Holy Prison

Chapter 1351: Sage

The four midwives left Tang Ming and Zhou Wen and they were a little hesitant to speak. "Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, if there is anything you want to say, let's just say it, no one shut your mouth." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Boss, we just heard what saint you said, what happened?" Zhou Wendao. Chu Feng hugged Chu Han: "Bing Ning, your body is relatively weak now, let's take a rest first."

"Feng, don't go to other places to say. If you want to discuss it, just discuss it here. I am the person involved. I have the right to know. My body is not that weak." Feng Bingning said quickly.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and sat down with Chu Han in his arms. Tang Ming and the others got a stool and sat down one by one at this time. "This is the situation." Chu Feng said, he said some information directly. Into the four minds of Tang Ming.

"Boss, that hero," Tang Ming said.

"It should be because of that heroic soul." Chu Feng said solemnly, "Even if the strength of a saint-level powerhouse is stronger, now that the world is divided, it should not be so easy to sense the situation in the lower realm. Part of the heroic soul is taught by the light **** After offering sacrifices, it is quite possible through the induction between the heroes!"

Feng Bingning smiled bitterly: "Feng, it's my fault." "Sister Bing Ning, how could this be your fault, don't worry, Feng Bing can definitely handle it, and Xiao Han will definitely be fine by then!" Lan Wen Comforting authentic.

Chu Feng cast a comforting look on Feng Bingning, "Boss, I feel a little weird." Zhou Wen frowned, "Guangming Divine Sect sacrifices pure souls, and receives the light power that the soul should cultivate, right? The powerful saint who possesses Xiaohan makes people feel very evil!"

"Furthermore, what he said that he will accept him as a disciple when he is predestined with Xiaohan. This is simply nonsense. Because it may not be a good thing but a bad thing!"

"Nonsense, in such a situation, can it be a good thing or not?" Tang Wan gave Zhou Wen a white look. "But Chu Feng, it's always okay for Xiaohan now. That person said Wannian. If there is really ten thousand years, then we might not be able to. Solve the problem! The birth of Xiaohan is a happy event, so let's not talk about it now, how about celebrating happily?"

Chu Feng smiled and nodded and looked at Chu Han. "Hey" Chu Han was smiling at this time. Chu Feng seemed to make his laugh a little strange, but it was only a momentary feeling. Soon Chu Feng felt Chu Han's. The laughter returned to normal.

"Feng, what's the matter?" Feng Bing said, sensitively, she found that Chu Feng's expression seemed a little strange just now.

"It's nothing." Chu Feng shook his head. He said and recalled in his mind, the strangeness just now seemed to be just his psychological effect.

It's just that Chu Feng frowned secretly. He didn't realize that it was just a psychological effect. This place is in the holy prison space. It can be said that his intuition is strongest. Here, the chance of feeling wrong is not very high.

"Tang Wan is right. Xiaohan was born. No matter what, it's a happy event." Chu Feng looked at Chu Han with a smile, "but the little guy is only so big, there is no need to be too extravagant, it's just a gathering of friends for fun. Just forget it, Xiao Mingzi, you can arrange this."

"Okay!" Tang Ming nodded slightly, Chu Feng thought and made him and Zhou Wen appear outside. "Xiao Mingzi, the boss feels a little uncomfortable." Zhou Wen said through voice. "The boss is happy and depressed. The son encountered this problem just after he was born. Okay, let's just ignore this. Let's help and fix the wedding banquet." Tang Ming said.

In the holy prison space, Tang Ming and the others left the atmosphere for a little bit of silence, and Chu Feng and the others didn't speak immediately, only the little guy giggled.

"Feng, is that saint parasitized?" Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's hard to be sure, maybe he hasn't been parasitic yet, but wants to kill Xiao Han"

"Parasitic Xiaohan? He dare!" Feng Bingning said angrily. In that way, Miao Feiying, the saint in front of him, would dare to go up and fight him!

"Bing Ning, don't worry, I assure you that Xiaohan will be fine." Chu Feng said, "Bing Ning, I am not worried about Xiaohan but you now!"

