Holy Prison

Chapter 1278: transaction

"City Master Chu, I did not expect that City Master Chu would come to a small place like me." The voice sounded, and immediately a young man with red hair appeared in front of Chu Feng. The young man with red hair had a shawl, and every hair seemed to be Contains powerful flame power!

"Yan, King Yan, you" The person who just spoke to Chu Feng was really frightened. He thought that Chu Feng was just a bitter duel, but he didn't expect to be the city lord of the most powerful God Chu City today. ! If others told him, he would definitely not believe it, but what Yan Wang said was still false.

"See Lord Yan, see City Lord Chu!" The man quickly reacted without being frightened and quickly saluted. "King Yan, I think he is quite suitable to be a duel." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Really? If City Lord Chu said that, then King Ben naturally believed in City Lord Chu's vision! Take it away!" King Yan waved his hand, and immediately a powerful Yan clan appeared beside Chu Feng and the others. A guy was taken away.

"City Lord Chu, enter the island for a while?" King Yan said with a smile.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "The guest can do whatever they want!"

The bone ship was already ashore at this time, and King Yan was in front of Chu Feng. The two quickly got off the bone ship and arrived at a palace on Muyan Island.

"City Lord Chu, please!" Yan Wang said.

"Thank you." Chu Feng nodded slightly and sat down. King Yan also sat down, and immediately a charming maid served tea.

"Go down." King Yan waved his hand. "Yes, sir." The maids left, and King Yan said with a light smile: "City Lord Chu, I didn't expect you to come to my island to play in such a good mood. If you revisit the old place, City Master Chu must be in a pretty good mood. City Lord Chu, his power has increased compared to quite a few years, but I don't know how much."

Chu Feng sipped the tea and chuckled, "Isn't Yan King the same? Back then, Yan King was just an ordinary quasi-sage-level powerhouse, but now it is ranked first on the quasi-sage list. Compared with Yan Wang, I am a little bit Little achievements are nothing."

"Haha, City Master Chu joked. City Master Chu, this time, I shouldn't come here to take a gamble? If there is anything I can help, just say it." King Yan looked very easy-going and smiled. .

Chu Feng's eyes did not look directly into King Yan's eyes, but Sky Eye was scanning carefully at this time. The scan of Sky Eye let Chu Feng know one thing. Although King Yan had a smile on his face, he could see the expression in his eyes carefully. But there is no smile in it!

"King Yan, I'm here, I want to exchange something with King Yan." Chu Feng said directly. The Sky Eye was scanning carefully while he was talking, but the level of the holy prison is still lower now. Scanning can cover the entire Muyan Island, but some places cannot be scanned.

"City Lord Chu, please say." King Yan said with a light smile.

Chu Feng said it directly, and King Yan flashed in his eyes and calmly said: "City Master Chu, the value of Tianxinzi, City Master Chu, you know, I guess I will disappoint you."

"King Yan, the value of Tianxinzi is not low, but it also has a value. You may as well ask for it, King Yan." Chu Feng said with a light smile. It would be the best thing to get Tianxinzi by peaceful means. It is worth paying a higher price! "I'm afraid you won't give me what I want, City Lord Chu," Yan Wang said with a light smile.

"King Yan, please say." Chu Feng said.

King Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "City Lord Chu, if I let you give up one of your women, would you be willing? If you want, then I agree to exchange it with Tianxinzi!"

"It seems that King Yan is very confident of his own strength, hehe, it's really a bit hot here." Chu Feng said lightly, his mind moved. The fan appeared in his hand and opened and slammed it gently!

Without Chu Feng’s infusion of strength, the Bafang Jihuo Fan looked like ordinary fans, but King Yan was not an ordinary person. Chu Feng’s Bafang Jihu Fan appeared, and his eyes flashed and stared at him. Chu Feng’s Octagonal Extreme Fire Fan.

"Good fan, good fan!" King Yan praised, "City Lord Chu, I didn't expect you to have such a good thing. I don't know if this thing can cut love? If so, I will offer Tianxinzi!"

Chu Feng sneered in his heart. He was not so stupid to fan the Bafang Jihuo. If such a baby gets into the hands of others, then others will use it to deal with him, it is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

"King Yan, this fan, I have no plans to cut love for the time being. King Yan, Tianxinzi doesn't know if King Yan has any plans to cut love?" Chu Feng gently fanned the fan, and a little dangerous breath came out. If Yan If Wang resolutely refuses, then Chu Feng has the idea of ​​doing it immediately!

"City Lord Chu, my Yan Clan has no intention of being an enemy of God Chu City, and I hope that City Lord Chu will not start the battle lightly, otherwise, it would be a bad thing for both of us." King Yan felt that Chu Feng was exposed to Chu Feng. The dangerous breath that came out was shocked. Here in Mother Yan Island, he was certain that he could survive the attack of Chu Feng, but that certainty was only about half, and half of it might be killed by Chu Feng!

