Holy Prison

Chapter 1337: Corpse eater

Chu Feng and their faces were shocked. For more than a thousand years, they had eaten the flesh and blood of a corpse, even their relatives and friends. This was really shocking!

"A hundred and a hundred years ago, my wife entered the sea of ​​death bones in order to find me. She was controlled by another evil spirit and came to me. I couldn't control my body. I could only watch her in my eyes. She died under the torture, her desperate voice and painful expression at this time I can still remember clearly!" The god-level powerhouse said that the muscles on his face were twisted.

"Drink some wine."

Chu Feng said that he poured a bowl of wine for the god-level strong man, "Gurulu" the god-level strong man raised his head and drank it and showed a reluctant smile on his face, "Thank you!"

"I have a pair of children. More than 900 years ago, they entered the sea of ​​death bones together, and then they died under my torture! More than 800 years ago, several old friends of mine knew what happened and entered the sea of ​​death bones together. , They too" the god-level powerhouse smiled bitterly.

"A few friends, you are not bad. I advise you not to enter the sea of ​​death bones. Never. It is terrible in it. Don't take risks or go hunting for treasure. You may not only get in there. Life!"

Ruth said: "This friend, you are controlled by the evil spirit, how did you come out?" The god-level powerhouse said: "About a few decades ago, I don't know what happened. I feel that I have not been Controlled, I ran away frantically, but bad luck, I actually fell into a place and was trapped. This trap was decades ago. After decades, I recovered my strength and escaped from that place. After that, you will be clear."

"A few decades ago, was it more than thirty years ago?" Ruth said. The god-level powerhouse thought for a while and nodded slightly: "It should be, I am confused, I don't remember it very clearly, but it's almost the same!"

"City Lord, is it because the three realms are separated?" Ruth said to Chu Feng. "What is the separation of the three realms?" The god-level powerhouse was puzzled.

Chu Feng said, "My friend, a lot of changes have taken place outside these years." Chu Feng said that a lot of information was directly transmitted to the mind of the god-level powerhouse.

That god-level powerhouse quickly digested those things. "City lord, you are Chu Feng, the city lord of God Chu City?" The god-level powerhouse was surprised and authentic.

"Well, my friend, if you want to join Shenchu ​​City, you can go to Shenchu ​​City at that time, but we said before, next time we meet, I won’t recognize you, and I will definitely not give you any care. "Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Nine to all, I was not controlled because of the separation of the three realms, Chu City Lord, I should say thank you!" The god-level powerhouse said, stood up and saluted Chu Feng. City Lord Chu, if it were not for the separation of the three realms, I don't know how long I would have to live like that. I still have relatives and friends, and maybe some of them will enter the sea of ​​death bones. City Lord Chu, I didn't know your identity before, so disrespectful! "

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Sit down, even if it's because of that, I just helped you a little bit unintentionally. I still have something to ask you."

"City Lord Chu, please, I will definitely say everything I know!" said the god-level powerhouse. "Don't resist, let's change a place to drink a bar." Chu Feng said.

The next moment, Chu Feng and them all appeared in the holy prison space. "My friend, this is within my treasure space. Drinking here seems to be better." Chu Feng said that some dishes with wine appeared on the table in front of him, "Eat whatever you want, you are welcome."

"City Lord Chu, thank you!" The god-level powerhouse hurriedly tasted some dishes. The safe environment and delicious dishes finally made him feel that he really came back alive!

"City Lord, my name is Wei Fei, what can the city lord want to ask." Wei Fei said. Chu Feng nodded: "Wei Fei, evil spirits control you and some other people eat some people's flesh and blood, why?"

Wei Fei frowned and said: "I probably know something. It seems that something needs sacrifices to maintain its operation. Death in the sea of ​​death bones can also become sacrifices, but the efficiency of such transformation is low and a lot of waste. Now it enters death bones. There are not so many people in the sea, so we need corpse eaters."

Speaking of this, Wei Fei's face was very ugly, and he probably remembered some bad memories.

"Keep the sacrifice running?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. "City Lord, it should be keeping the altar running." Ruth said.

"Wei Fei, how many are you like, corpse cannibals? What about the rest of the people, do you have any contact with them, are they alive or dead at this time, or are they still corpse cannibals?" Chu Feng said .

