Holy Prison

Chapter 1310: Epiphany, infinite

"Naturally, I am the best teacher, but because I know a lot of exercises, I put my energy on the understanding and integration of those exercises!"

"Those exercises are of course important, but only discovering them from those exercises, ignoring the discovery of directly from nature, is actually putting the cart before the horse!"

"In nature, everything is evolving. Can I create a self-evolving and safe evolving technique, Xiaolong’s technique has formed his own'spirit', so it can evolve by swallowing other techniques, But the exercises form their own spirit, this is a minority after all!"

"Can I create a practice that can evolve without the need of a spirit? If the practitioner can be one with the practice, then the practitioner himself is the spirit. Where else is needed?"

"Self-evolution, infinite evolution, the same kind of exercise, forming infinite possibilities!"

Chu Feng muttered that he had entered a special realm, which was a realm of epiphany, for himself, for nature, and for all things in the world!

In Chu Feng's mind, his divine sea shook violently at this time, and every trace of his huge mental power was used, "What are you doing, I don't want people to have a good rest." Chu Feng complained in both mouths in his mind. There was a look of surprise in his eyes, "This Chu Feng, this is the realm of enlightenment? Hey, amazing, such a huge spiritual power is completely used! Didn’t the mother say that after the spiritual power exceeds a certain limit, it is very difficult to reach the realm of enlightenment. Is it difficult?"

Both flapped her small wings and flew above the violently shaking Shenhai. At this time, she could only see that she couldn't help. Normally she could help with training, but she realized that this was not good!

Within the Chu Feng Shenhai, the huge spiritual power gradually revolved around Chu Feng's **** infant, the spiritual power turned faster and faster, and gradually brought a gust of wind and thunder!

Great changes are taking place in the Chufeng Divine Sea, and the outside world is also changing at this time. The pure energy between the heavens and the earth on the tenth floor of the 7th Domain Tower gathers towards Chu Feng, and most of that energy enters Chu Feng. Within the body, there are some pure powers that have entered the young shoots. With the absorption of the energy of the world, the young shoots slowly gave birth to the first leaf!

"What's going on, the cultivation base has actually started to grow again, how did the cultivation base rise so fast, before the Emperor God's advanced level rose to the top of the Emperor God, is it possible to reach the peak of the Emperor God cultivation base again?" Shuangshuang whispered in surprise Having said that, since becoming Chu Feng’s guardian spirit, many things have really subverted her common sense. She knew that the more difficult it was to cultivate at a higher place, the more difficult it was to cultivate with the broader the consciousness, but Chu Feng actually cultivated in a short time. Enter again for the first time!

"Pervert, pervert!"

Both whispered, Chu Feng’s cultivation base had not reached the top peak of the Emperor God. At this time, the power of heaven and earth was transformed into mental power. Chu Feng’s total mental power increased, and his body was also under the quintessence of heaven and earth energy. Become stronger!

Shenhai was 2,500 meters, Shenhai was 2,600 meters, and Shenhai was 2,700 meters. Three days later, Chu Feng’s cultivation reached the top peak of the Emperor God. By this time, he hadn’t gotten from the epiphany. After exiting from the middle, the rotating power of the spiritual power in the Shenhai still transformed a large amount of heaven and earth energy into spiritual power. Chu Feng's Shenhai did not shrink, but directly increased the purity of the spiritual power at the size of three kilometers!

"I'm dizzy, what the **** is going on! The cultivation level is improved, how can Shenhai directly increase the purity of mental power without compressing it." Shuangshuang shook his small heads, eyes full of doubts, "Purity of spiritual power Ascension, when the time comes to reach the peak of the Emperor God's peak, it will not be possible"

No one gave both answers, and Chu Feng didn't feel the crazy improvement of his own cultivation level at this moment. The reason why his mental power continued to grow was because Chu Feng felt that his mental power was not enough!

If in an ordinary state, Chu Feng felt that his mental power was not enough, it would naturally not be possible for his mental power to grow rapidly to meet his needs, but he is now in an extremely rare state of epiphany. He didn't think about practicing, he just thought about calculating the massive amount of data to create a exercise method, which fits exactly with a mentality of inaction. Under such a mentality of inaction, his exercise method It can be adjusted on its own, so there will be no problems with the crazy increase of mental power.

