Holy Prison

Chapter 1265: sensation

Whether love is a kind of power, Chu Feng didn't know very well when he was an ordinary person, but now, he still doesn't know too much! You say that it is not a kind of power, sometimes because of love, a person can burst out far more than usual power, but you say that it is a kind of power, it is intangible and intangible, and it is impossible to predict!

"To gather countless couples or couples who love each other deeply, this shouldn't be a difficult task!" Chu Feng called out Yilian softly, thinking in his heart.

Yilian was in the nature now, feeling Chu Feng's call, she quickly appeared on Chu Feng's side. "Husband, how long have you missed me?" Yilian asked with a grin.

"Of course, what's the situation on that side? I just got some news." Chu Feng said that he directly transmitted something he had just heard to Yilian.

Yilian said with a look of surprise in her eyes: "I reached the Wangtian Cliff on the other side. The Wangtian Cliff on that side should have formed a mountain peak with the Wangtian Cliff on this side. Husband, then I will gather people on that side, you If you gather people here, you should be able to make the Magpie Bridge reappear!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and after a few words with Yilian, Yilian immediately disappeared in front of Chu Feng, allowing the Magpie Bridge to appear. This is not only related to Chu Feng's mission, but also related to the upgrade of his holy prison. , Is a matter of urgency. But now, it’s not long since Qiqi is there!

"The time is too short, how can we find enough people to love each other in the fastest time?" Chu Feng thought, Yilian's side should be easier to deal with. Yilian's strength is much higher than him and can be transformed. Many clones came out to go to cities to scan directly with the consciousness, but he can't do it here, his strength is much weaker, even if he doesn't turn into a clone, if he scans with consciousness in some cities, he may be discovered by some strong people!

It is very easy to cause a fight when the power is discovered by the scan of the divine consciousness. Chu Feng is not afraid of fighting, but Qiqi is only about half a month away, and he does not have so much time! If you miss this time, you have to wait another year! One year may not be long for practitioners, but it is also possible that the success or failure of some things is due to this mere year!

"Love is sacred, but this time I can only tarnish the sacred and pure love with money." After a while, Chu Feng thought of an idea in his heart!

A few minutes later, under the Wangtianya stairs, Chu Feng set up a table and a chair. On the table was a pitch-black stone, about the size of a human head, emitting a little metallic light.

Chu Feng sat on the chair, and a sign stood beside him. The sign read: This stone is a peculiar love test. It can measure the depth of feelings between men and women. Only men and women The deepest love between, can make it split and bloom! If you want to see the flowers, I now offer a reward as follows, if a couple or a couple can make it bloom, then two sets of top exercises will be awarded, the best spar is 100 million jin! In addition, my medical skills are acceptable. For couples or couples with deep feelings, free treatment for their diseases! Special statement: I hate people with shallow feelings. If I find out, I will say it to the public, but I will kill it directly!

As soon as Chu Feng's table was placed and the sign was placed, a lot of people immediately gathered!

"One hundred million million catties, how much is that?" Someone said in a daze. For countless people, one hundred million catties is an astronomical figure, and one hundred million catties is completely beyond their imagination!

"This stone really has the effect of such an expression"

"Brother, you are not a liar. One hundred million catties is still credible, 100 million catties, this is too untrustworthy!"

A lot of people talked about it, and Chu Feng's thoughts rose steadily. In just a short period of time, his cultivation of the Emperor God level powerhouse was revealed!

"This seat is at the Emperor God level, this is definitely not a joke with you!" Chu Feng said solemnly, all of them stayed there, let alone the powerhouse of the Emperor God level, they are the Emperor Gods. They might not have seen one of them in their lives!

Chu Feng's aura did not press against those people, but his figure formed an indelible mark in the hearts of those people!

"Meet Senior!"

After many people reacted, they knelt down quickly. The Barlow who had told Chu Feng the story before became a little sober and stammered: "Ni, Neo, that brother, that senior."

"Go, hurry over and meet that senior!" Neo said quickly.

Chu Feng waved his hand, and all the people who had knelt down suddenly stood up involuntarily, while those who hadn't kneel down with a slower reaction couldn't kneel down anymore.

