Holy Prison

Chapter 1259: Who is the murderer?

"His Royal Highness, as long as you want to know, can you know everything?" Chu Feng said in surprise. The guardian elf queen laughed and said: "That is naturally impossible, how can it be so powerful? If you want to know more than our ability, then we can't get the answer."

"If you don't get the answer, you will go back?" Chu Feng said. "Yes, but the backlash is very slight. For us, we can recover after one or two days of rest. If we successfully lower the natural metaphor, then there will be a lot of consumption. The problems I want to know are different, and the consumption will also be Not the same. However, even if it is a very simple question, if we ask it, we cannot ask the second question within a hundred years!" The guardian elf queen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "If you ask a question, will it cause permanent damage to you?"

"Master Chu, it is impossible. Under the sacred tree, as long as we are not dead, we will definitely recover completely. Moreover, if it is a problem that exceeds our ability, there will be no natural miracles coming down." The guardian elf queen replied, "Master Chu, talk about the question you most want to know."

"The most urgent question to know" Chu Feng pondered. Who made her like that for Song Ye? The question he wants to know now, besides this one, where is the ninth Tianxinzi? This is also the question he wants to know.

"The ninth Tianxinzi can be put on hold for a while, and I will let the guardian elves help after a hundred years." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, after thinking about it, Chu Feng decided to know who hurt Shaoye first. This is not just for Shaoye. The issue of revenge is also related to the safety of the people of God's First City!

Chu Feng sent some information directly to the guardian elf queen's mind. "Your Majesty, I want to know who is behind the scenes who injured Shao Ye!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"What a cruel person, okay, we immediately pray for the deity of nature!" The guardian elf queen said angrily. "Thank you!" Chu Feng nodded.

The guardian elf queen flew into the sky.

"All guardian elves hear orders, we must pray for the advent of the gods of nature, and unveil a sinner's veil of sin and let us know who he is!" The guardian elves said some information quickly spread to Shuangshuang. In the minds of the guardian spirits other than the three sleeping guardian spirits.


Ten million guardian elves promised loudly. Every one of the guardian elves speaks loudly, but the voice is not too loud, but when the ten million guardian elves speak loudly together, the voices are quite loud together.

A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, and the sounds of the guardian souls together seemed to fit in with nature. After the word "Zunling", all guardian spirits including the guardian spirit queen slowly closed. eye.

No one spoke, but Chu Feng seemed to feel that someone was speaking in a low voice. That was not for him, but for nature!

"Miao Xian'er, the necessary connection between this space and the outside world hasn't been cut off?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Don't worry, no." Miao Xian'er said. If the connection with the outside world is cut off, Chu Feng estimates that the natural gods who guard the elves will fail out of all likelihood.

"You must know who it is." Chu Feng muttered secretly in his heart. If this matter can be found to be able to get rid of the person who did it, then Chu Feng will be sick!

As time passed, the bodies of the guardian elves gradually trembled, "The goddess of nature is on top, your people piously request that the gods of nature come down to tell us the answer we want!" There was a voice inside, Chu Feng understood her words, but her tone Chu Feng had never heard of it. Those words came out of her mouth, and it seemed that every word could be perfect with heaven, earth and nature. Fusion!

At the moment when the guardian elf queen's voice fell, a golden light shot down from the holy tree and entered the guardian elf queen's mind.

The metaphor of nature came down, and the metaphor of nature naturally ended. At the moment when it was over, ten million guardian elves spewed out a bit of blood and looked tired.

"The light of life!" Yilian immediately used a treatment method, life force, which can be used to kill people, and the same may be used to treat injuries! The light green light circle spread out from Yilian's body, and the guardian elves suddenly seemed a lot more energetic!

"Miao Xian'er!" Chu Feng said in his mind. The power of the medical institution was also activated. The effect of the medical institution's treatment was even better than that of Yilian's treatment, but it could not treat so many people at once. This is much worse than Yilian!

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Chu Feng said quickly.

The guardian elf queen shook her head slightly: "It's okay, thank you for the treatment. Master Chu, the answer you want to know seems to be related to the power of the upper realm. Our power is still weaker now, so although the natural metaphor has appeared, it is only Knowing a name, but not knowing the specific situation of the other party."

"What name?" Chu Feng already had a little guess in his heart. "Death messenger!" The guardian elf queen said apologetically, "Master Chu, I am embarrassed to just get such an answer."

"No, Your Majesty, you are already very useful to me. Your Majesty, thank you for your efforts to protect the elves." Chu Feng said.

"You're welcome, we just do something within our power." The guardian elf queen said. Chu Feng said: "Your Majesty, I want to know one thing, how can you improve your strength relatively quickly? You may be troubled by your Majesty in this aspect in the future."

The guardian elf queen looked at the sacred tree and said: "If the power of the sacred tree is strong, our power can also progress quickly, otherwise, our power will progress more slowly! If the power of the sacred tree is to grow faster, then we need Energy spar, many spars! The holy tree will strengthen itself by absorbing the power in the spar!"

"I only need spar?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up. He may not have much else, but there is no shortage of spar. Now the spar in the holy prison space is piled into mountains!

"Yes, it just needs spar. All the spars we got from the guardian elves have been absorbed by the holy tree. We don't have spars." The guardian elves said in embarrassment.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know how much spar the holy tree needs in a year?" "If the holy tree absorbs with all its strength, now it needs to absorb ten trillion catties of the best spar a year." Guardian Elf Queen Tao.

