Holy Prison

Chapter 1263: Wangtianya

Yilian and the others nodded and quickly retreated several tens of meters. A huge barrier covering hundreds of kilometers of isolation was also established at this time. "Husband, the barrier will not take away the breath of Tianxinzi. Is it also isolated?" Yilian said from a distance.

"Probably not, Tianxinzi's attraction to the regular Tianxin tablet should not be that weak!" Chu Feng said that the seven Tianxinzi in the holy prison space appeared in his hands.

Tianxinzi appeared, and among Chu Feng's surprised eyes, the seven Tianxinzi flew slowly from the palm of Chu Feng's hand.

The seven Tianxinzi mobilized their own position. After a while, the seven Tianxinzi arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper. Each Tianxinzi emits a pale white light, and a trace of mysterious aura is in the seven Tianxinzi. Turning around, Chu Feng felt that the seven Tianxinzi seemed to have established an extremely weak connection with something far away!

"Rules of Heaven Monument!"

Excitement appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, and the one that had established a weak connection with the seven Tianxinzi would definitely be the Heavenly Stele of Rules! "Om!" At this moment, the seven Tianxinzi quivered gently, and a message suddenly came into Chu Feng's mind.

"This" Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment, he waved his hand, and quickly collected all the seven Tianxinzi into the holy prison space! "Brother Feng, what's the matter, how did you take Tianxinzi? I feel that if you give those Tianxinzi some more time, you can summon the rule Tianxinzi!" Lan Wen said, all of them arrived at this time. In front of Chu Feng.

"After the Rule Heaven Tablet is summoned, it must be used within a short period of time, otherwise it will return to the heaven and the earth with the Tianxinzi! Now I only have seven Tianxinzi, so I can’t make the Rule Heaven Tablet reach the most powerful power! It's better to summon the last two Tianxinzi." Chu Feng smiled.

"So that's it." Feng Bingning and the others nodded slightly.

After chatting with Feng Bingning and the others, Chu Feng gradually calmed down. Now he doesn't really need the power of the regular sky stele, and there is nothing to summon in the future.

"Well, you can go into my treasure space, ready to go back." Chu Feng said.

Two hours later, in Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng rushed to Shenchu ​​City in just two hours.

Without staying in Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng quickly passed the teleportation array to the side of Aojia Village. Chu Feng didn't stop in Aojia Village. After leaving Aojia Village, Chu Feng appeared in the Rhine City not far from Aojia Village in the blink of an eye!

"Chu Feng!" Meilianzi, who was squatting and feeding the little spirit beast, immediately stood up, "Chu Feng, is there news about someone hurting Fang Ye?"

Chu Feng stared into Mei Lian Zi's eyes, and he did not see any false gaze in Mei Lian Zi's eyes. "No, Meilianzi, I want to ask you to help me with something, I don't know if it's okay?" Chu Feng said.

"You said, as for the answer or not, then I have to think about it. Of course, if Chu Feng suppresses me with your strength, then naturally I can only agree." Meilianzi smiled.

Chu Feng said directly: "Meilianzi, Shaoye is in my treasure space. Since you recognize her as a friend, how about entering my treasure space to help take care of her for a while?" Meilianzi's face changed slightly: " Chu Feng, you are the lord of Shenchu ​​City. It is impossible that you can't find such a person? You suspect me and want to imprison me in your treasure space."

Chu Feng was silent.

"I understand, it seems I can only agree." Meilianzi said with a wave of her hand, all the little spirit beasts she raised were all included in her own treasure space.

Chu Feng said that the Meilian seeds were collected into the holy prison space in an instant. "No response, no threat to the death messenger. It seems that the possibility of Meilianzi is small." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Even with this understanding, Chu Feng did not plan to release Meilianzi at this time. Although the possibility of the death messenger being Meilianzi is small, it does not mean that there is no possibility at all!

Chu Feng formed a body in front of Meilianzi in the holy prison space. "Meilianzi, you have been here for a while. If you have any needs, you can say it." Chu Feng said.

"You just said that you let me take care of Shaoye. Can I see Shaoye?" Mei Lianzi said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, she can hear your voice, and if she makes a voice, you can also hear it, but you can't touch her." Chu Feng said that a scorpion leaf appeared in front of them. Silhouette.

The Meilianzi came closer, but when it was half a meter away from the flail leaf, it couldn't get closer. Although it looked very close, the Meilianzi and the flail leaf were not in the same small space.