Half of them may survive. This possibility is not small, but half of the possibility is dead. This possibility is also not small, so King Yan is also entangled at this time!

"King Yan, that's what I meant." Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "It's just that it's not easy for me to come here. I really don't want to take a trip."

"City Lord Chu, you are so determined to win Tianxinzi, presumably you already have more than one Tianxinzi in your hand!" Yan Wang said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and did not respond positively: "King Yan, the Yan clan has developed very smoothly over the years. I estimate that the things that make the Yan clan develop so smoothly are on this Mother Yan Island. If we fight here, Then, it is estimated that there is a certain possibility that that thing will be destroyed."

The two were silent for a while, whether to give or not, this is a question for King Yan, and for Chu Feng, the extent of the threat is also a question of whether he really does it!

"City Lord Chu, if I give you that Tianxinzi, what would you do in return?" King Yan stared at Chu Feng's eyes and said solemnly.

"Friendship, the friendship of Shenchu ​​City, what do you think of King Yan?" Chu Feng chuckled. "The friendship of Shenchucheng is indeed of relatively high value. But only if you want to use it to change the heart of the heavens, it is a bit worse. And, who knows, how long the shelf life of the friendship of Shenchucheng will be?" King Yan said indifferently.

Chu Feng said: "King Yan, what do you think?" "A sacred artifact, Chu City Lord, I want a sacred artifact, both attacking or defensive sacred artifacts can be done. With the ability of Chu City Lord, I should get one. A sacred artifact is not a difficult thing. Perhaps, City Master Chu has a ready-made sacred artifact!" Yan Wang said, "If City Master Chu can bring out a sacred artifact, then Tianxinzi, I will immediately take it out. You trade with City Lord Chu!"

"Friendship isn't just lip service, it's made. What do you say, City Lord Chu?" Yan Wang said. Chu Feng thought quickly in his heart. It was just a holy artifact, and there was no requirement to use it now. This one is really not difficult for Chu Feng, and Su Jin can easily obtain a normal holy artifact!

However, given the Sacred Artifacts of King Yan, King Yan's strength will be stronger in the future, and it would be bad if one day conflicts with God Chu City!

"King Yan, let me think about it." Chu Feng frowned slightly.

Chu Feng thought quickly in his heart. If Yilian and Lan Wen also come out to join the attack at this time, Chu Feng estimates that the Bafang extremely fire fan, the measuring ruler and Yilian’s attack are 70% to 80% possible. Killing King Yan, there is no small possibility that it will destroy the things that make King Yan and the others stronger, but there is still a good chance that King Yan will survive!

Besides, there are five quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the Yan clan who are not here now. If the Yan King dies and they all survive, then the five quasi-sage-level powerhouses and many god-level powerhouses are not here. The city and the city of innocence have to face considerable pressure!

"King Yan, can you let me first see the Tianxinzi you have, King Yan?" Chu Feng said. "This is no problem." King Yan said that there was a Tianxinzi in his hand, and Tianxinzi exuded a mysterious aura. Chu Feng could be sure that this was definitely a genuine Tianxinzi!

"City Master Chu, things are not fake. If City Master Chu takes out an attack or defense holy weapon, it will belong to City Master Chu!" Yan Wang said.

"Miao Xian'er, tell Lan Wen, let her get a general defense or attack sacred weapon from Su Jin on the fourteenth floor." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Defensive or attacking sacred artifact? Would it be better to limit it to defensive sacred artifacts?" Miao Xianer said, "If it is a defensive sacred artifact, Yan King's attack will be much lower."

Chu Feng secretly shook his head: "Not necessarily, perhaps Yan King already has a sacred weapon for attacking. If you give him another defensive sacred weapon, then his strength will be improved a lot! See what Su Jin has. Well, defensive sacred artifacts or attacking sacred artifacts, whatever you want, a lower level will do."

"Yeah." Miao Xian'er said and quickly transmitted to Lan Wen.

As a middle-ranked saint, Su Jin still has ordinary sacred artifacts. Lan Wen went to the fourteenth floor of the Deyu Tower and after showing her identity, she easily obtained an ordinary attacking sacred artifact from Su Jin. It was a big sword, which was reasonable for the average lower saint, and for the more powerful saint, such a big sword was basically insignificant.

"City Lord Chu, have you considered it carefully?" King Yan said with a slight change in Chu Feng's expression. "King Yan, Tianxinzi belongs to me, and it belongs to you!" Chu Feng said, the big sword appeared in his hand with a thought.

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