"How much?" Chu Feng said in a daze.

"Well, Master Chu, if not, there is no need to let the holy tree absorb it with all its strength. It doesn't matter if it absorbs less." The guardian elf queen said.

Chu Feng waved his hand again and again: "No, no, your Majesty, you misunderstood what I meant. You just said that you need a lot of spars. I thought it would be a relatively large number. I didn't expect it to be so small! What counts as ten trillion catties of the best spar."

This time it was the guardian elf queen's turn to be stunned. In her opinion, ten trillion is already a very huge number, but listening to Chu Feng said that ten trillion is not in Chu Feng's eyes at all.

"Your Majesty, let the sacred tree absorb this billion-billion-jin of the best spar with all its strength, and then tell me when the absorption is complete, you may not be able to take out other things, but if the sacred tree just has such an appetite, then you need I can provide as many spars as many spars.” Chu Feng said.

The huge sacred tree that had long been restored to a height of 100,000 meters started to tremble. "Excited, the holy tree is excited." The guardian elf queen said in surprise.

The guardian elf queen said, "Chu, Master Chu, the sacred tree just sent me a message, it can absorb ten times faster than I just said!" The guardian elf queen was a little dazed, accepting When the message passed to her by the sacred tree, she naturally knew that the sacred tree was in a state of "hunger" from time to time.

"Ten times, one million billion catties? No problem. If the spar I have now turned into a standard top-grade spar, it will exceed 10 billion catties! This ten billion billion catties can be provided to the holy tree for absorption. After she has absorbed it, I think the spar I have has already exceeded that amount." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Aishara, don't be sad." Feng Bingning stretched out her hand to let the guardian elf queen stand in her hand and smiled, "The Holy Tree understands you, you should feel happy. You can't let the Holy Tree stay in full force. The state of absorption, it’s no wonder you are right, your combat effectiveness is not very high, it is more difficult to get the spar naturally. Moreover, it is very good to make the sacred tree so tall. Seriously, high I have seen a 100,000-meter peak, but such a tall tree is really the first time I have seen it."

"Thank you! Lord Chu, and thank you too! It seems that my choice this time is not wrong." The guardian elf queen, Aishala said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Haha, yes, you have selected a big fat sheep. It is estimated that there are not many fat sheep fatter than me in the entire Shengyuan Star."


Aisara laughed out: "It seems that my luck is not bad, Feng Bingning, you can call me Sarah in the future." Aisara said, stepping on the spatial ring given by Chu Feng. Below the sacred tree.

At this time, there was a bottomless hole about two meters in diameter at the root of the sacred tree. Azara's divine consciousness penetrated into the space ring, and suddenly a large number of spars continuously came out of the space ring and then fell into that one. Inside the bottomless hole!

A large amount of energy was absorbed by the sacred tree. Every one of Chu Feng and the others could feel the excitement of the sacred tree at this time. Every guardian elves became excited at this time. The stronger the sacred tree's power, the better they will be. The faster the speed will be, which is also a great thing for them!

There was 100 million jin of top-grade spar in the space ring, and Azara placed it quickly. A few minutes later, all the spars in the space ring were released by her, but the hole was still not filled.

"Sarah, do you need a spar?" Chu Feng said. "Thank you, I don't need it for the time being, these spars are enough for the sacred tree to absorb thousands of years, no, a hundred years." Aishala said.

As she said, Aisha flew up to face all the clansmen who guarded the elves: "Brothers and sisters, we are now in a safe environment, and the holy tree has enough spars to rise quickly. All this is Master Chu brought us, we have nothing else to reward him, we can only do our best to improve our own strength, next time, if Master Chu wants to know the answer to a question, I hope we can give him a more perfect answer."

"I will soon become Feng Bingning's exclusive guardian angel. I guess I don't have so much time to deal with matters in the clan. When I am away, matters in the clan will be decided by the elders." Aishala said After that, it turned into a stream of light and entered Feng Bingning's mind.

"Everyone, you have not heard the words of your queen. Although I need your strength, I hope you can live happily and don't change your living conditions too much because of me!" Chu Feng Smiled, "Well, I won't bother you, and enjoy your new life here."

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he, Feng Bingning and their four daughters all disappeared into the space where the elves were and reached the outside world.

Outside, at this time, there are quite a few powerful people who can get to this side, but the strongest among them is only the Emperor God level. When Chu Feng and the others don’t want that person to find them, that person can’t find Chu at all. Peak them.

With Yilian adding invisibility to everyone, Lin Feng and the others left the place where the guardian elves were before in a short time.

"Feng, the results of the guardian elves' natural metaphors should not be wrong, so it is the death messenger who is like the one to Song Ye, but who is the death messenger?" Feng Bing said in a puzzled manner.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly, thinking quickly in his heart, knowing that it was the death messenger who dealt with the leaf leaf is very important, but it is just that it is impossible to determine who it is. Although the death messenger death list has appeared for decades, it has not yet Know who the death messenger is.

"Death messenger, who is it?" Chu Feng guessed in his heart. "No. One? No. One knows that I have Tianxinzi. The possibility is not small. Pope Guangming also knows the news of Tianxinzi. At that time, he also reached infinity. It is not impossible that the messenger of death is him. If it is him, it can also explain that he doesn't take oaths seriously. The death messenger probably has such a privilege!"

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