Holy Prison

Chapter 1323: Respect God (3)

Since the previous shield from Pope Guangming was destroyed, Chu Feng has not sacrificed a defensive treasure. On the one hand, it has not found a suitable thing, on the other hand, there is not much time. He spent all his time on improving his cultivation.

After the fusion, the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother can be transformed into the Chaos Scarlet Gold Armor. If there is a Chaos Scarlet Gold Armor with strong defensive power, it would be a very beautiful thing, it's just.

Chu Feng looked at the chaotic red gold mother inwardly, it would take tens of thousands of times to endure the purple thunder and lightning for the soy-sized chaotic red gold mother to be completely absorbed by his body, and this is the premise that the purple lightning effect will not deteriorate. under!

"Tens of thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, dry, and the pain will be painful. As long as you don't die, you will suffer some pain, and then a chaotic red golden armor is worth it!" The purple thunder fell on his body and it was extremely painful, but Chu Feng gritted his teeth. If you fight it, you can absorb a trace of the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother in one click. Such a good thing is not easy to encounter!

Chu Feng stretched out his right hand, and then compared a **** to the huge Thunder God. The huge Thunder God probably didn't understand Chu Feng's gestures, but he saw Chu Feng's thunderous expression. Immediately, the third purple thunder and lightning fell directly on Chu Feng's arrogant middle finger.

Chu Feng took a deep breath, and that **** exuded a trace of meaty aroma under the thunderous power of the terrifying heat!

"Fuck, it's fortunate that I have a medical clinic, otherwise I can't stand a few thunders!" Chu Feng said in his heart, he is suffering and happy at this time. Naturally, the pain is because thunder and lightning are not so easy to bear. The cells are all telling their pain, and the happiness is because the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother has been absorbed by his body, a few strands of the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother and a little bit of the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother absorbed by his body before gathered in the lower Dantian. The size of the needle tip.

Chu Feng’s previous provocation was obviously not that one thunder could make the huge Thunder God extinguish his anger. He quickly knocked the Thunder God cone in his hand, and several purple thunder and lightning bombarded Chu Feng in a short period of time. Each of Raiden's gold content is absolutely stronger than the previous one!

"What is my husband doing? He didn't attack the giant, but was attacked by lightning." Miao Feiying said in surprise. "Brother Feng should be refining his body with the help of thunder power, but if he delays a lot of time, this is not good. The Supreme League and the Dark Dynasty may get news." Lan Wen said with some worry.

Feng Bingning frowned slightly, Bruin and the others set up an array to prevent the Thunder Tribulation from being discovered, but Chu Feng’s thunder Tribulation had a great impact. I’m afraid it’s impossible to completely cover it. If someone enters them. This piece of desert, then it is very likely to be able to sense thunder calamity!

"Bing Ning, do we want to gather the powerhouses from Shenchu ​​City?" Miao Feiying said. Feng Bingning shook his head slightly: "No, if we need to gather, my husband will tell us before. Besides, the strong people in Shenchu ​​City can't gather too much in a short period of time, so doing so will make the Supreme League still have it. The Dark Dynasty thinks we are afraid!"

Miao Feiying frowned and said, "There is some gambling in this way. It would be nice if his husband can come later, so he can go to a safer place to overcome the disaster, and also have time to make more preparations. "

"Now that it's okay, let's act accordingly." Feng Bing condensed. "Yeah." Lan Wen and Miao Feiying both nodded slightly.

As time passed slowly, the thunder and lightning that attacked Chu Feng became stronger and stronger. The injuries Chu Feng suffered after each hit were a little bit heavier than the injuries suffered in the previous hit. Of course, the absorption of Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother was also one more. Little bit.

At the very beginning, the twelfth-level medical clinic was able to instantly recover from the injuries suffered by Chu Feng, but as the intensity of the lightning attack became higher and higher, the medical clinic's treatment was also somewhat unable to keep up with the speed of Chu Feng's injuries!

"Hoho, I am so painful, uncle!" Chu Feng cried from the bottom of his heart. By this time, he had already endured more than a thousand thunder and lightning!

It was another thunder and lightning. At this time, the thunder and lightning were only the thickness of a child's wrist, but the intensity was several times that of the beginning!

Thunder and lightning hit Chu Feng's raised hand, and suddenly Chu Feng's left hand, which had not fully recovered, turned into coke! "It won't work if you can't resist some thunder and lightning!" During the treatment at the doctor, Chu Feng formed a powerful water barrier in front of him.

The power of water will absorb a lot of lightning energy, and it will also reduce the high temperature of the lightning a little bit. Sure enough, the next thunder and lightning will make Chu Feng feel a lot easier, but at the same time, the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother is absorbed by him. Also less!