Feng Bingning shook his head for a moment and said, "Feng, I'm fine. I will recover after a little rest!" "I'm not talking about your current physical weakness, but about your heroic spirit." Chu Feng Shen Soundtrack.

Chu Han was restricted by Chu Feng and couldn't hear them. At this moment, he opened his mouth and started crying. "Little guy, you still have opinions." Chu Feng said, making a clone to hold Chu Han and teasing. Feng Bingning and the others could see Chu Han, but Chu Han was watching from another small space. Without them, some things are not suitable for Chu Han to know now, God knows if there is any weirdness in his body!

"Bing Ning, Xiaohan’s problem is relatively easy to solve. We try to make him spend less time in this holy prison space. I don’t believe it anymore. Now that the world is divided, the holy knowledge of the saint can still be obtained. Will it come in this holy prison space?"

"As long as the Holy Prison is upgraded one or two times, I really don't believe that Xiaohan's physical problems cannot be completely solved." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Feng Bing stared at Chu Han with a startled look: "Feng, there is a problem with Xiao Han's body now?" "It is possible that although we saw that thought leave before, it is possible that there is still a little bit hidden in Xiao Han's body!" Chu Feng said. , "But now that the world is divided, that little idea shouldn't come up often."

"Damn fellow, if you let me know who he is, I must kill him!!" Feng Bing Ning said bitterly. "Sister Bing Ning, this is not your turn. I guess if Brother Feng can do it, he will definitely make him look good!" Lan Wen said, "Brother Feng, you said that the main problem lies with Sister Bing Ning, what's the matter? "

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Bing Ning's heroic spirit is not complete, I am worried that the saint might deal with Bing Ning from this point, or threaten us to hand over Xiao Han at that time!"

"Husband, if the sacred prison is upgraded, and the medical clinic is upgraded, can the problem of Bing Ning Ying Soul be solved?" Miao Fei said. Chu Feng nodded: "It's definitely possible, but now the holy prison is only at the level 12 of the 11th-level medical institution. Even if the medical institution reaches the fourteenth level, it is estimated that the possibility of recovering the frozen soul will be restored in a short time The possibility is not great!"

"Then what are we going to do?" Miao Feiying frowned.

Chu Feng said: "The most important thing is to upgrade the holy prison. If the holy prison can reach a higher level, as long as Bing Ning and Xiao Han do not leave the holy prison space, the possibility of encountering danger is low, even if they cannot completely The danger is outside the holy prison space, and the danger in the holy prison space is definitely much smaller. It can buy us more time!"

"Then, we need to determine who the saint is before Bing Ning and Xiaohan's accident, and then kill that saint!" Chu Feng said the murderous surge, Chu Han is his first son, he was just born. After calculating, it is not just him how Chu Feng is not angry, Feng Bingning and the others are very angry, but at this time the anger is useless, they don't even know who the saint is now!

"Brother Feng, Xiaohan is born now. In the next time, you will try your best to raise the holy prison. If there is anything, then let us do it." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, don't do anything. If you have anything, I will ask the old men to help. Shenchu ​​City has no shortage of people now. Your task is to try your best to match your strength with the domain tower. The degree is increased, Bing Ning, you are the same, you try to increase your strength and strengthen the compatibility with the domain tower, then the possibility of encountering danger will be lower!"

"Also, please pay attention. Don't say something that shouldn't be said in front of Xiaohan. Xiaohan himself probably doesn't know his own problems. Don't let him know, and don't let him know about the existence of the holy prison." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning and the others nodded slightly.

Three days later, the city of Shenchu ​​was filled with joy. Although Chu Feng said that he was just celebrating with a friend, the news of his eldest son spread out. The countless people in Shenchu ​​city didn’t just want him to celebrate. As a result, some familiar friends had to enter the Chu Mansion to congratulate directly, while many people celebrated in the major restaurants in Shenchu ​​City. On this day, all restaurants in Shenchu ​​City were free!

"Chu Feng, the little guy is very powerful. He has the strength of the golden peak just after he was born. I think he will have the strength of platinum after a little practice. It is definitely not a problem to die before the age of eighteen!" Long Xiao smiled and said authentically, "My dear wife and son, you fellow, what a blessing!"

