Holy Prison

Chapter 1261: Golden Mastiff

"The creatures on Hongman are so huge." Lan Wen said in surprise. They had only seen the giant dinosaur before, and felt that his body size of over 1,000 meters and hundreds of meters long was very terrifying. Now, when I got to the head of the giant dinosaur beast, I looked around, and there were bigger dinosaur beasts around!

A terrifying giant ape with a height of one or two kilometers, a large snake with a body length of three or four kilometers and a body of tens of meters thick, a monster with a body that is thousands of meters floating on the water like a crocodile, Chu Feng and the others look at it. There are hundreds of monsters with huge body in the area they visit. Their strengths are basically the same, about the same as gold-level figures.

In the distance, Chu Feng and the others could clearly feel a stronger breath. The owners of those breaths are probably bigger than the giant beasts they saw with their eyes!

"The environment here is like this. It is estimated that there are a lot of people on Hong Man who are much larger than them." Chu Feng laughed, gold rank, this is very weak and weak for them today, if it reaches It's no surprise that a Fengshen-level powerhouse has a size of tens of thousands of meters, Chu Feng!

Chu Feng said that his divine knowledge penetrated into the mind of the giant dinosaur that was stepping on his feet. Soon, many memories of the giant dinosaur were learned by Chu Feng.

"Is it sure where the target is?" Yilian asked. Chu Feng nodded: "I've determined the approximate location, let's talk about it when you get there!"

Hong Man also respects the strong, and many of Hong Man's strong love to fight. Chu Feng thought it would be difficult to find out where the quasi-saint-level strong was, but he did not expect to find it easily. The approximate address of the bald middle-aged strong man who went to the underworld before!

"Let's go, let's visit that old golden mastiff!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle. He checked the information of that bald-headed middle-aged man, and the other party's name was golden mastiff, above Hong Man. Lives in the west of Hongman.

In addition to the golden pincers, there are still two quasi-saint-level powerhouses on the entire Hong Man's surface. As for whether there are any in the dark, it is not known.

Chu Feng and the others moved forward quickly, and it didn't take long for them to reach the outside of a huge stone-built city, which is different from the city above the infinite. This city is not beautiful at all, but it looks more atmospheric. The city's walls are made of huge stones, and the walls are as high as tens of thousands of meters and hundreds of meters thick. Even if a relatively powerful figure wants to build such a city, it will take a lot of time!

There is no entry tax or anything, Chu Feng and the others entered the city smoothly. In this city they can still see some humans, but more of them are various and smaller but still appear to be smaller. Huge beast!

Humans occupy a dominant position in infinity, but they are not in this magnificent world. Chu Feng and others have seen many humans working hard to serve some orc powerhouses, but they do not enjoy the respect of each other.

"Huh!" Miao Feiying snorted, she and Feng Bingning could feel the unkind gazes of many orc powerhouses, and some orc powerhouses did not curb the desire in their eyes.

"Beautiful human woman, I like it, hahaha! Don't grab me!" A strange laughter rang, and the sound rang, a little bit of a giant dog in the distance quickly fell in front of Chu Feng and the others, and then blinked. , The giant dog became a kobold about two meters tall.

"You share the food with this little guy, they belong to me!" The kobold glanced at Chu Feng and then his eyes fell on Feng Bingning and the others. Feng Bingning and the others now use their original looks, although their looks have been changed a lot. The orc powerhouses have ignored them, but there are still some guys whose aesthetics conform to the aesthetics of the human public.

"Things that live and die!"

Chu Feng snorted coldly. The kobold immediately ignited flames. In the blink of an eye, the arrogant kobold turned into nothingness under the gaze of many pairs of eyes!

Chu Feng made a move, and many of the orc powerhouses who had been close to Chu Feng seemed to have seen the most terrifying ancient behemoth, and they all escaped tens of thousands of meters in an instant!

Hongman Teleportation Array is relatively rare, but for the convenience of traveling between different places, there must be a Teleportation Array. The city Chu Feng and the others entered has a Teleportation Array.

After killing Liwei, the effect was quite good. Chu Feng and the others successfully opened the teleportation array in this city and then teleported out of this city.

When they arrived in another city, Feng Bingning and the others had already changed their appearances, and each of them showed a not-so-weak aura. Under such circumstances, no one was asking for trouble.

