Holy Prison

Chapter 1371: Siege of the Holy City of Light

The second defense battle of Shenchu ​​City was over, and it didn't take long for Shenchu ​​City to restore peace, but the war in Shenchu ​​City made many places in the God Realm extremely unstable.

Infinity, the news of the complete destruction of the invaders in Shenchu ​​City spread throughout Infinity in a short period of time. There were some strong people in the entire Infinity who chose to join Shenchu ​​City, and the strength of Shenchu ​​City was slightly improved.

Some around Infinity, Hong Ji (Mechanical Clan and Hongman Giant Beasts have reached a consensus after decades of fighting, and the merged machine and Hongman are called Hong Ji!), Ten Thousand Clan and other close ones. Many of the above forces have some Frightened, the strength that God Chucheng burst out exceeded their estimates!

Of course, the most shocking thing is that it is not the above people, but the more than 20 forces who have sent people to infinitely, more than 1,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, 500,000 god-level powerhouses, and tens of thousands of emperor gods. The powerhouses of the ranks reach infinity, and all of them have been destroyed above the infinity. This is really terrifying!

There is no perfunctory response to the powers of Sheng Yu. Almost every power has sent more than half of its own top powers. Under such circumstances, they are all defeated. How can each of their powers resist the attack of God Chu City. When the results of the war on this side of Shenchu ​​City were spread, those forces immediately put themselves at risk!

Everyone in Shenchu ​​City knows this sentence, and those forces that invaded Shenchu ​​City also knew about it. They attacked Shenchu ​​City, and they knew that the revenge of Shenchu ​​City would definitely arrive!

Guangming, Chu Feng rode on the spirit dragon, and it didn't take long for him to change from infinity to light. Before the death of Pope Guangming, several quasi-saint-level powerhouses were almost perished. Later, the world was divided. Less support for the strong with the power of the light turned to the light, so the sect of the light has been restored and rebuilt. In this war, the sect of the light is also one of the participating forces, but the sect of the light is not one of the five powerful forces. Just one of the nineteen weaker forces!

The Holy City of Guangming, Chu Feng is familiar with this place several times. The new Pope Guangming and some important members of the Guangming Sect in the Holy City of Guangming are discussing nervously, but they don’t know Chu Feng at this time. This evil star has already rode the spirit dragon to gain light, and there are still a large number of strong men in the city of God's Beginning in the sacred prison space of Chu Feng!

"My Lord Pope, I think it’s better for us to hide. Our Guangming Church and Shenchu ​​City have old grievances. Even if our Guangming Church does not have a large number of strong deaths, it is not our opponents of God Chu City. What's more, now" a red archbishop reluctantly suggested.

"My Lord Pope, I think it is better for us to hold on to the Holy City. In this war, Shenchu ​​City won because of Chu Feng's large number of bombs. It was those bombs that caused us to slaughter a large number of powerful men who besieged Shenchu ​​City. , Shenchu ​​City’s strength is actually not that strong, Chu Feng probably has no bombs! If we stick to the Holy City, then with the strength of the Holy City, there is no problem in defending against the attacks of many powerful people in Shenchu ​​City. , If we leave, the holy city will be destroyed by that time, and our Guangming Cult will have no face to stay above the light.” Another archbishop in red said.

"My Lord Pope"

The powerful people of the Guangming God Church said, on the pope’s throne, the new Pope Guangming’s face suddenly changed. He was the strongest and the first one felt a more familiar aura. In the blink of an eye, many Dao strong The breath of the person appeared outside the Holy City of Light and surrounded the entire Holy City of Light!

In the main hall, the expressions of the strong men of the Guangming Divine Sect changed, and they couldn't even feel how a large number of strong men appeared outside the Guangming Holy City.

Seventy or eighty quasi-sage-level powerhouses, five to six thousand god-level powerhouses, as well as a million emperor-level powerhouses, immediately attacked as soon as they appeared, violently attacking the holy city of light like a death sickle. Cut the past fiercely!

It has been countless years since the establishment of Guangming Holy City. Today, there are not as many strong people in Guangming Holy City as Shenchu ​​City, and there are no preparations for Shenchu ​​City. However, the more than one million strong people in Shenchu ​​City have not fully attacked Guangming Holy City. Destroyed, but such a sudden attack still caused many buildings in the Holy City of Light that had been standing for countless years to collapse. Those buildings were part of the defense of the Holy City of Light, and their collapse represented a decrease in the defense of the Holy City of Light!


The new Pope of Light shouted loudly in the entire Holy City of Light. In the Holy City of Light, countless strong people of the Light Church immediately madly provided energy to the super defensive cover of the Holy City of Light!

