are still quasi-sage-level criminals. If it were not for our previous strength improvement, it would be really difficult to catch that quasi-sage-level guy." Chu Feng smiled, and he was in a good mood right now. , Although it took him and Yilian more than a month, but that quasi-saint-level guy was finally caught by him!

It is a pity that the criminals caught here are not counted in the upgrade task, otherwise, a quasi-saint-level powerhouse can at least be worth a hundred emperor-level criminals!

"Grabbing that quasi-saint-level guy, there shouldn't be a few criminals with a crime value three times the value of goodness that have not been arrested." Yilian said with a smile on her hair, "husband, we have reached the abyss. It has been fifty-eight years since Bing Ning and the others have missed it a long time ago. Let's go back to infinity!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, Feiying and the others have caught more than 40,000 Emperor God level powerhouses before, and a lot of time has passed. I don't know if it has reached 50,000."

In a non-combat state, it is very easy for Chu Feng and the others to get out of the domain tower. Chu Feng said that the next moment he and Yilian both appeared from the domain tower into the holy prison space.

"Huh, I failed again, really!" Miao Feiying said depressedly, "Miao Xian'er, what did you say I made a mistake? It has been thirteen times, and it's wrong. If you don't have enough materials, I don’t know how long it will take to collect those materials."

"Don't be depressed, your man came out." Miao Xian'er smiled and said, Miao Xian'er often talked to Miao Feiying for decades and many years ago, so the relationship between the two of them is very it is good.

"What makes your wife Feiying depressed?" Chu Feng laughed and appeared beside Miao Feiying with Yilian.

Miao Feiying looked at Chu Feng helplessly: "I want to research out a poison that can deal with the quasi-saint-level powerhouses and is easier to use, but it has failed time and time again. I feel that it can be done, but in the end it always fails. Husband, Elaine, you help me analyze, what is the reason?"

"You calm down, Miao Xian'er, prepare another set of materials, and we will see you get it once." Chu Feng thought for a while.

There is enough material supply in the holy prison shop, Miao Feiying has been working hard in drug production these years. When Chu Feng and the others came out last time, Miao Feiying had successfully made a return to nature that could deal with the deity of great perfection. Poison, I didn't expect that it was already developing a poison to deal with the quasi-sage-level powerhouse!

"Yeah." Miao Feiying nodded and quickly calmed her mind. For people with such a strong cultivation base, normally, if they want to calm their mind, they can calm down immediately!

As the pill furnace began to sacrifice, Miao Feiying herself shot a green flame, and her flame contained the power of her poison pill, which made her refine the poison far faster than ordinary poison masters. Without the green flames emitted from the poison pill, let alone a few decades, even if it was given to Miao Feiying for hundreds of thousands of years, she estimated that it would be difficult for her to refine a poison pill or return to the original. A poison of another anti-nature level!

Putting a variety of materials with a calm complexion, some of those materials are turned into liquid in the pill furnace, and some are turned into gas, a variety of colors of gas or liquid are perfectly controlled by Miao Feiying Fused together.

Chu Feng looked at him secretly ashamed, thinking that he had refined the anti-virginal poison back then, but his old man threw a lot of poison into it, and then got it by luck with that little chance, and Miao Feiying got it. , But refining it by his own true ability!

Nowadays, with many of Miao Feiying's techniques, Chu Feng discovered that they might recognize his Uncle Chu, but he does not recognize them very much.

In addition to the technique, why those poisons should be thrown down at that time, and why it takes a while for a while to be in the fire, and a while for the younger, he doesn't know how to understand!

"That's good. At any rate, I also exchanged this ability back then. I didn't expect that I don't understand it very much now. Feiying's accomplishments in this area seem to be a guy who has far exceeded my exchange ability back then." Chu Feng muttered.