After several teleportations, Chu Feng and the others arrived at a city with a long-distance teleportation array. "Feng, let's enter the treasure space. When we get to the ground, you can let us come out again." Feng Bingning said. At first they still felt fresher, but now that Xinjinjin has passed, it feels meaningless. Now, this magnificent scenery is far inferior to that of the guardian elves.

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded slightly and put Feng Bingning and the others in the holy prison space. He was actually a lot more convenient alone, but this trip was a smooth trip with Feng Bingning and the others. Feng Bing Ning and the others did not say, and Chu Feng did not let them enter the holy prison space before.

Feng Bingning and the others entered the sacred prison space. Chu Feng thought about allowing the Black King to appear outside, and the Black King came forward, only slightly showing some strength. That ultra-long-distance domain gate immediately opened for Chu Feng. .

In the western part of Hongman, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind as soon as Chu Feng appeared in the teleportation formation: "Chu Feng, Tianyan sensed the location of the golden mastiff!"

"Image." Chu Feng's eyes lit up and quickly said. "The image is not there yet, the distance is a bit farther, and now I can only sense the location!" Miao Xianer said.

Sensing the location, it doesn't matter if there is no image. Chu Feng took the Black King, who had changed a little bit, to move forward quickly. After turning around several cities, the image scanned by the sky eye had already appeared.

"This appetite is really good!" Watching the image in his mind, Chu Feng exclaimed in his heart. The golden mastiff is not a human type but uses its body. An unknown monster with a body length of more than a thousand meters is actually short. Within a short period of time, I was eaten by the Golden Mastiff and a clean bone was not spit out!

"Golden Mastiff!"

To the nearest city to the Golden Mastiff, Chu Feng quickly rode the Black King to a place not far from the Golden Mastiff.


Jin Mastiff's two huge eyes stared at Chu Feng in an instant. "Who are you" Jin Mastiff's eyes flashed with shock, Chu Feng did not hide his aura anymore at this time, he naturally recognized Chu Feng's identity but pretended not to know him.

"Don't know me?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Jin Mastiff, I want something, you give it to me, and then forget about it, we leave immediately."

"Chu Feng, your auction was on purpose? You want to know who owns Tianxinzi" Jin Mastiff said authentically. "Those are not important to you. Jin Mastiff, don't think about running away, even if you run away, your race won't run away, right?" Chu Feng said flatly.

Jin Mastiff looked up to the sky and roared: "If you want something, beat me first!"

"Master, I am coming!" Black King said. Chu Feng showed excitement in his eyes and shook his head: "No, I will come by myself! Golden Mastiff, I will fight you!"

"You, no!" Jin Mastiff said disdainfully, "Although I know that you can display the strength of the god-exalted level, the gap between the god-exalted level and the quasi-sage level is huge!"

Chu Feng flew up from the black king: "Golden Mastiff, if you lose, then what?" "If you can't even beat you, then I don't need a little reward to give you Tianxinzi, otherwise, you have to use it. How can things be exchanged for that Tianxinzi," Jin Mastiff said solemnly.

"Haha, I heard that the wisdom of the strong above Hongman is not good, but now I find that the rumors are wrong! That day, Xinzi, even if I don't give you something, you have to take it out obediently, but I agree, if you win Now, then, I will give you an item worth 36 billion catties of the best spar! Add a little bit more, then you must not tell the news of Tianxinzi, otherwise you and your people will have The disaster of extinction!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Roar! I agree!" The moment the disdainful color in Jin Mastiff's eyes disappeared, that huge palm slapped Chu Feng fiercely!

The huge palm of the golden mastiff caught Chu Feng in front of him and was blocked by a small shield. It was the shield given by Pope Bright at the beginning. After decades of sacrifice, this shield can now exhibit extremely strong defense power!

"What a terrifying power!" Chu Feng exclaimed in his heart. If it were not for the shield to withstand most of the power, Chu Feng believed that even a strong man who respected the gods and perfected himself would be slapped with a slap!

Jin Mastiff saw that his slap was easily blocked by Chu Feng and another slap with even more terrifying power was instantly photographed!

It was another heavy blow. Chu Feng still had nothing to do. He nodded secretly. The shield's defense was really strong. Although it consumed too much mental power, he did not lack the mental power. With his current strength, the spiritual power he possesses will not be weaker than that of the strong at the top of the gods!

"Jin Mastiff, looking at you, it seems that you haven't eaten enough. I have given you two tricks, should it be okay?" Chu Feng said with a smile and his momentum rose rapidly!

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