"You don't need to salute, if you think you have a deep relationship with your partner, then you can come over in a few days!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Senior, if the love stone can really bloom, there will be 100 million jin of the best spar?" Someone said excitedly.

"Yes, this news must not be concealed. I need it to spread widely. It is best for everyone to know! If the cultivation base is relatively low and poorer and cannot afford the transmission fee, I hope that they are indeed true lovers. Lend them money to let them come over! If you are sure to love each other deeply, I will have a small amount of money to sponsor, even if you don’t let the test stone bloom, there is definitely no problem in paying for the transmission fee, and it will make life easier. Some!" Chu Feng said.

"To make a statement, if you don't firmly believe in the relationship between each other, then it is best not to borrow money, otherwise, you may just lose your life to this side!"

When Chu Feng finished speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking, and many of the people around quickly left.

Even if it is offering a reward of 100 million catties, it will cause a great sensation in the entire Datan, 100 million catties, which is enough to make many wealthy people very tempted, you know, even some big powers will be worth a billion The wealth of 100 million catties of the best spar is not easy, 100 million catties, this fortune absolutely exceeds the total wealth owned by countless forces on Datan!

If a person with a low cultivation base makes such a thing, then some people must think that it is someone who is joking crazy, but a strong Emperor of God level made it, not many people would think that this is a joke!

Therefore, as soon as Chu Feng's news was released, it immediately swept the entire Datan like a hurricane! The hearts of Datan's couples who love each other deeply. Many couples or couples who don't love each other so deeply are also moved. There are also many strong people.

It was only less than an hour since Chu Feng released the thing. Chu Feng suddenly opened his eyes and looked at a middle-aged man not far away from him!

"Little guy, there is a price for high-profile! Hand over items worth one billion billion catties of the best spar, and I can let you make a living!" The middle-aged man walked slowly towards Chu Feng with a smile on the corner of his mouth. , He didn't think he would lose, he was an expert at the junior level, and Chu Feng's cultivation level he could clearly see was only a senior emperor!

"Little guy, you have ten seconds to think about it. If you haven't handed it over after ten seconds, then I can only kill you and take away your space items and then slowly crack them!"

Chu Feng sneered. He didn't expect that it was not a pair of people who deeply love each other but such a greedy person! "You are limited to leave my sight within three seconds, otherwise I promise you will never live for ten seconds!" Chu Feng said coldly.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment and then laughed loudly: "Little guy, who do you think you are? Even if you master the true self skills and want to kill me with your cultivation base, that is impossible! Three seconds hahaha! Three seconds have passed, little guy, what do you do with me"

Chu Feng thought that the power of the law of space was integrated into the surrounding space, and the power of the law of space was integrated into the space, and immediately the small world of the law was formed and the middle-aged person was included in the small world of the law!

The sword light flashed in the small world of the law, Yin Ming dispatched, and the middle-aged man flew high with his head! The eyes of the middle-aged "you" were full of incredible expressions, and the breath of his life quickly disappeared from him in the next moment!

There are still other people on this side, seeing that the middle-aged man's head flew to death, and many people screamed in surprise!

The death of a god-level strong man, if the corpse is not processed, is enough to affect a large area of ​​the world. Chu Feng thought of taking the god-level strong man's corpse, and then some of the breath he left behind was also handled dryly. Clean!

From the shot to the disposal of the corpse, Chu Feng sat there without moving. Those who saw this scene were shocked. Judging from the previous words, the middle-aged man had a stronger cultivation base, but he was so easy. The land was beheaded by Chu Feng! This is not a fight at all, but a unilateral slaughter, which is easier than a butcher killing a pig!

The first one was dealt with, and the second person who wanted to rob quickly came over, but this second one was lucky. When he wanted to do it, he heard other people's whispers, so he immediately stopped shooting. .

"Grab it or not? Don't grab it for me and play." Chu Feng glanced at the strong man in front of him and said lightly. This strong man is even lower than the first one. It's just that the Emperor God has achieved great success. For such a person, he doesn't even need to use the power of the law of space, he can easily kill him directly with Yin Ming!

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