"Chu Feng, congratulations!" Long Wuji said with a smile. Several members of the Dragon Clan are here. Now Shenchu ​​City is very powerful, and the Dragon Clan has lived a good life as an ally of Shenchu ​​City.

"City Lord, congratulations!" Duguyu and the King of Darkness, and some of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses, have also arrived in the Chu Mansion. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses are the strongest power in the gods. The saint-level powerhouses were all invited to the Chu Mansion, which was regarded as the privilege of the powerhouses.

"Chu Feng"

Venerable Qiye and some acquaintances are all here, and most of the strong people who respect the gods and Dzogchen in the city of God can only be in the outside restaurant, except for acquaintances like Venerable Qiye!

With a smile on Chu Feng's face, he held Chu Han and nodded from time to time. Chu Han has the strength of a gold rank. At this time, he can walk and even fly, but after all he was born only three days ago, and he walked swayingly. Flying is often like a plane crash, Chu Feng can't worry about his actions at the moment.

"Everyone, welcome everyone here. I just planned to celebrate a little bit. I didn't expect so many friends to come over. Today, there is no Chu City Lord, only Chu Feng, and only Chu Han's father. There is no distinction between the subject and the guest. No, I’m the host. Today’s task is to let you eat and drink here. I will toast you a drink!" Chu Feng took the wine glass handed over by Feng Bingning and smiled authentically. With Feng Bingning’s physique, he cultivated three times. Days' time is almost restored at this time, as long as you don't fight with all your strength, there won't be any problems.

"Brother Chu, you are polite!"

Chu Feng lifted his head up, and the rest of the people lifted up the wine glasses. A few hours later, the host and the host had a great time. All the guests left the Chu Mansion. Chu Feng asked Feng Bing to condense Lan Wen and Miao Feiying. Song Ye and their four daughters entered the sacred prison space, and then he left Chu Mansion and hurried to the nearest boundary lake. There were infinitely nine boundary lakes in total. Now the nine boundary lakes are all under the control of Shenchu ​​City!

Chu Han was born, he is now a father, and Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu are also grandfathers and grandmothers. Naturally, they need to get to the side of the earth to show them their grandchildren.

From Jiehu to the earth, he appeared in the place where he disappeared before. Chu Feng was on the earth the last time he returned to the gods. Therefore, when he went down from Jiehu, he appeared directly on the earth.

After consuming some vitality, Feng Bingning, their four daughters, and Chu Han all appeared beside Chu Feng. As soon as they appeared, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu sensed their breath and appeared beside them.

"Son, this is our grandson?" Chu Zhen looked at Chu Han in surprise. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Dad, who else can be your grandson. Dad, his name is Chu Han, who was born three days ago , I think we will come directly, so I didn’t send someone over to tell you the first time."

"Okay, okay, great! Hanhan has counted thousands, and finally became a grandfather!" Chu Zhen said cheerfully, as he stretched out his hand, "Come on, let me hug my grandson!"

Chu Zhen hugged Chu Han, while Mo Xiu held Shao Ye's hand to chat. Chu Feng brought Shao Ye here, and they knew that Shao Ye would be their daughter-in-law sooner or later.

"Son, how long can I stay here this time?" Chu Zhen said with some expectation. Although they don't feel lonely on Earth, if their sons and grandchildren are all present, they will naturally be more happy!

"Dad, don't worry, this time I can spend a lot of time on this side. If there is nothing important on the side of Shenchu ​​City, stay here for ten years. Xiaohan’s childhood, let him spend on the earth. Okay." Chu Feng smiled. "That's good, that's good!" Chu Zhen nodded repeatedly.

Time passed quickly, and Chu Han was already three years old in a blink of an eye. Chu Feng did not allow Chu Han to practice in the past three years, but his basic skills are too good. Running, the three years actually allowed him to reach the golden perfection.

"Xiao Han, why did you run out in the middle of the night, what are you looking at?" Chu Feng walked out of the room and walked towards Chu Han. "Ha ha ha" Chu Han originally turned his back to Chu Feng, and now he turned his head and showed a weird smile on his face. The laughter only sounded gloomy in Chu Feng's mind.

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