"Chu Feng, can Song Ye still wake up?" Meilianzi frowned. "I don't know, maybe she will wake up in the next moment, or she may not be able to wake up even if she tries her best!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"The one who hurt her is really a bastard." Mei Lianzi said coldly, "You go, rest assured, I will never hurt Song Ye. I guess I don't have the strength to hurt her!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and the divine sense immediately disappeared from the holy prison space. "Miao Xian'er, pay close attention to all the actions of Meilianzi, and report it to me as soon as there is a clue!" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Don't worry, it is easy to monitor her in the holy prison space." Miao Xian'er said.

"Death messenger, who is it?"

Thinking in his heart, Chu Feng returned to Aojia Village and then quickly returned to the city of Shenchu.

After returning to Shenchu ​​City and meeting with Tang Mingmenghao and the others, Chu Feng headed towards Philadelphia. When he returned from the abyss to infinity, Chu Feng thought that he would not reach the abyss before Feng Bingning’s child was born. . But this time he went to Hong Man's side, thinking that he might also be watched by others, Chu Feng felt an urgency in his heart. The holy prison must be upgraded, and the tenth-level holy prison is still too low to make him feel safe!

From the teleportation array in Philadelphia to the abyss, Chu Feng once again thought that Shenchucheng must have its own teleportation array that can be teleported to the abyss, but such teleportation arrays are really rare, and so far, Shenchucheng has not found it. Such a teleportation array!

Without going to the City of Innocence, after reaching the abyss, Chu Feng and Yilian entered the seventh domain tower, and Lan Wen entered the eighth domain tower.

"Feiying, have you found that her husband, Yilian and the others are a little mysterious?" Feng Bingning said in the holy prison space with some doubts.

"No, what's the matter?" Miao Feiying smiled. "My husband used to practice and call him Yilian during this period." Feng Bing condensed. "To do the task, of course I have to call it." Miao Feiying secretly said in her heart. She said so in her heart, but she couldn't say it. Feng Bingning's cultivation base is still too low now, and she knows some things. Not a good thing.

Miao Feiying grinned and said, "Bing Ning, are they double repairs? Then you can ask your husband well and he wants to repair them with him."

"That's what you think." Feng Bingning said with a smile and did not entangle this problem anymore. As long as it is not with other women or with her own wife, it is not a big problem. As for Chu Feng competing for favor, they are not. Yes, the women are still very confident in themselves, and also confident in Chu Feng, and Chu Feng treats them equally.

The tenth floor of the Qiyuyu Tower.

"Husband, we should have been all here. We didn't find the gate. It seems that the gate to the upper level is not on this side but on the other side of nature. I can reach the other side, but Unfortunately, I can't take you to the other side with my husband!" Yilian said.

As the master of the domain tower, there is no problem for Yilian to appear, but only Chu Feng can see the tower gate and only Chu Feng can open it, so Chu Feng needs to go to the other side.

"There is no other information. The only piece of information is the legend of the magpie bridge. It seems that we have to get another piece, and it is very likely that we will fall on the legend of the magpie bridge." Chu Feng said, "It's almost seven or seven, Yilian, you can Going to the natural side, I went to Wangtianya to see if there were any visions at that time. When I got there, when I got to that side, I would collect information on this aspect, or if there is no information on that aspect in this piece."

"Husband, then I'm going over there." Yilian said. "Wait." Chu Feng said, hugging Yilian and kissed the red lips deeply, "Yilian, be careful over there, the saint outside is sleeping, in this holy prison space, saints are not They must all be asleep!" Chu Feng let go of Yilian after a deep kiss for ten minutes.

"Don't worry, you forgot, am I the tower owner? With my strength, within this seventh domain tower, it's not easy for even the average saint-level powerhouse to hurt me." Elaine said, " Husband, I'll go there first, if you can get to the other side, that B-level task may be completed by then!"

Yilian said that as her figure faded away, she disappeared in the Datan where Chu Feng was. "Wangtianya." Chu Feng murmured in his mouth and hurried towards Wangtianya's side.

Wangtianya is in the easternmost part of Datan, and its area is not small, but there is a teleportation formation. It didn't take much time for Chu Feng to teleport to the east of Datan and rush to Wangtianya!

"It's hard to tell, look at the sky!"

Chu Feng muttered softly. Some distance in front of him was Datan's famous Wangtian Cliff. From the direction where he was, there were steps up to the Wangtian Cliff.

At the bottom of the steps, there is a huge boulder with the six characters written on it. The font is vigorous but reveals a deep tenderness!

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