"Miao Xian'er, should there be a top poison master in the jail? I want to exchange for a poison-making ability!" Chu Feng glanced at Miao Xian'er and said in his mind. "Sure? Miao Feiying has this talent, Chu Feng, in fact, you don't have much need to exchange this ability." Miao Xian'er replied immediately.

"I'm sure, although Fei Ying has this ability, I often act alone, and the ability of poison can still help a lot." Chu Feng said in his mind, when he got the holy prison, Chu Feng liked to exchange one. This ability, but now, he often will not exchange an ability for decades, not because those abilities are not good, but Chu Feng is now very clear about one thing, the more abilities are not the better!

He now has real self skills, the thing about real self skills, in theory, no matter what a person has learned, he can have his own real self skills, but in fact it is not the same thing, it is the same two abilities. Two abilities that can complement each other have a much higher possibility of forming true self skills. If they are opposite abilities, then the possibility of forming true self skills is small!

Like Chu Feng, he now has a lot of skills. Some of those skills are complementary to each other, but some are actually opposites. For example, the water and fire abilities that Chu Feng exchanged before are the counterparts. Yes, however, the influence in this respect was basically eliminated after Chu Feng exchanged the full five elements power.

Skills such as Poison Refining are not very opposed to those of Chu Feng, so the skills in this area are considered good, otherwise Chu Feng would not propose to exchange them.

"Choose one. There are more people caught now, and there are many with good standards in this regard." Miao Xian'er presented a lot of information in Chu Feng's mind.

Miao Xian'er gave a total of ten choices. Chu Feng quickly selected the skills of a god-excellent peak-level powerhouse. The ability of that god-external peak-level powerhouse in poison is estimated to be much stronger than that of the green robe. Yes, he didn't catch the prison from outside, but the criminal caught from the domain tower!

The criminals caught in the domain tower are not counted in Chu Feng's upgrade mission, but Chu Feng can also exchange their abilities, which is a very good point.

There are two abilities that Chu Feng selected, one is drug production, and the other is detoxification.

Although the clinic can detoxify, as a poisoner, if you only know how to make poisons but don't know how to detoxify, then you are too unprofessional.

A large amount of money points disappeared, and a large amount of information suddenly poured into Chu Feng's mind frantically. If Chu Feng's Shenhai is relatively small, then it is poured in at such a fast speed, Chu Feng's head must be instantly crashed, but God The sea is so wide, and the massive amount of information does not put too much pressure on Chu Feng!

The skills of the two god-level powerhouses have a huge amount of information. If it weren’t for the power of Shenhai, it would take Chu Feng at least half an hour to receive those information. But now, it’s just a few seconds. Feng has already received the information completely, and the skill exchange is completed!

After the two skills were exchanged, Chu Feng felt that his understanding of poisons had increased countless times. He could not understand Miao Feiying's movements. At this time, understanding is no longer a problem, and Chu Feng can still think about it. The bottom is right!

Time passed slowly, and under Chu Feng's careful observation, more than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Miao Feiying screamed out of her pill furnace with a muffled sound, and then the furnace lid was blown up, and a puff of ash rose from the pill furnace.

"Bring me back." Miao Feiying snorted. She raised her hand and inhaled. The ash smoke containing the strong poisonous gas was all sucked into her body from the palm of her hand. The poisonous gas may be fatal to others. , But for her who possesses Poison Pill, it is just a tonic!

"Chu Feng, look, it failed again!" Miao Feiying said depressedly, "Do you see any problems?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Haha, don't worry, you can see it. You are very talented in this area, and with Poison Pill, refining poison is much easier for you, but you also have a problem. ."

"What?" Miao Fei said in doubt.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "The time for you to start learning to refine poisons is too short, and the foundation is not solid! Moreover, you pay attention to the method of refining poisons, the heat, and the timing, but you don't pay much attention to one thing. Important things. This thing is not a big problem for refining, for example, poor poisons, but it has a big impact on things that can be refined to kill Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses!"