Faster! Hurry up!

Every mental power of Chu Feng was increased and immediately invested in calculations. The massive mental power calculation ability was very terrifying, but under Chu Feng's crazy calculation needs, those mental power calculation capabilities were still insufficient. Insufficient, and now in a state of epiphany, Chu Feng's mental power operates on its own and frantically absorbs and grows himself to meet Chu Feng's computing needs!

Insufficient calculation needs, mental power growth or not enough to continue to grow Chu Feng is in a rare opportunity, this kind of opportunity is not only an opportunity for his cultivation to grow, but also an opportunity created by his practice! As for why Chu Feng’s mental power is not compressed, one reason is that there is no time to compress it, and the other reason is that compression is detrimental to mental power. Chu Feng’s mental power voluntarily chooses a method that does not cause loss and directly concentrates. Pure oneself!

From the top level of the Emperor God to the peak of the Emperor God’s peak level, the total amount of mental power will increase ten times, and the total amount will increase ten times under the same size. In other words, the spiritual power of Chu Feng must be at the top of the Emperor God. Ten times pure on the basis of the pinnacle!

After another three days passed, Chu Feng’s total mental power doubled, and his computing power doubled at this time. However, the increased computing power obviously did not meet Chu Feng’s needs. In Chu Feng’s divine sea, His mental power spins faster, and his ability to pull energy between heaven and earth is stronger!

"Perverted Chu Feng, fortunately your physical strength is high, otherwise, bang, you wouldn't be self-destructed by this crazy growth of mental power!" Shuangshuang muttered a little fortunately in his heart. Fortunately, Chu Feng's body The intensity is high, otherwise, Chu Feng will die as she died!

On the tenth day of Chu Feng's enlightenment, his total spiritual power was five times that of when he was at the top peak of the Emperor God. In the past five days, the total spiritual power of Chu Feng has reached the top peak of the Emperor God. Ten times that of, the physical strength is satisfied, and the spiritual strength is also satisfied. In other words, Chu Feng has already reached the peak state of the Emperor God by this time, and he can enter the Emperor God Great Perfection only a little bit!

By this time, both Chu Feng's mind was already a little anxious. Although Chu Feng's physical strength had increased in these days, it was completely inferior to the strength of his mental strength. To this day, Chu Feng's mental strength The cultivation base has already caught up with his physical cultivation base, if he continues, then his spiritual strength cultivation base will surpass the physical cultivation base!

If in a normal state, the spiritual power cultivation base exceeds the physical cultivation base, it does not matter, but in the current state of violent spiritual power, if the spiritual power cultivation base exceeds the physical cultivation base more, then it will be like Shuangshuang said before. ! Chu Feng exploded, and his body and soul were completely blown up!

"Perverted Chu Feng, you wake up soon, if you don't wake up, you will die!" Shuangshuang said loudly, but at this time Chu Feng could not hear her at all.

Most epiphanies are safe, but there are also times when they are not safe. Chu Feng like this is one of them! Shuangshuang's divine infant approaching Chu Feng anxiously wanted to awaken Chufeng's divine infant, but the crazy mental power around the divine infant revolved, and Shuangshuang wanted to approach but was bounced away by Chu Feng's violent mental power again and again!

"Chu Feng is a big pervert, you can't die, if you die, I will die too, I haven't lived enough! And if you die, sister Bing Ning will be sad!" Shuangshuangdao, she said After speaking, he felt Chu Feng's mental power seemed to be a little calmer.

"Hey, there is an effect? ​​Brother Chu Feng, can you hear that, your mental strength can't grow any more, quickly withdraw from the state of enlightenment, otherwise, you will never see Sister Bing Ning and others again Sister Yilian and Sister Songye have not awakened now, they still need your help!"

"Sister Bing Ning is pregnant with your child. You don't want the child to be born without a father? If you don't want to, calm down your mental energy quickly. You are about to reach the Emperor God's Great Perfection. With your current physical strength It’s dangerous to reach the Emperor God's Great Perfection!"

