Holy Prison

Chapter 1330: Secret in the Stone

"Boss, if a saint-level powerhouse really wakes up and finds a way to the lower realm, it may not take too long." Tang Ming frowned, "The world is rebuilt, people below the saint will not have any opinions. But for the saint-level powerhouse, I'm afraid that many will have opinions, when the time comes"

Chu Feng said helplessly: "Some saint-level experts may make trouble for me at that time. I hope that there will not be too many by then, otherwise it will be really troublesome! Xiao Mingzi, you have to work hard to improve your cultivation. Go up, if there is a problem, go up!"

"Damn, think beautifully." Tang Ming curled his lips, "Boss, it's better for you to practice. You are now at the primary peak of the gods, and you can reach the intermediate cultivation level of the gods after a few years. Boss, Duguyu Ten years from now, how sure can you make an appointment with you? Even if that guy won't kill you then, surely he won't keep many hands!"

"Not sure." Chu Feng shook his head slightly, Du Guyu is a Quasi-Saint-level powerhouse, and according to Chu Feng's classification, his strength is a sixth-tier Quasi-Saint-level powerhouse! (Note, the first-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse is the ordinary quasi-sage-level, the second-tier, the strength is equivalent to two ordinary quasi-sage-levels combined, and the third-tier, the strength is equivalent to three ordinary quasi-sage-level powers working together in the sixth, and the strength is equivalent Join forces with six ordinary quasi-saint-level powerhouses!)

By now, Chu Feng’s strength has greatly improved, but he really doesn’t have much confidence in the quasi-sage-level powerhouses of the sixth rank. However, Chu Feng is not completely uncertain. There are many treasures in the holy prison store, as long as he is willing Spend money, buy a lot of treasures, and smash and kill a Tier VI quasi-saint powerhouse!

"Chu Feng, how powerful is your use of that different dimension space seal now?" Tang Wan asked curiously. With Chu Feng's mind, a different-dimensional space seal quickly formed in front of him, reaching the god-excellent level, and every space rune on this different-dimensional space seal had to be more powerful, as long as the number of space law patterns did not decrease. , Every space law pattern has become more powerful, the natural power of this different dimension space seal has increased a lot!

"Without using the power of the law of space, it is not difficult to enclose a strong person who is a deity and great perfection in a different dimension space, but it is basically impossible for a strong person of the quasi-saint level. If the power of the law of space is used, then The quasi-saint-level powerhouse may also be sealed in a different dimension space!" Chu Feng felt it carefully.

"Abnormal, I haven't reached the intermediate level of the gods, the different-dimensional space seal can actually deal with the strong people of the gods of great perfection, boss, then the power of this different-dimensional space seal is still above your true self skills?" Zhou Wendao. Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't know this. After I reach the god-exalted level, my true self skills have temporarily disappeared!"

Chu Feng and the others were chatting. After half an hour, Tang Ming, Zhouwen and the four of them were outside the sacred prison space. Chu Feng's eyes fell on Miao Feiying and chuckled: "Feiying, this time your strength is improved. Little benefits."

Miao Feiying’s eyes showed excitement: "I can also become the tower owner of the Domain Tower." "Yes, Feiying, when you fit in with the Domain Tower, you can also borrow the power of the Domain Tower. It's up to you!" Lan Wen said with a charming smile.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, I have reached the venerable **** level, the domain tower can have a fourth domain master, and you will be the tower master of the fifth domain tower immediately!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he called Miao Xian in his mind, and Miao Feiying was soon confirmed as the tower owner of the fifth domain tower! Chu Feng tried to borrow Miao Feiying’s power. Miao Feiying’s strength was the pinnacle of the gods. Borrowing her strength could not increase Chu Feng’s strength too much, but it could also increase his power from the primary pinnacle of the gods to the high level of the gods. !

It's just a little bit of a pity that after borrowing the power, because of the power of others, Chu Feng couldn't make some big moves, such as the different-dimensional space seal, such as the true self skills!

"Chu Feng, I'll go to the No. 5 domain tower." Miao Feiying said with some excitement and instantly disappeared in front of Chu Feng and the others!

"Feng, if the saint had influenced Thunder Tribulation before, then the saint would definitely not be able to lower the realm at this time. This can be put aside for the time being. But what should I do with Duguyu's challenge ten years later?" Feng Bingning said a little worriedly, "Duguyu That person Yu's methods are a bit vicious, even if he dared not kill him, he would definitely not let it go easily!"