Wei Fei said: "I know their breath, I have sent them a message, and the message was successful, but they did not return me. I think they are probably still corpse eaters! City Lord Chu, I have a merciless request. Can you please save them or kill them! If it is someone else, I wouldn't make such a request, but you might be able to help with this kind of help."

"Wei Fei, I can try! But in the next period of time, how will you stay in this treasure space of mine? It's safer inside. You escaped from the sea of ​​death bones, but it doesn't mean you escaped. Devil's palm! The power of Death Bone Hall is very powerful!" Chu Feng said.

"City Lord Chu, I can't ask for this!" Wei Fei said quickly.

"You stay here first!"

As Chu Feng said, they appeared outside with Ruth. "Wu Hong, Ruth, you have to go back to God Chu City, and transfer a thousand god-level powerhouses, ten thousand emperor god-level powerhouses, and 100,000 emperor god-level powerhouses here." Chu Feng said a piece of jade order appeared. In his hands, the jade order sealed his order.

Wu Hong took the order, and soon he and Ruth disappeared where they were. "City Lord, do you want to storm the sea of ​​death bones?" Shi Luo said in surprise.

Chu Feng shook his head: "No."

Chu Feng and the others waited quietly. There were a lot of people mobilized, but those people were nothing to God Chu City, so they didn't let Chu Feng and the others wait too long. Ruth and the others returned after an hour.

"City Lord, everyone is in this space ring!" Ruth handed a space ring to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's divine knowledge penetrated into it, and inside it happened to be a thousand god-level powerhouses, ten thousand emperor god-level powerhouses, and a hundred thousand emperor god-level powerhouses!

With a thought, Chu Feng caused all the people in the spatial ring to appear outside. The environment in front of them surprised a lot of them, but each with a high level of cultivation and so many people together, those people would not be afraid. of.

More than 110,000 people saluted in unison, and the movement was not small. Many ghosts in the distance had noticed this side, but none of them approached or even fled away one by one.

"This is the sea of ​​death bones. I ordered that each of the thousand god-level powerhouses bring ten Emperor God-level powerhouses and one hundred emperor god-level powerhouses to guard a section, and enclose the entire sea of ​​death bones. My order is not to let anyone into the sea of ​​death bones! If there is a hard intruder, kill!" Chu Feng said coldly.

"Now, immediately group into groups and determine the location you guard!"

The sea of ​​death bones is huge, but it’s not a problem for a thousand god-level powerhouses, ten thousand emperor god-level powerhouses plus a million Emperor God-level powerhouses to surround the death bone sea. You know, it’s just one A powerhouse of the Emperor God level, his spiritual thoughts can also spread to extremely far places!

111,000 people suddenly responded, and in a short period of time they were all divided into groups, and they also determined which section of each group of guards.

"City Lord, it's confirmed!" A god-excellent powerhouse reported loudly.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Go!"

In the blink of an eye, the more than 100,000 people in front of Chu Feng disappeared. "City Lord, do you want to cut off the source of sacrifices to the death altar? But in this case, it may be better to use other methods, such as spreading the news that Wei Fei knows. Knowing the horror inside, it is estimated that not many people are willing to enter. "Ruth said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Ruth, your considerations are not comprehensive. First, there are many people in Infinity, and some people may listen, but some people have a strong risk gene. If you don't talk about danger, you still talk about it. When I said it was dangerous, I guess I immediately went in excitedly, right You Yan."

You Yan rolled her eyes, she thought for a while, if she knew such news, the possibility of going in would be really high.

"Second, there are a lot of conspiracy theorists, and there are many people who are sensitive to treasures. If you spread it out like that, many people may still think that it was someone deliberately scaring others because the treasure was found inside!"

"Um" Ruth nodded a little speechlessly. Many people think that it is true, "City Lord, but now this is the case, wouldn't it make people feel that there are treasures inside? This will attract more people into it! "

Chu Feng said indifferently: "In this way, unless someone with a very high cultivation level or a powerful person, ordinary people, who would dare to resist the orders of my God Chucheng? The Supreme League and the Dark Alliance, if their people want to go in, just go in , It's up to me to die."

"City Lord, if they die, it is equivalent to supplementing the power of the altar." Shi Luo said.

"Hehe, nothing is perfect, just add it!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Well, everyone has a rest. After half an hour, we will enter the sea of ​​death bones on time!"

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