Holy Prison

Chapter 1365: Threat

"You don't need to be polite." Chu Feng waved his hand, and many people on the earth flew towards the outer sky quickly, Yang Xinde and Cui Hao were among them.

Chu Feng looked at Yang Xinde and the others. He hadn't seen them in ten years. They all had a condensed murderous aura. In the past ten years, I am afraid that many Zerg races have died in their hands.

"Chu Feng, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. If you don't come back, your dad will not recognize you as a son next time they see you haha!" Cui Hao laughed.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Old Cui, Old Yang, it seems that you are doing pretty well. It's not very convenient to talk in outer space. Let's go back to Earth."

Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu are cultivating right now. Mo Xiu’s cultivation level has reached the platinum perfection. It is impossible for her to improve without crossing the catastrophe. If she is practicing alone, her own strength is not good. There will be a lot of improvement, but practicing together with Chu Zhen, two people practicing sword formation, it can make the two of them work together to improve their strength a lot.

There are many sword formations for two-man fencing. The sword formation that Chu Zhen and the others cultivated is the one that Chu Feng found for them called Liangyi Yinyang Formation. The training of the Liangyi Yinyang Formation requires one man and one woman, because it contains a certain amount of double cultivation. Included, so you also need the kind that is particularly close.

The sword formation of Liangyi Yin-Yang Array is very good. It can be used to defend or trap the enemy and kill the enemy. At a high level, the yin-yang fusion can evolve the world. Even the strong of the saint level can also trap and kill. , That level is definitely not something that Chu Zhen can achieve with their current cultivation base!

Chu Feng returned to his home on the earth, and just let Feng Bingning and his daughters appear outside, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu, they all woke up from their training and came to Chu Feng and the others.

"Smelly boy, you still know to come back. If you don't come back, you can't let Xiaohan not come back for so long. In a blink of an eye, Xiaohan is already fourteen years old!" Chu Zhen said, "Where is Xiaohan? He didn't talk to you. Together?"

"Dad, if you want to see Xiao Han, come and meet in my treasure space. Xiao Han is not suitable to appear outside here." Chu Feng said, Chu Feng, Tang Ming and others only know about Chu Han's problems. , Chu Cheng and Mo Xiu Chu Feng kept them from worrying.

Chu Zhen nodded: "Okay!"

Not long after Feng Bingning and the others appeared outside, they immediately followed Chu Zhen into the sacred prison space. Chu Feng did not enter the sacred prison space at this moment but chatted with Cui Hao and the others. It is necessary to understand clearly what happened.

"Chu Feng, that's basically it. We have no major problems in the 66th star area. The establishment of the Exterminator Alliance, coupled with the power of the Arcane Gun, has the upper hand in the 66th star area. It's not the Zerg but us, but the power of the Zerg in other star regions is slowly expanding." Yang Xinde said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly. The situation on the Mortal Realm side is not so good. If the God Realm can send more people to the Lower Realm, then the bad situation can be reversed, but God Chu City is not good at sending too many people now. Destroy the Zerg in the Nether!

Shenchu ​​City controls the entire infinity, and there are many people that can be mobilized. If you send people to the lower realms, you can send many people, but such things are not very easy to do.

If you send fewer people, then there will be no effect. If you send more people, then there will be an infinite number of people who will leave the infinite to mix with others!

War, this is for people to die. Now Godchu City does not have much power to speak in the God Realm. If Godchu City sends many god-level king and god-level people to the lower realm to exterminate insects, it is estimated that there is nothing at first. The problem, but later, after the death of many people, it is very likely that many of the god-level king and god-level powerhouses will flee from infinity. If that happens, the strength of Shenchu ​​City will decline, which is not conducive to future development.

It’s okay to send people. Now it’s no problem to send a small number of people. If you need to send a large number of people, then Shenchucheng must have greater influence in the God Realm. If the influence of Shenchucheng is enough to reach In any corner of the God Realm, those who disobey the order of God Chucheng will be severely punished, so even if God Chucheng orders all the people in the God Realm to all the lower realms, there will be no problem!

"Lao Cui, Lao Yang, you have worked hard." Chu Feng said.

Cui Hao smiled and said: "Chu Feng, what you said, we protect our homeland, how hard is it to talk about it? The zerg will not be extinct, and the earth will definitely not be preserved by then. We can never let our descendants stand in front of our graves and blame us. There was no effort back then, so now human beings have become inferior life and even become the food for bugs!"