Fengshui takes turns, the former is the strong of Guangming Divine Sect and the strong of other forces attacking Shenchu ​​City, but now it is the strong of Shenchu ​​City attacking Guangming Holy City!

"Attack, attack me!"

The new pope of the Guangming Catholic Church appeared at the head of the Holy City of Guangming. He is facing Chu Feng, and the distance between him and Chu Feng is three or four kilometers!

From the Holy City of Light, an attack was sent out. A white beam of light blasted straight towards the place where Chu Feng was. The speed of the beam was extremely fast. Unless it enters the Holy Prison space, otherwise it cannot flash at the speed of Chu Feng. Pass the beam of light.

Chu Feng hummed softly in his heart. He didn't dodge, letting the beam of light hit his body. The power of the beam of light was very powerful, but there were a series of defensive barriers on his body, plus On the chaotic red gold armor, the beam of light did not cause him any harm at all!

"Grass, attack, strengthen the attack, there is actually the power to fight back, turn them back!" Zhou Wen said loudly, his voice fell a little bit stronger than those strong in Chucheng!

Chu Feng smiled slightly at the newly appointed Pope Guangming, who suddenly shouted in his heart: "Attention everyone, watch out for bombs!"

Pope Guangming said, "Boom!"

Hundreds of bombs exploded in the Holy City of Brightness. There are now more than one billion people in the Holy City of Brightness. The hundreds of bombs that Chu Feng threw in immediately caused the deaths of more than 20 to 30 million people!

Most of the people in the Holy City of Light are of relatively low cultivation level. People of these two levels account for more than 999 per thousand of the more than one billion people. The emperor **** level powerhouse has no resistance under such a bomb explosion, let alone a person like the **** level king **** level!

So it’s not an exaggeration to kill 20 to 30 million by a hundred bombs. If it weren’t for the Pope’s reminder, many of the people of the Illuminati had resisted many energy storms, and then they would have died under the horrible energy storms of those bombs There will definitely not be only 20 to 30 million!

Some people might be wondering how could the bombs in the sacred prison space of Chu Feng easily appear in the Holy City of Light?

If the Guangming Holy City were not destroyed by the people in the first Shenchu ​​City, then Chu Feng’s bombs would actually not appear so easily from the Holy Prison Space in the Guangming Holy City, but at the very beginning, the people of the Godchu City’s terrifying attacks Down, the Holy City of Light has suffered considerable damage. The defensive shield now appears to exist intact, but in fact it has problems. People outside the Holy City of Light cannot enter the Holy City of Light at this time, but the space of the Holy Prison The bombs can appear in the Holy City of Light.

The new Pope Guangming said angrily, "Aren't you more benevolent? Many of them are innocent people. Where are you like this?"

Chu Feng showed a sarcasm on his face: "Pope Fern, do you think this is a child's house? This is a war, a life and death war. Since we are attacking Shenchu ​​City, we have to suffer such consequences! It is not just the God of Light! Teach this, other forces, the same is true, whoever offends our God’s First City will be punishable even though it is far away!"

Chu Feng said fiercely, but he was still a little unbearable. Twenty to thirty million people died in the hundred or so bombs just now, some of them were children under the age of eighteen, and some of the value of kindness was higher than the value of sin. To those people, Chu Feng didn't want to kill them, but as he said, this is war!

War, benevolence and righteousness bind hands and feet. If he speaks of benevolence and righteousness, then many forces can grasp many innocent people and make him unable to move at all!

If he talks about benevolence and justice, many forces can boldly continue to attack God Chu City! If he talks about benevolence and righteousness, and others don't talk about benevolence and righteousness, then it will be Shenchucheng who loses, and it will be him who will die!

Kindness does not control the army. As the leader of Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng's cruelty is definitely not good. That will only disgust the people of Shenchu ​​City, but it is also not good to be kind to the enemy! He is the leader of Shenchu ​​City, so the first thing he has to do is to be responsible for the people of Shenchu ​​City. At this time, be kind, that is, to be irresponsible to the people of Shenchu ​​City, then he is not worthy to be the city lord of Shenchu ​​City. Location!

People in the rivers and lakes can't help but be in the position of the city lord of Shenchu ​​City. Sometimes, Chu Feng has to be cruel! After the separation of the world, the current situation is actually quite good. There are very few children in the Holy City of Light, and how many people are truly very, very kind?

Talking nonsense with Guangming Holy City, this fact is that Chu Feng has silently released a little water. Many children under the age of eighteen in Guangming Holy City disappeared in the God Realm and went to the Mortal Realm!

Chu Feng said coldly, as he said that his mind moved. Hundreds of bombs in the holy prison space appeared in the Holy City of Light. Hundreds of bombs exploded, and more than 100 million people in the Holy City of Light were instantly wiped out!

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