Holy Prison

Chapter 1321: Respect God (1)

"What's the great use of the Void Stone in the God Realm?" Chu Feng asked quickly. In the Mortal Realm, the Void Stone can be used to pass through the void passages, but in the God Realm, Chu Feng still doesn't know where there is void. aisle.

Miao Feiying took off Chu Feng's hand and said, "Don't touch it, just talk about business. There are void passages in the lower realm, as well as in the gods. There are void passages found above the infinity, but the void passages all lead to the distance. There is no short-distance void passage, to get to nearby, you still have to cross the dangerous sea!"

"The Void Channels in the God Realm today are more concealed than before. In the past few decades, three void channels have been discovered above Infinity. The three void channels are occupied by our Divine Beginning City and the Supreme Alliance Dark Dynasty! You know how to use Void Stones. There are other places where Void Stones are also used. The sea area between them, the more unstable the space is in the center, the Void Stones have the function of stabilizing the space. Also, the previous ones Someone found that a saint’s ruins could not be entered in the year, and then many people rushed to it. Some people accidentally took out the void stone and entered the saint ruins!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "Fei Ying, you said, why can Void Stone be used in many places? Why is Void Stone?"

"Husband, what's the reason for this? The use of spar is much more extensive." Miao Feiying said strangely. Chu Feng's frowning brows loosened and chuckled: "It's true, there are so many mysteries between heaven and earth, where we can figure out so many why, we have got a lot of void stones, enough for us, that's enough! "

"You just said that the Supreme League and the Dark Dynasty wanted to hit my Void Stone? They know that Pope Bright gave me a lot of Void Stones?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Feiying nodded: "Probably, the Void Stone was taken out when trading in the Abyss of Gods. It is also possible that Pope Bright told others about this matter, husband, what should we do now? The Supreme League some time ago. There are also people from the Dark Dynasty who say they want to exchange treasures for some of our void stones!"

"Cold salad, don't change the two words and give it to someone who comes." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Although the Supreme League and the Dark Dynasty are stronger, they should not dare to do anything to my God Chucheng at this time. I'm not sure. Fighting war will only damage the strength, and eventually make other forces cheaper!"

"Where are we around Infinity? Is Xiaolong sure where it is?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Feiying shook her head: "It's not yet certain. There are three pieces around us infinity. The east side of Infinity is a piece larger than Infinity. The original Hongman and machinery are combined. Now there is a lot of fighting on it. Many powerful mechanical tribes and powerful wild savage beasts gathered there. The origin of the war is that it is called mechanical or savage!"

"To the south of Infinity is the ten thousand races, and that piece is not as small as Infinity. It is formed by merging smaller pieces. Nowadays, there are a lot of extremely complex conflicts and conflicts among the races above, but it is better than the one on the east! On the northwest side of our infinity, there is a piece of three or four times the area of ​​the infinity. Husband, you certainly don’t want that piece to be on the northwest side of our infinity."

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Then the creatures on it are very cruel?"

"Congratulations, the answer is correct, but there is no reward. There are zerg in the northwest, and there are countless insects on it, most of which are ferocious types. We have sent many people to God Chu City, Supreme League and Dark Dynasty. Zerg, only one-third of those who came back alive! Now only found a relatively safe sea corridor, the three major forces and some other forces have many strong guards on that side!" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng helped Miao Feiying to sit up: "It's actually a Zerg, it seems that infinite luck is really not good! But it's not a bad thing for our Shenchu ​​City."

"I didn't see where this is a good thing." Miao Feiying said. Chu Feng chuckled and said: "With powerful enemies around, the Supreme League and the Dark Dynasty are less likely to launch a war against our God Chucheng! The danger of the sea is separated, and the threat of the Zerg is not very high for the time being! Farther away, haven't found layers of abyss turned into?"

Miao Feiying shook her head: "No, some of them are aware of it. Guangming has discovered that the Saint Yuan star has also been discovered piece by piece before, but it has not found the formation of the abyss."

"I haven't found it yet. The Black King has passed through the City of Innocence. In addition, there are two quasi-sage-level powerhouses and the City of Innocence is a super battle city. The safety of the dragon There is still protection!" Chu Feng said softly, "Well, you are asleep, I will hit the bottleneck next to him, and reach the cultivation base of the god-excellent level earlier!"

Chu Feng kissed Miao Feiying, got off the bed and put on shorts and then sat cross-legged on the ground. With a thought, the silver-white stone he had obtained appeared in his hand.