"Huh, I finally started to defend. I have endured more than a thousand thunders and lightnings. Really!" Miao Feiying hummed softly, "Body training is not just this one, let us worry. He looks good!"

"Feiying, you can't bear it." Lan Wen said with a charming smile. "Ghost, I'll beat him up then, don't feel bad." Miao Feiying smiled and said, "Especially Lan Wen, you feel so sorry for your brother Feng, and when you hurt him, you are not allowed to take the saint. Attack me."

"No." Lan Wen said, her face changed slightly, and she divination quickly, "I just sensed a little bit of danger, we have a tendency to change to a small evil, I suspect that the Supreme League or the Dark Dynasty knows this. The disaster!"

Hearing what Lan Wen said, Feng Bingning and Miao Feiying's face also changed slightly. "What should come is always coming, don't behave strangely." Feng Bing condensed.

"Sister Bing Ning, will Shi Luo and the others?" Lan Wen said through voice transmission.

"Probably not. If her husband dies, Shi Luo and others who have surrendered their blood will also die. If they can't believe it, her husband will not bring them over here." Feng Bingning also said through a voice transmission.

Suffered by thunder and lightning, Chu Feng didn't let go of his consciousness, but he could still notice Lan Wen and the others with the scanning of the sky.

"It seems that the Supreme League and the Dark Dynasty will soon receive news to this side." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He looked inside. Although he had only withstood more than a thousand lightning strikes, it was because of everything behind. The power of the lightning strikes surpassed the previous ones, so the small ball formed by the chaotic scarlet gold mother in his lower dantian already had almost one-tenth the volume of the chaotic scarlet gold ball on his chest!

"So many Chaos Scarlet Gold Mothers should barely be able to form a chaotic scarlet armor that can withstand the attacks of the more powerful Quasi-Holy Grade powerhouses!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. By now, he feels that his body is also a little full. , It is estimated that even if it is re-integrated, it will not be able to fuse too many Primal Chaos Mothers before the cultivation base is improved.

"Then this disaster will end here!"

In Chu Feng's heart, Yin Ming cut out instantly. The first sword, Yin Ming smashed the huge hammer in Thunder God's hand, and the second sword, that awl was also shattered under Yin Ming's attack. The third sword, Yin Ming The burst of cold light severely chopped off the huge Thor's head!

Lei Shen's head was cut off, and that huge head turned into a purple-red lightning and struck towards Chu Feng. This lightning was different from the previous ones. Chu Feng did not dare to carelessly immediately put dozens of defenses in front of him. Yin Ming instantly returned to Chu Feng's hand and then struck the purple-red lightning that broke through dozens of layers of Chu Feng's defense in the blink of an eye!

Yin Ming trembled in Chu Feng's hand, and the terrifying high temperature of the thunder and lightning burned Yin Ming slightly red. If the Chaos Crimson Golden Mother had not been merged before, perhaps Yin Ming would still suffer a little damage at this time, but it was fused. There was no problem with Yin Ming, whose strength had been greatly increased.

Yin Ming blocked part of the attack, but another part of the attack rushed into Chu Feng's body frantically, and countless cells in Chu Feng's body were instantly deactivated by the powerful lightning energy.

The chaotic red gold mother of Chu Feng’s chest transformed this time into the chaotic red gold ball of Chu Feng’s lower dantian. At the same time, the tens of thousands of swallowing sky arrays in Chu Feng showed devouring power, a lot of lightning power. Swallowed by those swallowing formations!

Chu Feng took a long sigh of horror in his heart. The attack like that just now absolutely surpassed the attack of a high-level god-respecting expert. This is him. If he were replaced by someone else, he would definitely be killed instantly under such an attack.

"Grandma's, you have to attack me once if you die!" Chu Feng cursed in his heart, that Thunder God's huge body turned into thunder and lightning and returned to the robbery cloud. This second layer of thunder robbery is naturally over here. !

At the end of the second layer, there was no time for Chu Feng. The third layer of thunder robbery immediately fell from the sky. Chu Feng screamed in his heart again. Fortunately, he has a doctor who can treat him in a very short time. Injury, otherwise how many people can bear the thunder robbery without stopping.

The third layer of Thunder Tribulation is a bit more normal. It turned into a big seal that fell from the sky, and that big seal was emitting a shining light, and the space where the big seal fell was trembling slightly. Obviously, the attack power would not be weak!

"Different dimension space seal, damn, this is to seal Lao Tzu into a different dimension space, such a powerful different dimension space seal, God, your old man is too cruel," Chu Feng yelled in his heart without daring to hesitate. The power of the law of space is integrated into the surrounding space!

"Come in!" Chu Feng sighed. The different-dimensional space seal is very powerful, but Chu Feng's space law is not a vegetarian. The different-dimensional space seal finally became three or four meters above Chu Feng's head. Be included in the small world of the law!

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