"Chu Feng, don't sell Guanzi, just say it quickly." Miao Feiying stared at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng pointed his finger at his own heart: "It's the heart, do you understand? The poison of transcending the back to the original is alive, and you must refine it with your heart, otherwise, there is absolutely no chance of success!"

"Heart" Miao Feiying seemed to realize what she stood there motionless thinking.

"It's probably not going to wake up in a while, let's go elsewhere." Chu Feng's voice sounded in the minds of Yilian and Miao Xian'er and disappeared in front of Miao Feiying.

Immersed in the sentiment, Miao Feiying did not feel Chu Feng and the others leaving. In another small space, Chu Feng, who had seen all of this, shook his head helplessly and said: "Fei Ying probably didn't feel our departure."

"Husband, your level in drug production is higher than Fei Ying? You can actually point her to her. You should have just exchanged your ability in poisons, but in the prison, this aspect may not be better than Fei Ying, right?" Lian was puzzled and authentic.

"Haha, Yilian, there is a saying called Talking on Paper! Although I don't know how to refine the poison that can poison the quasi-sage-level powerhouses, I know the problem with Feiying's failure to refine successfully. Isn't that all right? "Chu Feng smiled, "Miao Xian'er, how many tasks have you completed?"

"Just over fifty thousand, and thirty thousand more." Miao Xian'er said, Chu Feng hadn't caught many people in the past. It's very good to reach this level in a few decades. There is the credit of the green robe. , Of course, there is also the contribution of Miao Feiying, some powerhouses with respect to the gods, if it were not for her, it would not be easy for the green robe to get it done.

"It's only 30,000, which is not bad. It should be done in 50 years." Chu Feng nodded slightly and quickly appeared outside the holy prison space.

Putting the green robe into the sacred prison space, Chu Feng flew up into the sky, returning to infinity in a short time.

Shenchu ​​City, more than 50 years and nearly 60 years have passed, Shenchu ​​City has changed a lot. Compared with the original, Shenchu ​​City is now more prosperous and more orderly.

"Husband, Shenchu ​​City has changed so much." Yilian said, Chu Feng and the others are converging their cultivation base at this time, and they are not in their original appearance. "Well, not only Shenchu ​​City, but other cities are much better than before. Bing Ning and the others have achieved good results." Chu Feng also said, "I don't know Bing Ning and the others. What's going on, let's go back soon!"

Today's Shenchu ​​City is very large, but Chu Feng and the others have already entered the Chu Mansion within a short time after accelerating.

"The belt is getting wider and I won't regret it, and I'm haggard for Yixiao." Lan Wen whispered on the edge of a small lake in Chu Mansion. "Sister Wen, are you thinking about your husband again?" Feng Bingning said softly next to De Lan Wen.

"I don't want him. I haven't come back for decades. I guess I have forgotten us." Lan Wen hummed softly, "I just think the word is pretty, so I just say it casually."

"Really? Wen'er, really don't want to?" Chu Feng chuckles. Lan Wen and Feng Bingning’s faces instantly showed surprises, "You smelly fellow, do you know how to come back!" Lan Wen bitterly, she and Feng Bingning both moved and wanted to plunge into Chu Feng’s arms. In, but it all stopped all at once.

Chu Feng smiled and hugged Lan Wen and Feng Bingning into his arms, "What can you do, your husband can't hold two people at once?" Chu Feng kissed Feng Bingning and Lan Wen on their faces. Hehe smiled.

Holding Lan Wen and Feng Bingning hard, and smelling the fragrance of the two women, Chu Feng felt a little self-blaming in his heart, and should come back several times to see them these years.

"Bing Ning, Wen Er, I'm sorry, I" Chu Feng said softly.

"Don't say sorry. Although we miss you, we also know that you are for our family. Besides, decades are not that long. We spend most of our time practicing, and time can pass easily. "Feng Bingning said quietly in Chu Feng's ear.

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