Chu Feng squeezed between Feng Bingning and Lan Wen and sat down and hugged them one by one: "Don't worry too much, I will get another attacking sacred weapon, another attacking sacred weapon, plus Chaos Chijin. A, plus I can now have twenty wisps of space law in my body, plus a different-dimensional space seal, then I will buy many one-time attack treasures from the holy prison shop, and smash him. Half-dead, we are a rich man. If we can't beat him, we will kill him with money, right hehe!"

"Brother Feng, I am afraid that he will also prepare a lot of treasures by then. Brother Feng, within ten years, will you be able to reach the intermediate level of the gods in your cultivation? If you can, then you will have a better grasp at that time." Lan Wen said .

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Ten years are too short, and the possibility is unlikely! Okay, don't worry about this, especially Bing Ning, the little guy was born in the past few years. Time, don’t worry about anything, rest quietly for a few years."

"Wen, you guys talk first, I will leave for a while." Chu Feng said, Lan Wen and the others nodded, Chu Feng disappeared in front of them in an instant.

In another small space in the Holy Prison Space, Chu Feng appeared, with a silver-white stone in his hand, "What kind of secret is there in you?" Chu Feng stared at the silver-white stone softly. typical.

It has been many years since he obtained this silver-white stone, but before reaching the Emperor God level cultivation base, Chu Feng held it and it showed that a line of small characters appeared on it: reaching the strength of a saint can learn the secret of the stone. After reaching the Emperor God level cultivation base, the previous line of small characters disappeared, and Chu Feng also had a feeling that if he wanted to know the secret of the stone, he should know it.

It's just that, with the previous request, Chu Feng didn't venture to know what's in it. After all, this stone is a bit weird, and it would be bad if it followed the way of others.

Now that the three realms are separated, the holy prison has reached the eleventh level. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng is still confident that he will not follow the way of others, and he also feels that he should be qualified to know the secrets!

"Show your secret, come on!" Chu Feng said softly, this stone has a little spirituality, Chu Feng believes it should be able to understand his words. "Show your secrets, I want to know your hidden secrets!" Chu Feng said that a divine sense was connected to the stone, and what he said was also transmitted to the stone through spiritual power.

"My name is Moro, junior, I feel that your strength has not reached the level of a saint. Are you sure, want to know this secret? This is just a piece of my incomplete knowledge, I can only sense your simple response, you only Need to respond yes, or no." A heavy voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Yes!" Chu Feng said.

"Junior, I must warn you once again, if you don’t know this secret, then you may live a little bit confused all your life, but you may be able to live more easily. If you know this secret, It is very possible that you will live in fear for the rest of your life. I am not scaring you. After I know this secret, I will live in fear for a long time!" Mo Luo said solemnly.

"This secret is of great importance. If it is spread, countless people may die, and you who know the secret have a high probability of death!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. From Mo Luo's solemn tone, he believed that Mo Luo would not lie to him. Mo Luo was a ninth-level saint who lived in fear after he knew a secret. Chu Feng was a little afraid. Imagine what a big secret it is!

"Junior, originally you only had the qualification to know the secret only when you reached the realm of a saint, but I sensed that your cultivation level has improved extremely fast, so now you have the qualification to know, but I solemnly warn you that it is best to wait for cultivation. In order to become stronger, we will learn the secret inside!"

Mo Luo repeatedly warned, Chu Feng took a deep breath and said in his mind: "Senior Mo Luo, I'm sure!"

"Junior, curiosity kills people, I hope you don't hate me then, if you can't completely trust one person, don't let the second person know this secret you know." Mo Luo's voice sounded, Chu Feng An image of a middle-aged strong man appeared in his mind.

Chu Feng closed his eyes and formed a figure with divine consciousness in his mind. In front of him was Mo Luo. At this time, Mo Luo looked regretful.

"To be honest, I regret that I knew that secret at the beginning." Mo Luo sighed quietly, "Junior, with your cultivation base, Saint Abyss Battle, I think you will not be unclear. Saint Abyss Battle, every countless billions It was carried out vigorously every year. The Saint Realm powerhouse and the Abyss powerhouse are inextricably killed each time, and most of the time it is the Saint Realm victory and the abyss defeat!"

There was a look of doubt in Chu Feng's eyes. What Mo Luo said was true, but listening to Mo Luo's tone, it seemed that there was a problem with the Battle of the Holy Abyss! "Junior, what you will know next is the real Sacred Abyss battle. I hope you will not be scared. I hope that after you know this secret, you can live safely and steadily at that time!" Mo Luo said solemnly.

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