"What's the secret in this stone?" Chu Feng looked at the stone and said in his heart, he had an urge to use this stone to reach the god-exalted level, and then, look at the secret in this stone! "The saint powerhouse who left this stone warned me to reach the saint level and then look at the things inside, but now that the world is divided and the cultivation base reaches the god-exalted level, it may not be a big problem to see what secrets there are!"

It's okay when I don't think about this. When I think of this, the thought in Chu Feng's heart grows wildly, making him feel itchy!

"God-exalted level, I will see what's in it when I reach the exalted-god level. The stone of the neck bottle between the saints is probably not useful!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and forced down the distracting thoughts in his heart. He began to slowly absorb the power in the silver stone to break through the current bottleneck!

Breaking through the bottleneck of Emperor God's Great Perfection is much more difficult than before. One day, two days, three days, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye. Feng Bingning and Lan Wen had practiced in their respective domain towers. , Has appeared in more than half a year, and Miao Feiying and Miao Feiying are not far away from Chu Feng while cultivating while waiting for Chu Feng's breakthrough!

A little strange fluctuation occurred, Miao Feiying was the first to open his eyes, and soon Lan Wen and Feng Bingning also sensed the fluctuation and opened their eyes.

"Divine calamity aura, it seems that Brother Feng will soon break through the Emperor God and become a powerhouse of the gods." Lan Wen smiled, "Brother Feng, 3,000 meters of the sea, did not expect to reach the gods. It didn't take much time!"

Lan Wen's voice fell, and the shirtless Chu Feng's eyes opened. "Feng, how long will I have to cross the Tribulation?" Feng Bingning asked with a smile, and she was still very confident that Chu Feng would pass the Divine Tribulation smoothly.

"Ten minutes later." Chu Feng said helplessly, this divine calamity didn't give him any time to prepare, but fortunately, he didn't need to prepare anything. "My wives, I'm going out first. I have to find a place to cross the catastrophe quickly. It is better for me to cross the catastrophe outside!"

Without waiting for Feng Bingning and the others to say more, Chu Feng's thoughts appeared outside the Holy Prison space instantly, and Menghao Jitian Slaughter was not in Shenchu ​​City. Except for Bruin, there were only a few new prospects in Shenchu ​​City. Saint-level powerhouse.

Chu Feng’s voice sounded in the minds of several quasi-sage-level experts such as Bruin and Ruth. It was Chu Feng’s voice, and those quasi-sage-level experts naturally did not resist and were immediately caught by Chu Feng. It was included in the holy prison space.

Five minutes later, Chu Feng was already in a huge desert. Around him, Bruin Ruth Sluoyouyan, Spider King, Hei Ye, and Lin Kuang were six quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Guarding one side, Feng Bingning and the others naturally came out of the holy prison space at this time, and their daughters gathered together.

Chu Feng looked up at the sky. Today's sky is cloudless, but he knows that when the robbery cloud arrives, it will immediately become dark and terrible!

"Wen, can you account for good or bad?" Feng Bingning asked Lan Wen through a voice transmission. Lan Wen shook his head slightly: "Brother Feng's mental power is too terrifying, not good for divination, but there should be nothing wrong. For many people, there is a high possibility of death or death, but Brother Feng's strength lies in There, if Brother Feng can't successfully overcome the Tribulation, then the Divine Tribulation is too terrifying!"

Time passed quietly. Slowly, the cloudless and clear sky became a little gloomy. "Bang!" A thunder blasted, and soon a dark cloud appeared in the sky.

The first dark cloud appeared, and within a short period of time, the billowing dark cloud appeared in the Wanli Fangyuan above Chu Feng's head. Feng Bingning and the others hadn't left Wanli before, and at this time they all retreated a lot!

"bring it on!"

Chu Feng smiled quietly. He didn't have much pressure. Thunder disaster was difficult to overcome. It was mainly for people with a relatively high cultivation base but insufficient strength. His situation was the opposite. The cultivation base was not high, but the strength was high. The chance of crossing the robbery is very high!

The sound of muffled thunder sounded, huge thunder snakes shuttled among the dark clouds, and those thunder snakes occasionally evolve, such as turning into a beautiful fairy, turning into a sharp axe that opens the sky and the earth. For a simple and vast tower!

"You must live, you must live!" Feng Bingning and the women prayed in their hearts. Bruin and the quasi-sage-level powerhouses are the same. If Chu Feng fails to overcome the catastrophe, then the city of God will be very difficult. It may not exist!

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