"This kind of life is much more meaningful. In the past, to become stronger and stronger, sometimes we don’t know what the goal of our efforts is. Now we know very well that we work hard to live with dignity, and to let our descendants also Can live with dignity!" Yang Xinde laughed.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Yang Xinde and Cui Hao also had pressure, but compared with him, Yang Xinde and his pressure were still relatively small, at least, they didn't know that many of the high saints in the holy world have now been drawn from the abyss. The strong are parasitic!

"Old Cui, you should go to work first, and then I will find you for a drink. That stinky boy Xiaohan actually made a tantrum for me." Chu Feng disappeared in front of Yang Xinde and the others in an instant.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu coaxed Chu Han, and Chu Han was playing with a child's temper. Although his cultivation level is high, although he reads books and knows a lot, he really does It's just a fourteen-year-old kid, and he still has a little temper.

"Dad, let you go a little bit." Chu Feng said solemnly. When his figure appeared, Chu Han was sitting and stood up obediently. He is not afraid of Feng Bingning or Chu Zhen them, but For Chu Feng, he was more in awe!

Chu Zhen said, "Feng'er, say it well!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and sat down in front of Chu Han faintly: "Sit down! Answer a few questions for me. If the answers satisfy me, you can go outside for some time!"

Chu Han's eyes lit up and obediently sat down on the sofa opposite Chu Feng.

"Xiaohan, the space where the guardian elves stay is very small. Is it uncomfortable to stay? You are not too young anymore. I tell you very clearly that if you appear outside there will be danger. If you are in danger, you must You can be so tired that your mother and all of us are in danger and may die. Do you still want to appear outside?" Chu Feng said.

Chu Han shook his head again and again: "No, Dad, I don't want you to be in danger, but it's a bit uncomfortable to stay here! Sometimes, I'm inexplicably irritable, and I don't know why."

There was a solemn look in Chu Feng's eyes. He looked at Chu Han. It was not because of the child's temper, but because of what power Chu Han had been affected!

"Dad, you all stay here, Xiaohan and I will go outside." Chu Feng said. He didn't wait for Feng Bingning and the others to answer and Chu Han appeared outside all at once.

"Xiaohan, how do you feel? This is our home, where you grew up when you were young." Chu Feng said. "From now on, let me come out to breathe." Chu Han gloomily, Chu Feng looked at Chu Han, Chu Han's face showed a weird smile, Chu Feng did not show any surprise in his eyes, Chu Han There will be problems, this is in his expectation, such a situation, if there is no situation at all, Chu Feng would be strange!

"What if I don't?" Chu Feng sneered.

Chu Hanyin smiled and said: "If you don't, then your son will be banged to pieces, and the body and soul will be blown to pieces! Chu Feng, I chose your son. This is his honor. , You must not defy me. If you defy me, it is not just your son who has a small problem, ah ha ha ha"

The strange laughter disappeared, and Chu Han rubbed his eyes: "Dad, what happened to me just now, I seemed to fall asleep all at once, and you seemed to talk to me, but I can't remember what dad you just said. "

"It's okay, it's okay!" Chu Feng hugged Chu Han. At this time, he was itching with hatred. That sage-level expert made his killing intent soar, but he didn't know the goal at this time and his strength was low and wanted to kill That a saint-level powerhouse is impossible.

"Don't let me catch you, if you let me catch you in the sacred prison space, I will torture you to death!!" Chu Feng yelled inwardly.

Chu Han patted Chu Feng: "Dad, it's okay? I feel something is wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong, dad, if you know, don't hide it from me!"

"Smelly boy, I'm so courageous, your father and mine dare to shoot!" Chu Feng said with a smile. Sometimes Chu Han was in awe of him, but sometimes the two fathers and sons were friends. "Dad, mom and them, and grandparents and them." Chu Han suddenly got out of Chu Feng's arms and said.

"Smelly boy, I will teach you later." Chu Feng said that Feng Bingning and the others all appeared outside. As soon as Feng Bingning and the others appeared, they cast a questioning look at Chu Feng. Chu Zhen and the others went to Chu Han. They knew that Chu Han might have any problems, but they didn't ask much. If Chu Feng couldn't solve them, they would definitely not be able to solve them.

Chu Feng frowned secretly and passed the situation of Chu Han just now to Feng Bingning and the others. Chu Zhen and the others didn't need to know, but Feng Bingning and the others have the right to know, and they are not small in ability, maybe even There is a way to solve it. Although the holy prison is powerful, some things in the holy prison may not necessarily have Feng Bingning and the others, such as Lan Wen's divination.

"Brother Feng, that **** made Xiaohan appear outside for a while, probably to control Xiaohan's situation at any time, or he needs to add some power to the holy thought hidden in Xiaohan's body!" Lan Wen said through the voice.

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