Holy Prison

Chapter 1304: Sky road, sky stone

The place where Chu Feng appeared was near a planet. It was a high-tech planet. Many spacecrafts moved up and down. With a sway, Chu Feng would have reached that planet in the next moment.

"Miao Xian, can you connect to the network of this planet?" Chu Feng said in his mind. If Miao Xian can connect to the Internet, it would be much more convenient to obtain some information, but Miao Xian disappointed him, Miao Xian'er Sleeping, Miao Xian was only able to answer some basic questions for Chu Feng. Questions such as connecting to the Internet to collect information can only be solved after Miao Xian'er wakes up.

"Boss, it's not easy. I finally came out of the Zerg territory." Tang Ming said, Tang Ming and Han Xiang in the holy prison space appeared beside Chu Feng at this time.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It's not easy. God doesn't seem to be so merciful. There must be quite a few people who have appeared directly in the Zerg territory from the God Realm to the Mortal Realm. It is a question of whether they can come out alive. It hasn’t been long since the new world was formed. Do people who don’t know this planet know some ways to get to the side of the earth quickly.”

"The strength of people on this planet is so low." Han Xiang said, this is a high-tech planet. Although human beings are generally much stronger when they were ordinary people compared to Chu Feng, they are comparable to those who are well-trained. People on this planet are generally very low in strength. However, science and technology have indeed developed well, and the power of powerful technological weapons is still very powerful. Even people who are cultivated like Chu Feng and others can face some powerful high-tech weapons. May be killed!

"Xiao Mingzi, leave it to you. We need to find a fast way of transportation, such as a void channel, a super long-distance teleportation array, or a space wormhole, otherwise, even if I can teleport a long distance at a time, teleport to the earth. The other side needs to transmit continuously for several years at least!" Chu Feng said.

"OK, I'm good at this thing!" Tang Ming said, he said that the divine consciousness spread to the entire planet like an octopus. The strength of the people on this planet is very low. From the minds of some of them on this planet Getting some information is easy for Tang Ming, a master who plays with the soul.

In just over ten seconds, Tang Ming’s Spiritual Sense was collected: “Boss, I haven’t collected anything in that area, but there are some other gains. This planet belongs to an empire, and this empire’s civilization level is not particularly high. There is another country near an empire. It is a country with a higher level of civilization and a very wide range of influence."

"Then let's go to that country!" Chu Feng said. The new world has formed, but it has not completely changed. Many places have not changed. Chu Feng has a foreboding that there should be discoveries in that country.

Chu Feng, the capital of the Oro Federation’s star Zkaran, used space to jump. It didn't take long for Chu Feng and the three of them to reach the outer space of Zkaran.

"Boss, there are practitioners, and there are quite a few practitioners with platinum level cultivation bases. This Zikaran star is not weak." Tang Ming felt it, and when Chu Feng did not open his heavenly eyes, this aspect Tang Ming’s induction is stronger than that of Chu Feng. The souls of the strong are very powerful. If the strong on Zikaran did not deliberately converge their soul power, then it would be easier to be sensed by Tang Ming. After all, Tang Ming is now But there is a platinum Dzogchen cultivation base!

"The stronger the better!"

Chu Feng said that the figure was clearly revealed, Tang Ming and the others were also revealed. They teleported to this side, and the fluctuations in space must have been sensed by the strong on Zikaran. At the same time, Zikaran was strong in technology. , Maybe some technological equipment can find them after they get closer, instead of being discovered then, it is better to show them openly now.

At the Zkaran Star Space Defense Station, Chu Feng and the others showed their stature and were immediately discovered and caused the alarm system to react.

"Three friends, welcome to Zikaran Star! I thought there was a **** bug coming, but I didn't expect it was not hehe!" A strong man on Zika Star flew up and arrived at Chu Feng in a blink of an eye. .

This strong man spoke the language of the Oro Federation. Chu Feng and the others did not understand this language ten minutes ago, but at this moment, they can clearly understand the strong man's words.

"Those bugs have attacked this side?" Chu Feng frowned slightly and asked, if those bugs are very aggressive, it would not be good news.