Shuangshuang kept yelling, she found that her own calling had an effect. In her screams, the violent mental power finally calmed down, the mental power calmed down, and Chu Feng also slowly recovered from the epiphany. Exit from the realm.

"Shuangshuang, I seem to hear you saying that if I don't let my mental power calm down, and I don't withdraw from the realm of enlightenment, I won't see Bing Ning them." Chu Feng's voice sounded in his mind, his **** infant At the next moment, he opened his eyes. "Shuangshuang, what's going on?" Chu Feng said in shock, Shenhai's diameter has grown a lot more than before, reaching three kilometers, and the purity of it has also been greatly improved!

"You guy, it's fortunate that you wake up. If you don't wake up, you will have to kill the lovely and invincible twins! My throat almost broke. You are now at the peak of the Emperor God's peak. , Or it can be said that you have reached the Great Perfection of the Emperor God, and your spiritual strength has surpassed that of the peak of the Emperor God!" Shuangshuang rolled his eyes and said.

Hearing what both said, Chu Feng quickly sensed it carefully, and it was true that his spiritual power had already surpassed the level of Emperor God's pinnacle, but Shenhai was still a 3,000-meter **** infant who was sure of what had just happened. There is a record. Chu Feng checked the information in the **** infant, and soon he understood what had just happened.

"Mental power actually skipped compression and directly purified. I don't know if I can maintain this state in my practice now." Chu Feng secretly practiced in his heart.

This state is very good. It saves a lot of time if compression is omitted. If compression is needed all the time, it will also need to be compressed at the Demigod level. The Emperor God level is extremely difficult to compress. If you still need compression to reach the deity-respecting level, then the compressed time will take more than one hundred thousand years from the primary to the intermediate level!

"No, I still maintain the previous state, without the need to compress the energy and directly purify it on the original basis!" Chu Feng's eyes showed ecstasy. Compared with the improvement of this time, he is more satisfied with the current state. , If he can keep him in this state forever, he is even willing to regress to the Emperor God Primary!

"Shuangshuang, thank you!" Overjoyed, Chu Feng remembered the hero of Shuangshuang. This time, if Shuangshuang hadn't waked him up, he might have gone in epiphany.

Shuangshuang smiled and said, "Thank me, then give me a holiday. I will find Xiaobai Xiaohua and the others to play. I haven't seen them for many days!"

"Okay." Chu Feng smiled slightly and immediately let Shuang Shuang exit the 7th Domain Tower to the space where the guardian elves were.

Both left, Chu Feng's eyes fell on the plant next to him that was already ten centimeters high, "Yilian." Chu Feng softly called his finger to touch a leaf of that plant.

The leaves of the plant trembled slightly, and Chu Feng felt a warm feeling spread from the plant to his body.

"Yilian, can you understand me?" Chu Feng said in a hurry, the plant did not respond at all, and Chu Feng didn't feel the same as before when he touched the plant with his hand. "What's the matter? Is it an illusion just now?" Chu Feng muttered. He shook his head as he spoke. That kind of feeling was very clear and absolutely impossible to be an illusion.

"It's not an illusion. There should be only one possibility. Yilian's awakening power is too weak. It can only make me feel that little bit. Now the power is exhausted!"

Chu Feng thought in his heart that a bottle of Life Crystal Dew appeared in his hand. Life Crystal Dew is very expensive, a bottle of one trillion catties of the best crystal stone, but let alone a bottle of one trillion catties, It is a bottle of one trillion catties, as long as it has a good effect on Yilian, he will not be reluctant to use it!

"Yilian, although I almost had an accident just now, my luck was good. The cultivation level has been improved, and it will be easier to improve the cultivation level in the future. Moreover, I finally created a technique even though it was only established to the first level. On the fifth floor, practicing to the fifth floor is only capable of achieving a god-level cultivation base!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "This kind of exercise is different from ordinary exercises. Different people practice it, and the effect will be different. , The infinite possibility is called infinite magic, what do you think?"

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