"Friends, are you from outside? We have fought those **** bugs for countless years, and occasionally some powerful bugs can attack the vicinity of Zikaran, but it is not easy for them to attack Zikaran. My name is Wulin. You can call my name directly for the three friends." Wulin smiled, "Three friends, I don't know if you just passed by or came here on purpose? Can I help you?"

"Wulin, is there a way to get to the farthest place in the far direction?" Chu Feng pointed to the direction of the earth.

"You are also asking for directions. These days there have been a lot of asking for directions. I don't know what happened. The world has changed a lot. There are many strangers on Zikaran." Wulin said, "Go There is indeed a quick way to that direction. There is a sky road leading to that direction. Not far from Zika, there is an opening into the sky road, but entering the sky road requires a kind of sky stone."

Wulin said that a void stone the size of a glassy marble appeared in his hand, "This is the sky stone. You can't enter the sky without a sky stone." Wulin carefully held the void stone and said.

Chu Feng paid attention to the void stone. The void stone looked no different from the ordinary stone, but it exuded a little bit of strange aura. Compared with the void stone he had obtained before, this void stone was obviously easier to identify. .

"The sky stone will give off a little breath, and you will find it when you are close. If you want to leave through the sky, it is best to look for the sky stone everywhere. Of course, you can also buy some sky stones, but sky stones are very expensive! "Wulin said.

Chu Feng thought, a small void stone appeared in his hand. Sure enough, the void stone that did not emit a strange aura also exudes a little strange aura.

"It turns out that my friend has a sky stone, but I have said too much!" Wu Lin laughed. "Thanks for the explanation, Wu Lin, I don't know where the point of entry into the sky is?" Chu Feng said.

"It's very close. Let me take three of you over there. The other side is messier now. I don't think the three of them look like evil people. Don't be slaughtered by those guys!" Wulin said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Wulin, thank you very much." "Haha, you're welcome, when you get there, just say you are my friends. I still have a little prestige in this area." Wulin said a silver A flying saucer with a diameter of about 30 meters appeared next to him, "Three friends, please come in! Ride on it, without consuming our own strength, it is more convenient!"

"You're welcome."

Chu Feng said that the three of them and Ulin had all entered the flying saucer, and the flying saucer quickly flew and left Zikaran not far away.

"We are going to open a short-distance space wormhole!" Wulin said as the flying saucer shot a ball of light, which burst out in front of the flying saucer, and then, in Chu Feng's somewhat surprised eyes, a space wormhole immediately Was opened, "My friend, you rarely use this kind of high-tech stuff, right?"

"Well, that's not enough." Chu Feng nodded slightly. In the God Realm, they have also used high-tech things. Chu Feng's flying boats also contain high-tech ingredients, but they don’t use high-tech items. Many, many things, they can do without using high-tech items, there is no need to use high-tech items.

Wu Lin chuckled: "It's so good. If you don't rely on such things, it's more conducive to your own training. I am also used to the convenience of high-tech, and I have this need on this side, otherwise I really want to quit. The space wormhole is stable. Let's enter the space wormhole. The distance is not far, and the space wormhole is very close to the entrance of the sky road."

The flying saucer quickly entered the temporarily opened space wormhole. After the flying saucer entered, the temporarily opened space wormhole quickly disappeared. Such a space wormhole is only suitable for relatively short space jumps, if it is long Because of the distance, a more stable space wormhole is needed, otherwise the spacecraft will be destroyed in the space wormhole in all likelihood!

In another piece of starry sky, a light white aperture suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and Ulin's flying saucer flew out from that aperture. After the spacecraft shot out, the aperture flickered a few times and disappeared immediately.

"We came out, this section is not far, but I need to use one-tenth of the soul power to jump over directly. I don’t know when the Zerg will appear. Therefore, the people on our side try to keep full at all times. Fighting power!" Wulin said, "Look at that side, that is the road to heaven!"

Chu Feng and the others looked into the distance through the visible window of the flying saucer. In the distance, a pale white light band led to a far place!

"That is the Heavenly Road, the magical Heavenly Road. If one day can't stop the Zerg, it is a good way to escape through the Heavenly Road. However, as long as there is a little possibility, I will not leave my hometown!" Wulindao, "Sky stones are more precious, and there are a lot of people who want to enter the road of heaven this time, so some guys gathered here to buy travel expenses!"

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